Genre: Horror/Horreur
Annee/Year: 1981
Country: Italy
Format: DVD
Cannibal Ferox is not for everyone. This movie is promoted as very violent and actually banned in 31 countries. Hard to find you may need to special order it from an Amazon source. The movie was created by the prolific Italian director Umberto Lenzi (65 movies to his credit between the '60s and the 90's most of which being war/action or horror titles). This is clearly defined as an exploitation genre movie and it's production quality is not great.
The story is that of a group of friends who set out to accompany a young anthopologist who is out to prove that Cannibalism is nothing but a myth. They follow the tracks of rumours of canniballistic tribes in the deep Amazonian forest. Obviously they run into trouble and team up with two other people who are in trouble as well. The situation degenerates from there as the folks they met up with turn out to be be ruthless drug addicts in search for quick money by taking advantage of the locals by killing in mistreating them. That is until the locals decide to get revenge... This movie will take you to the limits of what is publishable on video in terms of violence, rapes and mutilations. I would even say beyond because this was the early '80s and some scenes done to real animals would not be accepted today. Only for explorers of the limits of what can be seen on film.
Cannibal Ferox n'est pas un film pour tous. On fait la promotion de ce film par son extreme violence et par le fait qu'il est banni dans plus de 31 pays (Record Guiness). Umberzo Lenzi en est le realisateur (il a realise plus de 65 film des annees 60 a 90 surout oriente guerre/action et horreur). Ce film est clairement identifie comme un film du genre exploitation et la qualite de la production laisse souvent a desire.
L'histoire est celle d'une anthropologue des US qui se rend en Amazonie afin de prouver que le cannibalisme n'est qu'un mythe. Elle est accompagnee par deux de ses amis et ils se trouvent rapidement perdus dans les trefonds des jungles amazoniennes. La ils rencontrent deux autres individus douteux avec lesquels ils s'allient. Malheureusement ce ne fut pas un bon choix car ils sont des drogues dangeureux qui tuent et exploitent les aborigenes locaux dans leur quete d'argent vite fait. Ceci excalade jusqu'au moment ou les aborigenes decident de se revenger...
Ce film vous emmenera aux limites de ce qui est presentable sur les grand ecrans tel violence, viols, mutilations. Je dirait meme que la violence faites aux animaux pendant le tournage serait maintenant banni entierement. Ce film n'est pas frappant en bout de ligne meme si les effets speciaux y sont fait avec bon effort. A voir seulement par les amateurs de sensations fortes qui explorent les limites des films disponibles sur le marche.
Great quotes:
Rudy: What a wasted vacation.
Gloria Davis: And maybe our lives too.
Rudy: Yeah...
Gloria Davis: [Pat runs to eat a piece of meat] No! Stop! It might be Rudy!
Gloria Davis: Oh God, please let her die soon. Oh, let her die soon. And let me die soon too, please.
Entertainment rating: 6/10
Cast/acting rating: 4/10
Artistic rating: 3/10
Reflexion rating: 6/10
Production rating: 4/10
Adult factor: 1/10
Wide audience: 1/10
Overall personnal rating: 4/10
dimanche 29 mai 2011
mercredi 18 mai 2011
#218: Dont be afraid of the dark , Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir
Genre: Horror/Horreur
Annee/Year: 1973
Country: US
Format: DVD
Don't be afraid of the dark. Director John Newland brought us many TV series and films from the '50s to the 80's. This film is not very well known but this is a movie which truly marked me when i was young. Funny thing is that when i mentioned this film to folks my age they remembered that movie but no one ever knew it's title. People refered to it as "the movie with the little monsters in the chimney" generally followed by a spine tingling sensation. After I discovered some horror maniacs like me on the web site Horreur-web .com i was able to track the movie's title with their help. Obvisouly i secured a copy from Amazon and relived that experience 30 years later to see if it still held some magic.
My wife and I sat and watched the english only movie (too bad) and actually enjoyed reliving this experience. Obviously this movie has aged quite a bit but still plenty of fun to be had. The story is about a young couple who move in a very old house who belonged to the ladie's (played by Kim Darby) grandmother. She is strangely attracted by the study used by her grand-father which contains a condemned fireplace. She opens the fireplace without heeding the warnings of an old man working to renovate the house. This unleashes some unseen demons trapped deep within the firaplace. The demonic creatures live only in hte dark and are of small size.
The husband (played by Jim Hutton) is busy with his work and not very receptive to the complaints from his wife who slowly sinks into a paranoia as she observes more and more strange things occuring in the house. The demons goal is to capture the lady of the house and bring her inside the fireplace so she can become just like them... The movie culminates in a peak of tension which is very well done. Definitely to see for old school horror buffs. And by the way Del Toro is working a remake of this film for this summer....the trailer is horrifying
Don't be afraid of the dark. Le réalisateur John Newland nous a apporté beaucoup de film et d`émissions pour la TV des années 50 aux années 80. Ce film est peut connu mais il m`a marqué dans ma jeunesse. Lorsque j`en parlait aux gens de mon age; ils disaient souvent s`en rapeller mais personne ne se souvenait du titre du film. Tous se souvenait avoir la chienne des petits hommes dansl cheminée cependant. Après avoit découvert le site de j`ai fait appel à l`expertise de ces experts de l`horreur et ils m`ont rapidement trouvé le titre de ce film. Après une rapide commande chez Amazon j`était prêt à revisiter ce titre quelque trente ans plus tard pour voir si la magie était toujours au rendez-vous.
Le film est seulement en anglais et sans sous-titre francais en plus. Triste. Mais cela ne nous a pas arrêté. L`histoire est celle d`un jeune couple qui hérite d`une demeure ancestrale appartenant a feu la grand-mère de la jeune fille, Sally, jouée par Kim Darby. La jeune Sally fait renover la maison afin d`y emmenager mais elle se trouve attirée par une pièce en particulier qui était le bureau de son grand-père disparut plusieurs annéees plus tôt. Sans écouter les avertissement du vieil ouvrier qui refuse de le faire; Sally ouvre la trappe qui bloque le foyer du bureau. En ce faisant elle ne sait pas qu`elle vient de relacher une puissance démoniaque qui s`en prend à elle. Les petites créatures horribles ne sortent que dans le noir pour s`en prendre à elle et pour la tirer dans la cheminéee et en faire une des leurs. Tout au long du film la jeune femme est témoins d`événements de plus en plus insolites qui la lance dans une paranoia extrème. Son mari completement concentré sur son travail ne lui porte que très peu d`attention. La tension du film augment jusqu`à la fin et culmine dans une série de scènes dont vous vous souviendrez longtemps. Définitivement un film à voir pour les amateurs de la vieille école. De plus un remake est en préparation pour cet été du brillant Del Toro et vous pourrez trouver le trailer sur le web qui est assez effrayant merci.
Great quotes:
Creatures: [opening lines] Will she come? Do you think she will come?
First Creature: She will. You know she will.
Second Creature: But when? When?
First Creature: Very soon. It's just a matter of time. Of waiting for a while. All we have to do is bide our time. Bide our time.
Creatures: But it's been so long. So many years. When will she come and set us free-set us free!
First Creature: Patience! Patience! We've all the time in the world.
Creatures: We've all the time in the world. In the world. In the world. To set us free! In the world!
[Maniacal laughter]
Sally Farnham: [on a shopping spree] Maybe Alex is right. Maybe I am losing my mind.
Joan Kahn: You know how a husband can tell you've lost your mind?
[laughs and takes her arm]
Joan Kahn: When you stop spending their money! So let's go spend some more of our husbands' money right away.
Entertainment rating: 7/10
Cast/acting rating: 6/10
Artistic rating: 5/10
Reflexion rating: 3/10
Production rating: 7/10
Adult factor: 8/10
Wide audience: 8/10
Overall personnal rating: 8/10
Annee/Year: 1973
Country: US
Format: DVD
Don't be afraid of the dark. Director John Newland brought us many TV series and films from the '50s to the 80's. This film is not very well known but this is a movie which truly marked me when i was young. Funny thing is that when i mentioned this film to folks my age they remembered that movie but no one ever knew it's title. People refered to it as "the movie with the little monsters in the chimney" generally followed by a spine tingling sensation. After I discovered some horror maniacs like me on the web site Horreur-web .com i was able to track the movie's title with their help. Obvisouly i secured a copy from Amazon and relived that experience 30 years later to see if it still held some magic.
