Genre: Horror/Horreur
Annee/Year: 2007
Format: Blu Ray
Diary fo the dead. From the famous director George A. Romero who brought us a slew of Zombie movies in the past. He attempts once more to reiterate success through a different approach of the genre. This time, less emphasis on gore and zombies themselves and more of the psychology of the camera man filming this movie as if it were a documentary. Somewhat interesting results; some focus on the internet phenomenon and what constitutes the news or what should be the news and how it is fragile and easily manipulated. The story itself is about a group of cinema students trying to find their way amongst a world in chaos. Gotta love the rambo amish who comits hara kiri to eliminate the zombie bitting him. A classic of the sickle use. Good for the real amateurs of the zombie genre. For others you can pass.
Un autre film de Zombie du maitre du genre George Romero. Il 'sagit ici d'un autre essai afin de trouver un angle original au meme vieux compte. Le succes est inegal. L'histoire est correcte, le seul interet nouveau ce situe sur son discour sur l'internet et la nouvelle et la fragilite de cette information/mesinformation. Interessant. Bon film pour les mordus (...) de Zombies mais pour les autres moins interessant.
Great quotes:
Brody: Can't get close enough for an Emmy.
Brie: Screw the Emmy. I'd settle for a fucking paycheck.
Brody: Story of my life.
Eliot Stone: [after Ridley drives off with Francine] Fuckin' mummies get all the girls.
Debra: [voiceover] The media were lying to us, or the government was lying to them. They were trying to make it seem like everything was gonna be all right.
Jason: Fuck. $100,000 education, I can't find my way out of a fucking warehouse.
Rating perso: 6.0/10
mardi 27 juillet 2010
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #54. The Adams family
Genre: Horror and comedy/Horreur et comedie
Annee/Year: 1991
Format: VHS
The Adams family. Once in a while we go back to the vault to dig up an older movie. This time I really outdid myself by digging up this 1991 classic to make my son discover this old flic. I donc think it has been published on Blu Ray yet but will certainly reaquire it once it does as well as the 2nd movie Adams family values. This movie has not aged a minute through the last 20 years. The dark gothic humor is still as fresh as ever and the scripts are really perfect. I love the interplay between Gomez and Morticia (Raul Julia & Anjelica Huston) they have to be one of all times greatest love story. As if this was not enough we have the children, It and the Thing to complete this family as well as Lurch the butler. No wait let us not forget Christopher Loyd (Back to the future) playing uncle Fester. OK VCS suck in quality but this one was not damaged by time. It did not stop us from enjoying this great film all the better. Hey kids you have to see this.
J'ai du retourne dans ma voute de cassettes video pour retrouver ce vieux film de 1991. Ca valait le coup car ce film n'a pas vieillit du tout. OK le VHS est pourri mais on a quand meme pu regarder ce classique sans trop d'interferences. J'adore le jeux entre les parents Adams: Gomez et Moriticia qui sont joue a la perfection par Raul Julia et Anjelica Huston. Les enfants, la chose et CA complete la famille sans oublier oncle Fester. Film genial, script superbe et mise en scene excellente. Faut revoir surtout les plus jeunes qui n'ont jamais vu cette famille originale.
great quotes:
Girl Scout: Is this made from real lemons?
Wednesday: Yes.
Girl Scout: I only like all-natural foods and beverages, organically grown, with no preservatives. Are you sure they're real lemons?
Pugsley: Yes.
Girl Scout: Well, I'll tell you what. I'll buy a cup if you buy a box of my delicious Girl Scout cookies. Do we have a deal?
Wednesday: Are they made from real Girl Scouts?
Gomez: [about Morticia] I would die for her. I would kill for her. Either way, what bliss.
Morticia: Children, what are you doing?
Wednesday: I'm going to electrocute him.
Morticia: But we're late for the charity auction.
Wednesday: But, Mother...
Morticia: I said no.
Pugsley: Pleeaaaase?
Morticia: Oh, all right.
