Bienvenue au blog "Reviews & Revues" ou vous trouverez, j'espere, des informations interesantes sur les films, livres, musique et autres interets.

Welcome to my blog where you will find some interesting info i hope on all my interests in the form of reviews of movies, books, music or other.

Expanded rating system:

Entertainment rating: Are you having fun (10), is this too long and boring(1)

Cast/acting rating: good actors, good performance(10)

Artistic rating: What is the artistic value for this film, will it be a classic(10)

Reflexion rating: does the movie stimulate any provocative though(10)

Production rating: how well produced is the film, good FX(10)

Adult factor: is the film children ready for sex, violence, gore(10)

Wide audience: is this film opened for all tastes(10) or genre specific(1)

Overall personnal rating: My view on the worth of that movie to guide your choice

jeudi 11 novembre 2010

Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #100: The Mist

YES 100 reviews already. This is really COOL. When i started this blog i had no idea how many movies i watched per month. This has really opened my eyes. Now i realize why my basement is cram packed with VHS, DVDs and Blu Rays. If you are a fan of this blog let me know as i dont get much feebdack from all this work. Thanks for listening i hope this as turned you on to many good movies.

WOW 100 revues déja. Je réalise maintenant la quantité de films que je digère a chaque mois et pourquoi mon cinéma maison est si plein. Je n'ai pas beaucoup de retours de tous mes blogues post alors si ce blogue vous a fait découvrir au moins un bon film faites le moi savoir. Il y en a plusieurs autres a venir dont le #100 d'aujourd'hui à ne pas manquer.

Genre: Horror/Horreur

Annee/Year: 2007

Format: Blu Ray

The Mist. This movie passed me by in 2007 unnoticed. After seeing some positive reviews form my friends at Horreur-web i decided to take a shot at it. Was that ever a good move! Finally a Stephen King movie which was done right. Dont get me wrong there has been others but most the movie's first halfs are dazzling but the endings of the SK movies suck on film (not sure who's fault it is).

This is definitely not the case here. Frank Darabont directed the film and wrote the screenplay adaption of this early Stephen King's novel. Well the movie was played in the hands of people who loved and understood it correctly. Darabont has made many great movies (Shawshank redemption, green mile, mary Shelley's Frankeinstein, Nightmare on Elm street 3...) and this is definitely one of his best. We have here an excellent script, playing at multiple levels (as all good Stephen King do). The actors play is really excellent. The creatures from the mist are over the top cool. I started to watch this movie alone but by the end the whole family had joined me and wanted more.

The story starts on the day after a major storm; a small eastern US town is swallowed under a strange mist/fog in which very strange creatures lurk. I will not tell you more not to spoil anything. This movie was very refreshing and perfectly executed. The caharacters are very realistic and well played. The creatures really kick ass. WATCH IT! This is more about tension than horror as such.

Ne manquez pas ce film. J'avais passe a cote a sa sortie en 2007. Mais les gars d’Horreur-web m'ont convaincu de faire un retour là-dessus. Quelle découverte. J'adore quand je n'ai aucune attente ou idée du contenu du film et on me surprend positivement. SUPER. Ce film du célèbre Stephen King, est un des mieux adapte au grand écran. Ceci grace a Frank Darabont(Shawshank redemption, Green mile, Mary Shelley's Frankeinstein, Nightmare on Elm street 3...) qui a ecrit l'adapatation au cinema et a dirige le film d'un main convaincue. La production est superbe ainsi que les effets spéciaux. Mais le film tient plus du bon suspense de ce que vous verrez vraiment. Le jeu des acteurs est top niveau et le script est simplement parfait. La cadence du film est très bonne également. Faut voir même si vous n'êtes pas des invétérés du genre. Le script fonctionne a plusieurs niveaux également alors il y a aussi de la substance a ce mettre sous la dent.

Great quotes:
Dan Miller: Don't go out there! There's something in the mist!
Amanda Dunfrey: I just want you to know that it's okay... being scared. And, well, if you need a friend, someone to talk too...
Mrs. Carmody: I have a friend. God, up above. I talk to him everyday. Don't you condescend me.
Amanda Dunfrey: I'm sorry?
Mrs. Carmody: Not ever. You don't mock me.
Amanda Dunfrey: That's not what I was doing.
Mrs. Carmody: I'll tell you what. The day I need a friend like you, I'll just have myself a little squat and shit one out.
David Drayton: [after Jim let Norm go to clear the genrator and the tentacles took Norm away] He's a fucking kid. He's supposed to be stupid. What's your excuse?

Ollie: We have to tell them. The people in the market. We have to stop them from going outside.
David Drayton: They won't believe us.
Ollie: They have to.
David Drayton: I'm not sure I believe it, and I was here. What we saw was impossible. You know that, don't you? What do we say? How do we... convince them? Ollie, what the hell were those tentacles even attached to?
Brent Norton: Now listen people. We are experiencing some kind of disaster. I don't know whether it's man-made or natural, but I do know that it's definitely not supernatural. Or biblical. And no offense Mrs. Carmody, but the only way we're going to help ourselves is to seek rescue. We're going out.
David Drayton: Brent, look...
Brent Norton: I'm not discussing this any further.
David Drayton: I know. I just want to ask a favor. [grabs some rope]
David Drayton: Tie this around your waist.
Brent Norton: What for?
David Drayton: It'll let us know you at least got three hundred feet.
Amanda Dunfrey: You don't have much faith in humanity, do you?
Dan Miller: None, whatsoever.
Amanda Dunfrey: I can't accept that. People are basically good; decent. My god, David, we're a civilized society.
David Drayton: Sure, as long as the machines are working and you can dial 911. But you take those things away, you throw people in the dark, you scare the shit out of them - no more rules.
Ollie: [Mrs. Carmody is preaching to her 'cult' and they're repeating expiation] Welcome to Sesame Street, kids. Today's word is 'expiation'.
Biker: Hey, crazy lady, I believe in God, too. I just don't think he's the bloodthirsty asshole you make him out to be.
Mrs. Carmody: Well, you take that up with the Devil when you run into him. You just chat it over at your leisure.


Rating perso: 8.5/10

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