My wife and I sat and watched the english only movie (too bad) and actually enjoyed reliving this experience. Obviously this movie has aged quite a bit but still plenty of fun to be had. The story is about a young couple who move in a very old house who belonged to the ladie's (played by Kim Darby) grandmother. She is strangely attracted by the study used by her grand-father which contains a condemned fireplace. She opens the fireplace without heeding the warnings of an old man working to renovate the house. This unleashes some unseen demons trapped deep within the firaplace. The demonic creatures live only in hte dark and are of small size.
The husband (played by Jim Hutton) is busy with his work and not very receptive to the complaints from his wife who slowly sinks into a paranoia as she observes more and more strange things occuring in the house. The demons goal is to capture the lady of the house and bring her inside the fireplace so she can become just like them... The movie culminates in a peak of tension which is very well done. Definitely to see for old school horror buffs. And by the way Del Toro is working a remake of this film for this summer....the trailer is horrifying
Don't be afraid of the dark. Le réalisateur John Newland nous a apporté beaucoup de film et d`émissions pour la TV des années 50 aux années 80. Ce film est peut connu mais il m`a marqué dans ma jeunesse. Lorsque j`en parlait aux gens de mon age; ils disaient souvent s`en rapeller mais personne ne se souvenait du titre du film. Tous se souvenait avoir la chienne des petits hommes dansl cheminée cependant. Après avoit découvert le site de j`ai fait appel à l`expertise de ces experts de l`horreur et ils m`ont rapidement trouvé le titre de ce film. Après une rapide commande chez Amazon j`était prêt à revisiter ce titre quelque trente ans plus tard pour voir si la magie était toujours au rendez-vous.
Le film est seulement en anglais et sans sous-titre francais en plus. Triste. Mais cela ne nous a pas arrêté. L`histoire est celle d`un jeune couple qui hérite d`une demeure ancestrale appartenant a feu la grand-mère de la jeune fille, Sally, jouée par Kim Darby. La jeune Sally fait renover la maison afin d`y emmenager mais elle se trouve attirée par une pièce en particulier qui était le bureau de son grand-père disparut plusieurs annéees plus tôt. Sans écouter les avertissement du vieil ouvrier qui refuse de le faire; Sally ouvre la trappe qui bloque le foyer du bureau. En ce faisant elle ne sait pas qu`elle vient de relacher une puissance démoniaque qui s`en prend à elle. Les petites créatures horribles ne sortent que dans le noir pour s`en prendre à elle et pour la tirer dans la cheminéee et en faire une des leurs. Tout au long du film la jeune femme est témoins d`événements de plus en plus insolites qui la lance dans une paranoia extrème. Son mari completement concentré sur son travail ne lui porte que très peu d`attention. La tension du film augment jusqu`à la fin et culmine dans une série de scènes dont vous vous souviendrez longtemps. Définitivement un film à voir pour les amateurs de la vieille école. De plus un remake est en préparation pour cet été du brillant Del Toro et vous pourrez trouver le trailer sur le web qui est assez effrayant merci.
Great quotes:
Creatures: [opening lines] Will she come? Do you think she will come?
First Creature: She will. You know she will.
Second Creature: But when? When?
First Creature: Very soon. It's just a matter of time. Of waiting for a while. All we have to do is bide our time. Bide our time.
Creatures: But it's been so long. So many years. When will she come and set us free-set us free!
First Creature: Patience! Patience! We've all the time in the world.
Creatures: We've all the time in the world. In the world. In the world. To set us free! In the world!
[Maniacal laughter]
Sally Farnham: [on a shopping spree] Maybe Alex is right. Maybe I am losing my mind.
Joan Kahn: You know how a husband can tell you've lost your mind?
[laughs and takes her arm]
Joan Kahn: When you stop spending their money! So let's go spend some more of our husbands' money right away.
Entertainment rating: 7/10
Cast/acting rating: 6/10
Artistic rating: 5/10
Reflexion rating: 3/10
Production rating: 7/10
Adult factor: 8/10
Wide audience: 8/10
Overall personnal rating: 8/10
dimanche 15 mai 2011
#217: Paranormal Acitivty 2 , Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir
Genre: Horror/Horreur
Annee/Year: 2010
Country: US
Format: Blu Ray
Paranormal Activity 2. If you liked the first one, you will like the 2nd. If not dont bother obviously. This 2nd film is directed by Tod Willliams who did not do the first movie of the franchise. The story is this time mostly a prequel to the first movie. A couple is increasingly visited by a demonic entity which seems to be bent on getting at their 3yrs old son. The footage is mostly from the many security cameras installed around the house. Again a low budget approach but excelletn tension is established. The couple find out that the grand mother of the wife may have had dealings with the demonic side to insure her financial success in exchange for the first born son; which happens to be this couple's boy...
They take steps to get rid of the demon by chasing him out to her sister. And that is what is observed in the first movie... This second movie ends when all is quiet around the house but the posessed sister enters in the house for the final scene...
Great effect for a low budget movie as good if not better than the first one. Will there be a third, you bet! Will it be better, no chance but you never know.
Paranormal Activity 2, si vous avez aimé le premier film vous adorerez le second. Ce film du réalisateur Tod Willliams (qui n`a pas fait le 1er film) nous remène dans la période précédent le premier film et où un jeune couple se retrouvent visité de plus en plus fréquemment par une présence démoniaque dans leur demeure qui veut s`n prendre a leur jeune fils de 2-3 ans. Le film nous est montré à travers les caméras vidéo de sécurité autour de la demeure. Encore une approche à budget très réduit qui demeure bien efficace.
Le couple découvre que la grand mère dame aurait fait un pacte avec des forces démoniaques afin d`assurer son succès financier. En échange le premier fils né devra être donné en échange. Il s`agit donc de leur fils... Afin de se débarasser du démons le couple interviennent et envoi celui-ci vers la soeur de celle-ci. Le résultat en est décrit dans le premier film. Le second film se termine après les événements du 1er lorsque la soeur possédé par le démon revient à la charge dans le demeure de sa soeur pour la scène finale. Plusieurs scènes sont marquantes sans tomber dans le gore.
Y aurat-il un troisième film dans la franchise? C`est sur. Serat-il réussi? Moins sur...
Great quotes:
Daniel Rey: Hey! Who left the front door open?
Entertainment rating: 9/10
Cast/acting rating: 7/10
Artistic rating: 5/10
Reflexion rating: 2/10
Production rating: 7/10
Adult factor: 4/10
Wide audience: 6/10
Overall personnal rating: 8.0/10
Annee/Year: 2010
Country: US
Format: Blu Ray
Paranormal Activity 2. If you liked the first one, you will like the 2nd. If not dont bother obviously. This 2nd film is directed by Tod Willliams who did not do the first movie of the franchise. The story is this time mostly a prequel to the first movie. A couple is increasingly visited by a demonic entity which seems to be bent on getting at their 3yrs old son. The footage is mostly from the many security cameras installed around the house. Again a low budget approach but excelletn tension is established. The couple find out that the grand mother of the wife may have had dealings with the demonic side to insure her financial success in exchange for the first born son; which happens to be this couple's boy...
They take steps to get rid of the demon by chasing him out to her sister. And that is what is observed in the first movie... This second movie ends when all is quiet around the house but the posessed sister enters in the house for the final scene...
Great effect for a low budget movie as good if not better than the first one. Will there be a third, you bet! Will it be better, no chance but you never know.
Paranormal Activity 2, si vous avez aimé le premier film vous adorerez le second. Ce film du réalisateur Tod Willliams (qui n`a pas fait le 1er film) nous remène dans la période précédent le premier film et où un jeune couple se retrouvent visité de plus en plus fréquemment par une présence démoniaque dans leur demeure qui veut s`n prendre a leur jeune fils de 2-3 ans. Le film nous est montré à travers les caméras vidéo de sécurité autour de la demeure. Encore une approche à budget très réduit qui demeure bien efficace.
Le couple découvre que la grand mère dame aurait fait un pacte avec des forces démoniaques afin d`assurer son succès financier. En échange le premier fils né devra être donné en échange. Il s`agit donc de leur fils... Afin de se débarasser du démons le couple interviennent et envoi celui-ci vers la soeur de celle-ci. Le résultat en est décrit dans le premier film. Le second film se termine après les événements du 1er lorsque la soeur possédé par le démon revient à la charge dans le demeure de sa soeur pour la scène finale. Plusieurs scènes sont marquantes sans tomber dans le gore.
Y aurat-il un troisième film dans la franchise? C`est sur. Serat-il réussi? Moins sur...
Great quotes:
Daniel Rey: Hey! Who left the front door open?