Morticia: Don't torture yourself, Gomez. That's my job.
Morticia: And our credo: "Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc." We gladly feast on those who would subdue us. Not just pretty words.
Rating perso: 8.0/10
Annee/Year: 1991
Format: VHS
The Adams family. Once in a while we go back to the vault to dig up an older movie. This time I really outdid myself by digging up this 1991 classic to make my son discover this old flic. I donc think it has been published on Blu Ray yet but will certainly reaquire it once it does as well as the 2nd movie Adams family values. This movie has not aged a minute through the last 20 years. The dark gothic humor is still as fresh as ever and the scripts are really perfect. I love the interplay between Gomez and Morticia (Raul Julia & Anjelica Huston) they have to be one of all times greatest love story. As if this was not enough we have the children, It and the Thing to complete this family as well as Lurch the butler. No wait let us not forget Christopher Loyd (Back to the future) playing uncle Fester. OK VCS suck in quality but this one was not damaged by time. It did not stop us from enjoying this great film all the better. Hey kids you have to see this.
J'ai du retourne dans ma voute de cassettes video pour retrouver ce vieux film de 1991. Ca valait le coup car ce film n'a pas vieillit du tout. OK le VHS est pourri mais on a quand meme pu regarder ce classique sans trop d'interferences. J'adore le jeux entre les parents Adams: Gomez et Moriticia qui sont joue a la perfection par Raul Julia et Anjelica Huston. Les enfants, la chose et CA complete la famille sans oublier oncle Fester. Film genial, script superbe et mise en scene excellente. Faut revoir surtout les plus jeunes qui n'ont jamais vu cette famille originale.
great quotes:
Girl Scout: Is this made from real lemons?
Wednesday: Yes.
Girl Scout: I only like all-natural foods and beverages, organically grown, with no preservatives. Are you sure they're real lemons?
Pugsley: Yes.
Girl Scout: Well, I'll tell you what. I'll buy a cup if you buy a box of my delicious Girl Scout cookies. Do we have a deal?
Wednesday: Are they made from real Girl Scouts?
Gomez: [about Morticia] I would die for her. I would kill for her. Either way, what bliss.
Morticia: Children, what are you doing?
Wednesday: I'm going to electrocute him.
Morticia: But we're late for the charity auction.
Wednesday: But, Mother...
Morticia: I said no.
Pugsley: Pleeaaaase?
Morticia: Oh, all right.
Morticia: Don't torture yourself, Gomez. That's my job.
Morticia: And our credo: "Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc." We gladly feast on those who would subdue us. Not just pretty words.
Rating perso: 8.0/10
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #53. House of the devil
Genre: Horror/Horreur
Annee/Year: 2009
Format: DVD
House of the Devil. This movie was recommended in a podcast i listened to. Originally i was convinced this was an early '80s movie. Even the cover looks like it. However it is not the case, the movie is from 2009...I can understand going back to the roots of more traditional horror flicks but one should replicate the same problems often found in older movies. The pace of this film is way to slow and it story is poor at best. Yes there are a few scares and there is a strong suspense build up in the films ' intensity. At the same time there is too much time lost in nothing happening. Not sure this is a winning formula at all. Ti West the writer and producer will need to do better to impress me. The concept was good but the editing and script could have been improved.
Ce film d'horreur imite les vieux films des annees 70-80 mais il date de 2009. Le concept etait bon mais la realisation le fut moins. Il ne fallait surtout pas garder le rhytme des annees 70 car ca parait beucoup trop long de nos jours. Donc pas une grande reussite de Ti West; mais quand meme un moyen film de suspense.
Rating perso: 6.0/10
Annee/Year: 2009
Format: DVD
House of the Devil. This movie was recommended in a podcast i listened to. Originally i was convinced this was an early '80s movie. Even the cover looks like it. However it is not the case, the movie is from 2009...I can understand going back to the roots of more traditional horror flicks but one should replicate the same problems often found in older movies. The pace of this film is way to slow and it story is poor at best. Yes there are a few scares and there is a strong suspense build up in the films ' intensity. At the same time there is too much time lost in nothing happening. Not sure this is a winning formula at all. Ti West the writer and producer will need to do better to impress me. The concept was good but the editing and script could have been improved.
