mardi 25 mai 2010
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #22: The Usual suspects
Annee/Year: 1995
Format: Blu Ray
The usual suspects. Once in a while you discover a gem which you missed a few years back. After getting tipped by a podcast from the Geekbox I decided I would like to see that movie. Found it one week later in a specials bin at Maxis for 12.99...oh and it is blu ray format. SMILE.
This movie is about five gangsters which pull a heist together. But this story wont be as linear as just retelling the tale. Definitely a 10 for the story line. No i am not going to tell you, you have to watch it. And believe me you will not regret it. Love this type of movie where they dont take the listener for a dumb sucker. The story is complex and very well written with a smash ending. Reminded me a bit of Pulp Fiction which i loved so much.
The producer Bryan Singer has gained a lot of confidence with me after this one. Only after did I realize Bryan has also made the movie Valkyrie and Trick'R treat which i both love along with X men 2 . This guy has lots of potential.
The cast is excellent with Kevin Spacey playing an oscar worthy role along with Stephen Baldwin, Benicio Del Toro and Gabriel Byrne as well as Kevin Pollack. The blue ray transfer was OK but definitely popping out of the screen.
I Say no more. Watch it and let me know how you love it. Beg, borrow or steal a copy ...
Great line from the main protagonist: Who is Keyser Soze? He is supposed to be Turkish. Some say his father was German. Nobody believed he was real. Nobody ever saw him or knew anybody that ever worked directly for him, but to hear Kobayashi tell it, anybody could have worked for Soze. You never knew. That was his power. The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. And like that, poof. He's gone.
Il faut voir ce film a tout prix. Superbe histoire, excellent script et tres bons acteurs.
Rating perso: 8.5/10
lundi 24 mai 2010
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #21: Legion
Annee/Year: 2010
Format: Blu Ray
Legion. Great action movie with horror overtones. I loved the movie but i hate the fact that the trailer gave most of it out. Why show the best scenes in the trailer? This is type of marketing really sucks. Story is about the apocalypse...again. Guess folks love that theme. This time god has decided to reboot humanity for the 2 or 3rd time... but instead of a flood (that was done in 2012) he sends us angels who possess people's bodies to do the great cleanup.
Great action, very good casting, excellent cinematography and special effects. Great image on blu ray. The first half of the movie will really move you. The second half the story looses a bit of it's focus. Overall still a good value for those who like the horror genre.
Excellent film d'action/horreur. Ne voyer pas le trailer car vous aurez vu plus de la moitie des meilleurs scenes du film. Je n'apprecie vraiment pas quand les gars du marketing font cela.
Cependant un solide film apocalyptique sur la fin de l'humanite cause par dieu qui nous envoie
ses anges sous formes plutot demoniaque pour faire le grand menage.
A voir si vous apprecie le genre. Tres bon effets speciaux et cinematographie. Et en plus la trame sonore francaise est en DTS master audio.
Rating perso: 7.5/10
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #20: Pour toujours, les Canadiens!
Genre: DocuDrama
Annee/Year: 2009
Format: DVD
Les Canadiens, pour toujours. Film semi documentaire sur l'histoire du club de Hockey des Canadiens de Montreal et leur impact sur la societe Quebecoise/fan modernes. Interessant mais on apprend pas beaucoup de nouveau sur un sujet enormement plus profond et bien documente.
On joue ici la carte sentimentale (avec les enfant malades a l'hopital) et c'est un peu trop facile. Apres avoir vu le film, il me semble fait pour les fans inveteres et les jeunes enfants/ados.
Le casting est excellent et le script realiste. En tout une bonne valeur dans la period des series.
En plus plusieurs jouers y jouent leurs roles, super!
GO habs GO et bravo pour les 100ans.
There is an english version but i did not try it out. Not sure how well it would come out.
If you are not an expert on the Montreal Canadians hockey club this can be an entertaining and educational film. Otherwise you may find that it is stretching a bit too much on the emotions by taking us through the eyes of a child needing a kidney transplant.... Still a good entertainment value if you like hockey at all. Specially in the playoff season. Ah yes there are many cameos by real players as well which will add to the realism.
Rating perso: 6/10
dimanche 16 mai 2010
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #19: A Night,are on Elm street part 2: Freddy's revenge
Annee/Year: 1985
Format: DVD
A nightmare on Elm street part 2: Freddy's revenge. Even great series have weak points. The Nightmare on Elm street series definitely has one with part 2. The story is that Freddy tries to make it to the real world for some action. Well this concepts sucks. Freddy's great in your nightmare where you cannot reach him. As much as i liked reviewing the first one this second one is a worth only a laugh at best. Definitely not written by Wes Craven himself.
