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Welcome to my blog where you will find some interesting info i hope on all my interests in the form of reviews of movies, books, music or other.

Expanded rating system:

Entertainment rating: Are you having fun (10), is this too long and boring(1)

Cast/acting rating: good actors, good performance(10)

Artistic rating: What is the artistic value for this film, will it be a classic(10)

Reflexion rating: does the movie stimulate any provocative though(10)

Production rating: how well produced is the film, good FX(10)

Adult factor: is the film children ready for sex, violence, gore(10)

Wide audience: is this film opened for all tastes(10) or genre specific(1)

Overall personnal rating: My view on the worth of that movie to guide your choice

lundi 8 août 2011

#230: Super 8, Movies recommended or seen lately...Les films a voir

Genre: Sci-Fi/Science Fiction
Annee/Year: 2011
Country: US
Format: Cinema
Super 8 is one of this summer's strongest movie. For many the best of the year. Director and writer is JJ Abrams (Star Trek remake, LOST, Cloverfield, Mission Impossible 3) and produced by Spielberg... This is a movie set in 1979 a time at which many grown ups can relate. It makes us relive a bit of our youth in the same way that movies such as "stand by me" and ET did. Not a pure sci-fi film, but more of a comedy with a scifi twist all age groups will love this movie. The child actors used in the movie are not very well known but are excellently casted and directed. The story is the one of a group of friends making a film and accidentaly witnessing a huge train wreck. Out of the wreck escapes am alien abducted by the air force years before. Sounds a bit like ET? Well certainly, our alien gets busy stealing euqipment to build his craft and head home. But this is not ET our alien was vindicated by the army and is not happy on this planet; did i mention he is about 25 feet tall and kills a few of his army fans along the way... The movie is well construcuted and includes a friends group and a love story with one of the girls. One of the important elements of the movie is also the father and son relation being played through the movie. Definitely an entertaining movie playing on many levels quite successfully. If you are all out waiting for a "monster" movie you may end up disappointed as this movie is definitely more about the relations between the teenagers and the adults. If you have not seen it , hurry to the remainin theaters playing it otherwise you will have to wait for the Blu Ray at christmas.

Super 8 est un des succès de cet été. Réalisé et écrit par JJ Abrams (Star Trek remake, LOST, Cloverfield, Mission Impossible 3) et produit par Spielberg ce film est une réussite certainement mal connu. Ce film est du genre `Stand by me`et ET et il vous rammener à l`été 1979 ce qui est toujours attirant pour les plus vieux comme moi. Ce n`est pas un film purement science-fiction mais plutot une comedie avec un twist science fiction. L`histoire suit les aventures d`un groupe de jeunes ados qui font un film super 8 et sont spectateurs d`un énorme déraillement de train duquel émerge un extra terrestre géant qui était captif de l`armée américaine. Ca ressemble à ET? Attendez... Notre ET de 25 pieds commence a colletionner des objets et du métal pour fabriquer un vaisseau et retourner chez lui. Mais la s`arrete la comparaison car notre géant n`est pas si gentil et n`hésite pas a tuer certains des soldats de l`armée qui l `ont capturé. Le film est bien construit et parfaitement réalisé. On suit la relations entre les amis du groupe et leurs familles; une relation amoureuse entre deux jeunes mais surtout la relation entre père et fils. Ce film ne manque pas d`action et fonctionne très bien à plusieurs niveaux. Si vous vous attendez à un film de monstre vous serez décu car le monstre occupe peu de place. Définitivement à ne pas manquer.

Great quotes:
Cary: He's too stoned!
Martin: Oh, drugs are so bad!

Dr. Woodward: If you speak of this, you and your parents will be killed.
Louis Dainard: I've seen it... nobody believes me...
Joe Lamb: I believe you.
Cary: Excuse me, can I have another order of fries? Because my friend here is fat.
Charles: At least I don't need a booster seat.
Joe Lamb: She used to look at me... this way, like really look... and I just knew I was there... that I existed.


Entertainment rating: 8.5/10
Cast/acting rating: 8/10
Artistic rating: 6/10
Reflexion rating: 6/10
Production rating: 9/10
Adult factor: 9/10
Wide audience: 9/10
Overall personnal rating: 8/10

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