Ce film d'horreur imite les vieux films des annees 70-80 mais il date de 2009. Le concept etait bon mais la realisation le fut moins. Il ne fallait surtout pas garder le rhytme des annees 70 car ca parait beucoup trop long de nos jours. Donc pas une grande reussite de Ti West; mais quand meme un moyen film de suspense.
Rating perso: 6.0/10
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #52. Brothers
Genre: Drama/Drame
Annee/Year: 2009
Format: DVD
Brothers. Movie directed by Jim Sheridan with a great cast including: Tobey Maguire (lord of the ring), Jake Gyllenhaal (October skys, Day after tomorrow, Brokeback mountain, Prince of Persia) and Natalie Portman (Start wars' Padme). This movie is about a loser brother ex-con and his brother army boy going to Afghanistan. Trouble is that the soldier brother gets in trouble and is thought dead. The up to then bad brother tries to help the best he can the wife and kids of his brother through the hard times. He succeeds and this helps him turn his life around. At that moment the lost brother comes back from Afghanistan by miracle but he is no longer the strong and stable father he used to be. This leads to paranoia and conflicts but can brotherly love save him? Good movie. great acting from Tobey and Jake which have an explosive mix together. When the dad played by Sam Shepard mixes in this makes for quite an interesting family dynamic. Good son versus bad son but in a volatile environment.
Ce film met en scene Tobey Maguire et Jake Gyllenhaal ainsi que Natalie Portman. Trois acteurs recherches ces temps ci. Ceci nous donne un melange explosif qui oppose et unis un soldat revenu de l'afghanistan a sa femme et a son frere. Un jeu d'acteur tres bien ficele mais peut etre un peu plus faible du cote de Portman. Interessante variation sur le theme du bon frere/mauvais frere.
Rating perso: 7.0/10
Annee/Year: 2009
Format: DVD
Brothers. Movie directed by Jim Sheridan with a great cast including: Tobey Maguire (lord of the ring), Jake Gyllenhaal (October skys, Day after tomorrow, Brokeback mountain, Prince of Persia) and Natalie Portman (Start wars' Padme). This movie is about a loser brother ex-con and his brother army boy going to Afghanistan. Trouble is that the soldier brother gets in trouble and is thought dead. The up to then bad brother tries to help the best he can the wife and kids of his brother through the hard times. He succeeds and this helps him turn his life around. At that moment the lost brother comes back from Afghanistan by miracle but he is no longer the strong and stable father he used to be. This leads to paranoia and conflicts but can brotherly love save him? Good movie. great acting from Tobey and Jake which have an explosive mix together. When the dad played by Sam Shepard mixes in this makes for quite an interesting family dynamic. Good son versus bad son but in a volatile environment.
Ce film met en scene Tobey Maguire et Jake Gyllenhaal ainsi que Natalie Portman. Trois acteurs recherches ces temps ci. Ceci nous donne un melange explosif qui oppose et unis un soldat revenu de l'afghanistan a sa femme et a son frere. Un jeu d'acteur tres bien ficele mais peut etre un peu plus faible du cote de Portman. Interessante variation sur le theme du bon frere/mauvais frere.
Rating perso: 7.0/10
samedi 24 juillet 2010
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #51. The Untouchables
Genre: Drama/Drame
Annee/Year: 1987
Format: Blu Ray
The Untouchables. This was one of the big blockbusters from the 80's. I have to admit that the classic from director Brian DePalma has aged a bit. Some of the sets and music sounds like it is from another age but not necessarily from the roaring '20s. Specially the score from Ennio Morricone (which i usually like but seemed a bit out of place now). This movie enjoyed a cast extraordinaire with Kevin Costner, Sean Connery, Rober DeNiro and Andy Garcia and more...
