Bienvenue au blog "Reviews & Revues" ou vous trouverez, j'espere, des informations interesantes sur les films, livres, musique et autres interets.

Welcome to my blog where you will find some interesting info i hope on all my interests in the form of reviews of movies, books, music or other.

Expanded rating system:

Entertainment rating: Are you having fun (10), is this too long and boring(1)

Cast/acting rating: good actors, good performance(10)

Artistic rating: What is the artistic value for this film, will it be a classic(10)

Reflexion rating: does the movie stimulate any provocative though(10)

Production rating: how well produced is the film, good FX(10)

Adult factor: is the film children ready for sex, violence, gore(10)

Wide audience: is this film opened for all tastes(10) or genre specific(1)

Overall personnal rating: My view on the worth of that movie to guide your choice

dimanche 29 août 2010

Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #72: Dumb and Dumber

Genre: Comedy/Comedie

Annee/Year: 1994

Format: DVD

Dumb and Dumber. The only thing dumber is the nutcase watching this movie... What a failed event. Jim Carey...check...Jeff Daniels...check...funny faces from Jim...check... funny sounding scenario...check....mix up the cake...failure.

Ce film est pourri au pire. Malgré les ingrédients intéressants tels Jim Carrey et Jeff Daniel ce soufflé ne lève pas. Si vous êtes chanceux 2 ou 3 petits rires minimes. Mais même le temps n'a pas aidé cette comédie. Too bad.

Great quotes:

Lloyd: All we need to do is show a little class, a little sophistication, and we're in like a dirty shirt.
Harry: No problem, Lloyd. We can be classy and sophistic-Oh check out the funbags on that hosehound.
Lloyd: I'd like to eat her liver with some fava beans and a nice bottle of Chianti.
Harry: I can't believe we drove around all day, and there's not a single job in this town. There is nothing, nada, zip!
Lloyd: Yeah! Unless you wanna work forty hours a week.
Harry: One time, we successfully mated a bulldog with a Shih-Tzu.
Mary: Really? That's weird.
Harry: Yeah, we called it a bullshit.
Harry: Where's the booze?
Lloyd: I got robbed by a sweet old lady on a motorized cart. I didn't even see it coming.
Harry: Oh, no, no.
Lloyd: Come on, Harry.
Harry: It gets worse. My parakeet, Petey.
Lloyd: Yeah?
Harry: He's dead.
Lloyd: Oh, man, I'm sorry. What happened?
Harry: His head fell off.
Lloyd: His head fell off?
Harry: Yeah. He was pretty old.


Rating perso: 2.5/10

Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #71: Asylum of the damned

Genre: Horror/Horreur

Annee/Year: 2003

Format: DVD

Asylum of the damned (AKA Hellborn). This movie is a second rate horror flick from the get go. The actors are less than marginal and the realisation is really faulty. On top of that the big baddy looks more fake than a halloween costume. is it scary?...not really. Is it predictable...hell yes. This last part is a killer for any movie for me. Well at least they tried to make the end interesting but hell it does not go anywhere afterwards.

Ce film est vraiment un film de seconde catégorie. Les acteurs offrent une performance de second ordre et les effets spéciaux sont nuls. L'histoire avait du potentiel, mais il semble que celui-ci ne ce soit pas réalisé. Bon s’il ne vous reste pas autre chose à regarder. Philip Jones directeur a éviter.

Great quotes: none


Rating perso: 4.0/10

Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #70: A nightmare on Elm stree 3: Dream Warriors

Genre: Horror/Horreur

Annee/Year: 1987

Format: DVD

A nightmare on Elm street part 3: Dream Warriors. This third installment of the series actually saved it. With a script written by Wes Craven and others. This movie is the only one of hte genre produced by Chuck Russel. We can see again the spark of genius which made the Freddy original so good. New imaginative scenes of torture are presented as Freddy is taking out a group of dream warriors which envetually take care of him. These are teens with special abilities in their dreams and they are the remaining survivors of teenage genocide done by the crazy men killing you in your sleep. If you are fans of the horror genre you should not skip this one.

