Genre: War/Guerre
Annee/Year: 1957
Format: Blu Ray
The bridge on the river Kwai. This is a fabulous classic movie from director extraordinaire David Lean (Lawrence of Arabia, Doctor Zhivago, Ryan's daughter, A passage to India and more). His films are at the highest echelon of cinematography and this one is no exception. Filmed in the depths of the jungle this type of movie was definitely a major challenge. The casting is first rate with major roles by William Holden, Alec Guiness, Sessu Hayakawa and many more. The story is about a company captured by the japanese led by a hard headed colonel. We follow their struggle with the Japanase captors and how they help them to build a major bridge over the river Kwai. During this period an american captive ran away from the camp and rejoined a commando force with the aim to cross the jungle and blow up the bridge after it is completed. Two tales of people determined to the extreme. This is movie is a true classic and has not really aged at all. Especially since it was now restored and given a high quality sound track in DTS-HD. This Blu Ray version is a must keep.
Le pont sur la riviere Kwai est un film du directeur David Lean qui nous a donne des classiques comme Laurence D'arabie, Docteur Jhivago et bein d'autres. Les films de Lean sont a grand deploiement cinematographique et c'est bien le cas ici avec un film tourne dans les jungles sud asiatiques. La distribution est parfaite avec Alec Guiness (Obi One Kenobi), William Holden et Sessue Hayakawa dans les roles principaux. L'histoire est geniale et tres bien executee. Elle nous raconte la capture d'une compagine de soldat anglais pendant la guerre du Pacifique (2ieme guerre) qui sont mis en camp de concentration sous les japonais. Ils sont mis au travail pour construire un pont enorme qui emjambe la riviere Kwai. Le colonel anglais qui diregent la compagnie demontre un entetement a ne pas baisser la tete devant ces capteurs. Pendant ce temps, un americain capture plus tot, reussi a se sauver du camp et a rejoindre les allies. Une fois rendu il est mis a profit en joignant un commando qui est charge de faire exploser le pont. Mission perilleuse qui consiste a traverser la jungle avec des explosif. Cette version blu ray est une version restaure avec grand soin de ce film auquel une piste sonore amelirie (DTS-HD) a ete adjoint en francais et anglais merci.
Un grand classique que certains calcules du meilleur film de tout les temps. je ne suis pas tout a fait de cet avis meme si le film est excellent.
Great quotes:
Commander Shears: I'd say the odds against a successful escape are about 100 to one. But may I add another word, Colonel? The odds against survival in this camp are even worse.
Colonel Saito: Do you know what will happen to me if the bridge is not built on time?
Colonel Nicholson: I haven't the foggiest.
Colonel Saito: I'll have to kill myself. What would you do if you were me?
Colonel Nicholson: I suppose if I were you... I'd have to kill myself.
Colonel Nicholson: [raising the glass of scotch he previously declined] Cheers!
Major Reeves: By the way, sir, I meant to tell you, there are trees in this forest very similar to elm. And the elm piles of London Bridge lasted six hundred years.
Colonel Nicholson: Six hundred years, Reeves?
Major Reeves: Yes, sir.
Colonel Nicholson: Six hundred years... That would be quite something.
Major Shears: You make me sick with your heroics! There's a stench of death about you. You carry it in your pack like the plague. Explosives and L-pills - they go well together, don't they? And with you it's just one thing or the other: destroy a bridge or destroy yourself. This is just a game, this war! You and Colonel Nicholson, you're two of a kind, crazy with courage. For what? How to die like a gentleman... how to die by the rules - when the only important thing is how to live like a human being.
Colonel Nicholson: One day the war will be over. And I hope that the people that use this bridge in years to come will remember how it was built and who built it. Not a gang of slaves, but soldiers, British soldiers, Clipton, even in captivity.
Colonel Nicholson: I've been thinking. Tomorrow it will be twenty-eight years to the day that I've been in the service. Twenty-eight years in peace and war. I don't suppose I've been at home more than ten months in all that time. Still, it's been a good life. I loved India. I wouldn't have had it any other way. But there are times when suddenly you realize you're nearer the end than the beginning. And you wonder, you ask yourself, what the sum total of your life represents. What difference your being there at any time made to anything. Hardly made any difference at all, really, particularly in comparison with other men's careers. I don't know whether that kind of thinking's very healthy; but I must admit I've had some thoughts on those lines from time to time. But tonight... tonight!
Colonel Nicholson: It is quite understandable; it's a very natural reaction. But one day - in a week, a month, a year - on that day when, God willing, we all return to our homes again, you're going to feel very proud of what you have achieved here in the face of great adversity. What you have done should be, and I think will be, an example to all our countrymen, soldier and civilian alike. You have survived with honor - that, and more - here in the wilderness. You have turned defeat into victory. I congratulate you. Well done.
Colonel Nicholson: What have I done?
Rating perso: 8.0/10
vendredi 31 décembre 2010
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #141: Frozen
Genre: Drama/Drame
Annee/Year: 2010
Format: Blu Ray
Frozen. A nice little gem. This is a drama/horror movie without any monster except nature. The idea is from director Adam Green (Coffee and donut, Hatchet 1 &2, Spiral). Many think Green is one of the new director with the most potential. Frozen definitely confirms his stroke of genius. The story
is about a ski outing for three university students (Emma Bell, Shawn Ashmore, Kevin Zegers) in order to save some cash they make a deal with the ski lift attendant. This does not pay off as on their last run a mistake is made and they are stuck in the chairlift 50 feet high close ot the top of the mountain in very cold weather. Most of the movie is shot from the charilift perspective which really shows the genius required to keep the viewer interested for the duration of the movie. I will not spoil the story further but it is a must see, especially if you are a skier... great cinematography with no CG. Good score as well from Andy Garfield.
Frozen. malheureusement il n'y a pas de version francaise sur le Blu ray, ni de sous-titre. Mais je vous conseille quand meme de voir ce film qui restera avec vous pendant plusieurs jours. Le jeune directeur Adam Green (Coffee and donut, Hatchet 1 &2, Spiral) a beaucoup de potentiel et ceci est bien demontre avec Frozen. L'histoire est celle de trois etudiants universitaire (Emma Bell, Shawn Ashmore, Kevin Zegers) qui sont pris a bord d'une telechaise lors d'un randonnee en ski. A plus de 50 pieds du sol ils n'osent pas sauter lorsqu'il realisent que les lumieres se ferment et que le mont ne reouvriras que quatre jours plus tard. Ils se remettent en question a mesure que la temperature plonge pendant la nuit. La suite est de plus en plus dramatique alors qu'ils combattent la nature.
Il faut voir, surtout si vous etes skieurs... Cinematographie reussie et piste musicale excellente de Andy Garfield.
Great quotes:
Parker O'Neil: Okay then, Lynch, what *is* the worst way to die?
Joe Lynch: What...
Parker O'Neil: No, no, no, you have an answer for everything. What is you biggest fear?
Joe Lynch: That's easy. The sarlacc pit.
Parker O'Neil: I'm sorry, the what?
Joe Lynch: The sarlacc pit. From "Return of the Jedi". Uh, hello. Being slowly digested over a 1000 years - worst death ever.
Dan Walker: [in a mocking whiny voice] Dan, why don't I ever have a girlfriend? Why?
Joe Lynch: [Parker lights a cigarette and begins smoking]
Joe Lynch: [Sniffing, exaggerated]
Joe Lynch: Hmmm, smell that mountain air. You know what it smells like?... Cancer.
[last lines] Dan Walker: [echoing voice] You're gonna be okay, baby. You're gonna be okay.
Rating perso: 7.5/10
Annee/Year: 2010
Format: Blu Ray
Frozen. A nice little gem. This is a drama/horror movie without any monster except nature. The idea is from director Adam Green (Coffee and donut, Hatchet 1 &2, Spiral). Many think Green is one of the new director with the most potential. Frozen definitely confirms his stroke of genius. The story
is about a ski outing for three university students (Emma Bell, Shawn Ashmore, Kevin Zegers) in order to save some cash they make a deal with the ski lift attendant. This does not pay off as on their last run a mistake is made and they are stuck in the chairlift 50 feet high close ot the top of the mountain in very cold weather. Most of the movie is shot from the charilift perspective which really shows the genius required to keep the viewer interested for the duration of the movie. I will not spoil the story further but it is a must see, especially if you are a skier... great cinematography with no CG. Good score as well from Andy Garfield.
Frozen. malheureusement il n'y a pas de version francaise sur le Blu ray, ni de sous-titre. Mais je vous conseille quand meme de voir ce film qui restera avec vous pendant plusieurs jours. Le jeune directeur Adam Green (Coffee and donut, Hatchet 1 &2, Spiral) a beaucoup de potentiel et ceci est bien demontre avec Frozen. L'histoire est celle de trois etudiants universitaire (Emma Bell, Shawn Ashmore, Kevin Zegers) qui sont pris a bord d'une telechaise lors d'un randonnee en ski. A plus de 50 pieds du sol ils n'osent pas sauter lorsqu'il realisent que les lumieres se ferment et que le mont ne reouvriras que quatre jours plus tard. Ils se remettent en question a mesure que la temperature plonge pendant la nuit. La suite est de plus en plus dramatique alors qu'ils combattent la nature.
Il faut voir, surtout si vous etes skieurs... Cinematographie reussie et piste musicale excellente de Andy Garfield.
Great quotes:
Parker O'Neil: Okay then, Lynch, what *is* the worst way to die?
Joe Lynch: What...
Parker O'Neil: No, no, no, you have an answer for everything. What is you biggest fear?
Joe Lynch: That's easy. The sarlacc pit.
Parker O'Neil: I'm sorry, the what?
Joe Lynch: The sarlacc pit. From "Return of the Jedi". Uh, hello. Being slowly digested over a 1000 years - worst death ever.
Dan Walker: [in a mocking whiny voice] Dan, why don't I ever have a girlfriend? Why?
Joe Lynch: [Parker lights a cigarette and begins smoking]
Joe Lynch: [Sniffing, exaggerated]
Joe Lynch: Hmmm, smell that mountain air. You know what it smells like?... Cancer.
[last lines] Dan Walker: [echoing voice] You're gonna be okay, baby. You're gonna be okay.
Rating perso: 7.5/10
jeudi 30 décembre 2010
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #140: Gulliver's travel
Genre: Comedy/Comedie
Annee/Year: 2010
Format: Theater 2D
Gulliver's travel. The director Rob Letterman (Shark tales, Monsters vs Alien) brings us a non-animation comedy this time based on a well known storyline which has been put on film multiple times. In order to keep our attention on this verison they have cast Jack Black as Gulliver and this was a very good choice. Jack Black has really put his imprint on this version and has made the tale much mpre entertaining. The only caveats are the extensive CG use and the fact that they tell only the first part of the tale. This makes for a mighty short movie which leaves us wanting more. The part that is shot is quite entertianing though. Very enjoyable film. Note that this movie is also available in theaters in 3D.
Le voyage de Gulliver. Ce film de Rob Letterman (Shark tales, Monsters vs Alien) nous offre cette fois un film qui n'est pas une animation. Celui-ci est basé sur une histoire raconte et mise sur film plusieurs fois. Le génie de Letterman est d'utilise Jack Black dans le rôle principal. Celui-ci est hilarant et nous conte cette histoire d'une manière originale et intéressante. Les cotes faibles de ce film sont l'utilisation de graphiques informatiques et le fait que l'histoire conte n'est que la première partie du conte. Ceci rend le film tres court et nous laisse un peu sur notre faim. Le résultat est quand même ters bien et cette comédie réussie bien nous divertir.
Great quotes:
Rating perso: 6.5/10
Annee/Year: 2010
Format: Theater 2D
Gulliver's travel. The director Rob Letterman (Shark tales, Monsters vs Alien) brings us a non-animation comedy this time based on a well known storyline which has been put on film multiple times. In order to keep our attention on this verison they have cast Jack Black as Gulliver and this was a very good choice. Jack Black has really put his imprint on this version and has made the tale much mpre entertaining. The only caveats are the extensive CG use and the fact that they tell only the first part of the tale. This makes for a mighty short movie which leaves us wanting more. The part that is shot is quite entertianing though. Very enjoyable film. Note that this movie is also available in theaters in 3D.
Le voyage de Gulliver. Ce film de Rob Letterman (Shark tales, Monsters vs Alien) nous offre cette fois un film qui n'est pas une animation. Celui-ci est basé sur une histoire raconte et mise sur film plusieurs fois. Le génie de Letterman est d'utilise Jack Black dans le rôle principal. Celui-ci est hilarant et nous conte cette histoire d'une manière originale et intéressante. Les cotes faibles de ce film sont l'utilisation de graphiques informatiques et le fait que l'histoire conte n'est que la première partie du conte. Ceci rend le film tres court et nous laisse un peu sur notre faim. Le résultat est quand même ters bien et cette comédie réussie bien nous divertir.
Great quotes:
Rating perso: 6.5/10
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #139: Happily N'Ever After 2
Genre: Animation
Annee/Year: 2009
Format: DVD
Happily N'Ever After 2. This animated movie for children sucks. The story is a continuation of the good vs evil balance in children stories as the first one was. It includes multiple characters from the famous fairy tales of yore such as Snow white and her daughter, little red riding hood, Humpty dumpty, rumplestiltskin. The story is around the coming of age of Snow white's teen daughter and is quite interesting. However the quality of the video transfer to DVD is so bad that it has to be the worst movie ever put on DVD. Children may still like it but the bad quality doesnt need to be like that.
Happily N'Ever After 2. Ce film animé utilise encore une fois plusieurs personnages connus des enfants comme Blanche neige, Cedrillon, le petit chaperon rouge, Humpty Dumpty et d'autres. L'histoire en elle même est pas mal: la balance entre le bien et le mal, l'adolescence tumultueuse de la fille de Blanche neige... quand même pas mal. Mais le hic c'est la pauvre qualité du transfert DVD. Je n'ai jamais vu un film si mal transféré sur DVD. On dirait une mauvaise copie de l'internet. Malheureux, mais vraiment pas nécessaire. J'espère que personne n'a acheté ce film à plein prix.
De plus il n'y a mem pas de piste française sur le DVD...