Si vous aimez la franchise vous pouvez revoir mais cette deuxieme partie est vraiment triste comparee a l'original. Le film se termine avant de vraiment avoir demaree. Si vous le pouvez passez celui ci et sautez au troisieme... C'est pas du vrai Wes Craven car il n'a pas ecrit le script tres visiblement.
Rating perso: 4.5/10
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #18: Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
Year: 1998
Format: Blu Ray
Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels . I said it here already Guy Ritchie is my kind of director. When he writes script on top of that, you better be ready for an explosive mix. Not of the faint hearted his movies are usually maxing out in wit and adrenaline. Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels is no exception. Loads of action and fun . This is entertainment with a big E and without any low sensibility tones. Love it and it paved the way for Snatch which is one of my all time preferate movie.
Il faut voir ce digne precurseur de Snatch. Si vous croyez que Guy Richie a marie Madonna pour son argent, detrompe vous. Il c'est surement s'agit ici de la rencontre de deux passionnes par leurs arts respectifs. Coeurs sensibles s'abstenir; les films de Guy sont des coups de poing a la figures may vous vous souviendrez toujours de ces magnifiques altercations. Si vous n'estes pas convaincu, voyez le dernier Shelock Holmes avant et si vous en redemandez vous serez pret a l'arsennal de Ritchie. Trasnfert Blu Ray interessant mais le grains enormes de la pellicule utilise volontairement par Ritchie ressort tres fortement sur l'ecran HD. Conclusion BR pas necessaire la dessus.
Interesting quote: "When you dance with the devil, you wait for the song to stop"
Rating perso: 7.5/10
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #17: Avatar
Year: 2009
Format: Blu Ray
Avatar. A classic in it's own right already...maybe. But definitely a major step forward in the genre. Why do we like Avatar so much. For a slew of reasons:
1- Avatar is basically the next step in the Computer Graphics standard. Especially using all the tricks of the trade in the creation of virtual creatures/characters with true emotions comning through the screen.
2- For the amateurs of the sub-genre "giant robots" it is way cool how they integrate the mechs in this environment. Very well done. Guess now the tech is ready to give us real life gundamns (japanese mechs in manga/anime) that dont look like transformers. In passing worth noting the excellent work in the imagining of all the ships, technologies of the movie. The attention to details on computer interfaces is most credible.
3- Same attention to details with the creation of the world called Pandora which makes it even more pleaseant to live there for a few hours. The biggest kudo goes to the imagining of the biology of the planet on land, sea and air as well as the plants. This is really what makes this movie as such a leap forward compared to past efforts. Here we truly see the excellent mindset of our canadian fellow James Cameron and his devotion ot the study of the oceans and it's life.
4- Wait i am not finished. The movie title points us to the greatest tech put in film for this adventure: the concept of Avatar. This is the extreme limit of the old concept of virtual reality. Why wear a suit when you can wear a creature's body. Making use of a paraplegic character to highlight this makes it even more emotional.
5- casting very good, script and story very good but a bit deja vu as many have said previously. But frankly i never saw a movie which wins on so many sides so can we not be too difficult.
6- oh, almost forgot. This was the groundbreaker movie for 3D in the new flavor. Yes i saw it in the Theater in 3D. Did not enjoy the glasses so much but the 3D was quite good. Having seen it in Blu Ray 2D now. I cant say I missed the 3D so much. But hey, another big plus for Avatar here.
Avatar may not be the greatest movie of all time as many would like it to be; but it certainly is amongts the top sci-fi movies you will ever see. Will it stand up to others like star-wars, blade runner, alien, etc... only time will tell but i would not worry if I was Cameron.
Question is after having made us discover the world of the deep sea with the Abyss, the remains of the Titanic, the future robots with Terminator and wonderful alien worlds what will he come up with next? Rumors mention he may have a hand in the fantastic voyage later this year. Cant wait to see how he would treat the human body as the next frontier.
For any movie director reading this (I know they are all secretely reading my blog (...) The duo of Sigourney Weaver and Michelle Rodriguez THIS IS a WINNER. Please bring it back in another context that would be kick ass.