Entertainment rating: 9/10
Cast/acting rating: 7/10
Artistic rating: 5/10
Reflexion rating: 2/10
Production rating: 7/10
Adult factor: 4/10
Wide audience: 6/10
Overall personnal rating: 8.0/10
vendredi 13 mai 2011
Book #1: The Selfish Gene, Richard Dawkins; Books to read, les bouquins à lire
Titre/Title: The Selfish Gene
Author/Auteur: Richard Dawkins
Year/année: 1976
Genre: Science, Biology/Biologie
The selfish gene, this book is now a genre classic from what i consider to be one of the most intelligent scientist alive today. It has taken me quite a while to get to this book and to actually complete reading it. This is not an easy read. It is however targeted to a greater public as the public version of the scientific equivalent named `the extended phenotype`.
These two books published the concept of moving the evolution frame of reference from the animal (living being) or species level down to the specific gene level. Dawkins argues that the basic replicator object in nature is the individual genes themselves and not the individual. Thus this takes the evolution concept of Darwin to a more microscopic level. One of his interesting argument is the fact that every living creature starts off every time from a single cell (set of genes) to develop into what is often a complex being.
Great book, decisive theory and very good science. Well written but often very heavy to read.
The selfish gene, ce bouquin à plus de 30ans déjà et est considéré comme classique en son genre. J`ai mis pas mal de temps pour lire ce bouquin mais cela en valait la chandelle. Dawkins est un des hommes que je respecte le plus en notre époque. Il était le rival d`autre de mes biologiste écrivain préféré Stephen Jay Gould. Mais depuis le décès de Gould , Dawkins s`en prend au concept de Dieu... une longue bataille se présente devant lui.
The selfish gene est un bouquin populaire qui est le mirroir du bouquin scientifique pur produit par Dawkins, `the extended phenotype`, dans lequel il présente la théorie qui suit. La vie étant définie comme une suite de réplication; Dawkins nous dit que les réplicateurs fondamentaux sont bien les gènes et non les individus ou les espèces tel que sous entendu par Darwin au siècle dernier. Ceci est bien argumenté et cette théorie est une version améliorée et acceptée de la nouvelle évolution. Un des arguments utilisé par Dawkins est le fait que chaque individu doit être créé à partir d`une seule cellule même si cet être est complexe.
Un livre définitif en son genre et très bien écrit. Par contre il peut être difficile à lire par moment. Définitivement pas une lecture légère.
Entertainment/Divertissement: 5/10
Knowledge/Connaissance: 9/10
Author/Auteur: Richard Dawkins
Year/année: 1976
Genre: Science, Biology/Biologie
The selfish gene, this book is now a genre classic from what i consider to be one of the most intelligent scientist alive today. It has taken me quite a while to get to this book and to actually complete reading it. This is not an easy read. It is however targeted to a greater public as the public version of the scientific equivalent named `the extended phenotype`.
These two books published the concept of moving the evolution frame of reference from the animal (living being) or species level down to the specific gene level. Dawkins argues that the basic replicator object in nature is the individual genes themselves and not the individual. Thus this takes the evolution concept of Darwin to a more microscopic level. One of his interesting argument is the fact that every living creature starts off every time from a single cell (set of genes) to develop into what is often a complex being.
Great book, decisive theory and very good science. Well written but often very heavy to read.
The selfish gene, ce bouquin à plus de 30ans déjà et est considéré comme classique en son genre. J`ai mis pas mal de temps pour lire ce bouquin mais cela en valait la chandelle. Dawkins est un des hommes que je respecte le plus en notre époque. Il était le rival d`autre de mes biologiste écrivain préféré Stephen Jay Gould. Mais depuis le décès de Gould , Dawkins s`en prend au concept de Dieu... une longue bataille se présente devant lui.
The selfish gene est un bouquin populaire qui est le mirroir du bouquin scientifique pur produit par Dawkins, `the extended phenotype`, dans lequel il présente la théorie qui suit. La vie étant définie comme une suite de réplication; Dawkins nous dit que les réplicateurs fondamentaux sont bien les gènes et non les individus ou les espèces tel que sous entendu par Darwin au siècle dernier. Ceci est bien argumenté et cette théorie est une version améliorée et acceptée de la nouvelle évolution. Un des arguments utilisé par Dawkins est le fait que chaque individu doit être créé à partir d`une seule cellule même si cet être est complexe.
Un livre définitif en son genre et très bien écrit. Par contre il peut être difficile à lire par moment. Définitivement pas une lecture légère.
Entertainment/Divertissement: 5/10
Knowledge/Connaissance: 9/10
mercredi 11 mai 2011
#216: Irreversible , Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir
Genre: Horror/Horreur
Annee/Year: 2002
Country: France
Format: DVD
Irreversible. After having played Cleopatre in the Asterix comedy; the same year Monica Belluci (arguably one of the world's most beautiful woman) decided to play one of the main role in the opposite style of movie that is Irreversible.French director Gaspar Noé (who brought us Seul contre tous, Enter the void and many anti Aids short films) brings us a very original, very tough movie. Most people will walk out on this movie before the first 15 mins are over.
This is too bad because there is a pay off to stick with it for a little while. The movie makes more sense as time passes since the movie is edited as a series of 5 mins clips moving backward in time. The movie starts with the end of the story and moves backwards as we discover the storyline. As if this was not enough the beginning of the movie uses a spinning camera effect which makes it very hard to understand what is being shot. This is really used as a metaphore for the mental breakdown occuring at the end of the story.
Dont despair this movie does have a story however. The story is about a young couple (Vince Cassel and Monical Belluci) meeting iwth a friend for a party and the boyfriend being a bit crazy (drugs) making the girlfriend leave the party alone. She crosses the street through a underground tunnel and gets raped by a thug who was beating up a transvestite whore in that location. The rape/beating scene is very brutal and graphic and definitely not for everyone. The two men see her body being carried by the ambulances and the start chasing after the killer for revenge. Overall an interesting and different movie underlining the irreversibility of time and human actions. ONLY for the very strong of heart and those not subject to dizziness.
Irréversible. Un film du réalisateur français Gaspar Noé (Seul contre tous, Enter the void et plusieurs courts métrages conte le SIDA). Ce film met en vedette Vincent Cassel, Albert Dupontel et une des plus jolie femme du cinéma: Monica Belluci. Qui jouent les rôles d`un jeune couple et de leur ami commun qu`ils rejoignent pour une fête. Après que le petit ami fait le con et prend de la drogue la copine quite seule la boum. Elle emprunte alors un passage sous terrain pour traverser le boulevard du centre ville ou elle croise un bandit qui brutalisent une prostituée travestie. Celui-ci l`attaque, la viole et la bat dans une longue scène très brutale et crue. Les deux copains voient le corps de la copine embarqué à bord d`une ambulance et ils pètent les plombs et se lancent à la poursuite du tueur qu`ils veulent eliminer. L`histoire se termine dans un bar S&M gai nommé Le Rectum et avec une autre scène de meurtre sanglant.
L`histoire bien que difficile n`est pas la raison principale pourquoi la plupart des gens rejetteront ce film... L`histoire y est conté à l`envers par tranche de cinq minutes. Ce qui est original, rend l`histoire plus complexe et rend le film beaucoup plus difficile à suivre. Si ce n`était pas assez, les quinzes premières minutes du film sont tournées avec une caméra qui pivotent en trois D ce qui peut en rendre plusieurs malades et rend l`action très difficile à suivre. Ceci en convaincra plusieurs à quitter la salle ou arrêter le film avant la fin des premiers 15 minutes. Cet effet
n`est pas complètement gratuit car ils est une métaphore pour la folie qui s`installe à la fin de l`histoire. Donc un film ultra violent, très difficile a suivre et qui en rendra plusieurs malades si vous êtes sensibles aux prise de vues erratiques. Malgré tout très original et un message intéressant sur les effets destructeurs du temps et l`irréversibilité du chaos humain.
Great quotes:
Marcus: I want to fuck your ass.
Alex: I thought you were romantic.
Philippe: Time destroys everything.
Mourad: With a little money, we can help you get revenge. The assailant drew blood. Blood calls for revenge. Vengeance is a human right.
Pierre: You're behaving like an animal. Even animals don't seek revenge.