Great quotes:
Rating perso: 2.5/10
Annee/Year: 2009
Format: DVD
Happily N'Ever After 2. This animated movie for children sucks. The story is a continuation of the good vs evil balance in children stories as the first one was. It includes multiple characters from the famous fairy tales of yore such as Snow white and her daughter, little red riding hood, Humpty dumpty, rumplestiltskin. The story is around the coming of age of Snow white's teen daughter and is quite interesting. However the quality of the video transfer to DVD is so bad that it has to be the worst movie ever put on DVD. Children may still like it but the bad quality doesnt need to be like that.
Happily N'Ever After 2. Ce film animé utilise encore une fois plusieurs personnages connus des enfants comme Blanche neige, Cedrillon, le petit chaperon rouge, Humpty Dumpty et d'autres. L'histoire en elle même est pas mal: la balance entre le bien et le mal, l'adolescence tumultueuse de la fille de Blanche neige... quand même pas mal. Mais le hic c'est la pauvre qualité du transfert DVD. Je n'ai jamais vu un film si mal transféré sur DVD. On dirait une mauvaise copie de l'internet. Malheureux, mais vraiment pas nécessaire. J'espère que personne n'a acheté ce film à plein prix.
De plus il n'y a mem pas de piste française sur le DVD...
Great quotes:
Rating perso: 2.5/10
mercredi 29 décembre 2010
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #138: Dark House
Genre: Horror/Horreur
Annee/Year: 2009
Format: DVD
Dark House. This was to be one of my christmas bonbon. I have been looking for this movie ever since i heard of it last year. it came out last November but it took until this week to put my greedy little hands on it (found it at HMV by the way). This movie is part of a horror series called Fangoria frightfest and the 8 movies from that series ALL look like great horror flicks. In retrospect this one maybe be the weakest in the series. I will let you know as i will certainly watch the others.
Dark house is the name of an old mansion in which gruesome murders were committed 14 years before the events. A young girl, called Claire, had survived the original massacre of 20 foster kids by a deranged mother. 14 years later she is still trying to deal with the scars and she gets hired as an actor for a haunted house attraction built in that very same house by a rich entrepreneur played by Jeffrey Combs (Re-animator, House on haunted hill, 4400, and many more). The new attraction is abased on holographic projections and is quite cool, but the goals which Claire pursues is to go back to the house withoout being alone in order to get closure.
Obviously this turns out bad, as the spirit of the old killer lady comes back to infect the computer systems and take over the house... The holograms become real and death becomes a reality in what was supposed to be a make belief system.
Some aspects were good (the over the top role of Combs was interesting), the special effects were good. But the acting was otherwise marginal by the rest of the crew and whole computer vs spirit piece was too much. Overall a disappointment. I will go back to view again but only because i am a hardcore haunted house fan. This was the second movie for Darin Scott as director so there is still hope for him.
Dark house. Ce film était bien attendu de mon côté, car le sujet est les attractions de maison hantée. Il m'a fallu beaucoup de temps pour trouver ce film, mais HMV a répondu à mes attentes finalement 2-3 mois après la sortie du film. Ce film du directeur Darin Scott n'a malheureusement pas été à la hauteur de mes attentes.
L'édition de ce film m'agaçait souvent même si la cinématographie était bonne. Les effets spéciaux étaient souvent bons, mais quelquefois laissaient à désirer. Les acteurs étaient moyens même si Jeffrey Combs (re-animator, House on haunted hill, et plus) y jouait le rôle d'un entrepreneur tres agressif qui se voulait drôle. L'histoire était celle de Claire une jeune femme qui s'engageait avec une troupe d'acteurs pour jouer dans une attraction hantée. Le hic c'est que cette même maison a été le lieu de meurtres sordides 14 ans auparavant et Claire en fut l'unique survivante. Son psy lui suggère de retourner dans la maison pour fermer la boucle. La boucle ne se clos pas tres bien cependant, car l'esprit malevolent de la maison attaqua le système informatique sophistique de l'attraction sous forme de virus informatique (....) et pris contrôle du système holographique qui projetait les monstres de la maison. Bien sûr l'horreur simulée devient réelle. Bon pas le meilleur script en fin de compte. Quand même un film d'horreur qui vous fera vivre du bon temps. Mais pas à la hauteur de ce qu'il aurait pu être.
Great quotes:
COMBS: My name is Walston Ray and I am turning the Durudd house into a hautned house for the ages: Dark House.
COMBS: It's the world's most advanced holographic system. 2000 laser image projectors all over this building. You actors will be our characters that interact with the holographs and above all, always keep them screaming!
COMBS: We are the merchants of adrenaline. Though us, people can face their worst fears; and live to tell the tale. Through us they can die a thousand deaths. It's what makes us truly alive.
COMBS: Above all always leave them screaming.
Rating perso: 6.5/10
Annee/Year: 2009
Format: DVD
Dark House. This was to be one of my christmas bonbon. I have been looking for this movie ever since i heard of it last year. it came out last November but it took until this week to put my greedy little hands on it (found it at HMV by the way). This movie is part of a horror series called Fangoria frightfest and the 8 movies from that series ALL look like great horror flicks. In retrospect this one maybe be the weakest in the series. I will let you know as i will certainly watch the others.
Dark house is the name of an old mansion in which gruesome murders were committed 14 years before the events. A young girl, called Claire, had survived the original massacre of 20 foster kids by a deranged mother. 14 years later she is still trying to deal with the scars and she gets hired as an actor for a haunted house attraction built in that very same house by a rich entrepreneur played by Jeffrey Combs (Re-animator, House on haunted hill, 4400, and many more). The new attraction is abased on holographic projections and is quite cool, but the goals which Claire pursues is to go back to the house withoout being alone in order to get closure.
Obviously this turns out bad, as the spirit of the old killer lady comes back to infect the computer systems and take over the house... The holograms become real and death becomes a reality in what was supposed to be a make belief system.
Some aspects were good (the over the top role of Combs was interesting), the special effects were good. But the acting was otherwise marginal by the rest of the crew and whole computer vs spirit piece was too much. Overall a disappointment. I will go back to view again but only because i am a hardcore haunted house fan. This was the second movie for Darin Scott as director so there is still hope for him.
Dark house. Ce film était bien attendu de mon côté, car le sujet est les attractions de maison hantée. Il m'a fallu beaucoup de temps pour trouver ce film, mais HMV a répondu à mes attentes finalement 2-3 mois après la sortie du film. Ce film du directeur Darin Scott n'a malheureusement pas été à la hauteur de mes attentes.
L'édition de ce film m'agaçait souvent même si la cinématographie était bonne. Les effets spéciaux étaient souvent bons, mais quelquefois laissaient à désirer. Les acteurs étaient moyens même si Jeffrey Combs (re-animator, House on haunted hill, et plus) y jouait le rôle d'un entrepreneur tres agressif qui se voulait drôle. L'histoire était celle de Claire une jeune femme qui s'engageait avec une troupe d'acteurs pour jouer dans une attraction hantée. Le hic c'est que cette même maison a été le lieu de meurtres sordides 14 ans auparavant et Claire en fut l'unique survivante. Son psy lui suggère de retourner dans la maison pour fermer la boucle. La boucle ne se clos pas tres bien cependant, car l'esprit malevolent de la maison attaqua le système informatique sophistique de l'attraction sous forme de virus informatique (....) et pris contrôle du système holographique qui projetait les monstres de la maison. Bien sûr l'horreur simulée devient réelle. Bon pas le meilleur script en fin de compte. Quand même un film d'horreur qui vous fera vivre du bon temps. Mais pas à la hauteur de ce qu'il aurait pu être.
Great quotes:
COMBS: My name is Walston Ray and I am turning the Durudd house into a hautned house for the ages: Dark House.
COMBS: It's the world's most advanced holographic system. 2000 laser image projectors all over this building. You actors will be our characters that interact with the holographs and above all, always keep them screaming!
COMBS: We are the merchants of adrenaline. Though us, people can face their worst fears; and live to tell the tale. Through us they can die a thousand deaths. It's what makes us truly alive.
COMBS: Above all always leave them screaming.
Rating perso: 6.5/10
mardi 28 décembre 2010
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #137: Blue Man Group: how to be a megastar
Genre: Music concert/Concert de Musique
Annee/Year: 2008
Format: Blu Ray
Blue Man Group: how to be a megastar. This is the recording of a show from the Blue Man Group(Mark Frankle, Jeremy Gill). It is truly spectacular and one of my preferate Blu Ray i like to sahre with any visitors to my house. I watched it again during the christmas period as i shared it for the fifth time at least with some family members. This show is cool. If you are not familiar with the Blue Man Group you need to know that they are a group of percussion artists at the start which built their own instruments from ABS tubes. As their art became more complex they built spectacular shows as cool as any Pink Floyd show you can imagine. But through the experience they always retain a "lets not talke oursleves too seriously " approach which makes the music so nice to digest. Spectacular theatricals/special effects, really BIG music, excellent supporting band and signers and the best out of the box thinking you can imagine. The sound on hte Blu ray will take your breath away and the image pops out of the screen. A perfect demo disc and one that you wont tire of revisiting often. Gotta see for all.
Blue Man Group: how to be a megastar. Il vous faut voir ce spectacle musical. Le Blue Man Group (Mark Frankle, Jeremy Gill) est un groupe de percussionnistes de New York qui ont inventé une série d'instruments basés sur les tubes ABS de constructions. À mesure que leurs instruments devenaient plus sophistiqués, ils ont monté un spectacle qui vous coupera le souffle, car il dépasse vraiment les limites du normal. Ces gars la sont de vrais artistes et savent utiliser la haute tech à leurs fins. Ce Blu Ray est une des meilleures pistes de démo que vous pourrez voir. Son excellent, images superbes. Et surtout un niveau de plaisir inégalé. À voir pour tous.
Great quotes:
Rating perso: 8.5/10
Annee/Year: 2008
Format: Blu Ray
Blue Man Group: how to be a megastar. This is the recording of a show from the Blue Man Group(Mark Frankle, Jeremy Gill). It is truly spectacular and one of my preferate Blu Ray i like to sahre with any visitors to my house. I watched it again during the christmas period as i shared it for the fifth time at least with some family members. This show is cool. If you are not familiar with the Blue Man Group you need to know that they are a group of percussion artists at the start which built their own instruments from ABS tubes. As their art became more complex they built spectacular shows as cool as any Pink Floyd show you can imagine. But through the experience they always retain a "lets not talke oursleves too seriously " approach which makes the music so nice to digest. Spectacular theatricals/special effects, really BIG music, excellent supporting band and signers and the best out of the box thinking you can imagine. The sound on hte Blu ray will take your breath away and the image pops out of the screen. A perfect demo disc and one that you wont tire of revisiting often. Gotta see for all.
Blue Man Group: how to be a megastar. Il vous faut voir ce spectacle musical. Le Blue Man Group (Mark Frankle, Jeremy Gill) est un groupe de percussionnistes de New York qui ont inventé une série d'instruments basés sur les tubes ABS de constructions. À mesure que leurs instruments devenaient plus sophistiqués, ils ont monté un spectacle qui vous coupera le souffle, car il dépasse vraiment les limites du normal. Ces gars la sont de vrais artistes et savent utiliser la haute tech à leurs fins. Ce Blu Ray est une des meilleures pistes de démo que vous pourrez voir. Son excellent, images superbes. Et surtout un niveau de plaisir inégalé. À voir pour tous.
Great quotes:
Rating perso: 8.5/10
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #136: Inception
Genre: Sci-Fi/Science fiction
Annee/Year: 2010
Format: Blu Ray
Inception. In one word: spectacular. Why? Probably first since it is from the director Christopher Nolan who has a string of top hits since he started in the business (Memento, Insomnia, The 2 new Batmans, Prestige). Perfect cinematography, exquisite special effests, excellent casting...Casting yes definitely: first for Leonardo Decaprio who has been very good at signing on the best movies lately, bravo Leo, keep them coming. But also thumbs up for the rest of the cast (Ken Watanabe, Joseph-Gordon Levitt, Marion Cotillard, Ellen Page, Tom Hardy, Cillian Murphy, Tom Berenger, Michael Caine,....). perhaps the real secret ingredient is not the film nor the cast but the story itself?
Inception is the story of a team of experts who explore the unconscious of a victim to extract it's secrets or to implant an idea in their head. This is done by actually sharing a common dream orchestrated by a new technology (which does not exist today) where the team members draw the outline which blanks are then filled in by the victim. In order to achieve inception they have to use nestled dreams to get to the deepest levels of the psyche. A concept of genius which obviously is made more complex by the bagagge of psychological scars our travelers take with them.
In reality the whole of the movie is the win. I would not be surprised if this film gets at least one Oscar this year. Long live Christopher Nolan. Good for the whole family but a bit complex so may not be for people who like to be spoonfed their movies all the time. Personnaly i love non linear movies and this hits the spot.
Inception. Ce film est un travail de génie. La direction de Christopher Nolan est sans reproche comme la plupart de ses films (Memento, Insomnia, les 2 derniers Batmans, Prestige). La distribution est brillante et le choix de Leonardo Dicaprio dans le rôle principal nous rappelle encore une fois que Leo a le flair pour les meilleurs rôles dernièrement. Les autres acteurs sont aussi brillants (Ken Watanabe, Joseph-Gordon Levitt, Marion Cotillard, Ellen Page, Tom Hardy, Cillian Murphy, Tom Berenger, Michael Caine,....). Les effets spéciaux vous couperont le souffle.
Mais le secret du film est également dans le script qui est génial. Le film nous fait partager les missions d'une équipe de mercenaire du rêve qui utilise une nouvelle technologie avec lequel ils peuvent forger une réalité virtuelle et la partager avec l'équipe et la victime. Le but est de faire vivre à la victime choisie une expérience subconsciente afin de leur extirper des secrets ou de leur injecter une idée nouvelle (Inception). Ceci nous fait vivre une aventure carrément dans l'imaginaire de la victime, mais où tous doivent emporter leurs bagages de cicatrices psychologiques.
Le film est donc une réussite totale. Il n'est pas simple cependant ce qui pourrait déplaire à quelques-uns d'entre vous si vous n'aimez pas les films non linéaires. Ce n'est pas mon cas et j'ai adoré ce film succulent. Merci Christopher et longue vie a vous. Gardez l'oeil ouvert pour la soirée des Oscars.
Great quotes:
Cobb: You create the world of the dream. We bring the subject into that dream and fill it with their subconscious.