Si vous aimez la franchise vous vous devez de revoir cette troisieme partie. Ce film a souve la franchise en apportant cette flame que Wes Craven avait allumer avec le permier Freddy Kruger. On retrouve ici cette imagination fertile qui nous donne de nouvelles manieres de torturer les enfants de Elm street. Ceux ci vont se venger cette fois car les guerrier du reve vont aussi lui votter le posterieur a Freddy. A voir pour les vrais amateurs de la serie.

Great Quotes:

Nancy Thompson: It's now or never. I'm not gonna kid you, this is as dangerous as it gets. If you die in this dream it's for real. Nobody has to go in that doesn't want to.
William 'Will' Stanton: I'm in.
Taryn White: Me, too.
Roland Kincaid: Let's go kick the motherfucker's ass all over dreamland.
Nancy Thompson: He's strong. He's never been this strong.
Freddy Krueger: Yes. The souls of the children... [rips open his sweater revealing faces of children on his chest]
Freddy Krueger: ...give me strength.
Nancy Thompson: Oh, God.
Freddy Krueger: Always room for more.


Rating perso: 7.5/10

Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #69. Animal House

Genre: Comedy/Comedie

Annee/Year: 1978

Format: DVD

Animal House. It had been a long since seing this movie. Cant say i missed it at all but it is one of the original teen comedy from the 70's. It is a movie produced by John Landis (his 3rd movie produced) and was a good practice for his best which folowed it (Blues Borther). Many of the same sensibilites were developped in this movie: car accidents, chases, demolition of a parade, R&B music and John Belushi. The movie also included young Kevin Bacon and Stephen Furst (Vir from Babylon 5). The acting overall is poor. The script sucks and the jokes are getting old.
Definitely not aging so well.

Animal House. retourner y seulement si vous y tener vraiment. Ce film va etre sortie en blu-ray bientot et je suis convaincu que le DVD est un meilleur investissement...

Great quotes:

Babs: Greg, honey, is it supposed to be this soft?
[Clorette has just passed out]
Larry's evil conscience: Fuck her. Fuck her brains out. Suck her tits, squeeze her buns. You know she wants it.
Larry's good conscience: For shame! Lawrence, I'm surprised at you!
Larry's evil conscience: Aw, don't listen to that jack-off. Look at those gazongas. You'll never get a better chance.
Larry's good conscience: If you lay one finger on that poor sweet helpless girl, you'll despise yourself forever... I'm proud of you, Lawrence.
Larry's evil conscience: You homo.
Bluto: Christ. Seven years of college down the drain. Might as well join the fucking Peace Corps.
Boon: It's not gonna be an orgy! It's a toga party.
Katy: Honestly, Boon, you're 21-years old. In six months you're going to graduate, and tomorrow night you're going to wrap yourself in a bed sheet and pour grain alcohol all over your head. It's cute, but I think I'll pass this time.
Boon: Want me to go alone?
Katy: Baby, I don't want you to go at all.
Boon: It's a fraternity party, I'm in the fraternity. How can I miss it?
Katy: I'll write you a note. I'll say you're too well to attend.
Eric 'Otter' Stratton: You guys up for a toga party?
John 'Bluto' Blutarsky: Toga! Toga!
Eric 'Otter' Stratton: Ah, I think they like the idea, Hoov.
Katy: It must have been some party.
Boon: Unbelievable. A new low. I'm so ashamed.
Katy: I'm almost sorry I missed it.


Rating perso: 5.5/10

Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #68. The People under the stairs

Genre: Horror/Horreur

Annee/Year: 1991

Format: DVD

The people under the stairs. This is another of Wes Craven's movies which i saw in the theater way back then. Upon second viewing it seemed a lot less scary than originally. But it is an entertaining and even funny movie at times. This is not one of Wes' scarriest work but solid movie nonetheless. The cast is excellent although little known and the whole movie plays out in this neighborhood house of which all the neighbors are afraid of. The couple who own this house also own much of the neighborhood and dont care about them at all. They pick young kids off the street and make them pass as their own until they revold as teens and are then discarded to the locked up basement. Not so much a horror movie as a an entertaining one.