Marcus: Off to The Rectum
Entertainment rating: 6/10
Cast/acting rating: 7/10
Artistic rating: 8/10
Reflexion rating: 7/10
Production rating: 7/10
Adult factor: 0/10
Wide audience: 1/10
Overall personnal rating: 7.5/10
Annee/Year: 2002
Country: France
Format: DVD
Irreversible. After having played Cleopatre in the Asterix comedy; the same year Monica Belluci (arguably one of the world's most beautiful woman) decided to play one of the main role in the opposite style of movie that is Irreversible.French director Gaspar Noé (who brought us Seul contre tous, Enter the void and many anti Aids short films) brings us a very original, very tough movie. Most people will walk out on this movie before the first 15 mins are over.
This is too bad because there is a pay off to stick with it for a little while. The movie makes more sense as time passes since the movie is edited as a series of 5 mins clips moving backward in time. The movie starts with the end of the story and moves backwards as we discover the storyline. As if this was not enough the beginning of the movie uses a spinning camera effect which makes it very hard to understand what is being shot. This is really used as a metaphore for the mental breakdown occuring at the end of the story.
Dont despair this movie does have a story however. The story is about a young couple (Vince Cassel and Monical Belluci) meeting iwth a friend for a party and the boyfriend being a bit crazy (drugs) making the girlfriend leave the party alone. She crosses the street through a underground tunnel and gets raped by a thug who was beating up a transvestite whore in that location. The rape/beating scene is very brutal and graphic and definitely not for everyone. The two men see her body being carried by the ambulances and the start chasing after the killer for revenge. Overall an interesting and different movie underlining the irreversibility of time and human actions. ONLY for the very strong of heart and those not subject to dizziness.
Irréversible. Un film du réalisateur français Gaspar Noé (Seul contre tous, Enter the void et plusieurs courts métrages conte le SIDA). Ce film met en vedette Vincent Cassel, Albert Dupontel et une des plus jolie femme du cinéma: Monica Belluci. Qui jouent les rôles d`un jeune couple et de leur ami commun qu`ils rejoignent pour une fête. Après que le petit ami fait le con et prend de la drogue la copine quite seule la boum. Elle emprunte alors un passage sous terrain pour traverser le boulevard du centre ville ou elle croise un bandit qui brutalisent une prostituée travestie. Celui-ci l`attaque, la viole et la bat dans une longue scène très brutale et crue. Les deux copains voient le corps de la copine embarqué à bord d`une ambulance et ils pètent les plombs et se lancent à la poursuite du tueur qu`ils veulent eliminer. L`histoire se termine dans un bar S&M gai nommé Le Rectum et avec une autre scène de meurtre sanglant.
L`histoire bien que difficile n`est pas la raison principale pourquoi la plupart des gens rejetteront ce film... L`histoire y est conté à l`envers par tranche de cinq minutes. Ce qui est original, rend l`histoire plus complexe et rend le film beaucoup plus difficile à suivre. Si ce n`était pas assez, les quinzes premières minutes du film sont tournées avec une caméra qui pivotent en trois D ce qui peut en rendre plusieurs malades et rend l`action très difficile à suivre. Ceci en convaincra plusieurs à quitter la salle ou arrêter le film avant la fin des premiers 15 minutes. Cet effet
n`est pas complètement gratuit car ils est une métaphore pour la folie qui s`installe à la fin de l`histoire. Donc un film ultra violent, très difficile a suivre et qui en rendra plusieurs malades si vous êtes sensibles aux prise de vues erratiques. Malgré tout très original et un message intéressant sur les effets destructeurs du temps et l`irréversibilité du chaos humain.
Great quotes:
Marcus: I want to fuck your ass.
Alex: I thought you were romantic.
Philippe: Time destroys everything.
Mourad: With a little money, we can help you get revenge. The assailant drew blood. Blood calls for revenge. Vengeance is a human right.
Pierre: You're behaving like an animal. Even animals don't seek revenge.
Marcus: Off to The Rectum
Entertainment rating: 6/10
Cast/acting rating: 7/10
Artistic rating: 8/10
Reflexion rating: 7/10
Production rating: 7/10
Adult factor: 0/10
Wide audience: 1/10
Overall personnal rating: 7.5/10
dimanche 8 mai 2011
#215: Taxi Driver , Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir
Genre: Drama/Drame
Annee/Year: 1976
Country: US
Format: Blu Ray
Taxi Driver. What better opportunity to review a classic movie than it's transfer on Blu Ray. This great film from director Martin Scorcese has recently been gloriously trasnfered on blu ray through an extensive restoration project of the highest quality.
After having played in the godfather, Scorcese cast Robert DeNiro in the role of the taxi driver/vietnam veteran Travis Bickle. This sis the story of this nevrotic cabby who descends more and more into paranoia as he observes the vermin inhabiting the New York city around him. He falls in love with a young woman Cybill Shepherd from the upper side but the relation quickly makes a turn for the worst when she figures how illeterate Travis really is. Later on he focuses on trying to free a young prostitute played by Jodie Foster from her pimp played by Harvey Keitel. The attempt does not work and fianlly the movie ends in a blood bath when he takes his anger against the pimp and his group. Strangely the end shows Travis as a hero in the newspaper. Definitely referred to as a classic but not one of my personnal preferate.
Taxi Driver. Si vous n'avez jamais vu ce classique de Martin Scorcese, maintenant est le bon moment. Après une magnifique restauration ce film a été récemment mis sur Blu Ray. Robert De Niro y incarne le rôle d`un vétéran du Viet-nam qui devient chauffeur de taxi à New-York.
La il oberserve la violence et la misère sous tout ses aspects. Travis tombe en amour avec une jolie femme sophistiquée qui le rejette vite lorsqu`elle apprend a quel point il est illettré.
par la suite Travis se met en tête de sauver une jeune prostituée (Jody Foster) de son pimp (Harvey Keitel). Après qu`il s`apercoive qu`elle ne veut pas être sauvée; travis se met en tête d`éliminer son pimp et ses amis dans un bain de sang. On croirais que ce film se ternine mal pour travis mais au cotnraire le film se termine par son éloge comme héros dans les journeaux.
Vu par plusieurs comme vrai classique moderne; ce film n`est pas personnellement un de mes préféré.
Great quotes:
Travis Bickle: Thank God for the rain to wash the trash off the sidewalk.
Travis Bickle: All the animals come out at night - whores, skunk pussies, buggers, queens, fairies, dopers, junkies, sick, venal. Someday a real rain will come and wash all this scum off the streets. I go all over. I take people to the Bronx, Brooklyn, I take 'em to Harlem. I don't care. Don't make no difference to me. It does to some. Some won't even take spooks. Don't make no difference to me
Travis Bickle: I think someone should just take this city and just... just flush it down the fuckin' toilet.
Travis Bickle: [Travis is trying his guns on the mirror] Huh? Huh?
Travis Bickle: Faster than you, fucking son of a... Saw you coming you fucking... shitheel. [Reholsters]
Travis Bickle: I'm standing here; you make the move. You make the move. It's your move...
Travis Bickle: Don't try it you fuck.
Travis Bickle: You talkin' to me? You talkin' to me? You talkin' to me? Then who the hell else are you talking... you talking to me? Well I'm the only one here. Who the fuck do you think you're talking to? Oh yeah? OK.
Travis Bickle: I realize now how much she's just like the others, cold and distant, and many people are like that, women for sure, they're like a union.
Iris: God, you're square.
Travis Bickle: Hey, I'm not square, you're the one that's square. You're full of shit, man. What are you talking about? You walk out with those fuckin' creeps and low-lifes and degenerates out on the streets and you sell your little pussy for peanuts? For some low-life pimp who stands in the hall? And I'm square? You're the one that's square, man. I don't go screwing fuck with a bunch of killers and junkies like you do. You call that bein' hip? What world are you from?
Entertainment rating: 7/10
Cast/acting rating: 8.5/10
Artistic rating: 7/10
Reflexion rating: 6/10
Production rating: 8/10
Adult factor: 3/10
Wide audience: 6/10
Overall personnal rating: 8.0/10
Annee/Year: 1976
Country: US
Format: Blu Ray
Taxi Driver. What better opportunity to review a classic movie than it's transfer on Blu Ray. This great film from director Martin Scorcese has recently been gloriously trasnfered on blu ray through an extensive restoration project of the highest quality.
After having played in the godfather, Scorcese cast Robert DeNiro in the role of the taxi driver/vietnam veteran Travis Bickle. This sis the story of this nevrotic cabby who descends more and more into paranoia as he observes the vermin inhabiting the New York city around him. He falls in love with a young woman Cybill Shepherd from the upper side but the relation quickly makes a turn for the worst when she figures how illeterate Travis really is. Later on he focuses on trying to free a young prostitute played by Jodie Foster from her pimp played by Harvey Keitel. The attempt does not work and fianlly the movie ends in a blood bath when he takes his anger against the pimp and his group. Strangely the end shows Travis as a hero in the newspaper. Definitely referred to as a classic but not one of my personnal preferate.