Ariadne: How could I ever acquire enough detail to make them think that it's reality?
Cobb: Our dreams, they feel real while we're in them right? Its only when we wake up then we realize that something was actually strange! Let me ask you a question, you, you never really remember the beginning of a dream do you? You always wind up right in the middle of what's going on.
Ariadne: I guess, yeah.
Cobb: So how did we end up here?
Ariadne: Well we just came from the a...
Cobb: Think about it Ariadne, how did you get here? Where are you right now?
Ariadne: We're dreaming?
Cobb: You're actually in the middle of the workshop right now, sleeping. This is your first lesson in shared dreaming. Stay calm.
Cobb: I know how to find secrets from your Mind, I know all the tricks!
Cobb: For this to work, we'd have to buy off the pilots...
Arthur: And we'd have to buy off the flight attendants...
Saito: I bought the airline.
[Everybody turns and stares at him. Saito just shrugs]
Saito: It seemed neater.
Mal: You keep telling yourself what you know. But what do you believe? What do you feel?
Cobb: Guilt.
Ariadne: Are these the 'experiments' you do every night? You're trying to keep her alive, aren't you? You can't just create a prison of memories. Do you really think that could contain her?
Cobb: You were not supposed to see that! This has nothing to do with you!
Ariadne: Nothing to do with me? We're supposed to be sharing dreams, here!
Cobb: Not these. These are my dreams.
Cobb: Eventually, She tells me the truth that she was possessed by an idea, just one simple idea that changed everything, that our world wasn't real and in order to get back to the reality, We'll have to kill ourselves.
Eames: Do they come here to sleep?
Thin Man: [Looking at Cobb] No, They come here to be woken up. Dream has become their reality! Who are you to say, otherwise?
Rating perso: 9.0 /10
Annee/Year: 2010
Format: Blu Ray
Inception. In one word: spectacular. Why? Probably first since it is from the director Christopher Nolan who has a string of top hits since he started in the business (Memento, Insomnia, The 2 new Batmans, Prestige). Perfect cinematography, exquisite special effests, excellent casting...Casting yes definitely: first for Leonardo Decaprio who has been very good at signing on the best movies lately, bravo Leo, keep them coming. But also thumbs up for the rest of the cast (Ken Watanabe, Joseph-Gordon Levitt, Marion Cotillard, Ellen Page, Tom Hardy, Cillian Murphy, Tom Berenger, Michael Caine,....). perhaps the real secret ingredient is not the film nor the cast but the story itself?
Inception is the story of a team of experts who explore the unconscious of a victim to extract it's secrets or to implant an idea in their head. This is done by actually sharing a common dream orchestrated by a new technology (which does not exist today) where the team members draw the outline which blanks are then filled in by the victim. In order to achieve inception they have to use nestled dreams to get to the deepest levels of the psyche. A concept of genius which obviously is made more complex by the bagagge of psychological scars our travelers take with them.
In reality the whole of the movie is the win. I would not be surprised if this film gets at least one Oscar this year. Long live Christopher Nolan. Good for the whole family but a bit complex so may not be for people who like to be spoonfed their movies all the time. Personnaly i love non linear movies and this hits the spot.
Inception. Ce film est un travail de génie. La direction de Christopher Nolan est sans reproche comme la plupart de ses films (Memento, Insomnia, les 2 derniers Batmans, Prestige). La distribution est brillante et le choix de Leonardo Dicaprio dans le rôle principal nous rappelle encore une fois que Leo a le flair pour les meilleurs rôles dernièrement. Les autres acteurs sont aussi brillants (Ken Watanabe, Joseph-Gordon Levitt, Marion Cotillard, Ellen Page, Tom Hardy, Cillian Murphy, Tom Berenger, Michael Caine,....). Les effets spéciaux vous couperont le souffle.
Mais le secret du film est également dans le script qui est génial. Le film nous fait partager les missions d'une équipe de mercenaire du rêve qui utilise une nouvelle technologie avec lequel ils peuvent forger une réalité virtuelle et la partager avec l'équipe et la victime. Le but est de faire vivre à la victime choisie une expérience subconsciente afin de leur extirper des secrets ou de leur injecter une idée nouvelle (Inception). Ceci nous fait vivre une aventure carrément dans l'imaginaire de la victime, mais où tous doivent emporter leurs bagages de cicatrices psychologiques.
Le film est donc une réussite totale. Il n'est pas simple cependant ce qui pourrait déplaire à quelques-uns d'entre vous si vous n'aimez pas les films non linéaires. Ce n'est pas mon cas et j'ai adoré ce film succulent. Merci Christopher et longue vie a vous. Gardez l'oeil ouvert pour la soirée des Oscars.
Great quotes:
Cobb: You create the world of the dream. We bring the subject into that dream and fill it with their subconscious.
Ariadne: How could I ever acquire enough detail to make them think that it's reality?
Cobb: Our dreams, they feel real while we're in them right? Its only when we wake up then we realize that something was actually strange! Let me ask you a question, you, you never really remember the beginning of a dream do you? You always wind up right in the middle of what's going on.
Ariadne: I guess, yeah.
Cobb: So how did we end up here?
Ariadne: Well we just came from the a...
Cobb: Think about it Ariadne, how did you get here? Where are you right now?
Ariadne: We're dreaming?
Cobb: You're actually in the middle of the workshop right now, sleeping. This is your first lesson in shared dreaming. Stay calm.
Cobb: I know how to find secrets from your Mind, I know all the tricks!
Cobb: For this to work, we'd have to buy off the pilots...
Arthur: And we'd have to buy off the flight attendants...
Saito: I bought the airline.
[Everybody turns and stares at him. Saito just shrugs]
Saito: It seemed neater.
Mal: You keep telling yourself what you know. But what do you believe? What do you feel?
Cobb: Guilt.
Ariadne: Are these the 'experiments' you do every night? You're trying to keep her alive, aren't you? You can't just create a prison of memories. Do you really think that could contain her?
Cobb: You were not supposed to see that! This has nothing to do with you!
Ariadne: Nothing to do with me? We're supposed to be sharing dreams, here!
Cobb: Not these. These are my dreams.
Cobb: Eventually, She tells me the truth that she was possessed by an idea, just one simple idea that changed everything, that our world wasn't real and in order to get back to the reality, We'll have to kill ourselves.
Eames: Do they come here to sleep?
Thin Man: [Looking at Cobb] No, They come here to be woken up. Dream has become their reality! Who are you to say, otherwise?
Rating perso: 9.0 /10
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #135: Nights in Rhodante
Genre: Comedy/Comedie
Annee/Year: 2008
Format: Blu Ray
Nights in Rhodante. This movie is mainly for you ladies but it is good for all sensible souls. This movie is from director George C Wolfe (first movie not for TV) and stars Richard Gere and Diane Lane. They meet as an accidental couple on a remote summer residence during an off season tropical storm. The two meet in the most unlikely situtaion and at a point in life such that they need to reevaluate their personnal situations (personnal, family and professional sides). The chemistry is excellent and the actors play really well against each other. Really a tender movie about the unespeted good and bad turns that life can throw at you. One of my wife's preferate movie but maybe that is because she is quite partial to Richard Gere...
Nights in Rhodante. Ce film est un des films préférés de ma conjointe. Mais c'est peut-être parce qu'elle a un parti pris pour Richard Gere qui y tient un des rôles principaux avec Diane Lane. Les deux jouent un rôle de personnages d'âge moyen qui se remettent en question vers la cinquantaine: autant du côté développement personnel, familial et professionnel. Elle joue le rôle d'une mère de deux enfants, dont une adolescente difficile, qui après avoir été séparée pendant 6 mois est confrontée à la décision de revenir avec son ancien mari. Lui est un chirurgien qui s’est toujours cru aux meilleurs de son art dont une patiente est décédée accidentellement pendant l'opération. Les deux personnages se remettent en question lors d'une longue fin de semaine passée dans un chalet isolé et ou une tempête tropicale s'abat. Le film nous fait revivre ces événements qui sont les hauts et les bas que la vie nous fait vivre.
Great quotes:
Dr. Paul Flanner: We all make choices, Adrienne. You chose that life, you chose that man. Do you even remember who you really are anymore?
Adrienne Willis: Just stop it.
Dr. Paul Flanner: What keeps you safe?
Adrienne Willis: Well, you fall in love with someone, you know... and you make a family... and you become what you think you're supposed to be. And you change and you give up certain things. Then they look at what you've got left and you wish you... I don't know, you just think maybe you shouldn't have.
Dr. Paul Flanner: Don't.
Dr. Paul Flanner: Just don't do it anymore.
Adrienne Willis: ...Huh.
Adrienne Willis: When Jack left me, it wasn't just our marriage ending. It was the loss of all the hopes that I'd had for the future. I tried to move on, but the world didn't seem that interested in me anymore. Then you came along, and helped me believe in myself again.
Adrienne Willis: I know you've only ever known your father and me. And I love Jack, because he is your father. But there's another kind of love, Amanda. One that gives you the courage to be better than you are, not less than you are. One that makes you feel that anything is possible. I want you to know that you could have that. I want you to hold out for it.
Rating perso: 7.0/10
Annee/Year: 2008
Format: Blu Ray
Nights in Rhodante. This movie is mainly for you ladies but it is good for all sensible souls. This movie is from director George C Wolfe (first movie not for TV) and stars Richard Gere and Diane Lane. They meet as an accidental couple on a remote summer residence during an off season tropical storm. The two meet in the most unlikely situtaion and at a point in life such that they need to reevaluate their personnal situations (personnal, family and professional sides). The chemistry is excellent and the actors play really well against each other. Really a tender movie about the unespeted good and bad turns that life can throw at you. One of my wife's preferate movie but maybe that is because she is quite partial to Richard Gere...
Nights in Rhodante. Ce film est un des films préférés de ma conjointe. Mais c'est peut-être parce qu'elle a un parti pris pour Richard Gere qui y tient un des rôles principaux avec Diane Lane. Les deux jouent un rôle de personnages d'âge moyen qui se remettent en question vers la cinquantaine: autant du côté développement personnel, familial et professionnel. Elle joue le rôle d'une mère de deux enfants, dont une adolescente difficile, qui après avoir été séparée pendant 6 mois est confrontée à la décision de revenir avec son ancien mari. Lui est un chirurgien qui s’est toujours cru aux meilleurs de son art dont une patiente est décédée accidentellement pendant l'opération. Les deux personnages se remettent en question lors d'une longue fin de semaine passée dans un chalet isolé et ou une tempête tropicale s'abat. Le film nous fait revivre ces événements qui sont les hauts et les bas que la vie nous fait vivre.
Great quotes:
Dr. Paul Flanner: We all make choices, Adrienne. You chose that life, you chose that man. Do you even remember who you really are anymore?
Adrienne Willis: Just stop it.
Dr. Paul Flanner: What keeps you safe?
Adrienne Willis: Well, you fall in love with someone, you know... and you make a family... and you become what you think you're supposed to be. And you change and you give up certain things. Then they look at what you've got left and you wish you... I don't know, you just think maybe you shouldn't have.
Dr. Paul Flanner: Don't.
Dr. Paul Flanner: Just don't do it anymore.
Adrienne Willis: ...Huh.
Adrienne Willis: When Jack left me, it wasn't just our marriage ending. It was the loss of all the hopes that I'd had for the future. I tried to move on, but the world didn't seem that interested in me anymore. Then you came along, and helped me believe in myself again.
Adrienne Willis: I know you've only ever known your father and me. And I love Jack, because he is your father. But there's another kind of love, Amanda. One that gives you the courage to be better than you are, not less than you are. One that makes you feel that anything is possible. I want you to know that you could have that. I want you to hold out for it.
Rating perso: 7.0/10
lundi 27 décembre 2010
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #134: Hardware
Genre: Horror/Horreur, Sci-FI/Science Fiction
Annee/Year: 1980
Format: DVD
Hardware. From South-African director Richard Stanley, this low budget sci-fi flick was a commercial success against all odds. The movie was shot mostly in an appartment and is set in a post-apocalyptic world. It relates the story of a boyfriend (Dylan Mcdermott) who offers his girlfriend (Stacey Travis) a scrap robot head which he salvaged from the devastated area.
Turns out this head is from a flaky and very dangerous robot called a Mark 13 which reactivates itself and determines to obliterate all life he comes across. Lovely for redecorating an appartment.
The movie has tones of terminator but runs a pretty good suspense till the end.
Hardware. Un film du directeur Richard Stanley. Ce film à budget restreint a quand même atteint un certain niveau de succès. Le film a des similarités avec Terminator et est mis en scène dans un monde postapocalyptique. Il raconte l'histoire d'un couple (Dylan Mcdermott, Stacey Travis) qui est aux prises avec un robot Mark 13 qui est une machine à tuer très sophistiqué et très adaptable. Le film presque entier se déroule dans un appartement. Le robot en fait une redécoration majeure. Ce film contient un très bon suspense jusqu'à la fin.
Great quotes:
Angry Bob: [on radio] This is Angry Bob, the man with the industrial dick, coming to you loud and clear on W.A.R. Radio with the good news and the bad news. Bad news is the heatwave's not going to let up. It's expected to hit ninety downtown before nightfall, although weather control keeps promising that rain is on the way. The foul up on the launch pad at terminal eight doesn't look like it's gonna clear for another half hour and holiday air traffic is still stacking up over the CBD and all outlying districts. But traffic control promises that if you all keep cool they'll get you home in time for Christmas. As for the good news - There is no fucking good news! So let's just play some music! [laughs]
Jill: It's stupid, sadistic and suicidal to have children right now.
Chief: Machines don't understand sacrifice - neither do morons.
Rating perso: 6.0/10
Annee/Year: 1980
Format: DVD
Hardware. From South-African director Richard Stanley, this low budget sci-fi flick was a commercial success against all odds. The movie was shot mostly in an appartment and is set in a post-apocalyptic world. It relates the story of a boyfriend (Dylan Mcdermott) who offers his girlfriend (Stacey Travis) a scrap robot head which he salvaged from the devastated area.
Turns out this head is from a flaky and very dangerous robot called a Mark 13 which reactivates itself and determines to obliterate all life he comes across. Lovely for redecorating an appartment.
The movie has tones of terminator but runs a pretty good suspense till the end.