Ce film, aussi de Wes Craven, nous aide a nous mettre encore une fois a nous mettre dans l'ambience de la preparation d'Halloween comme vous l'aurez deviner. People under th stairs n'est cependant pas tres epeurant et est plus action et meme drole a l'occasion. L'histoire relate la relation entre un couple riche mais fous qui habittent uns enorme maison dans laquelle ils gardent des enfants enleves au voisinage. L'un d'entre eux a reussi a s'echapper de la cave barree et aide des malfaiteurs a survivre aux proprios a parti de l'interieur des murs...
Bon faut peut etre voir pour comprendre. Un petit film quand meme le fun.

Great quotes:

Fool: [after Roach rescues him from "Daddy"] Thanks.
Roach: [smiles and nods]
Fool: [to Alice] He doesn't talk much, does he?
Alice: His tongue's cut out.
Roach: [opens his mouth and shows a severed stump]
Alice: Mommy caught him trying to call for help one day, and Daddy had to teach him to...
Fool: Speak no evil, right?
Alice: [nods]
Fool: Your father's one sick mother, you know that? Actually, your mother's one sick mother, too!
Alice: Shhh! You're speaking evil! They'd kill you if they heard a word you just said.
Man: Some niggers robbed the store.
Woman: Again? May they burn in hell.
Man: I'm very tense from this.
Woman: You have one of your headaches?
Man: Ooh... very VERY tense about this.
Woman: Alice has been bad. She's been feeding that thing between the walls again.
Alice: No... no...
Woman: Remember not to bruise her face. [Woman leaves. Man begins taking off his belt to punish Alice]
Man: Bad girls... burn in hell.
Alice: He said he killed you!
Fool: He was exaggerating


Rating perso: 7.0/10

Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #67. The Serpent and the Rainbow

Genre: Horror/Horreur

Annee/Year: 1988

Format: DVD

The Serpent and the Rainbow. This is a movie which i saw originally in the theater and have revisited only once since. I remember that it marked me back then as a damn scary movie. Great atmospehere, great setting (Haiti shanty town). Voodo will give the creeps to anyone. One of the best work in my opinion by Wes Craven. It could definitely use a good restore and a blu ray version which would help make it feel a little less old. The color of film needs to be corrected in many places and this would defintely add to the experience. A cant miss for horro fans.

The Serpent and the Rainbow. Un film qui m'a marque a sa sortie il y a maintenant 22 ans. Il a un peu vielli mais est toujours pas mal efficace. Je l'ai regarde avec quelqu'un qui n'a pas pu se rendre a la fin. Too bad, elle a manque la meilleur partie (ou peut etre unchance pour elle).

Ce film de Wes Craven est vraiment épeurant et probablement aussi bon que Freddy 1. Il s'agit d'un anthropologue qui essaie de trouver la recette qui rend les gens Zombies à Haïti. L'atmosphère du film tourné presque entièrement à Haïti est incroyable. Le Voudou aide beaucoup a rendre les scènes inquiétantes. La tension monte pendant tout le film jusqu'au moment ou notre protagoniste se retrouve enterré vivant.. Oui il vous faudras voir le film pour atteindre le top et voir ce qui ce passe derrière. Bill Pullman y joue le rôle principal et fait un bon travail. La trame sonore et l'image gagneraient beaucoup à une bonne restauration et un transfert blu ray. Je ne suis même pas sur qu'il y a une trame française.

Great quotes:

Dennis Alan: Don't let them bury me! I'm not dead!
Dargent Peytraud: No, no, noooo! No rest! You'll see it all! You'll feel it! The cold... in the coffin. It is worse. Much, much worse!
Marielle Duchamp: The way Dr. Schoonbacher spoke of you, it was as though you could walk on water! Now I know why. Shit floats!


Rating perso: 8.0/10

Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #66. Gamer

Genre: action/sci-fi

Annee/Year: 2009

Format: Blu Ray

Gamer. This movie was targeted at the wrong crowd. They marketed it at the teens but the good concepts in this movie are lost ot this crowd. My feeling is that this was a really interesting but maybe too intellectual story which got re written as an action movie. Unfortunately it fails at both but this makes it even more frustrating that the interesting concepts are not used to their full potential. It ends up as a super violent action flick. Gerard Butler plays a convict named Kable, which is about to reach his goal of 30 wins to get his freedom. Not a great actor but an adequate performance. The film is perfectly produced with fantastic special FX and great shooting.