Taxi Driver. Si vous n'avez jamais vu ce classique de Martin Scorcese, maintenant est le bon moment. Après une magnifique restauration ce film a été récemment mis sur Blu Ray. Robert De Niro y incarne le rôle d`un vétéran du Viet-nam qui devient chauffeur de taxi à New-York.
La il oberserve la violence et la misère sous tout ses aspects. Travis tombe en amour avec une jolie femme sophistiquée qui le rejette vite lorsqu`elle apprend a quel point il est illettré.
par la suite Travis se met en tête de sauver une jeune prostituée (Jody Foster) de son pimp (Harvey Keitel). Après qu`il s`apercoive qu`elle ne veut pas être sauvée; travis se met en tête d`éliminer son pimp et ses amis dans un bain de sang. On croirais que ce film se ternine mal pour travis mais au cotnraire le film se termine par son éloge comme héros dans les journeaux.
Vu par plusieurs comme vrai classique moderne; ce film n`est pas personnellement un de mes préféré.
Great quotes:
Travis Bickle: Thank God for the rain to wash the trash off the sidewalk.
Travis Bickle: All the animals come out at night - whores, skunk pussies, buggers, queens, fairies, dopers, junkies, sick, venal. Someday a real rain will come and wash all this scum off the streets. I go all over. I take people to the Bronx, Brooklyn, I take 'em to Harlem. I don't care. Don't make no difference to me. It does to some. Some won't even take spooks. Don't make no difference to me
Travis Bickle: I think someone should just take this city and just... just flush it down the fuckin' toilet.
Travis Bickle: [Travis is trying his guns on the mirror] Huh? Huh?
Travis Bickle: Faster than you, fucking son of a... Saw you coming you fucking... shitheel. [Reholsters]
Travis Bickle: I'm standing here; you make the move. You make the move. It's your move...
Travis Bickle: Don't try it you fuck.
Travis Bickle: You talkin' to me? You talkin' to me? You talkin' to me? Then who the hell else are you talking... you talking to me? Well I'm the only one here. Who the fuck do you think you're talking to? Oh yeah? OK.
Travis Bickle: I realize now how much she's just like the others, cold and distant, and many people are like that, women for sure, they're like a union.
Iris: God, you're square.
Travis Bickle: Hey, I'm not square, you're the one that's square. You're full of shit, man. What are you talking about? You walk out with those fuckin' creeps and low-lifes and degenerates out on the streets and you sell your little pussy for peanuts? For some low-life pimp who stands in the hall? And I'm square? You're the one that's square, man. I don't go screwing fuck with a bunch of killers and junkies like you do. You call that bein' hip? What world are you from?
Entertainment rating: 7/10
Cast/acting rating: 8.5/10
Artistic rating: 7/10
Reflexion rating: 6/10
Production rating: 8/10
Adult factor: 3/10
Wide audience: 6/10
Overall personnal rating: 8.0/10
#214: Faster , Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir
Genre: Action
Annee/Year: 2010
Country: US
Format: Blu Ray
Faster. Director George Tillman jr brings us in his fifth feature lenght movie another revenge movie. This type of movie really gets on my nerve as it is becoming more and more popular. But as your mother has been telling you for years: "ain't nothin good coming out of violence" so kids please put on your judgement hat the right way. Let's not dismiss this movie too quickly however.
Dwayne Johnson is cast in the main role here as a ex-con named "driver" who starts going on a rampage right after completing his 20yrs prison sentence. He systematically kills the member of a gang who eliminated his own gang 20yrs earlier to get the hands on their profit from a bank heist. In the process they eliminated Driver's brother and him and this became personnal... Obviously Driver refused to die and came back in the hospital only to serve 20yrs during which time he was preparaing his pay back.
Billy Bob Thornton plays the role of heroin addict crooked cop who is wise and experience enough to maybe catch up to Driver. Carla Gugino plays the straight cop that has to work with Thornton's character on this assignment. They add a good dynamic to the film.
If this was not enough a cool and very intelligent professional killer is sent after Driver to eliminate him before he accomplishes his goal.
An interesting chase between four parties which makes the story interesting and certainly the action level to the max. Entertaining after all and not a bad story with some level of depth makes this an OK movie.
Faster. Un film d'action du réalisateur George Tillman jr qui dans son 5ieme film nous donne un autre maudit film de vengeance. Ces films sont à la mode ces temps ci et ils m`énervent en général. Celui -ci un peu moins grace a un casting solide et une intrigue un peu plus complexe et surtout avec plus de profondeur.
Dwayne Johnson joue le rôle d`un ex-bandit qui sort de prison après vingt ans. Il se lance dans une folle poursuite pour éliminer les gars qui l`ont descendu lui et son frère. Lui a été plus chanceux et s`en est tiré grace a sa plaque de métal dans le crâne.
Il est pour suivit par un duo de policiers: un sombre et héroinomane incarné par Billy Bob Thornton et l`autre une bonne policière jouée par Carla gugino. En même temps sa tête est mise a pris par une de ses victimes potentielles et un super tueur professionel est mis à ses trousses.
Le résultat est beaucoup d`action et de poursuites entre les quatres groupes. Le facteur divertissant et le profondeur des caractères et de l`histoire rendent se film un peu plus que tolérable.
Great quotes:
Marina: Do you know what hell is? It's not fire and devils. All that stuff they taught you when you was little. We make our heaven and our hell while we're alive, Every time we cause pain, every time we cause suffering.
Evangelist: [from trailer] Can you find it in your heart to forgive me?
Driver: I can't. [a gunshot is heard]
Cop: I created my own hell.
Driver: And I am the demon who crawled up out of it. [a gunshot is heard]
Baphomet's Son: How do you have my dad's phone?
Driver: He asked me to call you. Baphomet's Son: Are you the one who killed him?
Driver: Yes.
Baphomet's Son: I'm gonna find you and I'm gonna kill you.
Driver: You do what you need to do. But you better be sure, cause that's a long, dark road you're headed down.
Entertainment rating: 7.5/10
Cast/acting rating: 7/10
Artistic rating: 4/10
Reflexion rating: 3/10
Production rating: 8/10
Adult factor: 7/10
Wide audience: 9/10
Overall personnal rating: 6.5/10
Annee/Year: 2010
Country: US
Format: Blu Ray
Faster. Director George Tillman jr brings us in his fifth feature lenght movie another revenge movie. This type of movie really gets on my nerve as it is becoming more and more popular. But as your mother has been telling you for years: "ain't nothin good coming out of violence" so kids please put on your judgement hat the right way. Let's not dismiss this movie too quickly however.
Dwayne Johnson is cast in the main role here as a ex-con named "driver" who starts going on a rampage right after completing his 20yrs prison sentence. He systematically kills the member of a gang who eliminated his own gang 20yrs earlier to get the hands on their profit from a bank heist. In the process they eliminated Driver's brother and him and this became personnal... Obviously Driver refused to die and came back in the hospital only to serve 20yrs during which time he was preparaing his pay back.
Billy Bob Thornton plays the role of heroin addict crooked cop who is wise and experience enough to maybe catch up to Driver. Carla Gugino plays the straight cop that has to work with Thornton's character on this assignment. They add a good dynamic to the film.
If this was not enough a cool and very intelligent professional killer is sent after Driver to eliminate him before he accomplishes his goal.
An interesting chase between four parties which makes the story interesting and certainly the action level to the max. Entertaining after all and not a bad story with some level of depth makes this an OK movie.
Faster. Un film d'action du réalisateur George Tillman jr qui dans son 5ieme film nous donne un autre maudit film de vengeance. Ces films sont à la mode ces temps ci et ils m`énervent en général. Celui -ci un peu moins grace a un casting solide et une intrigue un peu plus complexe et surtout avec plus de profondeur.
Dwayne Johnson joue le rôle d`un ex-bandit qui sort de prison après vingt ans. Il se lance dans une folle poursuite pour éliminer les gars qui l`ont descendu lui et son frère. Lui a été plus chanceux et s`en est tiré grace a sa plaque de métal dans le crâne.
Il est pour suivit par un duo de policiers: un sombre et héroinomane incarné par Billy Bob Thornton et l`autre une bonne policière jouée par Carla gugino. En même temps sa tête est mise a pris par une de ses victimes potentielles et un super tueur professionel est mis à ses trousses.