Hardware. Un film du directeur Richard Stanley. Ce film à budget restreint a quand même atteint un certain niveau de succès. Le film a des similarités avec Terminator et est mis en scène dans un monde postapocalyptique. Il raconte l'histoire d'un couple (Dylan Mcdermott, Stacey Travis) qui est aux prises avec un robot Mark 13 qui est une machine à tuer très sophistiqué et très adaptable. Le film presque entier se déroule dans un appartement. Le robot en fait une redécoration majeure. Ce film contient un très bon suspense jusqu'à la fin.
Great quotes:
Angry Bob: [on radio] This is Angry Bob, the man with the industrial dick, coming to you loud and clear on W.A.R. Radio with the good news and the bad news. Bad news is the heatwave's not going to let up. It's expected to hit ninety downtown before nightfall, although weather control keeps promising that rain is on the way. The foul up on the launch pad at terminal eight doesn't look like it's gonna clear for another half hour and holiday air traffic is still stacking up over the CBD and all outlying districts. But traffic control promises that if you all keep cool they'll get you home in time for Christmas. As for the good news - There is no fucking good news! So let's just play some music! [laughs]
Jill: It's stupid, sadistic and suicidal to have children right now.
Chief: Machines don't understand sacrifice - neither do morons.
Rating perso: 6.0/10
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #133: Night of the demons
Genre: Horror/Horreur
Annee/Year: 1988
Format: DVD
Night of the demons. In review #120 i reviewed the remake of this film. This time i reviewed the original movie directed by Kevin Tenney back in 1988. This was his second movie after Witchboard; but since then he has directed about a dozen other horror flicks of the same genre and mitigated success.
Night of the demons is now a cult classic. This movie is set on halloween night which is always good. A group of youngsters decide to make a Halloween party on the ground of an old haunted house.
This turns out obviously to be a bad idea for them. The storyline is similar to the remake but lacks a lot of the meat they built around it. Less characters, substories and sets. The special effects were great for the '80s but have aged a bit since. There is a bit of nudity in this film from Linnea Quickgley which you may remember from the film Return of the living dead. For fans of the genre only.
Night of the demons. Dans la revue #120 j'ai fait la critique du remake de ce film. Cette fois-ci je fais la revue de l'original ; un film qui est maintenant un petit classique du genre. La recette de ce film est la même que le remake soit un groupe de jeunes qui vont fêter l'Halloween dans une maison abandonnée aux passes hantées. Le directeur Kevin Tenney qui a une douzaine de films du genre a son actif a utiliser des acteurs moyens qui jouent de façon moyenne alors pas de surprise ici. Les effets spéciaux étaient au sommet des années '80, mais ils sont datés un peu aujourd'hui. Donc un film à voir pour les maniaques du genre seulement.
Great quotes:
Stooge: Ang, you can't really believe this place is posessed.
Sal: Nah, just reposessed!
Angela: [possesed] Open the door, Rog. We don't want you, we want the bitch! You know we'd never hurt a nice little boy like you.
Rodger: Go to hell, you dirty bastard!
Angela: [possesed] Oh, not tonight my boy, not tonight. Rest assured we got something wonderful planned for you, so much pain, so much *sorrow*!
Frannie: [they've just arrived at Hull House] This place used to be a funeral parlor, wasn't it?
Max: Yes. The biggest one of four counties and rumor has it that Old Man Hull really loved his clientele. I mean in a carnal sense.
Judy Cassidy: A funeral parlor way out here?
Max: Yes. Its nice and cozy right next to the old cemetary.
Frannie: I've heard stories about this place ever since I was a kid. The Hull Family met a pretty gruesome end.
Max: Yeah they did. As a matter of fact it was on Halloween night. One of them went crazy and slaughtered the entire family. Then committed suicide. They could never figure out who did it. Too much blood and guts.
Rating perso: 6.5/10
Annee/Year: 1988
Format: DVD
Night of the demons. In review #120 i reviewed the remake of this film. This time i reviewed the original movie directed by Kevin Tenney back in 1988. This was his second movie after Witchboard; but since then he has directed about a dozen other horror flicks of the same genre and mitigated success.
Night of the demons is now a cult classic. This movie is set on halloween night which is always good. A group of youngsters decide to make a Halloween party on the ground of an old haunted house.
This turns out obviously to be a bad idea for them. The storyline is similar to the remake but lacks a lot of the meat they built around it. Less characters, substories and sets. The special effects were great for the '80s but have aged a bit since. There is a bit of nudity in this film from Linnea Quickgley which you may remember from the film Return of the living dead. For fans of the genre only.
Night of the demons. Dans la revue #120 j'ai fait la critique du remake de ce film. Cette fois-ci je fais la revue de l'original ; un film qui est maintenant un petit classique du genre. La recette de ce film est la même que le remake soit un groupe de jeunes qui vont fêter l'Halloween dans une maison abandonnée aux passes hantées. Le directeur Kevin Tenney qui a une douzaine de films du genre a son actif a utiliser des acteurs moyens qui jouent de façon moyenne alors pas de surprise ici. Les effets spéciaux étaient au sommet des années '80, mais ils sont datés un peu aujourd'hui. Donc un film à voir pour les maniaques du genre seulement.
Great quotes:
Stooge: Ang, you can't really believe this place is posessed.
Sal: Nah, just reposessed!
Angela: [possesed] Open the door, Rog. We don't want you, we want the bitch! You know we'd never hurt a nice little boy like you.
Rodger: Go to hell, you dirty bastard!
Angela: [possesed] Oh, not tonight my boy, not tonight. Rest assured we got something wonderful planned for you, so much pain, so much *sorrow*!
Frannie: [they've just arrived at Hull House] This place used to be a funeral parlor, wasn't it?
Max: Yes. The biggest one of four counties and rumor has it that Old Man Hull really loved his clientele. I mean in a carnal sense.
Judy Cassidy: A funeral parlor way out here?
Max: Yes. Its nice and cozy right next to the old cemetary.
Frannie: I've heard stories about this place ever since I was a kid. The Hull Family met a pretty gruesome end.
Max: Yeah they did. As a matter of fact it was on Halloween night. One of them went crazy and slaughtered the entire family. Then committed suicide. They could never figure out who did it. Too much blood and guts.
Rating perso: 6.5/10
dimanche 26 décembre 2010
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #132: The Hangover
Genre: Comedy/Comedie
Annee/Year: 2009
Format: Blu Ray
The hangover. I actually had to upgrade my blu ray player to be able to play this movie BUT it was worth it. This comedy is definitely one of the funnier one from recent years. The film is directed by Todd Philips (Starsky and Hutch, School for scoundrels) and was a major block buster hit. As a matter of fact the sequel is in the works for 2011.
This movie centers on a fellow gettting married ( Justin Bartha) and his two best friends (Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms) take him on a trip to Vegas along with his new flaky brother in law (Zach Galifianakis). The trip to Vegas turns into a horror story as they all forget what hapenned during the party night and the friend getting married is vanished. This movie is very well written as the team attempts to piece together the events from the past evening to recover their friend. Hilarious situations develop and the casting and play of the actors is perfect. Note a funny appearance of Mike Tyson himself.
The hangover est une des meilleures comedies des dernieres annees. Ce film de Todd Philips (Starsky and Hutch, School for scoundrels) est une reussite en son genre. Le script et la distribution sont géniaux (Justin Bartha, Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms, Zach Galifianakis). L'histoire nous fait partager les événements autour du mariage d'un des membres du quatuor d'amis et du beau frère.
Les quatre partent pour un enterrement de vie de garçon à Vegas, mais tout tourne au désastre lors d'une nuit mémorable ou personne ne se souvient de rien... Le matin après, ils ne retrouvent plus le futur marri et le film est une reconstruction des événements hilarants de la veille. Génial et très très drôle. Le second film est déjà en tournage signe de la réussite de ce film. À noter aussi une apparence de Mike Tyson et de son tigre...Ce film n'est pas pour les trop jeunes cependant.
Great quotes:
Sid Garner: Remember, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Except for herpes. That shit'll come back with you.
Phil Wenneck: Tracy, it's Phil.
Tracy Garner: Phil, where the hell are you guys?
Phil Wenneck: Listen, we fucked up. We lost Doug.
Tracy Garner: What? We're getting married in *five hours*.
Phil Wenneck: Yeah... that's not gonna happen.
Melissa: I just wish your friends were as mature as you.
Stu Price: They are mature, actually. You just have to get to know them better.
Phil Wenneck: [yells from outside] Paging Dr. Faggot. Dr. Faggot!
Stu Price: I should go.
Melissa: That's a good idea, Dr. Faggot.
Stu Price: We're in a stolen cop car with what is sure to be a missing child in the back. What part of this is cool?
Alan Garner: I think the cop car part's pretty cool.
Mr. Chow: You gonna fuck on me?
Alan Garner: Nobody's gonna fuck on you! I'm on your side! I hate Godzilla! I hate him too! I hate him! He destroys cities! *Please*! This isn't your fault. I'll get you some pants.
Stu Price: I lost a tooth! I married a whore!
Stu Price: So, uh, are you sure you're qualified to be taking care of that baby?
Alan Garner: What are you talking about? I've found a baby before.
Stu Price: You found a baby before? Where?
Alan Garner: Coffee Bean.
Doug Billings: Tracy did mention we shouldn't let him gamble. Or drink too much.
Phil Wenneck: Jesus, he's like a gremlin. Comes with instructions and shit.
Rating perso: 8.0/10
Annee/Year: 2009
Format: Blu Ray
The hangover. I actually had to upgrade my blu ray player to be able to play this movie BUT it was worth it. This comedy is definitely one of the funnier one from recent years. The film is directed by Todd Philips (Starsky and Hutch, School for scoundrels) and was a major block buster hit. As a matter of fact the sequel is in the works for 2011.
This movie centers on a fellow gettting married ( Justin Bartha) and his two best friends (Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms) take him on a trip to Vegas along with his new flaky brother in law (Zach Galifianakis). The trip to Vegas turns into a horror story as they all forget what hapenned during the party night and the friend getting married is vanished. This movie is very well written as the team attempts to piece together the events from the past evening to recover their friend. Hilarious situations develop and the casting and play of the actors is perfect. Note a funny appearance of Mike Tyson himself.
The hangover est une des meilleures comedies des dernieres annees. Ce film de Todd Philips (Starsky and Hutch, School for scoundrels) est une reussite en son genre. Le script et la distribution sont géniaux (Justin Bartha, Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms, Zach Galifianakis). L'histoire nous fait partager les événements autour du mariage d'un des membres du quatuor d'amis et du beau frère.
Les quatre partent pour un enterrement de vie de garçon à Vegas, mais tout tourne au désastre lors d'une nuit mémorable ou personne ne se souvient de rien... Le matin après, ils ne retrouvent plus le futur marri et le film est une reconstruction des événements hilarants de la veille. Génial et très très drôle. Le second film est déjà en tournage signe de la réussite de ce film. À noter aussi une apparence de Mike Tyson et de son tigre...Ce film n'est pas pour les trop jeunes cependant.
Great quotes:
Sid Garner: Remember, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Except for herpes. That shit'll come back with you.
Phil Wenneck: Tracy, it's Phil.
Tracy Garner: Phil, where the hell are you guys?
Phil Wenneck: Listen, we fucked up. We lost Doug.
Tracy Garner: What? We're getting married in *five hours*.
Phil Wenneck: Yeah... that's not gonna happen.
Melissa: I just wish your friends were as mature as you.
Stu Price: They are mature, actually. You just have to get to know them better.
Phil Wenneck: [yells from outside] Paging Dr. Faggot. Dr. Faggot!
Stu Price: I should go.
Melissa: That's a good idea, Dr. Faggot.
Stu Price: We're in a stolen cop car with what is sure to be a missing child in the back. What part of this is cool?
Alan Garner: I think the cop car part's pretty cool.
Mr. Chow: You gonna fuck on me?
Alan Garner: Nobody's gonna fuck on you! I'm on your side! I hate Godzilla! I hate him too! I hate him! He destroys cities! *Please*! This isn't your fault. I'll get you some pants.
Stu Price: I lost a tooth! I married a whore!
Stu Price: So, uh, are you sure you're qualified to be taking care of that baby?
Alan Garner: What are you talking about? I've found a baby before.
Stu Price: You found a baby before? Where?
Alan Garner: Coffee Bean.
Doug Billings: Tracy did mention we shouldn't let him gamble. Or drink too much.
Phil Wenneck: Jesus, he's like a gremlin. Comes with instructions and shit.
Rating perso: 8.0/10
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #131: Spasm 2005
Genre: Horror/Horreur
Annee/Year: 2005
Format: DVD
Spasm (2005). Spasm is the DVD from a short horror film festival in Montreal. This is a yearly event and the DVD contains over 12 short films mainly by Montreal university students. The quality of the films varies a lot but they are mostly interesting. The DVD also contains footing from the festival itself which has an interesting production and is a bit funny and sometimes vulgar. For real dedicated genre fans only. The 2005 films seem a bit more mature than the ones from 2004 so a good year overall with some good entries from the english speaking side as well.
Spasm est la rétrospective de plus de 12 courts métrages d'horreur produits pour le festival chaque année. Le DVD contient plusieurs films d'étudiants de film universitaires ainsi que le festival en lui-même qui est drôle et intéressant, mais qqe fois au langage un peu vulgaire. Pour les vrais maniaques du genre seulement. Le cru 2005 est supérieur au 2004. La qualité de production semble etre meilleurs avec qqe films plus longs et certains en anglais aussi.
Great quotes:
Rating perso: 6.0/10
Annee/Year: 2005
Format: DVD
Spasm (2005). Spasm is the DVD from a short horror film festival in Montreal. This is a yearly event and the DVD contains over 12 short films mainly by Montreal university students. The quality of the films varies a lot but they are mostly interesting. The DVD also contains footing from the festival itself which has an interesting production and is a bit funny and sometimes vulgar. For real dedicated genre fans only. The 2005 films seem a bit more mature than the ones from 2004 so a good year overall with some good entries from the english speaking side as well.
Spasm est la rétrospective de plus de 12 courts métrages d'horreur produits pour le festival chaque année. Le DVD contient plusieurs films d'étudiants de film universitaires ainsi que le festival en lui-même qui est drôle et intéressant, mais qqe fois au langage un peu vulgaire. Pour les vrais maniaques du genre seulement. Le cru 2005 est supérieur au 2004. La qualité de production semble etre meilleurs avec qqe films plus longs et certains en anglais aussi.
