Genre: Sci-Fi/Science Fiction
Annee/Year: 1976
Country: US
Format: Blu Ray
Logan's run another '70s SCi-FI classic comes to Blu Ray. Logan's run was directed by Michael Anderson (Doc savage: the man of bronze, Orca, 1984,...) and is a typical '70s future vision on film. The movie is set in 2274 where people seem to live in a perfect world: no disease, everyone is young and beautiful, no one has to work and life is play all the time in a city under a giant dome. Only problem is that there are such people as our main character Logan (Michael York who has played in over 150 movies or TV series from Austin Powers to babylon 5) who is a cop (called sandman) who captures runaways from the caroussel a lottery game in which you get eliminated to prevent population control and aging. But in this idyllic world almost no one asks questions.
One day, our sandman is instrucuted by the master computer, to runaway himself and find the elusive sanctuary which is the mythological place the runaways are supposed to go to. Ensues a giant chase exiting the city dome through it's dirty/maintenance undergrounds. Eventually our sandman and a pretty girl accompanying him (Jenny Agutter) make it outside the dome where life destroyed by a nuclear war long ago has now returned to an almost virgin state. They find the ruins of our modern world there and decide that it is now time to end the tyranny of the dome.
This movie is quite interesting on many levels. Yes it is a good entertaining chase movie but on top of that it will also make you think abouta few interesting anticipation concepts. Gotta see.
Logan's run un film de science-fiction classique des années '70. Réalisé par Michael Anderson, ce film nous présente un monde idéal en 2274. Vivant dans une ville sous un dôme après une guerre nucléaire qui à détruit tout, les gens vivent maintenant dans un monde sans maladies, sans vieillissement et où ils ne travaillent pas et ne se posent pas de questions ou presque. Le soucis est qu`une lotterie nommée le Carroussel promet un future brillant aux vainqueurs mais en fait ils sont éliminés à l`age de trente an afin de controller la population et le vieillissement.
Certains n`accepte pas cette fin et se sauvent. Ces runaway sont alors poursuivis par des policiers spéciaux pour les éliminer. Le héro de notre film ( joué par Michael York) se nomme Logan et est un policier, nommé Sandman, qui est chargé par l`ordinateur central de retrouver le sanctuaire: endroit oû tous les runaway s`échappent. Avec une jolie compase jouée par Jenny Agutter ils s`échappent et sont pursuivis par les agents policier dans une poursuite infernale à travers la cité. Ils finissent par s`échapper du dôme en passant par les sousterrains de maintenance désaffectés et en délabre. Ils atteignent l`extérieur du dôme et comprennent alors que le monde extérieur est revenu presque vierge après tant d`années. Ils décident alors dèn aviser leurs compatriotes et de détruire la tirannie du dôme, si les policiers les laissent le temps de le faire. Très bon films qui se joue à plusieurs niveaux. À voir ou revoir.
Great quotes:
[watching Logan's son, Logan 6, in the nursery]
Francis 7: Do you know who his seed mother was?
Logan: Of course not! I'm curious, not sick!
Jessica 6: A friend of mine went on carousel. Now he's gone.
Logan 5: Yes, well, I'm sure he was renewed.
Jessica 6: He was killed.
Box: Regular storage procedure. The same as the other food. The other food stopped coming. And they started.
Logan 5: What other food?
Box: Fish, and plankton. And sea greens, and protein from the sea. It's all here, ready. Fresh as harvest day. Fish and sea greens, plankton and protein from the sea. And then it stopped coming. And they came instead. So I store them here. I'm ready. And you're ready. It's my job. To freeze you. Protein, plankton...
Jessica 6: [seeing the sun for the first time] What is it?
Logan 5: I don't know. Whatever it is, it's warm.
Logan: NO! Don't go in there! You don't have to die! No one has to die at 30! You could live! LIVE! Live, and grow old! I've seen it! She's seen it!
[Shows the crystal on his palm]
Logan: Well, look! LOOK! LOOK, IT'S CLEAR!
[Crowd laughs]
P.A. System: Lastday, Capricorn 29's. Year of the City: 2274. Carousel begins.
Jessica: No! Don't! Don't go! Listen to him! He's telling the truth!
[More laughter]
Jessica: We've been outside! There's another world outside! We've seen it! [Sandmen grab them]
Logan: Life clocks are a lie! Carousel is a lie! THERE IS NO RENEWAL!
Logan 5: There... is... no... sanctuary.
Entertainment rating: 8/10
Cast/acting rating: 7/10
Artistic rating: 7/10
Reflexion rating: 9/10
Production rating: 8.5/10
Adult factor: 9/10
Wide audience: 9/10
Overall personnal rating: 8.0/10
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