Le résultat est beaucoup d`action et de poursuites entre les quatres groupes. Le facteur divertissant et le profondeur des caractères et de l`histoire rendent se film un peu plus que tolérable.
Great quotes:
Marina: Do you know what hell is? It's not fire and devils. All that stuff they taught you when you was little. We make our heaven and our hell while we're alive, Every time we cause pain, every time we cause suffering.
Evangelist: [from trailer] Can you find it in your heart to forgive me?
Driver: I can't. [a gunshot is heard]
Cop: I created my own hell.
Driver: And I am the demon who crawled up out of it. [a gunshot is heard]
Baphomet's Son: How do you have my dad's phone?
Driver: He asked me to call you. Baphomet's Son: Are you the one who killed him?
Driver: Yes.
Baphomet's Son: I'm gonna find you and I'm gonna kill you.
Driver: You do what you need to do. But you better be sure, cause that's a long, dark road you're headed down.
Entertainment rating: 7.5/10
Cast/acting rating: 7/10
Artistic rating: 4/10
Reflexion rating: 3/10
Production rating: 8/10
Adult factor: 7/10
Wide audience: 9/10
Overall personnal rating: 6.5/10
#213: Route 132 , Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir
Genre: Comedie/Comedy
Annee/Year: 2010
Country: CAN(Quebec)
Format: DVD
Route 132. Un film québécois du réalisateur Louis Bélanger (Neuf films à son actif dont Gas bar blues) de budget restreint mais avec un contenu important. Francois Papineau y joue le rôle d`un homme ordinaire de Montréal, Gilles, qui refuse d`accepter la mort de son très jeune fils. Il se sauve en dehors de Montréal avec un vieil ami d`enfance, Bob, qu`il rencontre dans un bar en se soulant la gueule. Il s`ensuit une suite rockambolesque d`histoires pendant que nos deux comparses sombres dans les petits vols et essaient de remonter la route 132 le long du fleuve St-Laurent. Inconsciemment nos deux comparses remonte au sources pour rencontrer les tantes et grand-mère qui ont faconné la jeunesse de Gilles. Après avoir sombrer au fond du baril et ètant capturé par la police il réussi enfin a faire la paix avec lui même, pendant que son copain Bob se case les pieds auprès d`une jolie fille du bas du fleuve.
Un film au budget restreint mais qui inclus plusieurs acteurs québécois connus tel André Lachapelle, Sophie Bourgeois, Gilles Renaud, Jannine Sutto, Clémence Desrochers et Roger Léger. Ce film nous raconte l`intense douleur que plusieurs hommes portent avec eux (Guerre, perte d`enfant, non réussite dans la vie...); plus spécifiquement celle de la génération 40-60 ans et se sujet mérite sa place. Donc film tragique et intense à la fois mais bon pour les amateurs de bons films du Québec.
Route 132. A solid movie from Québec by director Louis Bélanger (9 movies including Gas bar blues). This is a film about the tragedy carried by middle age men in their hearts. Whether through loss of a child, war or being a looser to society. We follow the tale Gilles a man who has lost is only young son and refuses to accept this fate. His runs away from the funeral and leaves Montreal altogether with a buddy of his met in a bar. Both men travel along the beautiful shore of the St-Lawrence river unconsciously towards the land of their youth. Living of petty theft and small crimes; Gilles meets many of his aunts and grandma along the way which allows him to start his healing process. A beautiful scene is when the cousin of Gilles shows him a funeral build he and his war time friends have built to help them heal form the pain of seing children die in Kosovo. Evnetually reaching the bottom of the barrel and being searched by police Gilles comes to term with his grief to restart his life. A harsh but intense movie of low budget but tellign a tale which truly has it`s place: the grief of 40-60 yrs old men.
Great quotes:
Entertainment rating: 6/10
Cast/acting rating: 7/10
Artistic rating: 7/10
Reflexion rating: 8/10
Production rating: 6/10
Adult factor: 4/10
Wide audience: 5/10
Overall personnal rating: 7/10
Annee/Year: 2010
Country: CAN(Quebec)
Format: DVD
Route 132. Un film québécois du réalisateur Louis Bélanger (Neuf films à son actif dont Gas bar blues) de budget restreint mais avec un contenu important. Francois Papineau y joue le rôle d`un homme ordinaire de Montréal, Gilles, qui refuse d`accepter la mort de son très jeune fils. Il se sauve en dehors de Montréal avec un vieil ami d`enfance, Bob, qu`il rencontre dans un bar en se soulant la gueule. Il s`ensuit une suite rockambolesque d`histoires pendant que nos deux comparses sombres dans les petits vols et essaient de remonter la route 132 le long du fleuve St-Laurent. Inconsciemment nos deux comparses remonte au sources pour rencontrer les tantes et grand-mère qui ont faconné la jeunesse de Gilles. Après avoir sombrer au fond du baril et ètant capturé par la police il réussi enfin a faire la paix avec lui même, pendant que son copain Bob se case les pieds auprès d`une jolie fille du bas du fleuve.
Un film au budget restreint mais qui inclus plusieurs acteurs québécois connus tel André Lachapelle, Sophie Bourgeois, Gilles Renaud, Jannine Sutto, Clémence Desrochers et Roger Léger. Ce film nous raconte l`intense douleur que plusieurs hommes portent avec eux (Guerre, perte d`enfant, non réussite dans la vie...); plus spécifiquement celle de la génération 40-60 ans et se sujet mérite sa place. Donc film tragique et intense à la fois mais bon pour les amateurs de bons films du Québec.
Route 132. A solid movie from Québec by director Louis Bélanger (9 movies including Gas bar blues). This is a film about the tragedy carried by middle age men in their hearts. Whether through loss of a child, war or being a looser to society. We follow the tale Gilles a man who has lost is only young son and refuses to accept this fate. His runs away from the funeral and leaves Montreal altogether with a buddy of his met in a bar. Both men travel along the beautiful shore of the St-Lawrence river unconsciously towards the land of their youth. Living of petty theft and small crimes; Gilles meets many of his aunts and grandma along the way which allows him to start his healing process. A beautiful scene is when the cousin of Gilles shows him a funeral build he and his war time friends have built to help them heal form the pain of seing children die in Kosovo. Evnetually reaching the bottom of the barrel and being searched by police Gilles comes to term with his grief to restart his life. A harsh but intense movie of low budget but tellign a tale which truly has it`s place: the grief of 40-60 yrs old men.
Great quotes:
Entertainment rating: 6/10
Cast/acting rating: 7/10
Artistic rating: 7/10
Reflexion rating: 8/10
Production rating: 6/10
Adult factor: 4/10
Wide audience: 5/10
Overall personnal rating: 7/10
vendredi 6 mai 2011
#212: Weird Science , Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir
Genre: Comedy/Comedie
Annee/Year: 1985
Country: US
Format: DVD
Weird Science. A comedy from John Hugues (Home alone, breakfast club, Ferris Bueler's day off...). This is a typical Hugues adolescent movie. Where two nerds Gary and Wyatt (played by Anthony Michael Hall and Llan Mitchell Smith) cannot score with girls... The two losers decide to create the prefect women on their own using their new tech toy: a personnal computer... remmeber this was still a tool of fascination back in the '80s. The result is a not only a drop dead gorgous (Kelly Lebrock) women but also a super genius and she seems imbued with magical powers (think remake of Jinny).
Insues fun and game as the two nerds gain self confidence with difficulty and become men.
Lots of laugh and good '80s music. Note presence of young Robert Downey jr, Bill Paxton and Michael Berryman. A fun teenage oriented movie.
Weird science. Pas de version francaise sur mon DVD... Ce film de John Hugues (Home alone, breakfast club, Ferris Bueler's day off...)fut un bon succès à l'époque. Deux ados nerds décident de créé la femme parfaite sur leur nouveau gadget techno: un ordiateur personnel (ben c`était dans les années `80...). Cette femme parfaite (Kelly Lebrock) est aussi super intelligente et semble avoir des pouvoirs magiques... Une jinny reincarné quoi.
Il en resulte beaucoup de plaisir a mesure que nos deux compères gagnent en maturité et en confiance personnelle. La scène ou ils recoivent chaqun une rutilante voiture sport est très bien réussie. noter la présence de jeunes Robert Downey jr, Bill Paxton et Michael Berryman. un succès assuré pour les ados de coeur.
Great quotes:
Garry: That's not a bad idea.
Wyatt: What?
Garry: Making a girl. Actually making a girl. Like Frankenstein... except cuter.
Wyatt: [stands up] You're serious? [Gary grabs Wyatt by the collar and pulls him towards him]
Garry: Look me in the eye. Do I look serious?