Great quotes:
Rating perso: 6.0/10
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #130: The Polar Express
Genre: Comedy/Comedie children/enfant
Annee/Year: 2004
Format: DVD
The Polar Express. Director Robert Zemeckis (Back to the future 1-3, Romancing the stone, Contact, Beowulf and more) brought us another classic this time about the christmas spirit. The movie is an a very well realized animation with participation of Tom Hanks playing voice for multiple roles. The theme is about growing up and loosing the faith in the christmas magic of Santa Claus. A young boy is faced with his beleifs in the christmas magic as a stange train comes on the eve of christmas to take him to Santa's operation in the north pole. The movie is very dynamic and well written. Throughout the story multiple effects are put in place to take advantage of the 3D effects which were used in the theatrical release (not the one on DVD). Very good movie to dig out during the christmas period.
By the way a 3D version now exists on Blu Ray for those interested and so equipped.
The Polar Express est le nom d'un train utilise dans ce film de Robert Zemeckis (Back to the Future, Contact et plus). Ce train embarque dans l'histoire un jeune homme qui a des doutes sur l'existence du pere noel. Le train l'emmenera au Pole nord ou il explorera les operations du pere noel. Le film est anime et Tom Hanks en joue la voie dans plusieurs role en plus de son visage prette au conducteur du fameux train. Tout le film utilise des scene qui ont pu etre prette a l'exploitation du 3D sur la version theatrale originale. La version DVD que j'ai n'est pas 3D cependant. Le film est genial pour tous les jeunes enfants dans la periode des fetes et les grand l'apprecierons egalement.
Il y a maintenant une version 3D pour le Blu Ray.
Great quotes:
The Conductor: Seeing is believing, but sometimes the most real things in the world are the things we can't see.
The Boy: I'm looking for a girl.
Hobo: [after a pause; bursts out laughing] Well aren't we all?
The Boy: Is everything all right? What do we do?
The Conductor: Well, considering that we have lost communication with the engineer, and are standing totally exposed on the front of the locomotive, and the train seems to be accelerating, uncontrollably, not to mention that we are headed to Glacier Gulch, which just happens to be the steepest downhill grade in the world, I suggest we all hold on... TIGHTLY!
[the train plunges down the VERY steep downhill tracks and accelerates rapidly]
Santa Claus: This bell is a wonderful symbol of the spirit of Christmas - as am I. Just remember, the true spirit of Christmas lies in your heart.
[last lines] Hero Boy: At one time most of my friends could hear the bell, but as years passed it fell silent for all of them. Even Sarah found one Christmas that she could no longer hear its sweet sound. Though I've grown old the bell still rings for me, as it does for all who truly believe.
Rating perso: 7.5/10
Annee/Year: 2004
Format: DVD
The Polar Express. Director Robert Zemeckis (Back to the future 1-3, Romancing the stone, Contact, Beowulf and more) brought us another classic this time about the christmas spirit. The movie is an a very well realized animation with participation of Tom Hanks playing voice for multiple roles. The theme is about growing up and loosing the faith in the christmas magic of Santa Claus. A young boy is faced with his beleifs in the christmas magic as a stange train comes on the eve of christmas to take him to Santa's operation in the north pole. The movie is very dynamic and well written. Throughout the story multiple effects are put in place to take advantage of the 3D effects which were used in the theatrical release (not the one on DVD). Very good movie to dig out during the christmas period.
By the way a 3D version now exists on Blu Ray for those interested and so equipped.
The Polar Express est le nom d'un train utilise dans ce film de Robert Zemeckis (Back to the Future, Contact et plus). Ce train embarque dans l'histoire un jeune homme qui a des doutes sur l'existence du pere noel. Le train l'emmenera au Pole nord ou il explorera les operations du pere noel. Le film est anime et Tom Hanks en joue la voie dans plusieurs role en plus de son visage prette au conducteur du fameux train. Tout le film utilise des scene qui ont pu etre prette a l'exploitation du 3D sur la version theatrale originale. La version DVD que j'ai n'est pas 3D cependant. Le film est genial pour tous les jeunes enfants dans la periode des fetes et les grand l'apprecierons egalement.
Il y a maintenant une version 3D pour le Blu Ray.
Great quotes:
The Conductor: Seeing is believing, but sometimes the most real things in the world are the things we can't see.
The Boy: I'm looking for a girl.
Hobo: [after a pause; bursts out laughing] Well aren't we all?
The Boy: Is everything all right? What do we do?
The Conductor: Well, considering that we have lost communication with the engineer, and are standing totally exposed on the front of the locomotive, and the train seems to be accelerating, uncontrollably, not to mention that we are headed to Glacier Gulch, which just happens to be the steepest downhill grade in the world, I suggest we all hold on... TIGHTLY!
[the train plunges down the VERY steep downhill tracks and accelerates rapidly]
Santa Claus: This bell is a wonderful symbol of the spirit of Christmas - as am I. Just remember, the true spirit of Christmas lies in your heart.
[last lines] Hero Boy: At one time most of my friends could hear the bell, but as years passed it fell silent for all of them. Even Sarah found one Christmas that she could no longer hear its sweet sound. Though I've grown old the bell still rings for me, as it does for all who truly believe.
Rating perso: 7.5/10
mardi 21 décembre 2010
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #129: Excalibur
Genre: Drama/Drame Historical/Historique
Annee/Year: 1981
Format: DVD
Excalibur. One of the top 5 movies from younger days. Still a preferate of mine. I enjoyed again a recounting of the old tale through this epic adventure of director John Boorman (Delivrance, Exorcist 2, Emerald forest and more). This movie is shot through the lens of a fantastic world with colored lighting, magic and surreal special effects. The story is known by all: how Arthur was born, became king and united England. Only after to fall to evil within, a beast which he could not slay with his hands and for which he sent the knights of the round table in a quest for the holy grail.
The casting is amazing with Nigel Terry as Arthur, Nicol WIlliamson as Merlin and many fine actors such as Patrick Stewart (Star trek), Liam Neeson, Hellen Mirren, Cherie Lunghi
The cinematography was fantastic on this movie with great lighting effects and a film not taken too literraly but left symbolic on many occasions. The best part however is the music...with Wagner and Carl Orff (Carmina Burana). A perfect match for the genre and especially well used in the first scene. Love it , love it.
On the negative side the movie has cut a few round corners in the telling of the tale. Perhaps this was done to prevent those who heard the tale multiple times to loose the rhitm. But it can be a bit confusing for younger ones.
This movie has aged a bit in the last 30years but what do you expect. It is still effective though. I only wish we could have a blu ray version...but wait there is still hope! A rumor brings back Excalibur in 2012 with the same director. I will be first in line but not putting my hopes up too much as this level of actors, cinematography, soundtrack in one package does not come so often. Gotta see.
Excalibur. J'ai revu ce classique du directeur John Boorman (Delivrance, Exorcist 2, Emerald forest et plus) pour la 7e fois au moins et je peux dire que le film m'allume encore après 30ans... Bien sûr le film a âgé un peu surtout côté effets spéciaux; mais la qualité des acteurs utilisés est encore du plus haut calibre. La distribution inclus Nigel Terry dans le rôle d'Arthur, Nicol Williamson dans celui de Merlin et plusieurs autres excellents acteurs tels Patrick Stewart (Star trek), Liam Neeson (Star Wars, Shcidler's list), Hellen Mirren (RED, The Queen et plus de 100 autres), Cherie Lunghi (The mission et beaucoup de TV UK) et Gabriel Byrne. Attention la faiblesse de ce film réside dans la vitesse d'exécution et le manque d'explication du contexte. Puisque presque tous on déjà entendu cette légende le film coupe plusieurs coins ronds et ceci peut être déroutant pour ceux qui en sont a leur premiere écoute.
J'ai vu ce film au cinéma en 1981 et il m'a fait un effet canon. Aujourd'hui encore la musique du film me porte sur ces ailes (Wagner, Orff) et est une des pistes sonores les plus judicieuses connues. La cinématographie était en avant de son temps en '81 et l'histoire du roi Arthur et des chevaliers de la Table ronde sera toujours fascinante pour les générations à venir. Le film ne se prend même pas trop au sérieux; tantôt symbolique et tantôt drôle (les lignes de Merlin sont hilarantes ce qui le rend plus humain). Un classique dans mon coeur que je vous recommande.
Great quotes:
Uther: The sword. You promised me the sword.
Merlin: And you shall have it; but to heal, not to hack. Tomorrow, a truce; we meet at the river.
Uther: Talk. Talk is for lovers, Merlin. I need the sword to be king.
[Uther and Cornwall meet]
Merlin: Show the sword! Behold! The Sword of Power! Excalibur! Forged when the world was young, and bird and beast and flower were one with man, and death was but a dream! [to Uther]
Merlin: Speak the words!
Uther Pendragon: One land, one king! That is my peace, Cornwall!
Merlin: Now look, I once stood exposed to the Dragon's Breath so that a man could lie one night with a woman. It took me nine moons to recover. And all for this lunacy called, "love, " this mad distemper that strikes down both beggar and king. Never again. Never.
Arthur: Swear faith to me, and you shall have mercy! I need battle lords such as you!
Uryenes: [scornfully] A noble knight swear faith to a squire?
Mador: [shouting] NEVER... NEVER!
Arthur: You are right.
Arthur: You're right... I'm not yet a knight.
[Hands Excalibur to Uyrenes and kneels]
Arthur: You, Uryenes, will make me a knight. Then as knight to knight... I can offer you mercy.
Merlin: [Alarmed] What's this? What's this?
Mador: Keep it, Uryenes!
Uryenes: [hesitates and then touches Excalibur to Arthur's shoulder] In the name of God, St Michael and St George, I give you the right to bear arms and the power to mete justice!
Arthur: That duty I will solemnly obey, as knight and king.
Merlin: I never saw this.
Uryenes: Rise... King Arthur. [Uryenes kneels before Arthur]
Uryenes: I am your humble knight, and I swear allegiance to the courage in your veins. So strong it is, its source must be Uther Pendragon's. I doubt you no more!
[kisses Arthur's hand - other knights also kneel]
[Arthur has broken Excalibur on Lancelot's chest]
Arthur: Merlin! What have I done?
Merlin: You have broken what could not be broken! Now, hope is broken.
Arthur: My pride broke it. My rage broke it! This excellent knight, who fought with fairness and grace, was meant to win. I used Excalibur to change that verdict. I've lost, for all time, the ancient sword of my fathers, whose power was meant to unite all men... not to serve the vanity of a single man. I am... nothing.
Merlin: STAND BACK! Be silent! Be still! [pause]
Merlin: That's it... and look upon this moment. Savor it! Rejoice with great gladness! Great gladness! Remember it always, for you are joined by it. You are One, under the stars. Remember it well, then... this night, this great victory. So that in the years ahead, you can say, 'I was there that night, with Arthur, the King!' For it is the doom of men that they forget.
Merlin: The days of our kind are numberèd. The one God comes to drive out the many gods. The spirits of wood and stream grow silent. It's the way of things. Yes... it's a time for men, and their ways.
Grail Figure: What is the secret of the Grail? Who does it serve?
Perceval: You, my lord.
Grail Figure: Who am I?
Perceval: You are my lord and king. You are Arthur.
Grail Figure: Have you found the secret that I have lost?
Perceval: Yes. You and the land are one.
Arthur: [to Guinevere] I've often thought that in the hereafter of our lives, when I owe no more to the future... can be just a man... we might meet. You'd come to me, claim me yours, know that I am your husband.
[He starts to leave, then turns to face her]
Arthur: It is a dream I have. [He leaves. She watches him go, knowing that she will never see him again]
Rating perso: 9.0/10
Annee/Year: 1981
Format: DVD
Excalibur. One of the top 5 movies from younger days. Still a preferate of mine. I enjoyed again a recounting of the old tale through this epic adventure of director John Boorman (Delivrance, Exorcist 2, Emerald forest and more). This movie is shot through the lens of a fantastic world with colored lighting, magic and surreal special effects. The story is known by all: how Arthur was born, became king and united England. Only after to fall to evil within, a beast which he could not slay with his hands and for which he sent the knights of the round table in a quest for the holy grail.
The casting is amazing with Nigel Terry as Arthur, Nicol WIlliamson as Merlin and many fine actors such as Patrick Stewart (Star trek), Liam Neeson, Hellen Mirren, Cherie Lunghi
The cinematography was fantastic on this movie with great lighting effects and a film not taken too literraly but left symbolic on many occasions. The best part however is the music...with Wagner and Carl Orff (Carmina Burana). A perfect match for the genre and especially well used in the first scene. Love it , love it.
On the negative side the movie has cut a few round corners in the telling of the tale. Perhaps this was done to prevent those who heard the tale multiple times to loose the rhitm. But it can be a bit confusing for younger ones.
This movie has aged a bit in the last 30years but what do you expect. It is still effective though. I only wish we could have a blu ray version...but wait there is still hope! A rumor brings back Excalibur in 2012 with the same director. I will be first in line but not putting my hopes up too much as this level of actors, cinematography, soundtrack in one package does not come so often. Gotta see.
Excalibur. J'ai revu ce classique du directeur John Boorman (Delivrance, Exorcist 2, Emerald forest et plus) pour la 7e fois au moins et je peux dire que le film m'allume encore après 30ans... Bien sûr le film a âgé un peu surtout côté effets spéciaux; mais la qualité des acteurs utilisés est encore du plus haut calibre. La distribution inclus Nigel Terry dans le rôle d'Arthur, Nicol Williamson dans celui de Merlin et plusieurs autres excellents acteurs tels Patrick Stewart (Star trek), Liam Neeson (Star Wars, Shcidler's list), Hellen Mirren (RED, The Queen et plus de 100 autres), Cherie Lunghi (The mission et beaucoup de TV UK) et Gabriel Byrne. Attention la faiblesse de ce film réside dans la vitesse d'exécution et le manque d'explication du contexte. Puisque presque tous on déjà entendu cette légende le film coupe plusieurs coins ronds et ceci peut être déroutant pour ceux qui en sont a leur premiere écoute.