When one starts exploiting such concepts as:
- using convicts as reality game players with freedom as ultimate prize
- remotely controlling other humans for game purpose
- really cool User Interface concepts
- remotely controling humans for a virtual world of sex, drugs and rock &roll
This movie touches some interesting concepts such as the movie "Clone" which can make you think. But because mostly kids will watch it this is lost to them as most kids wont understand or bother with this.

The movie was produced by Neveldine and Taylor which also made the Crank movies and Jonah Hex (not much hope there). Too bad they failed at taking this more interesting turn. It could have been so much more.

Gamer est un film ultra violent et sans script trop intéressant. Il a été vendu aux ados, mais cela a tué le film. Cette situation est frustrante, car on peut voir un bon film sous la version finale. Plusieurs concepts de science-fiction intéressants sont utilisés, mais sans les utiliser pour faire un bon film. On les jette et passe à l'action sanglante...too bad.

Great quotes:

Kable: [For the first time, Kable is speaking with Simon, his controller in the game] You sound like a little kid.
Simon: I'm seventeen, actually.
Kable: Jesus Christ, why am I not dead yet?
Simon: Because I am a bad ass motherfucker
Ken Castle: I hope one day to have the opportunity to breach your firewall, Miss Parker Smith. [kisses her hand]
Upgrade Guard: Who aims?
Kable: What?
Upgrade Guard: Who aims? The player or the slayer?
Kable: I'm the hand. Someone, somewhere else is the eye.


Rating perso: 6.5/10

Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #65. Clash of the Titans

Genre: Action/Fantasy

Annee/Year: 2010

Format: Blu Ray

Clash of the Titans. This is yet another remake from this epoch where film makers have more means and special effects than good scripts and original ideas. In this case I cannot say that it is a content less movie, far from it as it hold it's own probably better than the original. But it certainly lost lots of it's magic formula. Some think that kids these days need lots to be impressed. Certainly more than stop animation figures on film. So what we have here is a solid action flick with a semi interesting plot and fantastic special effects. The hero, Perseus, played by Sam Worthington is OK and the actors portfolio used is worth of mention (Liam Neeson, Ralph Fienes...) The crux of the movie is the release of the Kraken a mega beast from the sea aimed at destroying the city of Argos. The good guy kills the Medusa then the Kraken then saves Argos (most of it) refuses to become a true god and he leaves with the nice chick played by the mesmerizing Gemma Arterton. She is THE discovery of this film to me. She also plays Prince of Persia (to be reviewed soon). Quite entertaining but not a memorable movie i feel. The second installement is on it's way so we may see the birth of a new series

Tres bon film d'action et d'effets speciaux. Le script et l'histoire sont adequat mais pas plus. Donc pas un film aussi memorable que l'original malgre ses faiblesses. Sam Worthington y joue un role OK mais la decouverte est la belle Gemma Arterton selon moi. Elle marqueras les imaginaires des enfants plus longtemps que ce film car elle a une superbe carriere devant elle.

Great quotes:

Spyros: One day, somebody's got to make a stand. One day, somebody's got to say enough...
Zeus: Release the Kraken!
Perseus: I'd rather die in the mud with those men than live forever as a god.


Rating perso: 7.0/10

mercredi 25 août 2010

Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #64. House on Haunted Hill

Genre: Horror/Horreur

Annee/Year: 1999

Format: DVD

House on Haunted Hill. I have to admit this is a remake from a fifties movie of which i never saw the original (but i would love to). Having said that this is one of my preferate horror movies ever. It plays on multiple level and the house is really the antagonist. Set in a stunning stylish architecture this movie has got the really creepy atmosphere down with a couple of plot twists to keep you on your seat's edge. I remember my first viewing of it in the theatre i was genuinely scared. On second viewing not as much but still lots of fun 11 years later.

The cast is excelent. Love the Vincent Price copy played by Goeffrey Rush. The wife played by Famke Jenssen (chick from Firefly) and Ali Larter (from Heroes). The story is great and the atmosphere is excellent. Enough for a good horror movie without the corny bits. Definitely to see for the amateurs of the genre.

