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dimanche 1 mai 2011

#211: Mesrine: ennemi public #1 part 2 , Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir

Genre: Action

Annee/Year: 2008

Format: Blu Ray

Mesrine: ennemi public #1 part 2. This is the second part of the movie featured in our previous review. French director Jean-Francois Richet closes the story with the last years of Mesrine. We see how he returns to France to find even more difficulties and action (killings, bank roberies, high security prison escape and amazing escape from court after telling off the judges, kidnapping...). Mesrine meets Francois Besse (Mathieu Almaric) in prison and escapes with him. Both fellows end up associates who carry one for a few years until Besse finally goes on his own way.

As he ages, Mesrine flamboyant public character is not backed by anything very profound. We see him trying to associate more and more with a background of revolutionaries and that is the time he chooses to associate with Charlie Bauer (Gerard Lanvin) a more political figure than Mesrine although he never had Bauer's convictions. After cruely eliminating a journalist who tried to dirty Mesrine's image; we see him taken down by a specific brigade of cops dedicated to find and take care of public ennemy #1 once and for all. They plainly eliminate him in the middle of the street in his car in a very premeditated manner.

Again Vincent Cassel carries this movie on his shoulder in his personnal masterpice. A great two part movie. The second part is not as strong as the first one and has a couple of parts which seem a bit long. But the roller coaster ride is definitely worth every penny in the end. A great movie which all action buff should watch. Also for biography buffs as this is all based on a true bigger than life story.

Mesrine ennemi public #1 partie2. Ce film est la seconde partie du realisateur francais Jean-Francois Richet. Nous y voyons le retour en France de Mesrine suivit de capture par les policiers, incroyable evasion de la court, multiples vols de banques, evasion de prison haute securite, poursuite par l'armee, enlevements, meurtres et plus. Il fit la rencontre de Francois Besse (Mathieu Almaric) en prison et s'associa a lui pendant plusieurs annees.

En vieillissant, Mesrine sent qu'il manque de la profondeur derriere sa facade publique . Il s'associe donc a des gens plus connus pour leur cote politique revolutionnaire tel Charlie Bauer (Gerard Lanvin) mais il n'aura jamais le tier de leurs convictions etant un solitaire.

Mesrine fut descendu en pleine rue, par une escouade policiere qui lui etait dediee, sans lui donner aucune chance. La fin d'un film en deux parties qui est un oeuvre marquante pour le cinema francais et la carriere de Cassel. Ce deuxieme film comporte quelques longueurs mais vaut quand meme le coup. Une vrai montagne russe d'action il saura plaire au amateurs de film d'actions et de biographie car quand meme base sur la vie reele et rocanbolesque d'un vrai personnage.

Great quotes:

La journaliste interview: [Begins interview] Why are you doing this?
Jacques Mesrine: [long pause] Because I don't like laws.
Jacques Mesrine: I don't like the laws and I don't want to be a slave of the alarm clock my whole life.
Jacques Mesrine: I don't want to spend my entire life dreaming. I don't want to always think how I have to work half a year just so I could buy some thing.
La journaliste interview: What do you expect from your life? Recognition? Money?
Jacques Mesrine: [chuckles] What a question! Money, money, money... all of you just keep talking about it, always the same. But I'm completely different.
Jacques Mesrine: What exactly am I doing? I'm looking for the money in the places where they are - in the banks. [laughs]
La journaliste interview: Regarding the politics, are you on the left or the right?
Jacques Mesrine: [sighs] Neither side. I think politics are a dirty game. It's better to keep the distance from it. I don't trust any politician.
La journaliste interview: Do you consider yourself as a dangerous individual?
Jacques Mesrine: Dangerous... And according to you? I don't know, maybe I'm dangerous. I don't know. Why are you asking? [laughs]
Jacques Mesrine: Depends to whom. For instance I don't play with cops.
Jacques Mesrine: [pulls out his pistol and poses for the photographer] Shoot it!
Jacques Mesrine: Good photograph, publish it!
Jacques Mesrine: Dangerous... Probably yes. I'm probably dangerous.
La journaliste interview: What kind of old age and death will you have?
Jacques Mesrine: Old age... Honestly, I don't think I'll live that long.
Jacques Mesrine: One day they'll shoot me to death, and it will completely make sense. Natural. After all, for someone who was in prison with maximum security, there are no rules. Like me, I live without rules.
La journaliste interview: Without rules and without hope?
Jacques Mesrine: [does not answer]
La journaliste interview: Do you have any plans?
Jacques Mesrine: I've got a lot of plans. Close the prison with maximum security. I lived there for 5 years. Can you imagine? The whole 5 years! I want all of those who sit there to be freed! I've seen what's going on over there, how they break people, how they destroy them. But our Mr. Minister, Alain Perfite, he doesn't get it yet. I am an excellent shooter and I can kill a few judges.
Jacques Mesrine: [exclaims] Do we need in France gangs of Bordello? Do we need Red Brigades? Let them ask themselves the question. Because if there will be need to go in their neighborhoods to train with Palestinians, I'll go! They can shit their pants!


Rating perso: 7.5/10

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