J'ai vu ce film au cinéma en 1981 et il m'a fait un effet canon. Aujourd'hui encore la musique du film me porte sur ces ailes (Wagner, Orff) et est une des pistes sonores les plus judicieuses connues. La cinématographie était en avant de son temps en '81 et l'histoire du roi Arthur et des chevaliers de la Table ronde sera toujours fascinante pour les générations à venir. Le film ne se prend même pas trop au sérieux; tantôt symbolique et tantôt drôle (les lignes de Merlin sont hilarantes ce qui le rend plus humain). Un classique dans mon coeur que je vous recommande.
Great quotes:
Uther: The sword. You promised me the sword.
Merlin: And you shall have it; but to heal, not to hack. Tomorrow, a truce; we meet at the river.
Uther: Talk. Talk is for lovers, Merlin. I need the sword to be king.
[Uther and Cornwall meet]
Merlin: Show the sword! Behold! The Sword of Power! Excalibur! Forged when the world was young, and bird and beast and flower were one with man, and death was but a dream! [to Uther]
Merlin: Speak the words!
Uther Pendragon: One land, one king! That is my peace, Cornwall!
Merlin: Now look, I once stood exposed to the Dragon's Breath so that a man could lie one night with a woman. It took me nine moons to recover. And all for this lunacy called, "love, " this mad distemper that strikes down both beggar and king. Never again. Never.
Arthur: Swear faith to me, and you shall have mercy! I need battle lords such as you!
Uryenes: [scornfully] A noble knight swear faith to a squire?
Mador: [shouting] NEVER... NEVER!
Arthur: You are right.
Arthur: You're right... I'm not yet a knight.
[Hands Excalibur to Uyrenes and kneels]
Arthur: You, Uryenes, will make me a knight. Then as knight to knight... I can offer you mercy.
Merlin: [Alarmed] What's this? What's this?
Mador: Keep it, Uryenes!
Uryenes: [hesitates and then touches Excalibur to Arthur's shoulder] In the name of God, St Michael and St George, I give you the right to bear arms and the power to mete justice!
Arthur: That duty I will solemnly obey, as knight and king.
Merlin: I never saw this.
Uryenes: Rise... King Arthur. [Uryenes kneels before Arthur]
Uryenes: I am your humble knight, and I swear allegiance to the courage in your veins. So strong it is, its source must be Uther Pendragon's. I doubt you no more!
[kisses Arthur's hand - other knights also kneel]
[Arthur has broken Excalibur on Lancelot's chest]
Arthur: Merlin! What have I done?
Merlin: You have broken what could not be broken! Now, hope is broken.
Arthur: My pride broke it. My rage broke it! This excellent knight, who fought with fairness and grace, was meant to win. I used Excalibur to change that verdict. I've lost, for all time, the ancient sword of my fathers, whose power was meant to unite all men... not to serve the vanity of a single man. I am... nothing.
Merlin: STAND BACK! Be silent! Be still! [pause]
Merlin: That's it... and look upon this moment. Savor it! Rejoice with great gladness! Great gladness! Remember it always, for you are joined by it. You are One, under the stars. Remember it well, then... this night, this great victory. So that in the years ahead, you can say, 'I was there that night, with Arthur, the King!' For it is the doom of men that they forget.
Merlin: The days of our kind are numberèd. The one God comes to drive out the many gods. The spirits of wood and stream grow silent. It's the way of things. Yes... it's a time for men, and their ways.
Grail Figure: What is the secret of the Grail? Who does it serve?
Perceval: You, my lord.
Grail Figure: Who am I?
Perceval: You are my lord and king. You are Arthur.
Grail Figure: Have you found the secret that I have lost?
Perceval: Yes. You and the land are one.
Arthur: [to Guinevere] I've often thought that in the hereafter of our lives, when I owe no more to the future... can be just a man... we might meet. You'd come to me, claim me yours, know that I am your husband.
[He starts to leave, then turns to face her]
Arthur: It is a dream I have. [He leaves. She watches him go, knowing that she will never see him again]
Rating perso: 9.0/10
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #128:
Genre: Horror/Horreur
Annee/Year: 2009
Format: Blu Ray is a movie which will lull you in a false sense of numbness. This is what the heroin of the movie played by Chritina Ricci (Adam's family, Cursed, Speed racer, Black Snake Moan and many more) must have felt through this movie. The young woman director Agnieszka Wojtowicz-Vosloo's second movie only is a sure sign of success to come. This story is of a young woman going through a dead end phase in her life (depression, not loving her boyfriend, loss of interest in life). After a big fight with her boyfriend played by Justin Long (Live free or die, Drag me to hell) on the night he plans to propose to her; she gets into a major car wreck. After passing out she finds herself in a funeral home where the owner and moritican played a smooth Liam Neeson (Excalibur, The mission, Star Wars, Taken, Schindler's list, Batman begins Kingdom of Heaven and many more) convinces her that she is dead and transitioning to her final rest. All through the movie the viewer is on the fence about her being really dead or being played by this potential con killer. Delightful. The blu ray version is very nice, the actors play a perfect pace and very subdued roles. The movie will make you think so it is not a scary stupid movie "loin de la". Be wary of nudity and cringe factor for younger ones. Adults only. A very solid movie overall with an exciting ending and will leave you with much food for thought about the value of life. est un film de la jeune directrice Agnieszka Wojtowicz-Vosloo. Pas un film d'horreur dans le sens traditionnel, mais un film qui vous fait vivre le doute entre la vie et la mort. Une jeune femme (Christina Ricci) dépressive est victime d'un accident de voiture et se retrouve dans une maison funéraire. Le croque-mort, joue par Liam Neeson, peut lui parler grâce a un pouvoir qu'il aurait et essai de la convaincre qu'elle est décédée. On joue tout le long du film avec la ligne entre la vie et la mort et ce qui nous retient a la vie dans bien des cas. Histoire géniale et bien menée, très bonne distribution et un jeu d'acteur très bien réussi. Attention ce film n'est pas pour les plus jeunes à cause du contenu et de la nudité (pas déplacée). La fin est percutante et ce film vous laissera réfléchir a la valeur de la vie pendant plusieurs jours après l'avoir visionné.
Great quotes:
Eliot Deacon: The others? They just see you as a dead body on a slab. Only I can see you as you really are.
Eliot Deacon: You're a corpse. Your opinion doesn't count anymore.
Anna Taylor: Why do we die?
Eliot Deacon: To make life important.
Eliot Deacon: I thought you were different. You all say you're scared of death, but the truth is you're more scared of life.
Anna Taylor: I thought when you died you wouldn't feel any more pain. You wouldn't have struggles any more. But it just never stops, does it?
Eliot Deacon: It's only a hole in the ground. It's for...
Jack: ...miss Taylor.
Eliot Deacon: Exactly. For Anna. She belongs here.
Eliot Deacon: Because she's dead?
Jack: No, because there's no life left in her.
Rating perso: 7.0/10
Annee/Year: 2009
Format: Blu Ray is a movie which will lull you in a false sense of numbness. This is what the heroin of the movie played by Chritina Ricci (Adam's family, Cursed, Speed racer, Black Snake Moan and many more) must have felt through this movie. The young woman director Agnieszka Wojtowicz-Vosloo's second movie only is a sure sign of success to come. This story is of a young woman going through a dead end phase in her life (depression, not loving her boyfriend, loss of interest in life). After a big fight with her boyfriend played by Justin Long (Live free or die, Drag me to hell) on the night he plans to propose to her; she gets into a major car wreck. After passing out she finds herself in a funeral home where the owner and moritican played a smooth Liam Neeson (Excalibur, The mission, Star Wars, Taken, Schindler's list, Batman begins Kingdom of Heaven and many more) convinces her that she is dead and transitioning to her final rest. All through the movie the viewer is on the fence about her being really dead or being played by this potential con killer. Delightful. The blu ray version is very nice, the actors play a perfect pace and very subdued roles. The movie will make you think so it is not a scary stupid movie "loin de la". Be wary of nudity and cringe factor for younger ones. Adults only. A very solid movie overall with an exciting ending and will leave you with much food for thought about the value of life. est un film de la jeune directrice Agnieszka Wojtowicz-Vosloo. Pas un film d'horreur dans le sens traditionnel, mais un film qui vous fait vivre le doute entre la vie et la mort. Une jeune femme (Christina Ricci) dépressive est victime d'un accident de voiture et se retrouve dans une maison funéraire. Le croque-mort, joue par Liam Neeson, peut lui parler grâce a un pouvoir qu'il aurait et essai de la convaincre qu'elle est décédée. On joue tout le long du film avec la ligne entre la vie et la mort et ce qui nous retient a la vie dans bien des cas. Histoire géniale et bien menée, très bonne distribution et un jeu d'acteur très bien réussi. Attention ce film n'est pas pour les plus jeunes à cause du contenu et de la nudité (pas déplacée). La fin est percutante et ce film vous laissera réfléchir a la valeur de la vie pendant plusieurs jours après l'avoir visionné.
Great quotes:
Eliot Deacon: The others? They just see you as a dead body on a slab. Only I can see you as you really are.
Eliot Deacon: You're a corpse. Your opinion doesn't count anymore.
Anna Taylor: Why do we die?
Eliot Deacon: To make life important.
Eliot Deacon: I thought you were different. You all say you're scared of death, but the truth is you're more scared of life.
Anna Taylor: I thought when you died you wouldn't feel any more pain. You wouldn't have struggles any more. But it just never stops, does it?
Eliot Deacon: It's only a hole in the ground. It's for...
Jack: ...miss Taylor.
Eliot Deacon: Exactly. For Anna. She belongs here.
Eliot Deacon: Because she's dead?
Jack: No, because there's no life left in her.
Rating perso: 7.0/10
lundi 20 décembre 2010
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #127: Heathers
Genre: Drama/Drame
Annee/Year: 1989
Format: DVD
Heathers. This is a bit more obsucre movie from the late '80s which is very polarizing: either you will hate it or you will think it is a masterpiece. Written by Daniel Waters (Hudson hawk, Demolition man) many think it is his best work. The movie was directed by Michael Lehman (participation to True Blood and Calfornication, 40 days and 40 nights,..). The casting included as Veronica the young Winona Rider (Dracula, Edward Scissorhands "see review #124", Beetlejuice, Alien: ressurection, Girl interrupted...) in the strong willed high school adolescent girl and her dark boyfriend is played by Chritian Slather (In the name of the Rose, True Romance, Interview with the vampire,...) an actor which has been compared to a modern Jack Nicholson. Both play good performances especially compared to man of their peers. Shannen Doherty (90210, Charmed) plays one of the three Heathers which form a high school bitch squad who think the world is their oyster. Veronica
wants to join that tight IN group of the Heathers. But she will soon find the price to pay is quite high.
This movie depicts in a grim and funnily realistic way sometimes the cruelty of teens against each other. It really plays very much in contrast compared to the John Hugues movies of that late eighies.
Always done in a tongue and cheek way it strikes many chords which ring true. The theme of the movie being teen suicide makes this laughing matter much more serious on occasion.
Heathers. Bien que ce film date des années '80 et que le film semble très léger, ce n'est pas le cas. Le film est une comédie sombre sur l'attitude haineuse des adolescents du secondaire entre eux. Le sujet est traité à travers le thème du suicide adolescent; ce qui le rend très sombre par moment même s’il s'agit d'une comédie. Le directeur Michael Lehman (participation a True Blood et Calfornication, 40 days and 40 nights,..) et l'écrivain Daniel Waters (Hudson hawk, Demolition man) on porte cette oeuvre que plusieurs nomment comme le chef d'oeuvre de Waters. La distribution est solide avec la participation des jeunes Winona Rider (Dracula, Edward Scissorhands "voir revue #124", Beetlejuice, Alien: ressurection, Girl interrupted...) et Chritian Slather (In the name of the Rose, True Romance, Interview with the vampire,...) qui joue un role demontrant leur potentiel futur au debut de leurs carrieres. On note aussi le rôle de Shannen Doherty (90210, Charmed) qui jouent une des trois Heathers un group de copine qui son au sommet de la chaîne alimentaire du secondaire. Veronica tentera de s'introduire dans cette clique, mais l'arrive d'un nouveau jeune très mystérieux lui rendra la vie beaucoup plus compliquée. Critique sociale des jeunes exagéré, mais sans doute plus réaliste que la vue John Hugues de la même période.
Great quotes:
Heather McNamara: It's your turn Heather.
Heather Chandler: No, Heather, it's Heather's turn. Heather?
Heather Duke: Sorry Heather.
Heather Chandler: You stupid fuck.
Veronica Sawyer: You goddamn bitch.
Heather Chandler: I brought you to a Remington party and what's my thanks? It's on a hallway carpet. I got paid in puke.
Veronica Sawyer: Lick it up, baby. Lick. It. Up.
Ram Sweeney: [after watching J.D. flirt with Veronica] Let's kick his ass!
Kurt Kelly: Shit, Ram - we're seniors, man. We're too old for that kind of crap. Let's give 'im a good scare, though. [They walk to where J.D. is sitting]
Ram Sweeney: [Sticking his fingers into J.D.'s lunch] You gonna eat this?
Kurt Kelly: What did your boyfriend say when you told 'im you were movin' to Sherwood, Ohio?
Ram Sweeney: Answer him, dick!
Kurt Kelly: Hey Ram, doesn't this cafeteria have a "No Fags Allowed" rule?
J.D.: Well they, uh, seem to have an open door policy for assholes though, don't they?
Kurt Kelly: What did you say, dickhead?
J.D.: [He sighs, stands, and pulls out a gun] I'll repeat myself. [He shoots Kurt and Ram]
Heather Chandler: Grow up Heather, bulimia's so '87.
Veronica Sawyer: Dear Diary, my teen-angst bullshit now has a body count.
Veronica Sawyer: [writing in diary] Betty Finn was a true friend and I sold her out for a bunch of Swatch dogs and Diet Coke heads. Killing Heather would be like offing the wicked witch of the west... wait east. West! God! I sound like a fucking psycho.
J.D.: People will look at the ashes of Westerburg and say, "Now there's a school that self-destructed, not because society didn't care, but because the school was society." Now that's deep.
