Genre: Horror/Horreur
Annee/Year: 1935
Format: DVD
The bride of Frankeinstein. Another true horror classic from the Universal vaults. Obviously a black and white film but good quality trasnfer from Universal. The movie was directed by James Whale who also directed the original Frankeinstein flick. The movie is also quite entertaining featuring long scenes with Boris Karloff as the "monster". The story relates the events that occur after the first movie as we find out the good doctor is not dead. A second mad scientist joins him to go furhter in their madness: to make a bride for Frankie. The bride does not have a very long role however before the party is over. Goota see if you are amateur of the genre.
La fiancee de Frankeinstein est un classique de 1935 en noir et blanc. Ce film aussi dirige par James Whale qui est l'auteur du Frankeinstein original. Le role du monstre est joue par Boris Karloff qui reussi tres bien. L'histoire raconte que le professeur Frankeinstein a survecu au premier film et qu'un second docteur Pretorius relance l'aventure en le poussant a creer une fiancee pour le monstre afin de creer une nouvelle race de monstre. Faut voir pour les vrais amateurs du genre.
Great quotes:
Dr. Pretorius: Sometimes I have wondered whether life wouldn't be much more amusing if we were all devils, no nonsense about angels and being good.
Rating perso: 7.5/10
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