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vendredi 14 janvier 2011

#147:Hot tub time machine, Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir

Genre: Comedy/Comedie

Annee/Year: 2010

Format: Blu Ray

Hot tub time machine. This is another solid comedy from the driector Steve Pink (High Fidelity, Grosse point blank). From his other movies you will quickly notice that he is always casting John Cussack in his main roles. Like myself i guess he loves Cussack's acting. In this comedy, we find Cussack along with his two best friends (Rob Corddry, Craig Robinson) and his nephew (Clark Duke) are thrown back in time to 1986 as they spend a night in a hotel's "special" hot tub. Once there they are faced with the possibility to rebuild their lives differently. Will destiny force them to walk in the same steps? This is quite an entertaining movie; not as funny as the hangover but loads of fun. But not for the whole family.

Hot tub time machine est une comédie mettant en vedette John Cussack (acteur que j'adore), Rob Corddry, Craig Robinson et Clark Duke en tant que trois amis et un neveu qui se retrouve dans un hôtel minable afin de changer les idées a un de leur ami suicidaire. Le pépin est qu'ils sont projetés dans le passé lors d'une baignade dans un spa magique qui les ramène à 1986. Ils y retrouvent leur jeunesse et la liberté d'esprit de ce jeune âgé. Sauront-ils refaire leur destinée ou tomberont-ils dans les mêmes pièges qui les rendent d'amers adultes? Comédie tres satisfaisante, mais pas aussi drôle que le "hangover".

Great quotes:

Jacob: [from trailer] Do I really gotta be the asshole who says we got in this thing and went back in time?
Nick, Lou, Adam: [Repeated line, whispered] Great White Buffalo.
Lou: It's called male bonding okay. Haven't you even seen 'Wild Hogs'?
Adam: One little change has a ripple effect and it effects everything else. Like a butterfly floats its wings and Tokyo explodes or there's a tsunami, in like, you know, somewhere.
Jacob: Yes exactly. You step on the bug and the fucking internet is never invented.
Lou: Oh then you'll have to talk to girls with your mouth.
Jacob: Yeah. No. I was more concerned about bigger consequences like not being born.
Lou: Yeah. No. I don't care about that.
Adam: [to Lou] You are the patron saint of the totally fucked. You're completely toxic. There's nothing you can't kill. You're the fucking Violator!
Lou: Fuckin' Russian energy drink, Chernobly. Its got this shit in it, not even legal here.
Adam: Whats in it?
Lou: How the fuck am I supposed to know dude, but it's illegal.


Rating perso: 7.0/10

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