Excellent film d'horreur (un de mes preferes). Le casting est parfait et l'histoire vous gardera sur la tension tout au long du film. L'atmosphere de la maison de style art Deco est genial et ajoute pas mal au film. A voir pour les amateurs du genre. Pour le prix, le DVD fait le travail mais ne vous attendez pas a une piste francaise de qualite.

Great quotes:
Channel 3 Reporter: So Mr. Price, business or pleasure?
Steven H. Price: Neither. My wife.

Evelyn Stockard-Price: Stephen, if you really love me, you'll find a way to drop dead in the next second.
Steven H. Price: Oh but baby, finding ways for me to die is really your thing. Let's not forget the O.J. knife with the not so retractable blade, the Jim Jones kool-aide which was exactly that.
Evelyn Stockard-Price: Accidents, all accidents until proven otherwise.

Watson Pritchett: [walks slowly up to Sarah] You don't... get it... do you? This house is pissed. It has no morals, cuz it's a fucking house!


Rating perso: 8.5/10

Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #63. Mad max 3 beyond the thunderdome

Genre: Drama, Sci-fi

Annee/Year: 1985

Format: DVD

Mad Max 3 beyond the thunderdome. This third installment of the series is the one with the biggest budget. Definitely seen through the more american production with bigger casting such as Tina Turner which holds a solid part and is part of the good vibe of the movie. In this 3rd movie there is a bit more story and the character of Max actually gets a chance to redeem his soul by saving a city made up of only kids. Well put together and without chance of a 4th installment it was wise to stop here.

Mad Max 3 est la troisieme partie de la trilogie Mad Max. Dans ce film notre heros joue par Mel Gibson essaie de survivre dans une Australie post-apocalyptique. Tina Turner joue le role du "maire" d'une ville post-apocalyptique interessante qui fonctionne au methane. Pourquoi cela semble t'il toujours d'actualite... Cette troisieme partie a eu un meilleur budget et un meilleur script egalement. La trame sonore du DVD ne lui rend pas justice et la version DVD est d'inferieure qualite ce qui est triste. Le blu ray sera une bonne occasion d'offrir une restauration de ce classique.

Great quote:
Dr. Dealgood: Listen all! This is the truth of it. Fighting leads to killing, and killing gets to warring. And that was damn near the death of us all. Look at us now! Busted up, and everyone talking about hard rain! But we've learned, by the dust of them all... Bartertown learned. Now, when men get to fighting, it happens here! And it finishes here! Two men enter; one man leaves.

Master: Me order! Me Master! Me run Bartertown!
Max: Sure, that's why you live in shit!
Master: Not shit! Energy!
Max: Call it what you like. It still smells like shit to me!


Rating perso: 6.5/10

lundi 9 août 2010

Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #62. Kick-Ass

Genre: Comedy/Comedie

Annee/Year: 2010

Format: Blu-Ray

Kick-Ass. WOW! What an entertainment engine. This movie really does kick ass. I had heard only great reviews of it but was not expecting so much from it. Definitely not a deception. This movie gives us a freash new take on the super hero genre. This is a more realistic hero movie than we are used to see and it is quite refreshing and funny. But there are lots of action here.
This is a Mattew Vaughn produced movie. This young producer shows great promise having done stardust and Harry Brown as well. For this movie he hired some young talents and Nicolas Cage to boot. Chloe Grace Moretz plays a really great part in this movie and she deserves the Oscar for fun. Kick Ass 2 is not far away and I cannot wait.

Kick-Ass quel film. J'ai rarement vu un film avoir un si bon script et fournir une telle valeur de divertissement. FUN. C'est un nouvel angle sur le film de héros. Cette fois si on fait appel a des héros un peu plus réalistes. Nicolas Cage joue un des rôles principaux, mais c'est la jeune Chloe Grace Moretz qui vole la vedette. Beaucoup de rires et d'action. Je ne peux attendre la sortie de Kick ass 2 qui est déjà en préparation. Il faut vraiment voir celui-ci pour son côté divertissant.

