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Expanded rating system:

Entertainment rating: Are you having fun (10), is this too long and boring(1)

Cast/acting rating: good actors, good performance(10)

Artistic rating: What is the artistic value for this film, will it be a classic(10)

Reflexion rating: does the movie stimulate any provocative though(10)

Production rating: how well produced is the film, good FX(10)

Adult factor: is the film children ready for sex, violence, gore(10)

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samedi 26 février 2011

#171: Devil , Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir

Genre: Horror/Horreur

Annee/Year: 2010

Format: Blu Ray

Devil. This movie is written by M Night Shyamalan; which for some reason has made a lot of detractors. Personnally i dont understand why since this writer has a load of great ideas to put on the screen (which is more than we can often say from most of the hollywood crowd). This made the movie very polarizing from the start. Director John Eric Dowdle in his fifth movie (he also directed Quarantine), has done a great job of shooting a movie which mainly occurs inside an elevator car. So you dont like elevators..?....

The story is about five seemingly harmless strangers who get stuck in an elevator and who are killed one by one by an unknown killer as mysterious events take place in and around the elevator. The premise is that the devil himself is part of the five and is playing with his victims who are not so harmless as we learn through the movie. The crunch of the movie which keeps it interesting is the role of the maintenance/security crew trying to help our captives and the police investigator who gets involved as the police is informed of the first murder.

A great thriller with more than one interesting twists which builds a good tension throughout. Not that scary but certainly very entertaining.

Devil. Beaucoup de gens disent ne pas apprecier ce film ni M.Night Shyamalan qui a ecrit son histoire. Je crois qu'il y en a plusieurs qui ont mauvaise foi ou bien qui ont carrement peur des ascenseurs..?... Le directeur John Eric Dowdle dans son 5ieme film (il a aussi dirige Quantaine) nous fait vivre l'aventure de cinq etrangers qui se retrouve pris dans un ascenseur. Un des passager est le diable lui meme et le film nous fait vivre un suspense afin de decouvrir le meurtrier a la 10 petits negres; car ils sont tues dans des circonstance etranges un par un. En meme temps un enqueteur de la police essai de les aider sans succes et il apprend que ces cinq innocents ne le sont pas autant que pense au debut.

Un bon thriller avec un suspense qui croit a mesure que le film evolue et qui nous mene vers quelques moments chocs et rebondissements tres interessants. A voir mais attention plusieurs n'aiment pas quand meme.

Great quotes:

[first lines] Ramirez: [voiceover] When I was a child, my mother would tell me a story about how the Devil roams the Earth. Sometimes, she said, he would take human form so he could punish the damned on Earth before claiming their souls. The ones he chose would be gathered together and tortured as he hid amongst them, pretending to be one of them. I always believed my mother was telling me an old wives' tale.
Young Woman: It feels like something *bit* me!
Ramirez: Everybody believes in him a little bit, even guys like you who pretend they don't. [Detective Bowden takes out a small folded piece of paper and throws it to Ramirez that reads "Im so sorry"]
Ramirez: What's this?
Detective Bowden: An apology note left at the site of a hit and run. My wife and son were killed out on Bethlaham Pike five years ago, but that's OK, because whoever did it is *sorry*. You can tell by the heartfelt apology on the back of a carwash coupon.
Detective Bowden: So no, I don't believe in the Devil. You don't need him, people are bad enough by themselves.
Ramirez: You're never going to get these people to see themselves as they really are, 'cause it's the lies that we tell ourselves, they introduce us to him.


Rating perso: 7.5/10

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