Genre: Drama/Drame Historical/Historique
Annee/Year: 1981
Format: DVD
Excalibur. One of the top 5 movies from younger days. Still a preferate of mine. I enjoyed again a recounting of the old tale through this epic adventure of director John Boorman (Delivrance, Exorcist 2, Emerald forest and more). This movie is shot through the lens of a fantastic world with colored lighting, magic and surreal special effects. The story is known by all: how Arthur was born, became king and united England. Only after to fall to evil within, a beast which he could not slay with his hands and for which he sent the knights of the round table in a quest for the holy grail.
The casting is amazing with Nigel Terry as Arthur, Nicol WIlliamson as Merlin and many fine actors such as Patrick Stewart (Star trek), Liam Neeson, Hellen Mirren, Cherie Lunghi
The cinematography was fantastic on this movie with great lighting effects and a film not taken too literraly but left symbolic on many occasions. The best part however is the music...with Wagner and Carl Orff (Carmina Burana). A perfect match for the genre and especially well used in the first scene. Love it , love it.
On the negative side the movie has cut a few round corners in the telling of the tale. Perhaps this was done to prevent those who heard the tale multiple times to loose the rhitm. But it can be a bit confusing for younger ones.
This movie has aged a bit in the last 30years but what do you expect. It is still effective though. I only wish we could have a blu ray version...but wait there is still hope! A rumor brings back Excalibur in 2012 with the same director. I will be first in line but not putting my hopes up too much as this level of actors, cinematography, soundtrack in one package does not come so often. Gotta see.
Excalibur. J'ai revu ce classique du directeur John Boorman (Delivrance, Exorcist 2, Emerald forest et plus) pour la 7e fois au moins et je peux dire que le film m'allume encore après 30ans... Bien sûr le film a âgé un peu surtout côté effets spéciaux; mais la qualité des acteurs utilisés est encore du plus haut calibre. La distribution inclus Nigel Terry dans le rôle d'Arthur, Nicol Williamson dans celui de Merlin et plusieurs autres excellents acteurs tels Patrick Stewart (Star trek), Liam Neeson (Star Wars, Shcidler's list), Hellen Mirren (RED, The Queen et plus de 100 autres), Cherie Lunghi (The mission et beaucoup de TV UK) et Gabriel Byrne. Attention la faiblesse de ce film réside dans la vitesse d'exécution et le manque d'explication du contexte. Puisque presque tous on déjà entendu cette légende le film coupe plusieurs coins ronds et ceci peut être déroutant pour ceux qui en sont a leur premiere écoute.
J'ai vu ce film au cinéma en 1981 et il m'a fait un effet canon. Aujourd'hui encore la musique du film me porte sur ces ailes (Wagner, Orff) et est une des pistes sonores les plus judicieuses connues. La cinématographie était en avant de son temps en '81 et l'histoire du roi Arthur et des chevaliers de la Table ronde sera toujours fascinante pour les générations à venir. Le film ne se prend même pas trop au sérieux; tantôt symbolique et tantôt drôle (les lignes de Merlin sont hilarantes ce qui le rend plus humain). Un classique dans mon coeur que je vous recommande.
Great quotes:
Uther: The sword. You promised me the sword.
Merlin: And you shall have it; but to heal, not to hack. Tomorrow, a truce; we meet at the river.
Uther: Talk. Talk is for lovers, Merlin. I need the sword to be king.
[Uther and Cornwall meet]
Merlin: Show the sword! Behold! The Sword of Power! Excalibur! Forged when the world was young, and bird and beast and flower were one with man, and death was but a dream! [to Uther]
Merlin: Speak the words!
Uther Pendragon: One land, one king! That is my peace, Cornwall!
Merlin: Now look, I once stood exposed to the Dragon's Breath so that a man could lie one night with a woman. It took me nine moons to recover. And all for this lunacy called, "love, " this mad distemper that strikes down both beggar and king. Never again. Never.
Arthur: Swear faith to me, and you shall have mercy! I need battle lords such as you!
Uryenes: [scornfully] A noble knight swear faith to a squire?
Mador: [shouting] NEVER... NEVER!
Arthur: You are right.
Arthur: You're right... I'm not yet a knight.
[Hands Excalibur to Uyrenes and kneels]
Arthur: You, Uryenes, will make me a knight. Then as knight to knight... I can offer you mercy.
Merlin: [Alarmed] What's this? What's this?
Mador: Keep it, Uryenes!
Uryenes: [hesitates and then touches Excalibur to Arthur's shoulder] In the name of God, St Michael and St George, I give you the right to bear arms and the power to mete justice!
Arthur: That duty I will solemnly obey, as knight and king.
Merlin: I never saw this.
Uryenes: Rise... King Arthur. [Uryenes kneels before Arthur]
Uryenes: I am your humble knight, and I swear allegiance to the courage in your veins. So strong it is, its source must be Uther Pendragon's. I doubt you no more!
[kisses Arthur's hand - other knights also kneel]
[Arthur has broken Excalibur on Lancelot's chest]
Arthur: Merlin! What have I done?
Merlin: You have broken what could not be broken! Now, hope is broken.
Arthur: My pride broke it. My rage broke it! This excellent knight, who fought with fairness and grace, was meant to win. I used Excalibur to change that verdict. I've lost, for all time, the ancient sword of my fathers, whose power was meant to unite all men... not to serve the vanity of a single man. I am... nothing.
Merlin: STAND BACK! Be silent! Be still! [pause]
Merlin: That's it... and look upon this moment. Savor it! Rejoice with great gladness! Great gladness! Remember it always, for you are joined by it. You are One, under the stars. Remember it well, then... this night, this great victory. So that in the years ahead, you can say, 'I was there that night, with Arthur, the King!' For it is the doom of men that they forget.
Merlin: The days of our kind are numberèd. The one God comes to drive out the many gods. The spirits of wood and stream grow silent. It's the way of things. Yes... it's a time for men, and their ways.
Grail Figure: What is the secret of the Grail? Who does it serve?
Perceval: You, my lord.
Grail Figure: Who am I?
Perceval: You are my lord and king. You are Arthur.
Grail Figure: Have you found the secret that I have lost?
Perceval: Yes. You and the land are one.
Arthur: [to Guinevere] I've often thought that in the hereafter of our lives, when I owe no more to the future... can be just a man... we might meet. You'd come to me, claim me yours, know that I am your husband.
[He starts to leave, then turns to face her]
Arthur: It is a dream I have. [He leaves. She watches him go, knowing that she will never see him again]
Rating perso: 9.0/10
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