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Welcome to my blog where you will find some interesting info i hope on all my interests in the form of reviews of movies, books, music or other.

Expanded rating system:

Entertainment rating: Are you having fun (10), is this too long and boring(1)

Cast/acting rating: good actors, good performance(10)

Artistic rating: What is the artistic value for this film, will it be a classic(10)

Reflexion rating: does the movie stimulate any provocative though(10)

Production rating: how well produced is the film, good FX(10)

Adult factor: is the film children ready for sex, violence, gore(10)

Wide audience: is this film opened for all tastes(10) or genre specific(1)

Overall personnal rating: My view on the worth of that movie to guide your choice

mardi 28 septembre 2010

Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #87: Halloween 3 Season of the witch

Genre: Horror/Horreur

Annee/Year: 1982

Format: DVD

Halloween 3: season of the witch. Well this third installment was a failure. There are three main reasons for that.
1- The loss of John Carpenter as writer. Tommy Lee Wallace wrote and directed this film and it sucks.
2- The sorry story line of the movie is a major fault. The world is to be destroyed by a mega corp making Halloween masks. Excuse me but why would they want to do this? Is this bad/scary thinkg in the movie a techno gadget with a chip in the mask or is it a supernatural phenomena...imposssible to tell. Sorry nothing is believable on such a thin script.
3- Obviously Mike Myers was THE antiHero of the first 2 Halloween movie. Why oh why keep the same title and go into another completely different direction. The only thing in common is the fact that both films occur on halloween night.
The only thing by Carpenter in this movie is the soundtrack and that has aged a lot dating from the early synthesizer period. Oh and did I mention the most anooying jingle of all times? By the end of the movie they played it so often you want to shoot the screen...
Sorry , I could not find any good reason to revisit this nightmare. Hail Carpenter.

Ce film est un navet de premier ordre. Il n'a rien a voir avec les 2 premiers de la serie ne mettant pas en vedette Mike Myers. De plus il est base sur un script bourre de trous et sans reel interet. Tommy Lee Wallace a ecrit et dirige ce film qui a tue une serie tres populaire a ce moment.

Great quotes:
Daniel Challis: Why Cochran? Why?
Conal Cochran: Do I need a reason?
Commercial Announcer: It's time. It's time. Time for the big giveaway. Halloween has come. All you lucky kids with Silver Shamrock masks, gather 'round your TV set, put on your masks and watch. All witches, all skeletons, all Jack-O-Lanterns, gather 'round and watch. Watch the magic pumpkin. Watch...


Rating perso: 4.0/10

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