The story is thrilling while very loosely based on a true story fo Eliot Ness the FBI cop who took down Al Capone himself. great story. The transfer to blu ray was good but they did not enhance it in the way they did for Doctor Zhivago for example. Still a good reason to revisit a good classic and definitely an evening well invested for younger ones.
Les incorruptibles fut un des grands succès des années 80. Brian DePalma put fournir une distribution incroyable pour ce film: Kevin Costner, Sean Connery, Rober DeNiro, Andy Garcia et plus. La chimie entre les acteurs est vraiment le secret dans la sauce ici. Le film a cependant mal vieillit sur plusieurs aspects, dont la trame musicale de Ennio Morricone qui semble aujourd'hui mal utilisée. Enfin, la sortie du Blu-Ray nous assure une qu’alite adéquate pour un classique de cette période.
Great quotes:
Capone: I want you to get this fuck where he breathes! I want you to find this nancy-boy Eliot Ness, I want him DEAD! I want his family DEAD! I want his house burned to the GROUND! I wanna go there in the middle of the night and I wanna PISS ON HIS ASHES!
Malone: You just fulfilled the first rule of law enforcement: make sure when your shift is over you go home alive. Here endeth the lesson
Malone: You said you wanted to get Capone. Do you really wanna get him? You see what I'm saying is, what are you prepared to do?
Ness: Anything and everything in my power.
Malone: And *then* what are you prepared to do? If you open the can on these worms you must be prepared to go all the way because they're not gonna give up the fight until one of you is dead. Ness: How do you do it then?
Malone: You wanna know how you do it? Here's how, they pull a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue. That's the Chicago way, and that's how you get Capone! Now do you want to do that? Are you ready to do that?
Ness: I have sworn to capture this man with all legal powers at my disposal and I will do so. Malone: Well, the Lord hates a coward. Do you know what a blood oath is, Mr. Ness?
Ness: Yes.
Malone: Good, 'cause you just took one.
Rating perso: 7.0/10
Annee/Year: 1987
Format: Blu Ray
The Untouchables. This was one of the big blockbusters from the 80's. I have to admit that the classic from director Brian DePalma has aged a bit. Some of the sets and music sounds like it is from another age but not necessarily from the roaring '20s. Specially the score from Ennio Morricone (which i usually like but seemed a bit out of place now). This movie enjoyed a cast extraordinaire with Kevin Costner, Sean Connery, Rober DeNiro and Andy Garcia and more...
The story is thrilling while very loosely based on a true story fo Eliot Ness the FBI cop who took down Al Capone himself. great story. The transfer to blu ray was good but they did not enhance it in the way they did for Doctor Zhivago for example. Still a good reason to revisit a good classic and definitely an evening well invested for younger ones.
Les incorruptibles fut un des grands succès des années 80. Brian DePalma put fournir une distribution incroyable pour ce film: Kevin Costner, Sean Connery, Rober DeNiro, Andy Garcia et plus. La chimie entre les acteurs est vraiment le secret dans la sauce ici. Le film a cependant mal vieillit sur plusieurs aspects, dont la trame musicale de Ennio Morricone qui semble aujourd'hui mal utilisée. Enfin, la sortie du Blu-Ray nous assure une qu’alite adéquate pour un classique de cette période.
Great quotes:
Capone: I want you to get this fuck where he breathes! I want you to find this nancy-boy Eliot Ness, I want him DEAD! I want his family DEAD! I want his house burned to the GROUND! I wanna go there in the middle of the night and I wanna PISS ON HIS ASHES!
Malone: You just fulfilled the first rule of law enforcement: make sure when your shift is over you go home alive. Here endeth the lesson
Malone: You said you wanted to get Capone. Do you really wanna get him? You see what I'm saying is, what are you prepared to do?
Ness: Anything and everything in my power.
Malone: And *then* what are you prepared to do? If you open the can on these worms you must be prepared to go all the way because they're not gonna give up the fight until one of you is dead. Ness: How do you do it then?