Rating perso: 7.0/10
Annee/Year: 1989
Format: DVD
Heathers. This is a bit more obsucre movie from the late '80s which is very polarizing: either you will hate it or you will think it is a masterpiece. Written by Daniel Waters (Hudson hawk, Demolition man) many think it is his best work. The movie was directed by Michael Lehman (participation to True Blood and Calfornication, 40 days and 40 nights,..). The casting included as Veronica the young Winona Rider (Dracula, Edward Scissorhands "see review #124", Beetlejuice, Alien: ressurection, Girl interrupted...) in the strong willed high school adolescent girl and her dark boyfriend is played by Chritian Slather (In the name of the Rose, True Romance, Interview with the vampire,...) an actor which has been compared to a modern Jack Nicholson. Both play good performances especially compared to man of their peers. Shannen Doherty (90210, Charmed) plays one of the three Heathers which form a high school bitch squad who think the world is their oyster. Veronica
wants to join that tight IN group of the Heathers. But she will soon find the price to pay is quite high.
This movie depicts in a grim and funnily realistic way sometimes the cruelty of teens against each other. It really plays very much in contrast compared to the John Hugues movies of that late eighies.
Always done in a tongue and cheek way it strikes many chords which ring true. The theme of the movie being teen suicide makes this laughing matter much more serious on occasion.
Heathers. Bien que ce film date des années '80 et que le film semble très léger, ce n'est pas le cas. Le film est une comédie sombre sur l'attitude haineuse des adolescents du secondaire entre eux. Le sujet est traité à travers le thème du suicide adolescent; ce qui le rend très sombre par moment même s’il s'agit d'une comédie. Le directeur Michael Lehman (participation a True Blood et Calfornication, 40 days and 40 nights,..) et l'écrivain Daniel Waters (Hudson hawk, Demolition man) on porte cette oeuvre que plusieurs nomment comme le chef d'oeuvre de Waters. La distribution est solide avec la participation des jeunes Winona Rider (Dracula, Edward Scissorhands "voir revue #124", Beetlejuice, Alien: ressurection, Girl interrupted...) et Chritian Slather (In the name of the Rose, True Romance, Interview with the vampire,...) qui joue un role demontrant leur potentiel futur au debut de leurs carrieres. On note aussi le rôle de Shannen Doherty (90210, Charmed) qui jouent une des trois Heathers un group de copine qui son au sommet de la chaîne alimentaire du secondaire. Veronica tentera de s'introduire dans cette clique, mais l'arrive d'un nouveau jeune très mystérieux lui rendra la vie beaucoup plus compliquée. Critique sociale des jeunes exagéré, mais sans doute plus réaliste que la vue John Hugues de la même période.
Great quotes:
Heather McNamara: It's your turn Heather.
Heather Chandler: No, Heather, it's Heather's turn. Heather?
Heather Duke: Sorry Heather.
Heather Chandler: You stupid fuck.
Veronica Sawyer: You goddamn bitch.
Heather Chandler: I brought you to a Remington party and what's my thanks? It's on a hallway carpet. I got paid in puke.
Veronica Sawyer: Lick it up, baby. Lick. It. Up.
Ram Sweeney: [after watching J.D. flirt with Veronica] Let's kick his ass!
Kurt Kelly: Shit, Ram - we're seniors, man. We're too old for that kind of crap. Let's give 'im a good scare, though. [They walk to where J.D. is sitting]
Ram Sweeney: [Sticking his fingers into J.D.'s lunch] You gonna eat this?
Kurt Kelly: What did your boyfriend say when you told 'im you were movin' to Sherwood, Ohio?
Ram Sweeney: Answer him, dick!
Kurt Kelly: Hey Ram, doesn't this cafeteria have a "No Fags Allowed" rule?
J.D.: Well they, uh, seem to have an open door policy for assholes though, don't they?
Kurt Kelly: What did you say, dickhead?
J.D.: [He sighs, stands, and pulls out a gun] I'll repeat myself. [He shoots Kurt and Ram]
Heather Chandler: Grow up Heather, bulimia's so '87.
Veronica Sawyer: Dear Diary, my teen-angst bullshit now has a body count.
Veronica Sawyer: [writing in diary] Betty Finn was a true friend and I sold her out for a bunch of Swatch dogs and Diet Coke heads. Killing Heather would be like offing the wicked witch of the west... wait east. West! God! I sound like a fucking psycho.
J.D.: People will look at the ashes of Westerburg and say, "Now there's a school that self-destructed, not because society didn't care, but because the school was society." Now that's deep.
Rating perso: 7.0/10
samedi 18 décembre 2010
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #126: Maltese Falcon
Genre: Drama/Drame
Annee/Year: 1941
Format: Blu Ray
The Maltese Falcon. In order to wash down the taste from the last movies reviewed I chose this classic of classics. The Maltese Falcon from director John Huston (also did The african queen review #16). This edition is a really nice transfer to Blu ray of this black and white movie. Huston cast Humphrey Bogart and Mary Astor in one of the movies which defined the film noir genre. Their play is memorable. The movie also casts Sydney Greenstreet and Peter Lorre in memorable roles (Mr Gutman and Mr Cairo). The story is about a number of seedy characters who all try to take advantage of each other as they chase a Falcon statuette worth millions of dollars. Bogart plays the gumshoe role and Astor the lovely cutomer who needs protection. Watching the movie which started so many cliches is really amazing as most of this movie was reused dozens of times in all subsequent movie. Obviously a movie which impressed many people and still does. A classic to see by all; even young ones who are afraid of black and white flicks.
Le Faucon Maltais est un classique parmi les classiques. Ce film de John Huston (directeur qui a fait aussi The African queen, revue #16) met en vedette nul autre que Humphrey Bogart, Mary Astor, Sydney Greenstreet et Peter Lorre dans des rôles qui les marqueront pour la vie. Le film est un pionnier dans le genre film noir des années '40. plusieurs scènes ont marqué le subconscient collectif si fortement que vous croirez avoir déjà vu le film auparavant (se ce n'est pas le cas). Si un film a été copié, c'est bien celui-ci; marque d'un vrai classique. Le film nous présente plusieurs personnages sombres et peu fiables qui se jouent les uns les autres afin de prendre possession d'une statuette de faucon d'une valeur inestimable. La morale du film est implacable et géniale. La version Blu Ray est parfaite même si le film est noir et blanc ceci vaut le coup. A voir par tous.
Great quotes:
[first title card] Title Card: In 1539, the Knight Templars of Malta, paid tribute to Charles V of Spain, by sending him a Golden Falcon encrusted from beak to claw with rarest jewels ~~
~~~ but pirates seized the galley carrying this priceless token and the fate of the Maltese Falcon remains a mystery to this day ~~~
Sam Spade: Yes, sweetheart?
Effie Perine: There's a girl wants to see you. Her name's Wonderly.
Sam Spade: A customer?
Effie Perine: I guess so. You'll want to see her anyway. She's a knockout.
Spade: We didn't exactly believe your story, Miss O'Shaughnessy. We believed your 200 dollars. I mean, you paid us more than if you had been telling us the truth, and enough more to make it all right.
Sam Spade: [impatiently] Now, let's *talk* about the black bird.
Kasper Gutman: Let's. Mr. Spade, have you any conception of how much money can be got for that black bird?
Sam Spade: No.
Kasper Gutman: Well, sir, if I told you... If I told you *half*... you'd call me a liar.
Sam Spade: No, not even if I thought so.
Kasper Gutman: That's an attitude, sir, that calls for the most delicate judgment on both sides. 'Cause as you know, sir, in the heat of action men are likely to forget where their best interests lie and let their emotions carry them away.
Kasper Gutman: I couldn't be fonder of you if you were my own son. But, well, if you lose a son, it's possible to get another. There's only one Maltese Falcon.
Joel Cairo: Might I remind you Mr. Spade that you may have the falcon, but we certainly have you.
Detective Tom Polhaus: [picks up the falcon] Heavy. What is it?
Sam Spade: The, uh, stuff that dreams are made of.
Detective Tom Polhaus: Huh?
Rating perso: 8.5/10
Annee/Year: 1941
Format: Blu Ray
The Maltese Falcon. In order to wash down the taste from the last movies reviewed I chose this classic of classics. The Maltese Falcon from director John Huston (also did The african queen review #16). This edition is a really nice transfer to Blu ray of this black and white movie. Huston cast Humphrey Bogart and Mary Astor in one of the movies which defined the film noir genre. Their play is memorable. The movie also casts Sydney Greenstreet and Peter Lorre in memorable roles (Mr Gutman and Mr Cairo). The story is about a number of seedy characters who all try to take advantage of each other as they chase a Falcon statuette worth millions of dollars. Bogart plays the gumshoe role and Astor the lovely cutomer who needs protection. Watching the movie which started so many cliches is really amazing as most of this movie was reused dozens of times in all subsequent movie. Obviously a movie which impressed many people and still does. A classic to see by all; even young ones who are afraid of black and white flicks.
Le Faucon Maltais est un classique parmi les classiques. Ce film de John Huston (directeur qui a fait aussi The African queen, revue #16) met en vedette nul autre que Humphrey Bogart, Mary Astor, Sydney Greenstreet et Peter Lorre dans des rôles qui les marqueront pour la vie. Le film est un pionnier dans le genre film noir des années '40. plusieurs scènes ont marqué le subconscient collectif si fortement que vous croirez avoir déjà vu le film auparavant (se ce n'est pas le cas). Si un film a été copié, c'est bien celui-ci; marque d'un vrai classique. Le film nous présente plusieurs personnages sombres et peu fiables qui se jouent les uns les autres afin de prendre possession d'une statuette de faucon d'une valeur inestimable. La morale du film est implacable et géniale. La version Blu Ray est parfaite même si le film est noir et blanc ceci vaut le coup. A voir par tous.
Great quotes:
[first title card] Title Card: In 1539, the Knight Templars of Malta, paid tribute to Charles V of Spain, by sending him a Golden Falcon encrusted from beak to claw with rarest jewels ~~
~~~ but pirates seized the galley carrying this priceless token and the fate of the Maltese Falcon remains a mystery to this day ~~~
Sam Spade: Yes, sweetheart?
Effie Perine: There's a girl wants to see you. Her name's Wonderly.
Sam Spade: A customer?
Effie Perine: I guess so. You'll want to see her anyway. She's a knockout.
Spade: We didn't exactly believe your story, Miss O'Shaughnessy. We believed your 200 dollars. I mean, you paid us more than if you had been telling us the truth, and enough more to make it all right.
Sam Spade: [impatiently] Now, let's *talk* about the black bird.
Kasper Gutman: Let's. Mr. Spade, have you any conception of how much money can be got for that black bird?
Sam Spade: No.
Kasper Gutman: Well, sir, if I told you... If I told you *half*... you'd call me a liar.
Sam Spade: No, not even if I thought so.
Kasper Gutman: That's an attitude, sir, that calls for the most delicate judgment on both sides. 'Cause as you know, sir, in the heat of action men are likely to forget where their best interests lie and let their emotions carry them away.
Kasper Gutman: I couldn't be fonder of you if you were my own son. But, well, if you lose a son, it's possible to get another. There's only one Maltese Falcon.
Joel Cairo: Might I remind you Mr. Spade that you may have the falcon, but we certainly have you.
Detective Tom Polhaus: [picks up the falcon] Heavy. What is it?
Sam Spade: The, uh, stuff that dreams are made of.
Detective Tom Polhaus: Huh?
Rating perso: 8.5/10
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #125: Furry vengeance
Genre: Comedy/Comedie
Annee/Year: 2010
Format: DVD
Furry vengeance. This light comedy from director Roger Kumble casts Brendan Fraser and Brooke Shields. The comedy is about an entrepreneur who labels themselves green cutting down a forest to build a new community. This angers the animals in the forest (...) who quickly attack the family in order to protect their forest. The movie is really a comedy for 6 years old who will probably still understand the green propaganda being pushed by the film to justify it's existance. Still a few laughs to be add if you lower your standard back to kindergarden levels (getting rolled around in a porta potty or sharing your car with a family of skunks; did i mention the animals steeling the truck...).
Thumbs down.
Furry vengeance est une comédie naïve pour vos enfants. Si vous avez moins de huit ans, vous rirez sûrement aux larmes. Sinon pas si sur. Ce film met en vedette de solides acteurs (Brendan Fraser et Brooke Shields) qui sont aux prises avec une bande d'animaux qui les attaquent. Cette guerre est déclenchée par un projet de construction qui prévoit raser une forêt pour faire place à des habitations. Triste justification un peu écolo. Passez ce film à moins que vous n'ayez vraiment plus rien d'autre a faire cette soirée-là.
Great quotes:
come on...nothing memorable here.
Rating perso: 3.5/10
Annee/Year: 2010
Format: DVD
Furry vengeance. This light comedy from director Roger Kumble casts Brendan Fraser and Brooke Shields. The comedy is about an entrepreneur who labels themselves green cutting down a forest to build a new community. This angers the animals in the forest (...) who quickly attack the family in order to protect their forest. The movie is really a comedy for 6 years old who will probably still understand the green propaganda being pushed by the film to justify it's existance. Still a few laughs to be add if you lower your standard back to kindergarden levels (getting rolled around in a porta potty or sharing your car with a family of skunks; did i mention the animals steeling the truck...).
Thumbs down.
Furry vengeance est une comédie naïve pour vos enfants. Si vous avez moins de huit ans, vous rirez sûrement aux larmes. Sinon pas si sur. Ce film met en vedette de solides acteurs (Brendan Fraser et Brooke Shields) qui sont aux prises avec une bande d'animaux qui les attaquent. Cette guerre est déclenchée par un projet de construction qui prévoit raser une forêt pour faire place à des habitations. Triste justification un peu écolo. Passez ce film à moins que vous n'ayez vraiment plus rien d'autre a faire cette soirée-là.
Great quotes:
come on...nothing memorable here.
Rating perso: 3.5/10
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #124: Edward Scissorhands
Genre: Comedy/Comedie
Annee/Year: 1990
Format: DVD
Edward Scissorhands. Back in 1990 this movie from Tim Burton came out and no one really knew this yound producer. It did surprise many with it's really personnal and original view of the world and of how to shoot and design films. The movie was a blockbuster success and remains in the imaginary background of all who have seen it. This movie also starred Johnny Depp who has since then built his own reputation. Together they have made many films and the duo is really a sure success of all they touch. Although the Burton movies are making him a decent amount of money he never seems to get too far from his vision and highly artistic way of design a movie. His touch is undeniable in anything he touches.