Avatar. Il faut voir pour les images extraordinaires et la maniere dont Cameron a reussi a nous creer un monde entier qui demeure credible. Il faut voir pour son apport a la qualite des images CG, pour les techno super, la biologies et la botanie fantastique de ce monde nomme Pandore. Les script et l'histoire ne sont peut etre pas a la hauteur d'un film aussi bien ficele mais on lui pardonne pour tous ces autres apports. Et n'oublions pas le 3D nouvelle sauce qui est bien en salle mais pas necessaire surtout avec le tres beau transfer Blu ray execute. J'ai bien hate de voir la prochaine invention de Cameron. La rumeur dit qu'un remake moderne du voyage fantastique (a l'interieur du coprs humain) est sur la planche. Je ne peux attendre!
Rating perso: 9.5/10
dimanche 9 mai 2010
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #16: The African queen
Year: 1951
Format: Blu Ray
The african queen. A classic of classics if there is one. John Huston as director, Humphrey Bogart and Katharine Hepturn as main actors. One of the first movie shot on site in Africa. Stuff movie dreams are made of. For the younger crowd, note that these names may not be ringing a bell for you but you need to trust me that these guys were as big in the 40-50s as Pitt/Jolie are today.
The film is beautifully restored for this blu ray edition. But the sound was kept in the original MONO soundtrack. Easily fixed with a good DSP.
Le film montre la longue descente d'un fleuve d'afrique de deux personnages tres differents qui veulent donner pour leur patrie pendant la 1ere guerre mondiale. A l'origine tres opposes les deux personnages finirons par former une paire qui se complete a merveille et atteindrons leur objectif malgre toutes les embuches sur leur route. Un grand classic.
Restauration superbe sur Blu ray; un classique de Bogart et Hepburn a garder.
For movie buffs, gotta see the "White hunter, black heart" movie from 1990 which puts on film the story surrounding the shooting of the African queen
Rating perso: 8.5/10
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #15: Planes, Trains & automobiles
Year: 1987
Format: DVD
Planes, trains and automobiles. This comedy is the meeting of three greats: Steve Martin, John Candy and John Hugues. Two of these guys are already by now...Candy at only 44yrs old, imagine what else he could have achieved. PT&A is one of Candies best with a great inter-relation with Steve Martin it is just fun to see them both bounicng of each other. Hugues manages again to inject a bit of feel good into the movie which is great topper. Greatest scene is when they have to share a bed and their manly reaction bursts up. Kills me every time. Hey, how long has it been since you saw this classic.
Comedie qui met en jeux Candy, Martin et Hugues, trois grands du monde cinema comedie des anees '80. Faut voir. Tarduction francaise sure le DVD oui mais encore en stereo. Pas de 5.1 pour les francophones, sorry.
Rating perso: 7.5/10
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #14: A Nightmare on elm street
Anee/Year: 1984
Format: DVD
A nightmare on Elm street. Si vous venez de lire la revue de Twilight New Moon et mon manque d'enthousiasme; voici le film anti-these. Ici Wes Craven (createur et directeur) ne jouissait pas d'un best seller come base a cette saga. Il n'avait pas d'acteurs de haut niveau meme si Johnny Dep y joue son premier long metrage (il etait definitevement debutant ici). La cinematographie et les decors sont de second ordre et les effets speciaux sont maintenant dates. Les scripts sont egalement un peu faible meme si Freddy Krueger nous reserve quelques inoubliables repliques.
Ceci etant dit la force de ce film c'est son histoire et l'action qui s'y deroule. Fascinant! Meme avec des elements faibles decris ci-haut, les resultats sont frappants et memorables. Un film qui reste solide apres plus de 25 ans dans ce genre c'est du top niveau. Oui j'ai encore un frisson en regardant ce film et ca c'est en dire pas mal. Tuer dans le reve le concept est quand meme genial. La version ulitme du bonne homme sept heure (boogeyman).
Maintenant la version 2010 vient de sortir (et oui je vais attendre le blu ray) et le success semble encore a porte de cette Saga rafraichie. Je ne peut attendre de le voir avec des effets speciaux modernes et un budget moins modeste; mais surtout je suis sur qu'il y aura de nouveaux concepts pour nous impressionner. Ca c'est une vrai saga de l'horreur! Vous aurez remarquer que j'ai opte pour la version DVD (10$) au lieu du Blu Ray. Je ne suis pas convaincus que le BR valait le coup dans ce cas. Le DVD etait une version "remasterizee" et rendait justice. A t'on fait une restauration plus pousse sur le Blu Ray? pas sur du tout. Au moins sur DVD on peut encore trouver toute la serie. Le BR n'offre que le premier film. Ne restez pas sur votre faim et optez pour toute la serie.
