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Welcome to my blog where you will find some interesting info i hope on all my interests in the form of reviews of movies, books, music or other.

Expanded rating system:

Entertainment rating: Are you having fun (10), is this too long and boring(1)

Cast/acting rating: good actors, good performance(10)

Artistic rating: What is the artistic value for this film, will it be a classic(10)

Reflexion rating: does the movie stimulate any provocative though(10)

Production rating: how well produced is the film, good FX(10)

Adult factor: is the film children ready for sex, violence, gore(10)

Wide audience: is this film opened for all tastes(10) or genre specific(1)

Overall personnal rating: My view on the worth of that movie to guide your choice

dimanche 16 mai 2010

Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #18: Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels

Genre: Action
Year: 1998
Format: Blu Ray

Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels . I said it here already Guy Ritchie is my kind of director. When he writes script on top of that, you better be ready for an explosive mix. Not of the faint hearted his movies are usually maxing out in wit and adrenaline. Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels is no exception. Loads of action and fun . This is entertainment with a big E and without any low sensibility tones. Love it and it paved the way for Snatch which is one of my all time preferate movie.

Il faut voir ce digne precurseur de Snatch. Si vous croyez que Guy Richie a marie Madonna pour son argent, detrompe vous. Il c'est surement s'agit ici de la rencontre de deux passionnes par leurs arts respectifs. Coeurs sensibles s'abstenir; les films de Guy sont des coups de poing a la figures may vous vous souviendrez toujours de ces magnifiques altercations. Si vous n'estes pas convaincu, voyez le dernier Shelock Holmes avant et si vous en redemandez vous serez pret a l'arsennal de Ritchie. Trasnfert Blu Ray interessant mais le grains enormes de la pellicule utilise volontairement par Ritchie ressort tres fortement sur l'ecran HD. Conclusion BR pas necessaire la dessus.

Interesting quote: "When you dance with the devil, you wait for the song to stop"


Rating perso: 7.5/10

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