Wyatt: Gary Wallace, that's-that's gross! That's sick! I am not digging up dead girls! [Gary puts his hand over Wyatt's mouth and sits him down on the bed]
Garry: No, I'm not talking about digging up dead girls, Wyatt. I'm talking about your system, idiot, your computer!
[Gary is chanting incoherently. Wyatt seemed very confused by his best friend's odd behaviour. They are both wearing bras on their heads]
Wyatt: Gary?... By the way, why are we wearing bras on our heads?
Garry: [hesitates] Ceremonial.
Garry: You know, I can't believe this, Wyatt. I'm so disappointed in us. I mean, all our lives we've been saying how great it would be if we went to parties, right? And now it's our party and we're in the john. We're in the john!
[Gary and Wyatt are about to go out with Lisa and they both are wearing dorky suits and hairstyles]
Wyatt: What are we going to do with her?
Garry: Look, we'll just go with the situation okay? And I'm sure by Sunday you'll think of something. You're a very bright guy. I have a lot of faith in you okay?
Wyatt: I'm just being practical.
Garry: I know you are and I apperciate it.
Wyatt: But what are we going to do about this mess?
Garry: Wyatt you have plenty of time to clean up tommorrow okay?
Wyatt: Ok but don't get any B.O. on Chet's suit, or he'd kill me. [they walk out of the room and all of a sudden they are wearing nice suits]
Wyatt: Where are we going anyway?
Garry: I don't know she said we're going downtown and OH MY GOD! Whose stuff is this? Is this yours?
Wyatt: Oh shit!
Garry: What's going on here?
Wyatt: I don't know.
Garry: Wyatt, what's going on here?
Wyatt: GARY I DON'T KNOW! But you look good though all right?
Garry: Yeah?
Wyatt: Yeah.
Wyatt: [referring to Lisa] Do you think she'll understand? [Gary puts his arm around Wyatt's shoulders]
Garry: I'm sure she will. I mean, I sure as hell wouldn't wanna date you.
[Wyatt grins] Garry: You're not my type, you know.
Wyatt: Gary, Gary, Gary! There are motorcycles in my house!
[Gary grabs Wyatt by the lapel and pulls him towards him]
Garry: Wyatt, there are killer mutants in your house, okay? [the front wall of the house is suddenly torn down. Lord General and a biker girl enter the house through it]
Wyatt, Garry: Screw the house!
Entertainment rating: 8/10
Cast/acting rating: 7/10
Artistic rating: 5/10
Reflexion rating: 3/10
Production rating: 7/10
Adult factor: 6/10
Wide audience: 8/10
Overall personnal rating: 7/10
Annee/Year: 1985
Country: US
Format: DVD
Weird Science. A comedy from John Hugues (Home alone, breakfast club, Ferris Bueler's day off...). This is a typical Hugues adolescent movie. Where two nerds Gary and Wyatt (played by Anthony Michael Hall and Llan Mitchell Smith) cannot score with girls... The two losers decide to create the prefect women on their own using their new tech toy: a personnal computer... remmeber this was still a tool of fascination back in the '80s. The result is a not only a drop dead gorgous (Kelly Lebrock) women but also a super genius and she seems imbued with magical powers (think remake of Jinny).
Insues fun and game as the two nerds gain self confidence with difficulty and become men.
Lots of laugh and good '80s music. Note presence of young Robert Downey jr, Bill Paxton and Michael Berryman. A fun teenage oriented movie.
Weird science. Pas de version francaise sur mon DVD... Ce film de John Hugues (Home alone, breakfast club, Ferris Bueler's day off...)fut un bon succès à l'époque. Deux ados nerds décident de créé la femme parfaite sur leur nouveau gadget techno: un ordiateur personnel (ben c`était dans les années `80...). Cette femme parfaite (Kelly Lebrock) est aussi super intelligente et semble avoir des pouvoirs magiques... Une jinny reincarné quoi.
Il en resulte beaucoup de plaisir a mesure que nos deux compères gagnent en maturité et en confiance personnelle. La scène ou ils recoivent chaqun une rutilante voiture sport est très bien réussie. noter la présence de jeunes Robert Downey jr, Bill Paxton et Michael Berryman. un succès assuré pour les ados de coeur.
Great quotes:
Garry: That's not a bad idea.
Wyatt: What?
Garry: Making a girl. Actually making a girl. Like Frankenstein... except cuter.
Wyatt: [stands up] You're serious? [Gary grabs Wyatt by the collar and pulls him towards him]
Garry: Look me in the eye. Do I look serious?
Wyatt: Gary Wallace, that's-that's gross! That's sick! I am not digging up dead girls! [Gary puts his hand over Wyatt's mouth and sits him down on the bed]
Garry: No, I'm not talking about digging up dead girls, Wyatt. I'm talking about your system, idiot, your computer!
[Gary is chanting incoherently. Wyatt seemed very confused by his best friend's odd behaviour. They are both wearing bras on their heads]
Wyatt: Gary?... By the way, why are we wearing bras on our heads?
Garry: [hesitates] Ceremonial.
Garry: You know, I can't believe this, Wyatt. I'm so disappointed in us. I mean, all our lives we've been saying how great it would be if we went to parties, right? And now it's our party and we're in the john. We're in the john!
[Gary and Wyatt are about to go out with Lisa and they both are wearing dorky suits and hairstyles]
Wyatt: What are we going to do with her?
Garry: Look, we'll just go with the situation okay? And I'm sure by Sunday you'll think of something. You're a very bright guy. I have a lot of faith in you okay?
Wyatt: I'm just being practical.
Garry: I know you are and I apperciate it.
Wyatt: But what are we going to do about this mess?
Garry: Wyatt you have plenty of time to clean up tommorrow okay?
Wyatt: Ok but don't get any B.O. on Chet's suit, or he'd kill me. [they walk out of the room and all of a sudden they are wearing nice suits]
Wyatt: Where are we going anyway?
Garry: I don't know she said we're going downtown and OH MY GOD! Whose stuff is this? Is this yours?
Wyatt: Oh shit!
Garry: What's going on here?
Wyatt: I don't know.
Garry: Wyatt, what's going on here?
Wyatt: GARY I DON'T KNOW! But you look good though all right?
Garry: Yeah?
Wyatt: Yeah.
Wyatt: [referring to Lisa] Do you think she'll understand? [Gary puts his arm around Wyatt's shoulders]
Garry: I'm sure she will. I mean, I sure as hell wouldn't wanna date you.
[Wyatt grins] Garry: You're not my type, you know.
Wyatt: Gary, Gary, Gary! There are motorcycles in my house!
[Gary grabs Wyatt by the lapel and pulls him towards him]
Garry: Wyatt, there are killer mutants in your house, okay? [the front wall of the house is suddenly torn down. Lord General and a biker girl enter the house through it]
Wyatt, Garry: Screw the house!
Entertainment rating: 8/10
Cast/acting rating: 7/10
Artistic rating: 5/10
Reflexion rating: 3/10
Production rating: 7/10
Adult factor: 6/10
Wide audience: 8/10
Overall personnal rating: 7/10
dimanche 1 mai 2011
#211: Mesrine: ennemi public #1 part 2 , Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir
Genre: Action
Annee/Year: 2008
Format: Blu Ray
Mesrine: ennemi public #1 part 2. This is the second part of the movie featured in our previous review. French director Jean-Francois Richet closes the story with the last years of Mesrine. We see how he returns to France to find even more difficulties and action (killings, bank roberies, high security prison escape and amazing escape from court after telling off the judges, kidnapping...). Mesrine meets Francois Besse (Mathieu Almaric) in prison and escapes with him. Both fellows end up associates who carry one for a few years until Besse finally goes on his own way.
As he ages, Mesrine flamboyant public character is not backed by anything very profound. We see him trying to associate more and more with a background of revolutionaries and that is the time he chooses to associate with Charlie Bauer (Gerard Lanvin) a more political figure than Mesrine although he never had Bauer's convictions. After cruely eliminating a journalist who tried to dirty Mesrine's image; we see him taken down by a specific brigade of cops dedicated to find and take care of public ennemy #1 once and for all. They plainly eliminate him in the middle of the street in his car in a very premeditated manner.
Again Vincent Cassel carries this movie on his shoulder in his personnal masterpice. A great two part movie. The second part is not as strong as the first one and has a couple of parts which seem a bit long. But the roller coaster ride is definitely worth every penny in the end. A great movie which all action buff should watch. Also for biography buffs as this is all based on a true bigger than life story.
