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mardi 1 février 2011

#158: Friday the 13th (remake) , Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir

Genre: Horror/Horreur

Annee/Year: 2009

Format: DVD

Friday the 13th. The old one? nooooo the remake. ...ah. so?
Well lots of folks will have major reservations with this movie as for all remakes. But i may differ from many here, this is better than the original. Ok i said it now.

The original film (see review #6) was given a poor 5/10. This although it generated a slew of imitations in the decades which followed. Well the original kinda sucked. Why make a remake then? Well maybe they could not do much worst with 30 years of slasher experience under the belt. And right that is. Director Marcus Nispel started his career with many video productions for music then he turned his attention to feature length films: first another remake with Texas Chainsaw massacre and second with Pathfinder which i liked. For his second remake Marcus cast some solid actors: Jared Padalecki (Supernatural) and Danielle Palabar (the Crazies remake). But as usual in these movies the star is Jason the serial killer played by Derek Mears (Predators,...). You never see his face but this actors body language is amazing. A very solid Jason performance. The rhythm of the movie is excellent and scares are well presented. The scene of the campfire attack and the scene of the attack on the cottage are very well built. A solid movie retelling the tale in a way that it does not feel so much like a remake but more of a 30yrs later retelling. For this genr a solid film but you have to like slashers.

Friday the 13th le remake... quoi encore un remake...pourquoi? Bonne question. Faire des $$, oui; mais aussi une manière sure de s'assurer du succès grâce à une franchise plus que bien établie. Est -ce que ce film vaut le coup. Eh bien oui. Le film original critique l'an dernier (voir revue #6) lui donne 5/10. Tres pauvre considérant que ce film a lancé un genre au complet.

Le remake du directeur Marcus Nispel (aussi remake du Texas chainsaw massacre et Pathfinder) s'assure encore plus de résultats en ayant une distribution solide: Jared Padalecki (Supernatural) et Danielle Palabar (the Crazies remake)ainsi que Derek Mears (Predators,...) dans le rôle de Jason qui est génial. Bien que le film soit un remake, il redémarre l'histoire Pluto 30ans plus tard et semble donc plus une continuation de l'original qu'un redémarrage a froid. Peu importe, le résultat est tres solide et l'histoire bien contente. Plusieurs scènes sont excellentes telles l'attaque du camp des tentes et la scène de l'attaque du chalet. Si vous êtes amateurs du genre slasher ce film vous plaira. Peut-être n'évolué t'il pas le genre, mais il est moins pas mal plus solide que l'original.

Great quotes:

Pamela Voorhees: Did you know a young boy drowned here? He was my son. And today, is his birthday.
Pamela Voorhees: Come here. Come here now.
Camp Counselor: No.
Pamela Voorhees: You're the last one. I've killed all the others. It'll be easier for you than it was for Jason.
Camp Counselor: Why are you doing this?
Pamela Voorhees: You need to be punished for what you did to him.
Camp Counselor: I didn't do anything.
Pamela Voorhees: You let him drown. Jason was my son.
Camp Counselor: I didn't do anything. No. No. No. Please.
Pamela Voorhees: You should have been watching him. Every minute. [Camp Counselor decapitates Pamela. Young Jason approaches the body, picks up a photo-locket]
Pamela Voorhees: Jason. My special, special boy. They must be punished, Jason. For what they did to you. For what they did to me.
Pamela Voorhees: [Young Jason picks up the machete, walks away] Kill for mother.
Lawrence: I got business I gotta do this weekend.
Chelsea: What business?
Lawrence: Music. I'm trying to start a label.
Chelsea: Oh, yeah? Like what kind? Like rap?
Lawrence: Why you gotta go racial? Look, don't put me in a box, all right? What, because I'm black I can't listen to Green Day?
Chelsea: You're right, that was dumb. So, what kind of music?
Lawrence: Rap.
Chewie: [grabs a hockey stick] Hey. Now, this is a real man's sport. You're even curved to the left, like my penis.
Whitney Miller: Jason. Say hi to Mommy...
[stabs Jason with machete]
Whitney Miller: hell.


Rating perso: 7.0/10

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