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Expanded rating system:

Entertainment rating: Are you having fun (10), is this too long and boring(1)

Cast/acting rating: good actors, good performance(10)

Artistic rating: What is the artistic value for this film, will it be a classic(10)

Reflexion rating: does the movie stimulate any provocative though(10)

Production rating: how well produced is the film, good FX(10)

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samedi 20 novembre 2010

Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #103: Star Trek V: the final frontier

Genre: SCI-FI/Science-Fiction

Annee/Year: 1989

Format: Blu-Ray

Star-Trek V: the final frontier. This Star-Trek movie, directed by William Shatner himself, was the fifth of the Star-Trek films but definitely not the best. It had a bit of the same bad taste as the first Star-Trek Movie: long voyage but deption at the end... The Blu Ray transfer is very good. The casting is grat but unfortunately the acting is not so great looking back. The story sucks in the end so the highlight is really the interaction and jokes amongst the characters. A bit sad. This story is about a vulcan who kidnaps three embassadors to get onboard the Enterprise and take control of it. His goal, travel to the elusive center of the universe to meet with God...ok... Well, what started with good intentions ends badly as god turns out to be more of a temper than he had planned. But if course all ends well cause it's Star-Trek.

Star-Trek V n'est pas le meilleur de la franchise. Sont point fort c'est la chimie et l'humour entre les anciens acteurs de la série originale. Le script n'est pas sa force et l'histoire n’est vraiment pas convaincante. Un vulcain émotionnel (?) enlève 3 ambassadeurs pour pouvoir prendre le contrôle de l'Enterprise et se rendre au milieu de l'univers ou il espère rencontrer Dieu...ou il finit déçu. J'ai de meilleurs souvenirs que cette dernière revue me laisse alors cela veut dire que le film ne vieillit pas très bien (ou sans doute est-ce tout l'univers Star-Trek 1ere Gen?). Enfin pour les admirateurs seulement.

Great quotes:
[Around camp fire singing "Row Row Row your Boat"]
Kirk: Come on. Spock... Why didn't you jump in?
Spock: I was trying to comprehend the meaning of the words.
McCoy: It's a song, you green-blooded... Vulcan. You sing it. The words aren't important. What's important is that you have a good time singing it.
Spock: Oh, I am sorry Doctor. Were we having a good time?
McCoy: God I liked him better before he died.
Kirk: What does God need with a starship?
McCoy: Jim, what are you doing?
Kirk: I'm asking a question.
"God": Who is this creature?
Kirk: Who am I? Don't you know? Aren't you God?
Sybok: He has his doubts.
"God": You doubt me?
Kirk: I seek proof.
McCoy: Jim! You don't ask the Almighty for his ID!
"God": Then here is the proof you seek. [Hits Kirk with lightning]
Kirk: Why is God angry?
Sybok: Why? Why have you done this to my friend?
"God": He doubts me.
Spock: You have not answered his question. What does God need with a starship?
"God": [hits Spock with lightning; then addresses McCoy] Do you doubt me?
McCoy: I doubt any God who inflicts pain for his own pleasure.
McCoy: We were speculating. Is God really out there?
Kirk: Maybe he's not out there, Bones. Maybe he's right here. [points to his heart]
Kirk: Human heart.
Kirk: Damn it, Bones, you're a doctor. You know that pain and guilt can't be taken away with a wave of a magic wand. They're the things we carry with us, the things that make us who we are. If we lose them, we lose ourselves. I don't want my pain taken away! I need my pain!


Rating perso: 6.0/10

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