Great quotes:

Damon Macready: So... Have you thought a little more about what you might want for your birthday?
Mindy Macready: Can I get a puppy?
Damon Macready: [surprised] You wanna get a dog?
Mindy Macready: Yeah, a cuddly fluffy one, and a Bratz movie-star make over Sasha!
Damon Macready: [stunned]
Mindy Macready: [laughs] I'm just fucking with you Daddy! Look, I'd love a Benchmade model 42 butterfly knife.
Damon Macready: [relieved] Oh, child... You always knock me for a loop!

Diner Fight Guy 1: The fuck is wrong with you, man? You'd rather die for some piece of shit that you don't even fucking know?
Dave Lizewski: The three assholes, laying into one guy while everybody else watches? And you wanna know what's wrong with me? Yeah, I'd rather die... so bring it on!

[Stu barges into Frank's office and Frank almost shoots him]
Huge Goon: Whoa! It's only me boss. Everything's under control. [slowly creeps over to the bazooka while Frank & Chris stare at him]
Chris D'Amico: Under control? You're grabbing a fucking bazooka, you dumbass!
Huge Goon: [looks at Frank] Sir?
Frank D'Amico: Do it.


Rating perso: 8.0/10

Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #61. Spies like us

Genre: Comedy/Comedie

Annee/Year: 1985

Format: DVD

Spies like us. Another film by director John Landis who also made Blues Brothers and Coming to America. This movies casts Dan Akroyd and Chevy Chase in a funny duo which does not really intermix 100% as it could. The result is still funny though with great scenes and frankly who cannot laugh at the faces these two clowns produce. The movie has obviously dated a bit and especially the script as it is set in the middle of the cold war. Two misfits from the US government are entrusted with a mission to stop the deployment of dangerous Russian missiles. What they are not aware of is that they are the decoy team to another already in the field. Well the guys are parachuted in Afghanistan and need to make their way to Russia to save the world.
Still good for quite some good laughs but definitely as aged a bit.

Spies like us est une comédie qui a vieillie, mais est toujours très drôle. Le duo de Dan Akroyd et Chevy Chase est super, mais pas au sommet de ce qu'il aurait pu être. Bon pour les après-midi pluvieux.

Great quotes:

Russian Interregator #2: Every minute you don't tell us why you are here, I cut off a finger.
Emmett Fitz-Hume: Mine or yours?
Russian Interregator #2: Yours.
Emmett Fitz-Hume: Damn!

Austin Millbarge: [Listening to faint music] It's... "Soul Finger" by the Bar Kays
Emmett Fitz-Hume: They must be havin' a hard time getting gigs.

Alice, Fitz-Hume's Supervisor: You're not going to give me some bullshit that you're dying, are you?
Emmett Fitz-Hume: No... not now.


Rating perso: 6.0/10

samedi 7 août 2010

Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #60. James Bond The Spy who loved me

Genre: Drama/Drame

Annee/Year: 1977

Format: DVD

The spy who loved me. Amonsgt the James Bond franchise there has been many currents and reboots. One of my favorite remains the Roger Moore film from my youth off course. This one has a special place in my heart as the first of many Bond films i originally saw in the theater. This film has it all: good casting, great photography, excellent score, good vilain with cool undersea base, sexy sidekick (Barbara Bach & Caroline Munro), evil ennemies (Jaws and more) and especially, very especially a cool Bond car (in this case the Lotus Esprit first generation which actually doubled as a submarine). This return to a preferred classic does not disappoint too much although it is now over 30 years old. The DVD version viewed leaves some improvement space for the Blu Ray version which I have not seen but am not sure is much cleaner. Gotta revisit for Bond lovers and for good entertainment value.

L'espion qui m'aimait a toujours été un de mes films de James Bond préférés. Il contient tout ce qu'il faut: de bons dialogues, une photographie spectaculaire, des gadgets super, des vilains extra tel le fameux JAWS. Il contient aussi des super Bond girls (Barbara Bach la femme de Ringo) et une super bagnole : la Lotus Esprit de 1ere génération. Et pas mal d'action. C'est un des Bond qui a le meilleur contenu de tous. À revoir même après plus de 30ans car il n'a pas trop vieilli. La version DVD est adéquate, mais sans doute la version Blu-Ray en vaut le coût supplémentaire.

