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Expanded rating system:

Entertainment rating: Are you having fun (10), is this too long and boring(1)

Cast/acting rating: good actors, good performance(10)

Artistic rating: What is the artistic value for this film, will it be a classic(10)

Reflexion rating: does the movie stimulate any provocative though(10)

Production rating: how well produced is the film, good FX(10)

Adult factor: is the film children ready for sex, violence, gore(10)

Wide audience: is this film opened for all tastes(10) or genre specific(1)

Overall personnal rating: My view on the worth of that movie to guide your choice

samedi 15 janvier 2011

#148:Grace, Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir

Genre: Horror/Horreur

Annee/Year: 2009

Format: DVD

Grace is a movie about the mother and young baby relationship. The movie explores some questions about the mother/child relation at birth, the reaction of a mother when she has a stillborn baby, and how far a mother will go to save her new born baby? A dark and disturbing situation if there is one.
Director Paul Solet in his first feature length movie was helped by Adam Green which you will know from this blog(review #141) in putting together this fascinating movie which is truly scary. Jordan Ladd (cabin fever, hostel 2, Death proof,..) plays with excellence the role of a mother under the shock of the loss of her husband (Stephen Park) in a car accidents only days from delivering their first baby. The baby is declared dead in her woumb and she decides to deliver it naturally with the help of her midwife played by Samantha Ferris (Supernatural, and some tv shows). Solet has found how to use the unconcious fears of all mothers.

Upon giving birth she insists on keeping the baby in her arms and it miraculously comes back to life. For a woman in a shock from the accident having taken her husband this makes her completely vulnerable. After confirming the baby is completly normal she takes it home as she hates hospitals and decides to take care of it on her own. But once alone at home things start to become stransger as the baby starts refusing his mother's milk and having a taste for blood instead. The situation gets worst from there...

A fascinating film with a truly original story making us explore grey zones not often treated in movies. There is not much supernatural in this movie as it is quite realistic in it's treatment which makes it so powerful as it soils the beautiful image of the clean baby so aseptic in our culture. This movie can disturb many viewers so please refrain viewing if you are pregnant, young or too sensitive. But quite an interesting movie for the amateur of horror flicks with taste with more content than the usual slasher.

Grace un film sans version française, mais qui vaut le coup d'être visionne si vous aimez le genre et n'êtes pas trop sensible. Le directeur Paul Solet, dans son premier film, avec l'aide du producteur Adam Green (voir revue #141) nous fait explorer un univers sombre et dérangeant: celui de la mère et de son poupon. Il nous amène à nous poser des questions sur la relation mère/bébé à la naissance; a la réaction d'une mère lors de la naissance d'un bébé mort-ne, et également aux limites qu'une mère peut aller pour protéger son poupon. Pas une zone de confort pour la plupart et certainement peu explorer, mais avec beaucoup d'émotions mixtes. Solet a su utiliser les peurs inconscientes de la femme enceinte. Le role principal joue par Jordan Ladd (cabin fever, hostel 2, Death proof,..) joue un excellent rôle comme mère qui perd son mari (Stephen Park) dans un accident d'auto a quelques jours d'accoucher. Le bébé est prononcé mort dans son ventre et elle décide d'accoucher avec sa sage femme, jouée par Samantha Ferris (Supernatural). Le bébé reviendra à la vie miraculeusement et sera normal jusqu’au retour à la maison. Une fois seule avec son bébé la mère fera tout pour le sauver même is le bébé rejette son lait maternel et y préfère du sang. À partir de là la situation se détériore... Un film génial qui explore des limites inhabituelles, mais qui n'est définitivement pas pour les âmes sensibles, les femmes enceintes et les plus jeunes.

Great quotes:

Madeline Matheson[holding her baby]: Stay!
Midwife Patricia Lang: You cannot will a baby back [baby starts to make noise]
Madeline Matheson: Wait!
Vivian Matheson: Get away from us.
Madeline Matheson: Please, you don't understand. She's special. She needs... special food.
Vivian Matheson: You're sick. Get back!
Madeline Matheson: Please! You'll kill her.
Madeline Matheson: She's teething.


Rating perso: 7.0/10

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