Nightmare on Elm street is a classic of the genre and a real horror Saga. In 25 years i am not sure that people will remember the soporific Twilight Saga but Freddy will still be haunting our dreams.
One, two, Freddy's coming for you.
Three, four, better lock your door.
Five, six, grab your crucifix.
Seven, eight, better stay awake.
Nine, ten, never sleep again.
wow this is still very effective. Great movie with average budgets, actors, scripts but the vision of Wes Craven comes through to haunt you even 25 yrs later. Buy the cheaper DVD version it may be low on special features but the image is clean enough and the Blu Ray is still too expensive for now. Maybe wait for the BR when the put out a complete set to accompany the new reboot series. Definitely still a classic of the genre.
Rating perso: 8/10
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #13: Twilight New moon
Anee/Year: 2009
Format: Blu Ray
Twilight Saga: New Moon. Don't know...I tried and i am usually pretty good at putting my self in the perspective of the intended viewer be they teens or children but here I am at a loss. I really cant see the appeal in this. Why the books are so popular (well they gotta be more involving thant the movies.) This happens with such vampire series such as Interview with a vampires saga. I am a horror movie fan but this is not horror more along the lines of Romeo and Juliet but even the 300+ year old plot was more challenging.
Usually the victim becomes a vampire in the first minutes of the horror flic; why these guys drag out the pain over of 3 movies (or more?) is a painful plot. Yes the chick lost her boyfriend and that hurts but any good blues song will take you through that in less than 4 minutes. The cinematography is good when not fully CGed; the actors are well cast but I cant relate. Sorry I was not excited abut the first movie but after the second i'll pass the rest of the soporific saga.
Certaines belles images, des acteurs bien cadres, une production de top niveau ne vallent pas une bonne histoire. Endoooooormant.
Rating perso: 4/10
jeudi 6 mai 2010
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #12: Chronos
Anee/Year: 1993
Format: DVD
Cronos is one of the earlier movies from a director which is now shooting for the top: Guillermo Del Toro. You dont know Guillermo (not to confuse with the actor Benicio from the Che) ...come on.. he is the hottest thing out of Mexico in hte last 15 years with great successes such as Hellboy (1 and 2) as well as the commanded "Pan's Labyrinth". He is also preparing for us the Hobbit movies to come later in 2012 and 13 as pre-quels to the Lord of the Rings.
Cronos is a well built movie about a type of vampire with another twist. The acting is first rate by lead Frederico Luppi. Secondary role to Ron Perlman who also played Hellboy.
I was postively surprised at this movie's quality, but you gotta like the horror genre. Guillermo is quoted as saying in the special features: "Horror is one of the last risky genre" and this is probably why he has invested himself into it do deeply. Well it pays off in his case. Well done Guillermo.
Le film Cronos est excellent mais attendez vous a un film moitie anglais et moitie Espagnol. Ceci n'a pas diminue mon interet et le film est superbe. On gagne tous a connaitre Guillermo Del Toro si vous n'avez pas deja vu ses succes plus recent tell Hellboy ou Le Labyrinthe de Pan. Son style sombre s'adapte bien aux choix de film qu'il fait. C'est une histoire de vampire vraiment differente base sur une mecanique diabolique qui utilise un insecte a son centre. cool. Dur a trouver ce film mais ca vaut le cout. F Luppi acteur pricipal y mene un superbe travail. Bravo.
Rating perso: 7/10
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #11: Je suis timide mais je me soigne
Year: 1978
Format: VHS
Je suis timide mais je me soigne has never been translated to english as far as I know so this one more reason to learn french. For sure this is as good as any Eddy Murphy classic.
J'ai sortie cette vieille copie du VHS apres avoir chercher pendant qqes annees une version DVD
(Je suis toujours preneur si vous trouve). Certaines scenes sont classiques et surtout pour moi la scene de la choreographie des plongeurs restera grave dans mon coeur. "Je prend l'assiette, je lave l'assiette, je lance l'assiette, j'egoute l'assiette, j'essuie l'assiette et je depose l'assiette,..." Personne ne peux oublier ce Pierre Richard a son meilleurs. Personnellement j'ai toujours adore, mais j'en connait comme ma conjointe qui ne peuvent pas le sentir; alors question de gouts.
