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Production rating: how well produced is the film, good FX(10)

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dimanche 20 mars 2011

#188: Resident evil: afterlife , Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir

Genre: Horror/Horreur

Annee/Year: 2010

Format: Blu Ray

Resident Evil: after life. A fourth installment in the popular series: Resident Evil. Maybe we could say 5th if we count the animation movie Resident Evil : Degeneration. This movie is directed by Paul W.S. Anderson who also made the original Resident Evil movie in 2002 (as well as Mortal Combat, Event Horizon, Alien vs Predator, Death race...) and is also the lucky bastard married to the beautiful star of this movie Milla Jovovich.

Milla is again the star of this Resident Evil episode. She starts this movie by destroying a major complex of the Umbrella corporation single handedly with her super powers confered by the evil virus she was shot with earlier in the series. This time, however, she becomes human again in the opening scene as she is shot by the bad guy Albert Wesker president of the evil Umbrella corporation (played by Shawn Roberts) with a cure for the evil virus at the heart of this franchise's story line. After destroying the Tokyo headquarters of the corporation Milla now human proceeds to find the last remains of the human population which was decimated by the aforementioned virus which turns humans and dogs into nasty zombie like creatures. Hope seems to be aboard a ship which is traveilng along the Californian coast. Problem is getting there. After joining a group of humans isolated in a LA high rise and surrounded by 1000s of zombies. They meet a formidable and way cool boss zombie called Axeman 10feet high, super strong and wielding one the largest weapon (axe/meat cleaver) you can ever imagine. Really surreal and cool. Off course they finish him and hundreds of unfortunate zombies on their path and proceed against all odds to the famous boat of hope. Their the find that hope is actually another challenge and they end up in a final challenge with Wesker.

Resident evil the franchise is a really interesting phenomenon starting on the basis of good old zombie lore the movies evolve rapidly into it's own and the movies feed the R.E. video games and the vice versa until no one is sure which is the lead anymore. It is more a multimedia opus. Especially if we count in the animation movie on top of that. Beautifully produced, well shot, major budgets, interesting actors (i dont dare say good), major script turns and CGed out of hell the movies are solid and build up a nightmare universe without ends. Definitely entertaining but not for every one. The RE universe keeps expanding and still gathers followers even almost 10yrs after it was started. Seems like Milla's magic is still fully operational.

Resident Evil: after life. Le 4e film de cette populaire série. Réalisé par Paul W.S. Anderson qui nous a aussi donné l`original Resident Evil de 2002 (ainsi que Mortal Combat, Event Horizon, Alien vs Predator, Death race...) il est aussi le chanceux qui à marié la vedette du film Milla Jovovich.

Dans ce film Milla, toujours dans le rôle d`Alice, est toujours sous l' emprise de super pouvoirs qui lui sont conférés par le virus maléfique combattu dans les premiers films de la franchise. À elle seule, elle détruit une armée et la maison mère de Umbrella corporation a Tokyo. Elle est cependant rattrapée par le chef de la corporation, Albert Wesker (joué par Shawn Roberts) qui lui injecte un antidote qui la retourne a son état initial de bien humain. Ceci nous la rend un peu plus terre-à-terre même si ce film demeure toujours `over the top` . Alice part à la recherche des derniers humains qui ont survécus a cette catastrophe zombie qui a décimé le monde. Elle en retrouve un petit groupe isolé dans un gratte-ciel de LA entouré par des milliers de zombies. Là, ils feront la rencontre d`un super zombie boss nommé Axeman qui mesure 10pieds de haut et a une force surhumaine. De plus il est équipé d`une hache-marteau géante: super cool, j` ai adoré ce personnage. Bien sûr Alice et cie l`élimine rapidement pour se rendre sur un bateau de cargaison qui navigue sur la côte californienne et où se trouve il paraît les derniers vestiges d`humanité. La ils se battront pour ces vestiges avec Wesker dans un combat ultime.

La série Resident Evil est une vision très imaginative dont les films sont stimulés par les nombreux jeux vidéo du même nom et vice versa. Ajoutez à cela le fim dànimation de 2008 (RE degenration) et vous avez une franchise vraiment multimédia qui est surpassée seulement par Star Wars. Gros budget, design super réfléchis, acteurs solides (je n’ose pas dire bons), action incessante et vraiment plus gros que la vie; la vision infernale de Resident Evil ne vous laisseras pas indifférent même si pas pour tous. On ne verra pas la fin de cette franchise à court terme, je crois...

Great quotes:
Alice: [narrating] My name is Alice. I worked for the Umbrella Corporation in a secret laboratory developing experimental viral weaponry. There was an incident. A virus escaped. Everybody died. Trouble was, they didn't stay dead.
Alice: Please wait.
Albert Wesker: Last words?
Alice: Thank you.
Albert Wesker: For killing you?
Alice: For making me human again.
[Axeman is banging at the gate with its battle hammer]
Claire Redfield: Luther, just shoot that motherfucker. [Luthor shoots Axeman repeatedly in the head, it keeps banging at the gate]
Luther: What the fuck is that thing?
Albert Wesker: The T-Virus brought me back. [his head jerks, jaws set, chest heaves]
Albert Wesker: But it's so strong. It fights me for control. I thought if I ingested fresh human DNA, I could redress the balance.
Alice: No wonder your crew abandon ship.
Albert Wesker: No matter. Now I have a new subordinate. And a new plan. You were the only one who successfully bonded with the T-Virus. Your DNA is stronger than the others. I ingest you, I gain control.
Alice: [nods, walks a few paces to a table] That's pretty smart thinking. There's only one problem with that plan.
Bennett: [aiming gun at Alice] Stop right there.
Albert Wesker: And what is that?
Alice: I'm not on the menu. [she kicks a tray of surgical instruments at Wesker and takes out Bennett's gun with a roundhouse kick. Wesker dodges the scalpels that impale his chair]


Rating perso: 7.0/10

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