Bienvenue au blog "Reviews & Revues" ou vous trouverez, j'espere, des informations interesantes sur les films, livres, musique et autres interets.

Welcome to my blog where you will find some interesting info i hope on all my interests in the form of reviews of movies, books, music or other.

Expanded rating system:

Entertainment rating: Are you having fun (10), is this too long and boring(1)

Cast/acting rating: good actors, good performance(10)

Artistic rating: What is the artistic value for this film, will it be a classic(10)

Reflexion rating: does the movie stimulate any provocative though(10)

Production rating: how well produced is the film, good FX(10)

Adult factor: is the film children ready for sex, violence, gore(10)

Wide audience: is this film opened for all tastes(10) or genre specific(1)

Overall personnal rating: My view on the worth of that movie to guide your choice

samedi 16 juillet 2011

#227: Le poil de la bete, Movies recommended or seen lately...Les films a voir

Genre: Horror/Horreur
Annee/Year: 2010
Country: Can
Format: DVD

Le poil de la bête is a film from Quebec which I would have made if I was making movies. The mix of history and horror is great and not enough exploited in north america. The story is a bout a band of werewolf taking advantage of the early quebec colony in 1665. A brave coureur des bois embodies a dead priest werewolf slayer to save the lady of his heart.

This is a comedy/horror genre movie with great french actors but a average script. The production is quite good. Unfortunately it has only english subtitles. This movie is way underrated and had so much potential. The sequels originaly planned (before the negative reviews) would have been way better i feel. Maybe we will get the chance of seeing one of them at least.

Le poil de la bête est un film presque génial et le genre de film que j`aurais fait si j`était réalisateur. Ce film est du réalisateur Philippe Gagnon qui nous a aussi apporté la comédie `le 1er juillet`. Mis en place en 1665 au début de la colonie de la nouvelle-france, nous retrouvons notre héros (Guillaume Lemay-Thivierge) en coureur des bois qui se sauve de la justice de la vilel de Québec après avoir fait des avances à la belle fille du roi qui était promise à l`intendant Jean Talon. Il tombe par hasard sur le corps d`un prêtre mort dans un champs et il en profite pur lui voler ses vêtements et objets personnel pour ne pas se faire indentifier. Cela fonctionne un temps mais il s`appercoie vite que le prêtre en question était un grand tueur de loup-garou.

Il se retrouve rapidement a défendre la petite localité (et surtout ses convoitées filles du roi) qui sont promise au seigneur local. malheureusement le seigneur (Gilles Renaud) et ses fils forment la bande de loup-garous en question. Beaucoup d`action et de comédie dans ce film en font un fil pas très épeurant mais très divertissant. Le réalisateur parle de faire une trilogie de ce film et je crois que ce serait une excellente idée car ce film a beaucoup de potentiel. Il n`est pas toujours très bien scripté mais je crois que les suites pourraient être encore plus fortes. Noter en passant la présence des acteurs: Michel Barrette, Patrice Robitaille, Antoine Bertrand et plus encore. A voir au moins pour encourager notre cinéma local.

Great quotes:


Entertainment rating: 8/10

Cast/acting rating: 7/10

Artistic rating: 6/10

Reflexion rating: 6/10

Production rating: 8/10

Adult factor: 8/10

Wide audience: 9/10


Overall personnal rating: 7.5/10

dimanche 10 juillet 2011

#226: Logan's Run, Movies recommended or seen lately...Les films a voir

Genre: Sci-Fi/Science Fiction
Annee/Year: 1976
Country: US
Format: Blu Ray

Logan's run another '70s SCi-FI classic comes to Blu Ray. Logan's run was directed by Michael Anderson (Doc savage: the man of bronze, Orca, 1984,...) and is a typical '70s future vision on film. The movie is set in 2274 where people seem to live in a perfect world: no disease, everyone is young and beautiful, no one has to work and life is play all the time in a city under a giant dome. Only problem is that there are such people as our main character Logan (Michael York who has played in over 150 movies or TV series from Austin Powers to babylon 5) who is a cop (called sandman) who captures runaways from the caroussel a lottery game in which you get eliminated to prevent population control and aging. But in this idyllic world almost no one asks questions.

One day, our sandman is instrucuted by the master computer, to runaway himself and find the elusive sanctuary which is the mythological place the runaways are supposed to go to. Ensues a giant chase exiting the city dome through it's dirty/maintenance undergrounds. Eventually our sandman and a pretty girl accompanying him (Jenny Agutter) make it outside the dome where life destroyed by a nuclear war long ago has now returned to an almost virgin state. They find the ruins of our modern world there and decide that it is now time to end the tyranny of the dome.