Ce film contient un role interessant de Aldo Macione si vous etes amateurs.
Rating perso: 7/10
lundi 3 mai 2010
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #10: Sherlock Holmes
Year: 2009
Format: Blu Ray
Sherlock Holmes. I definitely had too many people raising the expectations around this movie. This is always a dangerous thing. First Director is Guy Ritchie...say no more. This is the guy who made some of the best movie ever in it's genre: Snatch (2000). This one is at the top of my list.
Second, casting Robert Downey jr was again a great move. Dont know what this guy has been drinking but i would like to name him the Schumaker of cinema. His presence supercharges any movies he has been doing in last 5 years. A rougher and more physical Holmes is a good recipe. His Watson, played by Jude Law is a good choice and makes an interesting chemistry. great Blu Ray, great sound and amazing picture of 19th century London. Very CG but still nice. Cant wait for the follow up Holmes 2 with the mythic evil Moriarti. The only question is where is Data? (insider Star Trek reference)
Sherlock Holmes. Il faut voir. Superbe images et comediens terrifiques. Histoire bien ficele mais pas extraordinaire quand meme. Du bon entertainement quoi.
Rating perso: 7.5/10
dimanche 2 mai 2010
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #9: Fight club
Year: 1999
Format: Blu Ray
The fight club. I had not watched this movie in quite a while. But I quickly remembered the paranoid atmosphere and sheer fun this movie experience is. Ed Norton and Brad Pitt play two mofos qho are out to start a revolution. But the movie point of view if really particular. No i will not spoil this one for anybody. See it cause you have too. Some violence is expected as the title points to. The blu ray transfer is very well done. One of the good Brad Pitt performance for you fans.
Si vous n'avex pas vu le Fight Club, ne le manquez pas. Deja a son 10ieme anniversaire ce film n'a pas vieilli et son theme est toujours aussi frais. Super casting avec Ed Norton et Brad Pitt et des scenes de bagarres a n'en plus finir. Une scene de crash d'avion a ne pas oublier est incluse.
Definitvement ca vous prend un coeur plus solide por digiere ce film, mais le jeu en vaut la chandelle.
Rating perso: 7.5/10
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #8: Ferris Bueller's day off
Anee/Year: 1986
Format: Blu Ray
Ferris Bueller's day off. Anyone not having seen this classic is missing something big. Yes it is a comedy about teenagers so how can it be so important you say? Well John Hughes who passed away last year unfortunately, is a man of vision and this is definitely one of his gems. If you grew up in the 80's this is definitely on your cult list. Hell it is worth watching only for the car scenes (Ferrari GT 250 California). This movie should be mandatory watching for all adolescent. Hughes was a hero in teenager philosophy. Good transfer to blu ray but not great.
La traduction francaise de Ferris Bueller n'est pas trop mal quand meme. Comme je disait plus haut, si vous n'avez jamais vu ce film vous manque un joyaux du portfolio de John Hughes decede en 2009. Un ado qui seche l'ecole pour une journee passee avec son meilleur copain et sa petite amie. Bon casting, vous adorerez le directeur d'ecole. Mais attention ceci n'est pas qu'un film d'ado leger il contient quelques perles de philo ado a la John Hughes et c'est se qui rend ses films si accrocheurs. SAVE FERRIS!
Rating perso: 8/10
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #7: Capitalism a love story
Anee/Year: 2009
Format: Blu Ray
Capitalism: a love story again a gem from mr Moore. Michael puts us this time in front of the questions we all faced in the recent economic slump in the US and worldwide. Really good subject; interesting lefty approach; very interesting facts brought forward as usual; but some of the old gimmicks from the early days of Micheal Moore starting to be wearing thin. A good movie but not his greatest. The subject will kick in the stomach and land you straight on your butt. One of these movies that you cannot forget just after watching it. I guess that's what mr Moore wants so success to him.
Bon film , definitivement a voir. Pas de version francaise sur le Blu ray (sad). Moore utillisent certains artifices qui datent a ces premiers films alors l'effet est moins persuasif. Le sujet est tout autant percutant cependant et vaux le coup. Vous n'oublierez pas l'experience des la fin du film car ces images et ces sujets resteront avec vous pendant plusieurs jours.
Rating perso: 7.5/10