Annee/Year: 1976 original and 2006 remake
Format: DVD
The Omen. One of the truly scary movie from my adolescence. Director Richard Donner (Goonies, Lethal weapons, Superman, and lots of TV series) brought us this high suspense horror movie which is memorable. Donner paired up with Jerry Goldsmith who created one of his best scores ever for this film. If there is a strong contribution from all movies from their score this is one where it made a hell of a difference.
The Omen relates the story of an ambassador who finds out that his son fulfills the christian prophecy and should become the anti-christ. The movie is about the difficulties the couple (played by Gregory Peck and Lee Remick) in dealing and accepting the true nature of their son (played by a young Harvey Stephens).
A series of sordid deaths around the couple lead the father to attempt to stop the prophecy by stabbing his young one with 7 daggers of Meggido. After 35 years the movie has aged a bit but a remake done in 2006 does not actually add anything to the original. A well crafted movie which builds a tremendous suspense throughout. Some scenes are truly memorable and will stay with you forever: such as the priest which dies from the point of a church struck by lightning and spearing him to deaf; or from the scene where a 3yrs old Damien bumbs into his mother on his big wheel making her fall from a second story balcony and thus making her loose her second baby. A horror true classic.
La malédiction. Un film qui nous a bien hante dans notre jeunesse. Il demeure encore frais et toujours aussi intéressant après 35ans. Le remake fait en 2006 n'ajoute rien au film et n'a pas de place. Le directeur Richard Donner (Goonies, Lethal weapons, Superman, et plusieurs séries télévisées) a utilisé les services de Jerry Goldsmith qui a créé ici une de ses meilleures bandes sonores. Le film nous est présent en un suspense énorme qui augmente jusqu'à la fin. Le film nous montre l'histoire d'un riche président de compagnie dont le fils naissant meurt et est remplacé par un autre enfant. Cet enfant malheureusement est ne d'une mère chacal et n'est rien de moins que l'antéchrist. Après plusieurs morts sordides autour du bambin le père commence à croire aux prophéties annoncées par la bible et décide d'éliminer son fils avec les 7 dagues de Meggido. Un grand classique de l'horreur souvent oublie.
Great quotes:[first title card] Title card: Rome / June 6th - 6 AM
last title card] Title card: "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast; for it is the number of a man; and his number is 666." Book of Revelation Chapter 13 Verse 18
Robert Thorn: What do you know about my son?
Father Brennan: Everything.
Robert Thorn: And what is that?
Father Brennan: I saw its mother.
Robert Thorn: You saw my wife.
Father Brennan: I saw its mother.
Robert Thorn: You are referring to my wife!
Father Brennan: Its *mother*, Mr. Thorn!
Robert Thorn: If this is blackmail, come and say it! What is it your're trying to say?
Father Brennan: Its mother was a Jack... [Father Brennan is interrupted as the door behind him bursts open violently]
Marine: Everything all right, sir?
American secretary: You sounded strange. The door was locked.
Young nanny: Look at me, Damien! It's all for you. [she jumbs off a roof, hanging herself]
Link: perso: 8.0/10 for the original and 7.0 for the remake
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