This movie is quite interesting on many levels. Yes it is a good entertaining chase movie but on top of that it will also make you think abouta few interesting anticipation concepts. Gotta see.

Logan's run un film de science-fiction classique des années '70. Réalisé par Michael Anderson, ce film nous présente un monde idéal en 2274. Vivant dans une ville sous un dôme après une guerre nucléaire qui à détruit tout, les gens vivent maintenant dans un monde sans maladies, sans vieillissement et où ils ne travaillent pas et ne se posent pas de questions ou presque. Le soucis est qu`une lotterie nommée le Carroussel promet un future brillant aux vainqueurs mais en fait ils sont éliminés à l`age de trente an afin de controller la population et le vieillissement.

Certains n`accepte pas cette fin et se sauvent. Ces runaway sont alors poursuivis par des policiers spéciaux pour les éliminer. Le héro de notre film ( joué par Michael York) se nomme Logan et est un policier, nommé Sandman, qui est chargé par l`ordinateur central de retrouver le sanctuaire: endroit oû tous les runaway s`échappent. Avec une jolie compase jouée par Jenny Agutter ils s`échappent et sont pursuivis par les agents policier dans une poursuite infernale à travers la cité. Ils finissent par s`échapper du dôme en passant par les sousterrains de maintenance désaffectés et en délabre. Ils atteignent l`extérieur du dôme et comprennent alors que le monde extérieur est revenu presque vierge après tant d`années. Ils décident alors dèn aviser leurs compatriotes et de détruire la tirannie du dôme, si les policiers les laissent le temps de le faire. Très bon films qui se joue à plusieurs niveaux. À voir ou revoir.

Great quotes:

[watching Logan's son, Logan 6, in the nursery]
Francis 7: Do you know who his seed mother was?
Logan: Of course not! I'm curious, not sick!
Jessica 6: A friend of mine went on carousel. Now he's gone.
Logan 5: Yes, well, I'm sure he was renewed.
Jessica 6: He was killed.
Box: Regular storage procedure. The same as the other food. The other food stopped coming. And they started.
Logan 5: What other food?
Box: Fish, and plankton. And sea greens, and protein from the sea. It's all here, ready. Fresh as harvest day. Fish and sea greens, plankton and protein from the sea. And then it stopped coming. And they came instead. So I store them here. I'm ready. And you're ready. It's my job. To freeze you. Protein, plankton...
Jessica 6: [seeing the sun for the first time] What is it?
Logan 5: I don't know. Whatever it is, it's warm.
Logan: NO! Don't go in there! You don't have to die! No one has to die at 30! You could live! LIVE! Live, and grow old! I've seen it! She's seen it!
[Shows the crystal on his palm]
Logan: Well, look! LOOK! LOOK, IT'S CLEAR!
[Crowd laughs]
P.A. System: Lastday, Capricorn 29's. Year of the City: 2274. Carousel begins.
Jessica: No! Don't! Don't go! Listen to him! He's telling the truth!
[More laughter]
Jessica: We've been outside! There's another world outside! We've seen it! [Sandmen grab them]
Logan: Life clocks are a lie! Carousel is a lie! THERE IS NO RENEWAL!
Logan 5: There... is... no... sanctuary.


Entertainment rating: 8/10
Cast/acting rating: 7/10
Artistic rating: 7/10
Reflexion rating: 9/10
Production rating: 8.5/10
Adult factor: 9/10
Wide audience: 9/10
Overall personnal rating: 8.0/10

dimanche 3 juillet 2011

#225: Soylent green, Movies recommended or seen lately... Les films a voir

Genre: Sci-Fi/Science-Fiction
Annee/Year: 1973
Country: US
Format: Blu Ray

Soylent Green, a classic sci-fi movie from the '70s from director Richard Fleischer who brought us over 60 movies (Conan the destroyer, Red Sonja, The jazz signer, Amytiville 3D, Fantastic voyage, Tora, tora, tora and more) is now on Blu Ray. What better time to revisit this great work. Charlton Heston plays the role of detective Thorn a macho street cop from futuristic New-York 2022. In this vision of the future, the world is fed by colored pellets as there is a great challnge to feed everyone due to overcrowding. Some women are back to slavery and are considered part of the furinture for the rich. Due to overpopulation folks are allowed to get medically assisted suicide for those who cant handle it anymore. Thorn is put on the case to investigate the murder of a director from the company Soylent which makes the food pellets eaten by all. At this point he discovers a hidden truth which will be world changing (People are soylent green!). Definitely a movie which will entertain but make you think. The themes touched are all very much headline material close to 40years later. To be seen.