Scissorhands is a christmas time story which is quite dark at times. It depics a too perfect suburb adjacent to a mountain with a dark gothic mannor on top. No one dares go near for many years but as the local Avon explores one morning she finds a boy with a gothic look and scirssor for hands. He turns out to be the invention of the mannor owner who died before finishing his master piece. She brings him home and the boy discovers the nice and not so nice aspects of living in a community.
He falls in love with the lady's daughter played by Winona Rider who was at her career's peak during this early '90s period. Note here also casting of Anthony Micheal Hall (Breakfast club) and Vincent Price (RIP, one of the most appreciated and prolific actors (183 movies) of the horror movies of the '30 to the '90s). Depp plays the role of a lifetime in this one and the set design and camera work is truly a work of art. A classic in the true sense of the word. A good blue ray transfer would make this a perfect viewing experience for all the family.
Edward scissorhands. Un film de première qualité. Ce film nous a fait découvrir l'artiste directeur Tim Buton et Johnny Depp dans un de ses premiers rôles principaux. Le duo est du tonnerre. Burton travaille le film comme un peintre et Depp nous fait une performance époustouflante. Winona Rider qui joue le rôle de la dulcinée de Depp est aussi solide. Il faut aussi noter la participation de Anthony Micheal Hall (Breakfast club) et de Vincent Price (RIP, un acteur prolifique [183 films] dans le genre mystère/horreur des années '30 aux années '90s).
Ce film se situe dans la période de Noël, mais est quand même très noir par moment. On y dépeint la tragédie d'un jeune homme fabrique par un inventeur, mais qui ne fut jamais termine et donc il a des ciseaux au lieu des mains. Ceci donne des scènes très cocasses et certaines dramatiques à mesure qu'il essaie de s'intégrer dans la vie "normale" d'une petite banlieue idéale.
Un classique qui n'a pas trop vieilli, mais qui est toujours bon a écouté par toute la famille. Notez ici qu'un excellent transfert Blu ray serait intéressant, mais le DVD montre un peu l'âge du film.
Great quotes:
Peg Boggs: Why are you hiding back there? You don't have to hide from me - I'm Peg Boggs, your local Avon representative and I'm as harmless as cherry pie...
[sees Edward come toward her] Peg Boggs: Oh - I can see that I've disturbed you. I'll just be going now...
Edward: Don't go.
Peg Boggs: [sees his scissor hands] Oh, my. What happened to you?
Edward: I'm not finished.
Bill: So Edward, did you have a productive day?
Edward: Mrs Monroe showed me where the salon's going to be. [turns to Peg] Edward: You could have a cosmetics counter.
Peg Boggs: Oh, wouldn't that be great!
Bill: Great.
Edward: And then she showed me the back room where she took all of her clothes off.
[everyone stares, Kevin snickers]
Edward: Kevin, you wanna play scissors, paper, stone again?
Kevin: No!
Edward: Why not?
Kevin: 'Cause it's boring. I always win!
Esmerelda: I can't believe you sheep have strayed so far from the path of righteousness!
Edward: [Walking towards Esmerelda] We're not sheep!
Kim: You see, before he came down here, it never snowed. And afterwards, it did. If he weren't up there now... I don't think it would be snowing. Sometimes you can still catch me dancing in it.
Rating perso: 8.0/10
Annee/Year: 1990
Format: DVD
Edward Scissorhands. Back in 1990 this movie from Tim Burton came out and no one really knew this yound producer. It did surprise many with it's really personnal and original view of the world and of how to shoot and design films. The movie was a blockbuster success and remains in the imaginary background of all who have seen it. This movie also starred Johnny Depp who has since then built his own reputation. Together they have made many films and the duo is really a sure success of all they touch. Although the Burton movies are making him a decent amount of money he never seems to get too far from his vision and highly artistic way of design a movie. His touch is undeniable in anything he touches.
Scissorhands is a christmas time story which is quite dark at times. It depics a too perfect suburb adjacent to a mountain with a dark gothic mannor on top. No one dares go near for many years but as the local Avon explores one morning she finds a boy with a gothic look and scirssor for hands. He turns out to be the invention of the mannor owner who died before finishing his master piece. She brings him home and the boy discovers the nice and not so nice aspects of living in a community.
He falls in love with the lady's daughter played by Winona Rider who was at her career's peak during this early '90s period. Note here also casting of Anthony Micheal Hall (Breakfast club) and Vincent Price (RIP, one of the most appreciated and prolific actors (183 movies) of the horror movies of the '30 to the '90s). Depp plays the role of a lifetime in this one and the set design and camera work is truly a work of art. A classic in the true sense of the word. A good blue ray transfer would make this a perfect viewing experience for all the family.
Edward scissorhands. Un film de première qualité. Ce film nous a fait découvrir l'artiste directeur Tim Buton et Johnny Depp dans un de ses premiers rôles principaux. Le duo est du tonnerre. Burton travaille le film comme un peintre et Depp nous fait une performance époustouflante. Winona Rider qui joue le rôle de la dulcinée de Depp est aussi solide. Il faut aussi noter la participation de Anthony Micheal Hall (Breakfast club) et de Vincent Price (RIP, un acteur prolifique [183 films] dans le genre mystère/horreur des années '30 aux années '90s).
Ce film se situe dans la période de Noël, mais est quand même très noir par moment. On y dépeint la tragédie d'un jeune homme fabrique par un inventeur, mais qui ne fut jamais termine et donc il a des ciseaux au lieu des mains. Ceci donne des scènes très cocasses et certaines dramatiques à mesure qu'il essaie de s'intégrer dans la vie "normale" d'une petite banlieue idéale.
Un classique qui n'a pas trop vieilli, mais qui est toujours bon a écouté par toute la famille. Notez ici qu'un excellent transfert Blu ray serait intéressant, mais le DVD montre un peu l'âge du film.
Great quotes:
Peg Boggs: Why are you hiding back there? You don't have to hide from me - I'm Peg Boggs, your local Avon representative and I'm as harmless as cherry pie...
[sees Edward come toward her] Peg Boggs: Oh - I can see that I've disturbed you. I'll just be going now...
Edward: Don't go.
Peg Boggs: [sees his scissor hands] Oh, my. What happened to you?
Edward: I'm not finished.
Bill: So Edward, did you have a productive day?
Edward: Mrs Monroe showed me where the salon's going to be. [turns to Peg] Edward: You could have a cosmetics counter.
Peg Boggs: Oh, wouldn't that be great!
Bill: Great.
Edward: And then she showed me the back room where she took all of her clothes off.
[everyone stares, Kevin snickers]
Edward: Kevin, you wanna play scissors, paper, stone again?
Kevin: No!
Edward: Why not?
Kevin: 'Cause it's boring. I always win!
Esmerelda: I can't believe you sheep have strayed so far from the path of righteousness!
Edward: [Walking towards Esmerelda] We're not sheep!
Kim: You see, before he came down here, it never snowed. And afterwards, it did. If he weren't up there now... I don't think it would be snowing. Sometimes you can still catch me dancing in it.
Rating perso: 8.0/10
mercredi 15 décembre 2010
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #123: Centurion
Genre: Action/historical/historique
Annee/Year: 2010
Format: Blu Ray
Centurion. An action packed movie from British director/writer Neil Marshall (who brought us The Descent and Doomsday). Centurion retells the tale of the 9th legion of the Roman Empire. The legend of the 9th stems from the fact that it mostly disappeared without a trace. After that poitn Adrian put up a wall to protect the mighty empire from the Picts occupying the northern british isle's territory. The story itself is quite simple, the 9th legion and 10th legion get wiped out by the Picts and the few roman survivors try to save their captured general. That plan fails and the rest of the movie is one long scene of pursuit in the harsh conditions of what is now England.
A solid movie with good acting. Main roles played by Michael Fassbender, Dominic West and Axelle Carolyn. Many action and battle scenes, very gory but well done. One memorable scene when the Roman legion gets ambushed by the picts. Beautifully rendered and action packed. A very entertaining movie that takes itself very seriously but without much of a soul. A bit like Marshall's other movies.
Centurion est un film du directeur Anglais Neil Marshall (The descent et Doomsday). C'est un film d'action mis en scène dans la période de 117AD pendant la bataille des Romains pour conquérir l'Angleterre. Plus spécifiquement on raconte ici l'histoire de la 9e légion qui disparut mystérieusement lors de cette invasion. On voit la 9e et 10e légion se faire massacrer par les Pictes et surtout lors d'une scène mémorable ou les Pictes tendent une embuscade aux Romains. Le reste du film est une longue poursuite dans la campagne anglaise. Un film d'action très divertissant certes; mais qui demeure très sérieux et qui manque d'âme.
Great quotes:
Centurion Quintus Dias: In the chaos of battle, when the ground beneath your feet is a slurry of blood, puke, piss and the entrails of friends and enemies alike, it's easy to turn to the gods for salvation. But it's soldiers who do the fighting, and soldiers who do the dieing, and the gods, never get their feet wet.
Soldier: He's a ruthless, reckless bastard. And I'd die for him without hesitation.
Bothos: Quintus, what's she doing?
Brick: She's a Pict and a woman - two good reasons not to trust her.
Roman leader: no matter what comes out of the mist you will hold the line. Hold the ine!
Rating perso: 7.0/10
Annee/Year: 2010
Format: Blu Ray
Centurion. An action packed movie from British director/writer Neil Marshall (who brought us The Descent and Doomsday). Centurion retells the tale of the 9th legion of the Roman Empire. The legend of the 9th stems from the fact that it mostly disappeared without a trace. After that poitn Adrian put up a wall to protect the mighty empire from the Picts occupying the northern british isle's territory. The story itself is quite simple, the 9th legion and 10th legion get wiped out by the Picts and the few roman survivors try to save their captured general. That plan fails and the rest of the movie is one long scene of pursuit in the harsh conditions of what is now England.
A solid movie with good acting. Main roles played by Michael Fassbender, Dominic West and Axelle Carolyn. Many action and battle scenes, very gory but well done. One memorable scene when the Roman legion gets ambushed by the picts. Beautifully rendered and action packed. A very entertaining movie that takes itself very seriously but without much of a soul. A bit like Marshall's other movies.
Centurion est un film du directeur Anglais Neil Marshall (The descent et Doomsday). C'est un film d'action mis en scène dans la période de 117AD pendant la bataille des Romains pour conquérir l'Angleterre. Plus spécifiquement on raconte ici l'histoire de la 9e légion qui disparut mystérieusement lors de cette invasion. On voit la 9e et 10e légion se faire massacrer par les Pictes et surtout lors d'une scène mémorable ou les Pictes tendent une embuscade aux Romains. Le reste du film est une longue poursuite dans la campagne anglaise. Un film d'action très divertissant certes; mais qui demeure très sérieux et qui manque d'âme.
Great quotes:
Centurion Quintus Dias: In the chaos of battle, when the ground beneath your feet is a slurry of blood, puke, piss and the entrails of friends and enemies alike, it's easy to turn to the gods for salvation. But it's soldiers who do the fighting, and soldiers who do the dieing, and the gods, never get their feet wet.
Soldier: He's a ruthless, reckless bastard. And I'd die for him without hesitation.
Bothos: Quintus, what's she doing?
Brick: She's a Pict and a woman - two good reasons not to trust her.
Roman leader: no matter what comes out of the mist you will hold the line. Hold the ine!
Rating perso: 7.0/10
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #122: Smash cut
Genre: Horror/Horreur
Annee/Year: 2009
Format: DVD
Smash cut. This canadian movie, from director Lee Demarbre, shot in Ottawa his really mostly an inside joke for amateurs of the director Herschell Gordon Lewis who made a string of B rated gore flicks in the 1960's. A few lines are above average but most of the film is really filled with inside jokes which most people will not get. Gory, yes but not to reach any end in itself. The story is about a director who is a failure and most of the movie describes the angst of a second rate director versus critics and it's public. Some of it is actually insightful and almost witty but that is lost on a a mostly boring plot.
Smash cut. À moins d'êtres un invétéré fan de Hershcell Gordon Lewis et du genre gore des années 60 ce film ne sera pas pour vous. Le film est vraiment série B et l'histoire présente peu d'intérêt. Les acteurs sont médiocres et la vedette féminine du film, Sacha Grey, vient du porno, mais elle n'utilise même pas cela à l'avantage du film... Le seul intérêt est la description de l'angoisse du directeur envers les critiques et ses auditeurs qui nous donnent quelques bonnes répliques.
Great quotes:
Fred Sandy: Ladies and gentlemen, the announcement we are about to make has been made only three times before in motion picture history. Each time, it has preseated that the showing of motion pictures that have become reguarded as the most unsual of their type ever filmed. And now... we make this announcement for the fourth time. We are about to show you a new movie which is called Smash Cut. Watch if you must. But remember... you were warned.
Rating perso: 4.0/10
Annee/Year: 2009
Format: DVD
Smash cut. This canadian movie, from director Lee Demarbre, shot in Ottawa his really mostly an inside joke for amateurs of the director Herschell Gordon Lewis who made a string of B rated gore flicks in the 1960's. A few lines are above average but most of the film is really filled with inside jokes which most people will not get. Gory, yes but not to reach any end in itself. The story is about a director who is a failure and most of the movie describes the angst of a second rate director versus critics and it's public. Some of it is actually insightful and almost witty but that is lost on a a mostly boring plot.
Smash cut. À moins d'êtres un invétéré fan de Hershcell Gordon Lewis et du genre gore des années 60 ce film ne sera pas pour vous. Le film est vraiment série B et l'histoire présente peu d'intérêt. Les acteurs sont médiocres et la vedette féminine du film, Sacha Grey, vient du porno, mais elle n'utilise même pas cela à l'avantage du film... Le seul intérêt est la description de l'angoisse du directeur envers les critiques et ses auditeurs qui nous donnent quelques bonnes répliques.
Great quotes:
Fred Sandy: Ladies and gentlemen, the announcement we are about to make has been made only three times before in motion picture history. Each time, it has preseated that the showing of motion pictures that have become reguarded as the most unsual of their type ever filmed. And now... we make this announcement for the fourth time. We are about to show you a new movie which is called Smash Cut. Watch if you must. But remember... you were warned.
Rating perso: 4.0/10
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