Malone: You wanna know how you do it? Here's how, they pull a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue. That's the Chicago way, and that's how you get Capone! Now do you want to do that? Are you ready to do that?
Ness: I have sworn to capture this man with all legal powers at my disposal and I will do so. Malone: Well, the Lord hates a coward. Do you know what a blood oath is, Mr. Ness?
Ness: Yes.
Malone: Good, 'cause you just took one.
Rating perso: 7.0/10
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #50. Good Will Hunitng
Genre: Drama/Drame
Annee/Year: 1997
Format: Blu Ray
Good Will Hunting. This movie is listed as 198 of top 250 films of all time by IMDB. This certainly means it fits here as my 50th movie review. I dont know how many of you are reading my reviews as i am not getting too much feedback yet. But I will persevere.
This great movie was definitely worth another viewing. It is a really good flic and the fact that it was written and played by the young Matt Damon and Ben Affleck is really worth noting. This is a truly human story and the producer Gus Van Sant really makes it pop out of the screen. A great performance by Robin Williams and Skelland Skarsgard really completes the works. I am not sure hte blu ray transfer was noticeable that much but it did not detract from the movie. The story is about a genius kid who had a really tough childhood. He tries to come to terms about what he will do with his life by wasting it through ventilating his anger or focusing to become a great mathematician. A true dilemna in his shoes. If you have not seen this movie for a long time, go revisit it you will never regret it.
Un classique certain pour ma 50e revue. Je ne sais pas si certains d'entre vous me lisent avec intérêt ou non, car je n'ai pas beaucoup de retour sur ce blogue. Mais je vais persévérer. Good Will Hunting est vraiment un bon choix pour ma 50e critique de film, car il est toujours mis au 198e rang des 250 meilleurs films de tous les temps pas IMDB. Ce film mémorable a été écrit et joué par Matt Damon et Ben Affleck qui y sont excellent de meme que Robin Williams et Skelland Skarsgard. Le film n'a pas trop vieilli après 13 ans, mais le sujet en reste toujours à la fine pointe de l'actualité. Il s'agit de l'histoire d'un jeune homme trouble par son enfance, mais qui détient un génie mathématique extraordinaire. Son dilemme est de savoir ce qu'il fera avec sa vie; s’il pourra utiliser son habilite ou sombrer dans le mépris. Excellent film si vous avez vu il faut revoir. Le format Blu-Ray n'y apportera très peu alors ressortez votre ancien DVD si vous l'avez pas trop loin.
Great quotes:
Sean: Real loss is only possible when you love something more than you love yourself.
Will: What do I wanna way outta here for? I'm gonna live here the rest of my fuckin' life. We'll be neighbors, have little kids, take 'em to Little League up at Foley Field.
Chuckie: Look, you're my best friend, so don't take this the wrong way but, in 20 years if you're still livin' here, comin' over to my house, watchin' the Patriots games, workin' construction, I'll fuckin' kill ya. That's not a threat, that's a fact, I'll fuckin' kill ya.
Will: What the fuck you talkin' about?
Chuckie: You got somethin' none of us have...
Will: Oh, come on! What? Why is it always this? I mean, I fuckin' owe it to myself to do this or that. What if I don't want to?
Chuckie: No. No, no no no. Fuck you, you don't owe it to yourself man, you owe it to me. Cuz tomorrow I'm gonna wake up and I'll be 50, and I'll still be doin' this shit. And that's all right. That's fine. I mean, you're sittin' on a winnin' lottery ticket. And you're too much of a pussy to cash it in, and that's bullshit. 'Cause I'd do fuckin' anything to have what you got. So would any of these fuckin' guys. It'd be an insult to us if you're still here in 20 years. Hangin' around here is a fuckin' waste of your time.