Great quotes:

James Bond: The name's Bond. James Bond.

Q: Right. Now pay attention, 007. I want you to take great care of this equipment. There are one or two rather special accessories...
James Bond: Q, have I ever let you down?
Q: Frequently.

James Bond: Mmm, maybe I misjudged Stromberg. Any man who drinks Dom Perignon '52 can't be all bad.


Rating perso: 8.0/10

lundi 2 août 2010

Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #59. Ghostbuster 2

Genre: Comedie

Annee/Year: 1989

Format: DVD

Ghostbuster II. Another souvenir from the 80's. I have to admit i could not recall 1 minute from this movie before seeing it again. There are a few good laughs in this one but nowhere near what the original film brought with it. The combination of Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd accompanied by Harold Ramis and Rick Moranis and Ernie Hudson should have been magic. But the magic aint there. The participation of young Sigourney Weaver scanthily clothed definitely adds to the mix (sorry for that). Well the fact they never went for a third iteration answers all you need to hear.

Le Ghostbuster original etait magique. Le second manque cette chimie enrte les supers acteurs presents tel: Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd accompagnes de Harold Ramis, Rick Moranis et Ernie Hudson ainsi que la jeune Sigourney Weaver (oui meme si elle sort souvent de bain). A revoir pour les romantiques ou mordus seulement.

Great quotes:

Peter Venkman: You know, I have met some dumb blondes in my life, but you take the taco, pal! Only a *Carpathian* would come back to life now and choose New York! Tasty pick, bonehead! If you had brain one in that huge melon on top of your neck, you would be living the sweet life out in Southern California's beautiful San Fernando Valley!
Egon: Venkman, get a stool sample.
Peter Venkman: Business, or personal?
Louis Tully: Your Honor, ladies and gentleman of the audience, I don't think it's fair to call my clients frauds. Sure, the blackout was a big problem for everybody. I was trapped in an elevator for two hours and I had to make the whole time. But I don't blame them. Because one time, I turned into a dog and they helped me. Thank you. [the courtroom is in bewildered silence]
Egon: Very good, Louis. Short, but pointless.
Janine Melnitz: So, do you live alone?
Louis Tully: I used to have a roommate, but my mom moved to Florida.
Louis Tully: So the 7 little dwarves had a limited partnership in a small mining operation. And one day a beautiful princess came to live with them. And they bartered housekeeping services for room and board, which was a real good deal for them because they didn't have to withhold social security or income tax or nothin', which you're really not supposed to do, you see, but for the purpose of the story, I think it's okay.


Rating perso: 6.0/10

Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #58. Dracula

Genre: Horror/Horreur

Annee/Year: 1931

Format: DVD

Dracula. This movie is another universal classic from the thirties. The black and white transfer is Ok for DVD. The alternative soundtrack from Philip Glass is quite appreciated as the original score is painful especially for it's poor technical quality and score choice. Tod Browning the director of over 60 movies in that period made Dracula as a crown of his achievement. Bela Lugosi plays the count in all his glory with a beautiful eastern country accent suiting the role so well. Bram Stoker's classic book is well represented by this old film but i really prefer the 1992 version of F.F.Coppola.

Ce film d'horreur est un des plus grand classique du genre. Universal a une fois de plus laisse le directeur Tod Browning cree une piece maitresse a son oeuvre de plus de 60 films. Bela Lugosi a jeter ici les fondations du mythe le plus celebre de Holywood. Faut voir au moins une fois meme si je prefere le Dracula de Coppola de 1992.

Great quotes:

Count Dracula: I am Dracula.
Renfield: Oh, it's really good to see you. I don't know what happened to the driver and my luggage and... Well, and with all this, I thought I was in the wrong place.
Count Dracula: I bid you welcome. [Dracula goes up the stairs. Renfield starts to follow him. Suddenly, Dracula hears wolves howling]
Count Dracula: Listen to them. Children of the night. What music they make. [Dracula goes up the steps and waits for Renfield, who, without difficulty, cuts open a hole in a huge spider's web using his walking stick]
Count Dracula: The spider spinning his web for the unwary fly. The blood is the life, Mr. Renfield.
Renfield: Why, er... yes.

