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Production rating: how well produced is the film, good FX(10)

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dimanche 6 février 2011

#159: The Karate Kid , Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir

Genre: Comedy/Comedie

Annee/Year: 2010

Format: Blu Ray

The Karate Kid. Another remake of a sure hit movie; agian with mixed results. The moviewas directed by Harald Zwart (Pink Panther 2, Agent cody banks) not a very experienced director.
His casting was very solid with Jaden Smith, son of Will Smith, in his third movie (The pursuit of hapiness, The day the earth stood still) at least a solid genetic pedigree (...) playing the lead role. The second role was cast by Jackie Chan with a refreshing performance in his case. The story follows the same premise as the first one but is set in China (Beijing to be more precise) which actually adds to the movie. The ingredients are all there so do we have a success? Well not exactly, the ghost of the original movie haunts us through this movie with both actors trying to outdo the original's but without success. The movie always seems like it is a step behind the original on all fronts. Small elements of the story dont work quite as well all the way through. In conclusion a movie to see with your children, yes, but the original cannot be replaced at this point. A for effort but B for result.

The Karate Kid. Unh autre remake qui passe près, mais manque la marque. L'original était difficilement surpassable alors la marche était haute. Le directeur Harald Zwart (Pink Panther 2, Agent cody banks) a peu d'expérience et sans doute manque t'il quelques détails dans son travail. Mais le génie est dans les détails... Il fit une distribution monstre avec Jaden Smith, fils de Will Smith, dans son troisieme film (The pursuit of hapiness, The day the earth stood still) qui joue solidement dans le role pricipal. Jackie Chan est dans le rôle secondaire du prof et il joue ici un rôle plus plat que normalement ce qui est une bonne chose et actuellement rafraîchissant de le voir jouer ainsi. Le film est tourné à Beijing, Chine ce qui nous donne un intérêt supplémentaire au film. Un film succès, une distribution excellent un bon budget un tournage en lieu original: on a tous les éléments pour un succès.....MAIS il manque la magie. Le film ne nous convainc pas comme l'original et plusieurs détails le rendent moins crédible. A pour effort, mais B comme résultat. Quand même un bon film à voir avec vos enfants; mais ils retireront plus de l'original.

Great quotes:

Sherry Parker: Dre, what happened?
Dre Parker: We moved to China! That's what happened!
Dre Parker: I thought you were just a maintenance man.
Mr. Han: You think only with your eyes, so you are easy to fool.
Dre Parker: You don't know the rules?
Mr. Han: Of course I know the rules. Simple. You hit him, don't let him hit you.
Mr. Han: You've already accomplished everything you wanted to. Why do you still want to fight?
Dre Parker: Because win or lose, I don't want to be afraid any more. And I'm still afraid.
Mr. Han: Best fights are the ones we avoid.


Rating perso: 6.5/10

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