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samedi 12 mars 2011

#183: The adventures of young Indiana Jones: vol 1-3 , Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir

Genre: Action

Annee/Year: 1992-1996

Format: DVD

The adventures of young Indiana Jones: volume 1 to 3. So you you like Indiana jones movies? You thought you saw it all. Well I may have a surprise for you... and a bif one at that. Were you aware that Georges Lucas had committed to film a series of episodes and films about the young life of our preferate hero. This was re-edited a couple of years ago into a set of 3 box sets of 22 2 hours episodes. A grandiose and huge work which certainly merits a lot better view than the one it currently has.

The series was shot on location around diverse places in the world and basically visited much places such as Russia, France, Italy, Ireland, the US, Mexico, Congo, Egypt, transylvania, Prague, Indonesia, New guinea, China, Germany, Vienna, various parts of Africa, Barcelona, Palestine, Istambul and a real world tour. We see there the world as it was in this critical part of the 20th century from year 1908 until 1920.

The first series The adventures of young Indiana Jones: volume 1 The early years has us follow a 8year old Indy and his parents as they travel the world. They visit interesting places and meet great people through the process. Indy makes many friends which paves the way for his solo adventures later on. We the yound boy loosing his mom and his strict father becoming a hermit in Princeton in following years.

In the second series The adventures of young Indiana Jones: volume 2 The war years we follow an adolescent young men of 18 (played by Sean Patrick Flannery) as he runs away from his fathers' house and enjoy the freedom of traveling and seeking adventure on his own. He goes to Mexico where he joins the ranks of the rebel of Pancho Villa the Mexican rebel and where he meets his best friend Remy Beaudoin a Belgian revolutionary. Remy will influence Indy to join the first world war as a member of the Belgian army. That is where indy takes up the pseudonym Henri Defense. He will fight against the Germans in many theaters of the great war: Verdun, Somme, Africa. Eventually his skills in languages amongst others will allow him to join the intelligence forces through the rest of the war.

The last series The adventures of young Indiana Jones: volume 3 The years of change takes us through the end of the war and the return of Indy back home in the Unisted States as a changed and more mature man decided to take on his university studies in Archeology. After a brief return to his father in Priceton he concludes that his dad is the only person in the world who he cannot get along with. He leaves for Chicago university and starts devling into the Blues scene playing trumpet. Spends some time afterward in New york to be part of the Broadway shows and ends up in Holywood behing the scenes to see the first talking movies being produced. The rest is history which you know.

This mega series is so inspiring as it makes us live through the major events of the 20th century first hand along the greats: Russian revolution, 2nd world war, Picasso, Verdi, Hemmingway, Howard Carter, Dracula, pirates, Goddart, Churchill, Rockwell, Patton, DeGaulle, Clemanceau, Lawrence of Arabia, Eliot Ness, and so many greats. I highly recommend watching it with the young ones as they will learn so much interesting history throught this story and have great fun while doing it. The series is often funny, with lots of action as we should and many romantic and inspiring moments as well. There are fabulous documentaries which will allow you to get deeper into the real history behind each episodes. All are very well made.

If you owe it to yourslef to discover one gem in my reviews I really hope that this is it. The three volumes are readily available though a bit hard to find and a bit more expensive but oh so worth it.

The adventures of young Indiana Jones: volume 1-3. Une série en trois boites de 22 épisodes de 2 heures chaquns. Une oeuvre magistrale du reconnu Georges Lucas (Star Wars...). Cette série n'est malheureusement pas traduite en francais et c'est bien triste. Il s'agit d'une magnifique série qui nous emmenes litérallement aux quatres coins du globe et qui nous fait vivre la jeunesse fictive du jeune Indiana Jones. Les premiers épisodes nous le montre à environ 8ans pendant qu'il fait le tour du monde avec ses parents. Par la suite, il devient jeune adulte et on le suit dans ses aventures lors de sa participation à la premiere guerre mondiale comme capitaine Courage de l`armée Belge. Il fait partie des événements marquants du début du 20ième siècle tel Verdun, la fin de la grande guerre, la révolution russe et les débuts du jazz ou du cinéma holywoodien. Une grande lecon d`histoire racontée d`une manière toujours divertisante; à la fois drôle, romantique ou excitante. Si vous pouvez vous permettre plusieures heures d`écoute en anglais.

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Rating perso: 8.0/10

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