Genre: Action
Annee/Year: 2006
Format: Blu Ray
Mission : Impossible : III. The third installment of the franchise was directed by the now famous J.J. Abrams (Lost, Star Trek, Super 8). What a good choice that was. Abrams has a great judgement on many aspects of creating a good movie. Her ethe result is excellent. Casting a gain a Star crew: Tom Cruise in the lead role, supported by Ving Rhames, Michele Monaghan, Billy Crudup (bad IMF boss) and Laurence Fishburne (good IMF boss) and Simon Pegg as the Q role. Abrams cast Philip Seymour Hoffman as one of the best bad guys, Davian, i have ever seen in action. Loved is play here.
The movie starts in Berlin whre the baddie, Davian, is holding an IMF agent which he has killed without mercy. This fires up Ethan Hunt to take him down. But Davian as an ace up his sleeve, he associated to a mole in the IMF managment team. Although Hunt abducts him from the vatican, they loose him in a beatiful scene on the Chesapeake bay bridge where the convoy is attacked by drone and chopper by a major force. This is one of the best action scenes ever shot. And Davian escapes.
Davian abducts in turn Hunt's new wife who is not even aware he is an IMF agent. In return for his love, Hunt has to deliver the "rabbit's foot" a piece of Intel with high value. Hunt orchestrates a hesit in Shanghai high rise to recuperate the rabbit's foot. The end is in true action movie profile.
For me this is the best movie of the franchise with the best action scene (without being over the top) and the best bad guy seen in recent action movie history. You will love this one , dont miss it.
Mission : Impossible : III. Le meilleur est souvent pour la fin et c'est le cas ici. MI3 est le meilleur film de cette franchise. Le réalisateu JJ Abrams a été choisit pour ce film et c`était vraiment le bon choix(Lost, Star Trek, Super 8). Intenses scènes d`actions mais sans être trop exaggérées Abrams a réunis une distribution du tonerre: Tom Cruise, supporté par Ving Rhames, Michele Monaghan, Billy Crudup (méchant boss IMF boss) and Laurence Fishburne (bon boss IMF) et Simon Pegg comme Q. Abrams à untilisé Philip Seymour Hoffman dans le rôle du méchant Davian et c`est vraiment réussi: certainement le meilleur méchant mis sur pellicule à mon avis.
le film nous emmene à Berlin ou Davian tue une agente du IMF proche de Hunt. Erreur... Hunt déecide d`enlever Davian afin de le faire parler. Pour ce faire ils organisent une mission extraodinaire au milieu du Vatican où ils enlevent Davian a bord d`une Lamborghini...
En ramenant Davian au bureau chef ils se font attaquer par une force aérienne (drônes et hélicoptères) sur le pont de la baie de Chesapeake. Une scène a vous couper le souffle et définitivement une des mes scènes d`action préférée. Ceci nous révèle que Davian a cependant un associé dans le dirigeant du IMF. Davian procède immédiatement à enlever la nouvelle femme de Hunt qui n`est même pas au courant qu`il est un agent IMF... En échange Hunt doit voler a Shanghai au sommet des tours de bureaux un objet de valeur sur le marché international nommé la patte de lapin. Le film se termine dans un duel HuntéDavian a couper le souffle littérallement. Un bon film dàction dur a battre que vous ne regretterez pas. À voir.
Great quotes:
Owen Davian: Who are you? What's you're name? Do you have a wife? A girlfriend? Because if you do, I'm gonna find her. I'm gonna hurt her. I'm gonna make her bleed, and cry, and call out your name. And then I'm gonna find you,and kill you right in front of her.
Ethan Hunt: Blow the car.
Zhen: Oh, its such a nice car.
Ethan Hunt: And yet, do it.
Ethan Hunt: I have the Rabbit's Foot, but I can't make it to the roof!
Declan: What the hell d'you mean you can't make it to the roof - where are you?
Ethan Hunt: Look up! Look up! Look up!
Luther Stickell: That look in your eyes is pain in my ass, you know that, right?
Ethan Hunt: I'm part of an agency... called the IMF.
Julia: What's that stand for?
Ethan Hunt: Impossible Mission Force.
Julia: [chuckles] Shut up.
Brassel: I don't care if your daddy plays golf with the President. This is Intelligence. So far, I haven't seen any.
[when asked if he knew what the "Rabbit's Foot" was]
Benji Dunn: It's interesting - I used to have this professor at Oxford, okay? Doctor Wickham, his name was and he was, like, this massive fat guy, you know? Huge, big guy. We used to call him - you know, well, I won't tell you what we used to call him, but he taught biomolecular kinetics and cellular dynamics. And he used to sort of scare the underclassmen with this story about how the world would eventually be eviscerated by technology. You see, it was inevitable that a compound would be created which he referred to as the 'Anti-God'. It was like an accelerated mutator or sort of, you know, like a, an unstoppable force of destructive power, that would just lay waste to everything - to buildings and parks and streets and children and ice cream parlors, you know? So whenever I see, like, a rogue organization willing to spend this amount of money on a mystery tech, I always assume... it's the Anti-God. End-of-the-world kinda stuff, you know... But no, I don't have any idea what it is. I was just speculating.
Rating perso: 8.0/10
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