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jeudi 30 juin 2011

#222: Babylon 5 movie collection, Movies recommended or seen lately... Les films a voir

Genre: Sci-Fi/Science-Ficition
Annee/Year: 1993-1999
Country: US
Format: DVD

Babylon 5 the movies. Here is a quick review of the movies which extend the story of one of television's most appreciated science-fiction series.

Babylon 5: The gathering
Directed by Richard Compton. This movie was the first in a series of five movies to extend the storyline of Babylon 5 universe. This first movie is actually the pilot of the Babylon 5 series itself. We find the main characters being presented and the dynamic on the space station is established to set the series. A mysterious Vorlon ambassador is victim of an assasination attempt and the new station's captain Jeffrey Sinclair is suspected. This sets the table for an explosive mix when so many races get confined in a closed space. If you are new to Bab 5 start with this episode. Note Billy Mummy (kid from Lost in Space) in the role of a Membari.
Overall personnal rating: 8.0/10

Babylon 5: In the beginning
Directed by Michael Vijar. This excellent movie sets again the stage for the series. This time we relive the bloody war between humans and Menbaris which occurred 10 years before. The war was started by miscommunication at first contact and nearly destroyed the human race as the Membaris were much more advanced. The war came to a sudden end when the Membari discovered that some humans were carrying the souls of reincarnated Membaris. The Babylon 5 station was put in place as a kind of UN to serve to try to create bridges between races and serve peace. A very well built movie narrated by my prepefarate character Londo Mollari (Peter Jurassic) the president of the Centauri republic at the apotheose of his reign.
Overall personnal rating: 9.0/10

Babylon 5: Thirdspace
Directed by Jesus Salvador Trevino. This movie takes place during the foruth sesaon timeframe. The story is about the B5 staff finding a massive artifact in the hyperspace where it appeared to be lost. By bringing it back to the station they play with the risk of unknowingly opening a portal to a another dimension (third space after normal and hyperspace) where delves a very dangerous and violent race. The artifact was built by the ancient races (Vorlons) and lost in hyperspace when they found out how dangerous this discovery was. Interesting but more like an extended episode than a real movie and not so much relevant to the rest of the series story arc.
Overall personnal rating: 7.0/10

Babylon 5: River of souls
Directed by Janet Greek. This movie occurs in the period after the series. A race of creepy individuals named the Soul hunters who are said to reap souls released by the dying, invade the station in an attempt to recover some special dangerous soul containers which were stolen from them and brought to B5 by smugglers. Captain Lochley (Tracy Scoggins who played in Dynasty and The Colbys tv series)has to deal with the situation at same time she is fighting the installation of Holographic virtual brothels on the station. A sometimes funny movie but without the substabce of the previous ones; more like an extended episode. Note great role by Martin Sheen in the role of the soul hunter.
Overall personnal rating: 6.5/10

Babylon 5: A call to Arms
Direted by Michael Vijar. The final movie takes place 5 years after the end of the B5 series. In this one we see the Drakh a race friendly with the Shadows, who were cast off by the alliance, taking arms to attack the humans and the alliance. President Sheridan and his friends fight to the death to fight off the Drakhs using the 2 new battle cruiser developped by the human's and membaris. They succeed in fending off the attack but fail to protect earth from the "planet killer" virus sent by the Drakh.
This puts virus has for goal to completely destroy life on the planet within a couple of years. This sets the table for the expansion series of B5 called B5 Crusade.
Overall personnal rating: 7.0/10

Great quotes:
Ambassador Londo Mollari: [voiceover] I was there at the dawn of the third age of mankind. It began in the Earth year 2257, with the last of the Babylon stations located deep in neutral space. It was a port of call for refugees, smugglers, businessmen, diplomats, and travelers from a hundred worlds. It could be a dangerous place, but we accepted the risk because Babylon 5 was our last, best hope for peace. Under the leadership of its final commander, Babylon 5 was a dream given form. A dream of a galaxy without war, where species could live side-by-side in mutual respect. A dream that was endangered as never before by one man on a mission of destruction. Babylon 5 was the last of the Babylon stations. This is its story.
Londo Mollari: I suppose there'll be a war now, hmm? All that running around and shooting at one another. You would have thought sooner or later it'd go out of fashion.
Garibaldi: I wonder if they'll ever find that transmitter you slipped in G'kar's drink.
Sinclair: No they won't. Because there is none. If I had put one in, sooner or later, they would have found it. This way, they'll keep looking.
Garibaldi: Are you aware of the tests they'll perform and the things they'll do to him?
Sinclair: Yes. Come on.
Garibaldi: There are some days I love this job.


Entertainment rating: 8/10
Cast/acting rating: 8.5/10
Artistic rating: 7/10
Reflexion rating: 9/10
Production rating: 7/10
Adult factor: 9/10
Wide audience: 7/10
Overall personnal rating: 6.5-9.0/10

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