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Expanded rating system:

Entertainment rating: Are you having fun (10), is this too long and boring(1)

Cast/acting rating: good actors, good performance(10)

Artistic rating: What is the artistic value for this film, will it be a classic(10)

Reflexion rating: does the movie stimulate any provocative though(10)

Production rating: how well produced is the film, good FX(10)

Adult factor: is the film children ready for sex, violence, gore(10)

Wide audience: is this film opened for all tastes(10) or genre specific(1)

Overall personnal rating: My view on the worth of that movie to guide your choice

lundi 3 janvier 2011

#143: Scott Pilgrim vs. the world, Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir

Genre: Comedy/Comedie

Annee/Year: 2010

Format: Blu Ray

Scott Pilgrim vs. the world. Let us start 2011 with a bang. This movie from from director Edgar Wright (Shaun of the dead, Hot fuzz..) who is bringing us another success with Scott Pilgrim. This is a movie based on a comic book series which relates the adventures of a young man from Toronto who is a definite geek and is looking to score a new girlfriend. Scott is also in a cool but just starting band (playing base) this makes the whole movie based around some cool music. Since the film is based on a graphic novel series there are many comic book references as well as special effects through the movie (reminding us a bit of the old Batman of the '60s). The movie is also full of references and sounds/music from the video game world (Mario, Zelda, Final Fantasy). Overall it is using lot's of geek culture material throughout the whole movie.

Even the actors are fully geeked with Michael Cera (Superbad, Juno, year One) in the role of Scott. Mary Elizabeth Winstead plays the role of the fantasy girlfriend for which Scott must fight. Pilgrim needs to defeat her 7 ex evil boyfriends to her heart away...This is done through various music duels or actual symbolic fights which are quite cool. Other cast members to note: Ellen Wong in her first big screen role as Knives Chau the young high school girlfriend and many other cast members are well chosen and played.

Definitely a family fun very entertaining movie targeted at the younger geek crowd. The movie may loose a few levels of meaning when watched by non geeks but should still be way fun.

Scott Pilgrim un film vraiment original et divertissant. Je n'avais pas eu autant de plaisir depuis le visionnement de Kickass. Film avec lequel je vois un lien de tres pres grâce au facteur geek. La nouvelle génération geek est a la recherche d'idoles et de reconnaissance alors ce genre de film trouve une foule de fans prêts a vivre cette aventure. Scott est un jeune homme de 22 ans (Michael Cera) qui est sans emploi et qui a beaucoup de difficultés avec ses petites copines. Il sort avec une gamine de secondaire (Ellen Wong) et tombe en amour avec une nouvelle venue dans son patelin de Toronto. Le film relate les exploits de Scott à mesure qu'il doit se mesurer aux 7 ex-copains de Ramona afin de conquérir son coeur. Le film est truffe de références geek ou sur les BD ou sur les jeux vidéo. Il utilise énormément l'angle musical garage rock band de Scott qui joue de la basse pour son groupe the Bob-omb. Et ce film rock dans tous les sens. Les geeks sauront reconnaître tous les clins d'oeil place dans le film, mais tous auront du plaisir avec cette histoire rock 'n roll ud 21ieme siecle.

Great quotes:

Scott Pilgrim: We are Sex Bob-Omb and we are here to make you think about death and get sad and stuff.
Kim Pine: [unenthusiastically] We are Sex Bob-omb. We are here to sell out and make money and stuff.
[from trailer] Kim Pine: That... was *epic.*
Stacey Pilgrim: You should break up with your fake highschool girlfriend!
Scott Pilgrim: Wait who told you?
Stacey Pilgrim: Wallace.
Scott Pilgrim: He's not even conscious!
Scott Pilgrim: When I'm around you, I kind of feel like I'm on drugs. Not that I do drugs. Unless you do drugs, in which case I do them all the time. All of them.
Scott Pilgrim: You once were a ve-gone, but now you will begone.
Todd Ingram: Ve-gone?
Hipster Bouncer: What's the password?
Scott Pilgrim: Uh... whatever... Hipster Bouncer: Cool...
Young Neil: He punched the highlights out of her hair!
Stacey Pilgrim: I mean, did you really see a future with this girl?
Scott Pilgrim: Like... with jetpacks?
Knives Chau: [to Ramona] Steal my boyfriend, taste my steel!
Gideon Gordon Graves: You made me swallow my gum! That's going to be in my digestive tract for seven years!


Rating perso: 8.0/10

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