Soylent green (Soleil vert) est un grand classique de la science fiction des années '70. Richard Fleischer le réalisateur qui nous a donné plus de 60 films de années 40 à fin 80 (Conan the destroyer, Red Sonja, The jazz signer, Amytiville 3D, Fantastic voyage, Tora, tora, tora et bien plus), nous offre ici un film qui nous divertis et nous fait réfléchir: de la science-fiction comme je l`aime. Charlton Heston joue ici le rôle de détective Thorn un policier crasseux qui mène ses enquêtes avec des méthodes douteuses mais usuelle pour ce temps. L`action se passe dans le New-York de 2022 où plusieurs femmes sont esclaves et font partie du mobilier des appartements, où l`eau chaude et le savon est un luxe, où la surpopulation produit une dévaluation de la valeur des êtres humains et où la nourriture naturelle est remplacée par des pépites sèches nommée soleil vert ou rouge. Thorn est mis sur l`investigation du meurtre d`un des dirigeants de l`usine de soleil vert pendant laquelle il découvrira un secrêt bien garder sur l`origine du soleil vert. (Le soleil vert est des personnes!). Certainement un film qui vous fera réfléchir et dont les thèmes sont extremement d`actualité. À voir ou revoir!

Great quotes:
[Announcer doing a commercial announcement before Gov. Santini's interview] Richard: brought to you by Soylent red and Soylent yellow, high energy vegetable concentrates, and new, delicious, Soylent green. The miracle food of high-energy plankton gathered from the oceans of the world.
Det. Thorn: I know, Sol, you've told me a hundred times before. People were better, the world was better...
Sol: Ah, people were always lousy... But there was a world, once.
[Thorn chuckles]
Sol: I was there, I can prove it! When I was a kid, you could buy meat anywhere! Eggs they had, real butter! Not this... crap!
[Shirl tells Thorn that she's getting a new tenant]
Det. Thorn: He'll like you. You're a helluva piece of furniture.
Shirl: Don't talk to me like that. Please.
Det. Thorn: OK.
Hatcher: What's the story with the Simonson homicide?
Det. Thorn: It was carefully set up to make it look like he was killed after he caught some punk burglarizing his apartment.
Hatcher: What do you think it was?
Det. Thorn: It was an assassination. A well-planned assassination.
Hatcher: You know this for a fact?
Det. Thorn: Four reasons. One: the alarm system in the building was out of order for the first time in two years. Two: the bodyguard who was supposed to be protecting him was conveniently out shopping. Three: the punk that broke into the apartment didn't take anything. And four: the punk who killed Simonson was no punk because he used a meat hook instead of a gun to make it look like a punk.
Hatcher: Well, if the punk didn't take anything from the apartment, what did you take?
Det. Thorn: Everything I could lay my hands on.
Gilbert: [hesitating before killing Simonson] Uh... they told me to uh... to say that they were sorry, but that you had become... unreliable.
Simonson: That's true.
Gilbert: They can't risk, uh... catastrophe, they say.
Simonson: They're right.
Gilbert: Then, uh... this is right?
Simonson: No, not right... Necessary.
Gilbert: To who?
Simonson: To... God.
[last lines] Det. Thorn: It's people. Soylent Green is made out of people. They're making our food out of people. Next thing they'll be breeding us like cattle for food. You've gotta tell them. You've gotta tell them!
Hatcher: I promise, Tiger. I promise. I'll tell the exchange.
Det. Thorn: You tell everybody. Listen to me, Hatcher. You've gotta tell them! Soylent Green is people! We've gotta stop them somehow!


Entertainment rating: 7.5/10
Cast/acting rating: 7/10
Artistic rating: 7/10
Reflexion rating: 10/10
Production rating: 8/10
Adult factor: 9/10
Wide audience: 8/10
Overall personnal rating: 8.0/10

samedi 2 juillet 2011

#224: Ray, Movies recommended or seen lately... Les films a voir

Genre: Drama/Drame
Annee/Year: 2004
Country: US
Format: Blu Ray

Ray, after waiting for many years i finally was able to get my hands on the newest iteration of this film in Blu ray format. I wanted to insure the music quality was of the highest order and that is what the Blu ray delivers as well as an excellent image transfer. Director Taylor Hackford (An officer and a gentleman, Against all odds, White nights, Chuck Berry hail hail rock'n roll, Dolores Clairborne, The devil's advocate, Proof of life and more) brings us a very endearing biography on the life of Ray Charles who died on the same year this movie was released. Jamie Foxx plays here the role of his career as a blind mind who is the master of piano. We follow Ray through his career from his humble beginnings where he gets hustled (because he his blind and naive) until he creates his chart toping Rhytm and Soul music hits and back through the hell of heroin addiction. A respectful, sensitive movie which really makes you think it is very close to reality.
EXCELLENT musical interpretation. If you have not seen this film you owe it to yourself to watch it and the new Blu Ray release is very much a good incentive to do so.