Count Dracula: To die, to be *really* dead, that must be glorious!
Mina Seward: Why, Count Dracula!
Count Dracula: There are far worse things awaiting man than death.

Mina Seward: [doing an impression of Dracula] It reminds me of the broken battlements of my own castle in Transylvania. [chuckles]
Mina Seward: Oh, Lucy, you're so romantic!
Lucy Weston: Laugh all you like. I think he's fascinating.
Mina Seward: Oh, I suppose he's all right. But give me someone a little more normal.
Lucy Weston: Like John?
Mina Seward: Yes, dear, like John. Lucy Weston: [dreamily] Castle... Dracula... Transylvania!
Mina Seward: Well, Countess! I'll leave you to your count and his ruined abbey! [both giggle]
Mina Seward: Good night, Lucy.
Lucy Weston: Good night, dear.


Rating perso: 8.0/10

Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #57. The Road

Genre: Drama/Drame

Annee/Year: 2009

Format: Blu Ray

The Road. This is one of the darkest movies i have seen lately including many horror flicks. I hesitate to list it as horror though as it is a story about the world as lived in realistic conditions after a non specific "end of the world scenario". The road relates the traveling of a father and son pair trekking through the US to get to the sea where life should be better. They face starvation, disease and cannibals as well as the temptation to end this hell as they travel. The father keeps the light as he tells his son which he considers as the last treasure still found in this world. A very touching and disturbing movie. Lots of promise for this young director John Hillcoat. great acting by Vitto Mortensen and a noticed cameo by Robert Duval as bonus. Not a movie for everyone. But if you want a movie to make you think of the luxury we live in and what we take for granted in this life this is it.

The road est un film très noir et sérieux qui nous fait vivre la vie après une catastrophe globale non spécifiée dans le film. Si vous voulez réfléchir aux multiples choses que l'on prend pour acquis dans notre vie moderne; c'est à voir. Mais attention c'est un film difficile et très noir encore une fois. Définitivement pas pour tous. Fabuleux apport de Vitto Mortensen et beaucoup de potentiel pour le jeune réalisateur John Hillcoat.

Great quotes:

The Man: Listen, we have to talk. That man back there... There's not many good guys left, that's all. We have to watch out for the bad guys. We have to just... keep carrying the fire.
The Boy: What fire?
The Man: The fire inside you.
The Boy: Are we still the good guys?
The Man: Yes, we're still the good guys. Of course we are.
The Boy: And we always will be? No matter what happens?
The Man: Always will.

The Man: I told the boy when you dream about bad things happening, it means you're still fighting and you're still alive. It's when you start to dream about good things that you should start to worry.


Rating perso: 7.0/10

Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #56. The bride of Frankenstein

Genre: Horror/Horreur

Annee/Year: 1935

Format: DVD

The bride of Frankeinstein. Another true horror classic from the Universal vaults. Obviously a black and white film but good quality trasnfer from Universal. The movie was directed by James Whale who also directed the original Frankeinstein flick. The movie is also quite entertaining featuring long scenes with Boris Karloff as the "monster". The story relates the events that occur after the first movie as we find out the good doctor is not dead. A second mad scientist joins him to go furhter in their madness: to make a bride for Frankie. The bride does not have a very long role however before the party is over. Goota see if you are amateur of the genre.

La fiancee de Frankeinstein est un classique de 1935 en noir et blanc. Ce film aussi dirige par James Whale qui est l'auteur du Frankeinstein original. Le role du monstre est joue par Boris Karloff qui reussi tres bien. L'histoire raconte que le professeur Frankeinstein a survecu au premier film et qu'un second docteur Pretorius relance l'aventure en le poussant a creer une fiancee pour le monstre afin de creer une nouvelle race de monstre. Faut voir pour les vrais amateurs du genre.

Great quotes:

Dr. Pretorius: Sometimes I have wondered whether life wouldn't be much more amusing if we were all devils, no nonsense about angels and being good.


Rating perso: 7.5/10