Mesrine ennemi public #1 partie2. Ce film est la seconde partie du realisateur francais Jean-Francois Richet. Nous y voyons le retour en France de Mesrine suivit de capture par les policiers, incroyable evasion de la court, multiples vols de banques, evasion de prison haute securite, poursuite par l'armee, enlevements, meurtres et plus. Il fit la rencontre de Francois Besse (Mathieu Almaric) en prison et s'associa a lui pendant plusieurs annees.
En vieillissant, Mesrine sent qu'il manque de la profondeur derriere sa facade publique . Il s'associe donc a des gens plus connus pour leur cote politique revolutionnaire tel Charlie Bauer (Gerard Lanvin) mais il n'aura jamais le tier de leurs convictions etant un solitaire.
Mesrine fut descendu en pleine rue, par une escouade policiere qui lui etait dediee, sans lui donner aucune chance. La fin d'un film en deux parties qui est un oeuvre marquante pour le cinema francais et la carriere de Cassel. Ce deuxieme film comporte quelques longueurs mais vaut quand meme le coup. Une vrai montagne russe d'action il saura plaire au amateurs de film d'actions et de biographie car quand meme base sur la vie reele et rocanbolesque d'un vrai personnage.
Great quotes:
La journaliste interview: [Begins interview] Why are you doing this?
Jacques Mesrine: [long pause] Because I don't like laws.
Jacques Mesrine: I don't like the laws and I don't want to be a slave of the alarm clock my whole life.
Jacques Mesrine: I don't want to spend my entire life dreaming. I don't want to always think how I have to work half a year just so I could buy some thing.
La journaliste interview: What do you expect from your life? Recognition? Money?
Jacques Mesrine: [chuckles] What a question! Money, money, money... all of you just keep talking about it, always the same. But I'm completely different.
Jacques Mesrine: What exactly am I doing? I'm looking for the money in the places where they are - in the banks. [laughs]
La journaliste interview: Regarding the politics, are you on the left or the right?
Jacques Mesrine: [sighs] Neither side. I think politics are a dirty game. It's better to keep the distance from it. I don't trust any politician.
La journaliste interview: Do you consider yourself as a dangerous individual?
Jacques Mesrine: Dangerous... And according to you? I don't know, maybe I'm dangerous. I don't know. Why are you asking? [laughs]
Jacques Mesrine: Depends to whom. For instance I don't play with cops.
Jacques Mesrine: [pulls out his pistol and poses for the photographer] Shoot it!
Jacques Mesrine: Good photograph, publish it!
Jacques Mesrine: Dangerous... Probably yes. I'm probably dangerous.
La journaliste interview: What kind of old age and death will you have?
Jacques Mesrine: Old age... Honestly, I don't think I'll live that long.
Jacques Mesrine: One day they'll shoot me to death, and it will completely make sense. Natural. After all, for someone who was in prison with maximum security, there are no rules. Like me, I live without rules.
La journaliste interview: Without rules and without hope?
Jacques Mesrine: [does not answer]
La journaliste interview: Do you have any plans?
Jacques Mesrine: I've got a lot of plans. Close the prison with maximum security. I lived there for 5 years. Can you imagine? The whole 5 years! I want all of those who sit there to be freed! I've seen what's going on over there, how they break people, how they destroy them. But our Mr. Minister, Alain Perfite, he doesn't get it yet. I am an excellent shooter and I can kill a few judges.
Jacques Mesrine: [exclaims] Do we need in France gangs of Bordello? Do we need Red Brigades? Let them ask themselves the question. Because if there will be need to go in their neighborhoods to train with Palestinians, I'll go! They can shit their pants!
Rating perso: 7.5/10
Annee/Year: 2008
Format: Blu Ray
Mesrine: ennemi public #1 part 2. This is the second part of the movie featured in our previous review. French director Jean-Francois Richet closes the story with the last years of Mesrine. We see how he returns to France to find even more difficulties and action (killings, bank roberies, high security prison escape and amazing escape from court after telling off the judges, kidnapping...). Mesrine meets Francois Besse (Mathieu Almaric) in prison and escapes with him. Both fellows end up associates who carry one for a few years until Besse finally goes on his own way.
As he ages, Mesrine flamboyant public character is not backed by anything very profound. We see him trying to associate more and more with a background of revolutionaries and that is the time he chooses to associate with Charlie Bauer (Gerard Lanvin) a more political figure than Mesrine although he never had Bauer's convictions. After cruely eliminating a journalist who tried to dirty Mesrine's image; we see him taken down by a specific brigade of cops dedicated to find and take care of public ennemy #1 once and for all. They plainly eliminate him in the middle of the street in his car in a very premeditated manner.
Again Vincent Cassel carries this movie on his shoulder in his personnal masterpice. A great two part movie. The second part is not as strong as the first one and has a couple of parts which seem a bit long. But the roller coaster ride is definitely worth every penny in the end. A great movie which all action buff should watch. Also for biography buffs as this is all based on a true bigger than life story.
Mesrine ennemi public #1 partie2. Ce film est la seconde partie du realisateur francais Jean-Francois Richet. Nous y voyons le retour en France de Mesrine suivit de capture par les policiers, incroyable evasion de la court, multiples vols de banques, evasion de prison haute securite, poursuite par l'armee, enlevements, meurtres et plus. Il fit la rencontre de Francois Besse (Mathieu Almaric) en prison et s'associa a lui pendant plusieurs annees.
En vieillissant, Mesrine sent qu'il manque de la profondeur derriere sa facade publique . Il s'associe donc a des gens plus connus pour leur cote politique revolutionnaire tel Charlie Bauer (Gerard Lanvin) mais il n'aura jamais le tier de leurs convictions etant un solitaire.
Mesrine fut descendu en pleine rue, par une escouade policiere qui lui etait dediee, sans lui donner aucune chance. La fin d'un film en deux parties qui est un oeuvre marquante pour le cinema francais et la carriere de Cassel. Ce deuxieme film comporte quelques longueurs mais vaut quand meme le coup. Une vrai montagne russe d'action il saura plaire au amateurs de film d'actions et de biographie car quand meme base sur la vie reele et rocanbolesque d'un vrai personnage.
Great quotes:
La journaliste interview: [Begins interview] Why are you doing this?
Jacques Mesrine: [long pause] Because I don't like laws.
Jacques Mesrine: I don't like the laws and I don't want to be a slave of the alarm clock my whole life.
Jacques Mesrine: I don't want to spend my entire life dreaming. I don't want to always think how I have to work half a year just so I could buy some thing.
La journaliste interview: What do you expect from your life? Recognition? Money?
Jacques Mesrine: [chuckles] What a question! Money, money, money... all of you just keep talking about it, always the same. But I'm completely different.
Jacques Mesrine: What exactly am I doing? I'm looking for the money in the places where they are - in the banks. [laughs]
La journaliste interview: Regarding the politics, are you on the left or the right?
Jacques Mesrine: [sighs] Neither side. I think politics are a dirty game. It's better to keep the distance from it. I don't trust any politician.
La journaliste interview: Do you consider yourself as a dangerous individual?
Jacques Mesrine: Dangerous... And according to you? I don't know, maybe I'm dangerous. I don't know. Why are you asking? [laughs]
Jacques Mesrine: Depends to whom. For instance I don't play with cops.
Jacques Mesrine: [pulls out his pistol and poses for the photographer] Shoot it!
Jacques Mesrine: Good photograph, publish it!
Jacques Mesrine: Dangerous... Probably yes. I'm probably dangerous.
La journaliste interview: What kind of old age and death will you have?
Jacques Mesrine: Old age... Honestly, I don't think I'll live that long.
Jacques Mesrine: One day they'll shoot me to death, and it will completely make sense. Natural. After all, for someone who was in prison with maximum security, there are no rules. Like me, I live without rules.
La journaliste interview: Without rules and without hope?
Jacques Mesrine: [does not answer]
La journaliste interview: Do you have any plans?
Jacques Mesrine: I've got a lot of plans. Close the prison with maximum security. I lived there for 5 years. Can you imagine? The whole 5 years! I want all of those who sit there to be freed! I've seen what's going on over there, how they break people, how they destroy them. But our Mr. Minister, Alain Perfite, he doesn't get it yet. I am an excellent shooter and I can kill a few judges.
Jacques Mesrine: [exclaims] Do we need in France gangs of Bordello? Do we need Red Brigades? Let them ask themselves the question. Because if there will be need to go in their neighborhoods to train with Palestinians, I'll go! They can shit their pants!
Rating perso: 7.5/10
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