Genre: Comedy/Comedie
Annee/Year: 2010
Format: Blu Ray
Shrek forever after. The fourth installment in this franchise is brought to use by director Mike Mitchell and is his first one. Shrek always funny and really always bringing a lot of bang for the buck. The same actors play the voices of the main characters: Mike Myers, Eddy Murphy, Cameron Diaz, Antonio Banderas, Julie Andrews, John Cleese and more. Who could ask for more. The scripts have always been solid and entertaining. In this animated feature, we find Shrek bored with his "normal" family life and missing the good old days of being an ogre. He comes across a certain Rumplestiltskin (if you remember the brothers Grimm) who makes his sign a contract where he lives the Ogre life again for a day. This is oviously a trick which makes Shrek disappear from the story books. Unless he can find a solution in 24 hrs.
This is reminding us a lot of the movie A wonderful life which i truly love. But the script does not suit Shrek so much. Feels a lot like the Shrek franchise is running out of steam unfortunately.
Shrek forever after. Ce quatrième épisode de la tres célèbre et réussie franchise Shrek nous est apporte par le directeur Mike Mitchell et constitue son premier essai. Toujours hilarant et très bien ficelé, Shrek nous apporte les voix de plusieurs acteurs reconnus: Mike Myers, Eddy Murphy, Cameron Diaz, Antonio Banderas, Julie Andrews, John Cleese et plus. Comment ne pourrions-nous pas être satisfaits?
Et bien c'est possible. Ce quatrième épisode nous fait vivre un Shrek en manque de la vie d'ogre d'entant. Il fait un pacte avec Rumpletiltskin (de la fable) et se fait disparaître des livres pour toujours. Il a cependant 24heures pour corriger cela. Cette aventure a des échos du film It's a wonderful life mais ça ne réussit pas aussi bien a Shrek. Ce script semble forcé et le film n'est pas aussi convaincant. Vos enfants vont adorer, mais vous aller, vous demander si Shrek la franchise commence, à s'essouffler.
Great quotes:
Shrek: Fiona, I know everything about you, I know you sing so beautifully that birds explode. I know that when you sign your name, you put a heart over the i. I know that when you see a shooting star you cross your fingers on both hands, squinch up your nose, and you make a wish, I know that you don't like the covers wrapped around your feet, and I know that you sleep by candlelight because every time you close your eyes, you're afraid you're going to wake up back in that tower, But most importantly Fiona, I know that the reason that you turn human every day is because you've never been kissed, well, by me.
[last lines] Shrek: You know, I always thought I'd rescued you from the Dragon's Keep.
Princess Fiona: You did.
Shrek: No. It was you who rescued me.
Shrek: There's a stack of freshly made waffles in the middle of the forest! Don't you find that a wee bit suspicious?
Rating perso: 7.5/10
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