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Production rating: how well produced is the film, good FX(10)

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samedi 20 novembre 2010

Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #107: Predators

Genre: SCI-FI/Science-Fiction

Annee/Year: 2010

Format: Blu Ray

Predators. Another film from director Nimrod Antal (Machete, Vacancy, Armored) this time produced by Robert Rodriguez. This is Nimrod's first Sci-Fi attempt. I guess we can qualify this a success. After being criticized by hardcore fans of The Predator original film for taking the franchise in other directions, the film studios decided to go back to the roots of the Predator success. This is all that this film is about. Very close to the original film in style and concept. The story is about a group of the meanest/best killers of mankind being abducted and dropped on an alien planet for a hunting session by a team of Predators. Obviously the fully armed mercenaries are the game...if they survive at getting along with one another. The movie is raw and the casting is excellent with Adrien Brody and Alice Braga playing the main duo. Note an interesting cameo by Laurence Fishburne. The FX are great the cinematography is excellent and the script is kept to a minimum as the action is the main plot line. A very entertaining movie and a positive move for the franchise. To be seen.

Predators est un retour aux sources pour la franchise après que les studios ce soient éloignés du genre original du premier Predator avec Arnold S. Ce film met en action une équipe de tueur de premiers volets enlevés de la terre et emportés sur une autre planète pour une partie de chasse ou ils sont le gibier et une équipe de Predateurs est antagoniste. Très bonne distribution avec la participation de Adrien Brody et Alice Braga comme le duo de premier rang et un cameo de Laurence Fishburne. Excellents effets spéciaux et énormément d'action du tout début jusqu'a la fin. Un film très prenant et qui tous apprécieront.

Great quotes:

Isabelle: We need to work as a team.
Cuchillo: Does this look like a team orientated group of individuals to you?
Edwin: Excuse me. Just what the hell is going on here?
Royce: We're being hunted. The cages. The soldier. All of us. All brought here for the same purpose. This planet is a game preserve. And we're the game. In case you didn't notice, we just got flushed out. They sent the dogs in, just like you if you were stalking boar or shooting quail. They split us apart and they watched. Testing us.
Isabelle: How do you know this?
Royce: Because, that's what I would do.
Royce: [to Noland who is wearing a Predator mask] What the fuck are you?
Noland: [Removes mask] I'm alive. You talk too loud. Smelled you since you got here. If I can smell you, if I can hear you, they can, too. Storm coming soon. This way.
Isabelle: Wait. Who are you?
Noland: [in sing-song voice] Noland, run away, live to fight another day.
Noland: I'm the one that got away. The one you don't fuck with.
Isabelle: [Royce wants to booby trap Edwin] This isn't right. He's one of us!
Royce: He is. That's what they're counting on. They want you to feel something for this man. To be human.
Isabelle: And what are you?
Royce: Alive.
Hanzo finds the Samurai Katana]
Hanzo: This is old. Very old. They've been doing this for a long time.
Edwin: So you speak English.
Hanzo: Yes.
Edwin: Why don't you say more?
Hanzo: Because I talk too much.
[holds up his left hand to reveal his pinky and ring finger have been chopped off]
Isabelle: What happened to you? What made you so fucked up?
Royce: "There is no hunting like the hunting of a man. And those who've hunted armed men long enough, and like it, never really care for anything else thereafter."
Isabelle: That's pretty poetic. Did you come up with that all by yourself?
Royce: No, actually. That was Hemingway.
Cuchillo: I thought bitches weren't allowed to be snipers.
Isabelle: Is that why they didn't take you?
Cuchillo: Ha-Ha-Ha... bitch.


Rating perso: 8.0/10

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