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Expanded rating system:

Entertainment rating: Are you having fun (10), is this too long and boring(1)

Cast/acting rating: good actors, good performance(10)

Artistic rating: What is the artistic value for this film, will it be a classic(10)

Reflexion rating: does the movie stimulate any provocative though(10)

Production rating: how well produced is the film, good FX(10)

Adult factor: is the film children ready for sex, violence, gore(10)

Wide audience: is this film opened for all tastes(10) or genre specific(1)

Overall personnal rating: My view on the worth of that movie to guide your choice

samedi 18 décembre 2010

Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #124: Edward Scissorhands

Genre: Comedy/Comedie

Annee/Year: 1990

Format: DVD

Edward Scissorhands. Back in 1990 this movie from Tim Burton came out and no one really knew this yound producer. It did surprise many with it's really personnal and original view of the world and of how to shoot and design films. The movie was a blockbuster success and remains in the imaginary background of all who have seen it. This movie also starred Johnny Depp who has since then built his own reputation. Together they have made many films and the duo is really a sure success of all they touch. Although the Burton movies are making him a decent amount of money he never seems to get too far from his vision and highly artistic way of design a movie. His touch is undeniable in anything he touches.

Scissorhands is a christmas time story which is quite dark at times. It depics a too perfect suburb adjacent to a mountain with a dark gothic mannor on top. No one dares go near for many years but as the local Avon explores one morning she finds a boy with a gothic look and scirssor for hands. He turns out to be the invention of the mannor owner who died before finishing his master piece. She brings him home and the boy discovers the nice and not so nice aspects of living in a community.
He falls in love with the lady's daughter played by Winona Rider who was at her career's peak during this early '90s period. Note here also casting of Anthony Micheal Hall (Breakfast club) and Vincent Price (RIP, one of the most appreciated and prolific actors (183 movies) of the horror movies of the '30 to the '90s). Depp plays the role of a lifetime in this one and the set design and camera work is truly a work of art. A classic in the true sense of the word. A good blue ray transfer would make this a perfect viewing experience for all the family.

Edward scissorhands. Un film de première qualité. Ce film nous a fait découvrir l'artiste directeur Tim Buton et Johnny Depp dans un de ses premiers rôles principaux. Le duo est du tonnerre. Burton travaille le film comme un peintre et Depp nous fait une performance époustouflante. Winona Rider qui joue le rôle de la dulcinée de Depp est aussi solide. Il faut aussi noter la participation de Anthony Micheal Hall (Breakfast club) et de Vincent Price (RIP, un acteur prolifique [183 films] dans le genre mystère/horreur des années '30 aux années '90s).

Ce film se situe dans la période de Noël, mais est quand même très noir par moment. On y dépeint la tragédie d'un jeune homme fabrique par un inventeur, mais qui ne fut jamais termine et donc il a des ciseaux au lieu des mains. Ceci donne des scènes très cocasses et certaines dramatiques à mesure qu'il essaie de s'intégrer dans la vie "normale" d'une petite banlieue idéale.

Un classique qui n'a pas trop vieilli, mais qui est toujours bon a écouté par toute la famille. Notez ici qu'un excellent transfert Blu ray serait intéressant, mais le DVD montre un peu l'âge du film.

Great quotes:
Peg Boggs: Why are you hiding back there? You don't have to hide from me - I'm Peg Boggs, your local Avon representative and I'm as harmless as cherry pie...
[sees Edward come toward her] Peg Boggs: Oh - I can see that I've disturbed you. I'll just be going now...
Edward: Don't go.
Peg Boggs: [sees his scissor hands] Oh, my. What happened to you?
Edward: I'm not finished.
Bill: So Edward, did you have a productive day?
Edward: Mrs Monroe showed me where the salon's going to be. [turns to Peg] Edward: You could have a cosmetics counter.
Peg Boggs: Oh, wouldn't that be great!
Bill: Great.
Edward: And then she showed me the back room where she took all of her clothes off.
[everyone stares, Kevin snickers]
Edward: Kevin, you wanna play scissors, paper, stone again?
Kevin: No!
Edward: Why not?
Kevin: 'Cause it's boring. I always win!
Esmerelda: I can't believe you sheep have strayed so far from the path of righteousness!
Edward: [Walking towards Esmerelda] We're not sheep!
Kim: You see, before he came down here, it never snowed. And afterwards, it did. If he weren't up there now... I don't think it would be snowing. Sometimes you can still catch me dancing in it.


Rating perso: 8.0/10

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