Ray, une biographie du musicien extraordinaire Ray Charles réaliseé avec soin par Taylor Hackford (An officer and a gentleman, Against all odds, White nights, Chuck Berry hail hail rock'n roll, Dolores Clairborne, The devil's advocate, Proof of life et plus) qui a déjà fait plusieurs films musicaux. Ce film est une réussite et beaucoup de ceci est dû à Jamie Foxx qui interprète Ray Charles tout au long de sa longue carrière jusqu`à sa mort en 2004 année de publication de ce film. On suit dans ce film la carrière de Ray Charles de ses humbles débuts, où il se fait rouler par ses collègues autant parce qu`il est aveugle que par sa naïveté, jusqu`à la parution de ses plus grands succès Rhythm and Soul des années 60-80. On le suit également à travers ses problèmes familiaux et avec l`emprise de l`héroïne. Un film respectueux et très bien réalisé et surtout avec une trame sonore du tonerre. Si vous n`avez pas vu ce film qu`attendez vous? La sortie en Blu Ray est surement la meilleure excuse possible.

Great quotes:
[first lines] Aretha Robinson: Always remember your promise to me. Never let nobody or nothing turn you into no cripple.
Quincy Jones: Say, daddy-o, what axe you play?
Ray Charles: Uh, piano. Just blew in from Tampa, Florida. Me and my partner, Gossie McGee, came here, you know, want to fatten up our style. Cop some licks from some more experienced cats, you dig?
Quincy Jones: You know what? Why don't you let me take you inside? You know, show you around.
Ray Charles: All right. Perfect gentleman.
Quincy Jones: Yeah, this is just like my place. So, what's your name?
Ray Charles: Ray Robinson.
Quincy Jones: I'm Quincy Jones.
Ray Charles: Don't jive me, man.
Fathead Newman: This ain't no weed, Ray. And we ain't snorting no bitch. This is boy! Boy'll make your ass null and void.
Ray Charles: Null and void, just like my life.
Milt Shaw: You know, Ray, your contract with Atlantic expires in 4 months.
Ray Charles: Yeah, I know. Ahmet and Jerry sent me my new contract. They're gonna double my royalties.
Milt Shaw: Before we go down that road again I thought I'd check and see what else was out there.
Ray Charles: Now, who told you to do that? Atlantic is family. Just like the Shaw agency.
Milt Shaw: Ray, my job is to find you the best deal out there. Now, I had a very productive meeting with the folks at ABC Paramount and they are very interested.
Ray Charles: No. How interested?
Milt Shaw: How about a 50 thousand dollar advance every year for the first three years? You choose your own music. They'll deduct recording costs and pay you 75 percent. Now, look, Ahmet and Jerry are flying in tomorrow night. Will you at least put them off until I have a chance to talk to the boys at ABC?
Ray Charles: Well, my mama always said there was nothin' wrong with talkin'.
Jack Lauderdale: Smell that, Ray? It's the smell of success. We're in LA now. A place where the negro can really spread his wings and fly.
Ahmet Ertegun: If you think pennies, Mr. Charles, you get pennies. If you think dollars, you get dollars.
Della Bea Robinson: [talking about Ray's drug problem] You have got to stop this now because there is something you love more then me...
Ray Charles: No, don't say that, Bea...
Della Bea Robinson: ...there is something you love more then me, the children, and every woman you ever slept with.
Ray Charles: No, don't say that, Bea. You know I love you more then anythin'
Della Bea Robinson: [shouts] It's your music! [starts to cry]
Della Bea Robinson: And if you keep usin' that needle they'll take away your music and put you in *jail!* Is that what you want?
Della Bea Robinson: If only your mama was here.
Ray Charles: She's here. She ain't never left.


Entertainment rating: 8.5/10
Cast/acting rating: 8.5/10
Artistic rating: 8/10
Reflexion rating: 7/10
Production rating: 8/10
Adult factor: 8/10
Wide audience: 8/10
Overall personnal rating: 8.0/10