Rating perso: 8.0/10
Annee/Year: 1997
Format: Blu Ray
Good Will Hunting. This movie is listed as 198 of top 250 films of all time by IMDB. This certainly means it fits here as my 50th movie review. I dont know how many of you are reading my reviews as i am not getting too much feedback yet. But I will persevere.
This great movie was definitely worth another viewing. It is a really good flic and the fact that it was written and played by the young Matt Damon and Ben Affleck is really worth noting. This is a truly human story and the producer Gus Van Sant really makes it pop out of the screen. A great performance by Robin Williams and Skelland Skarsgard really completes the works. I am not sure hte blu ray transfer was noticeable that much but it did not detract from the movie. The story is about a genius kid who had a really tough childhood. He tries to come to terms about what he will do with his life by wasting it through ventilating his anger or focusing to become a great mathematician. A true dilemna in his shoes. If you have not seen this movie for a long time, go revisit it you will never regret it.
Un classique certain pour ma 50e revue. Je ne sais pas si certains d'entre vous me lisent avec intérêt ou non, car je n'ai pas beaucoup de retour sur ce blogue. Mais je vais persévérer. Good Will Hunting est vraiment un bon choix pour ma 50e critique de film, car il est toujours mis au 198e rang des 250 meilleurs films de tous les temps pas IMDB. Ce film mémorable a été écrit et joué par Matt Damon et Ben Affleck qui y sont excellent de meme que Robin Williams et Skelland Skarsgard. Le film n'a pas trop vieilli après 13 ans, mais le sujet en reste toujours à la fine pointe de l'actualité. Il s'agit de l'histoire d'un jeune homme trouble par son enfance, mais qui détient un génie mathématique extraordinaire. Son dilemme est de savoir ce qu'il fera avec sa vie; s’il pourra utiliser son habilite ou sombrer dans le mépris. Excellent film si vous avez vu il faut revoir. Le format Blu-Ray n'y apportera très peu alors ressortez votre ancien DVD si vous l'avez pas trop loin.
Great quotes:
Sean: Real loss is only possible when you love something more than you love yourself.
Will: What do I wanna way outta here for? I'm gonna live here the rest of my fuckin' life. We'll be neighbors, have little kids, take 'em to Little League up at Foley Field.
Chuckie: Look, you're my best friend, so don't take this the wrong way but, in 20 years if you're still livin' here, comin' over to my house, watchin' the Patriots games, workin' construction, I'll fuckin' kill ya. That's not a threat, that's a fact, I'll fuckin' kill ya.
Will: What the fuck you talkin' about?
Chuckie: You got somethin' none of us have...
Will: Oh, come on! What? Why is it always this? I mean, I fuckin' owe it to myself to do this or that. What if I don't want to?
Chuckie: No. No, no no no. Fuck you, you don't owe it to yourself man, you owe it to me. Cuz tomorrow I'm gonna wake up and I'll be 50, and I'll still be doin' this shit. And that's all right. That's fine. I mean, you're sittin' on a winnin' lottery ticket. And you're too much of a pussy to cash it in, and that's bullshit. 'Cause I'd do fuckin' anything to have what you got. So would any of these fuckin' guys. It'd be an insult to us if you're still here in 20 years. Hangin' around here is a fuckin' waste of your time.
Rating perso: 8.0/10
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #49. Shutter Island
Genre: Drama/Drame
Annee/Year: 2010
Format: Blu Ray
Shutter Island. Very well produced movie with a really creepy atmosphere truly one of martin Scorcese's memorable movie. The tone given is so dark one is can think that this is a horror flic which it is not really. This is a great psycho thriller in the lines of the best Hitchcock. I hope by now every one is convinced that Dicaprio is not only a name in bright lights but also a solid actor. Ben Kingsley and all secondary actors also play excellent roles. This movie will definitely go down as one of his good performances. A great story line, excellent casting and a "mise en scene" which is really perfect. The story itself brings such a thick paranoia which is supported by the dramatic score (including Ligeti and John Cage). The story itself is about an investigator sent to an isolated island to investigate the disappearance of an inmate. The prison is a giant psycho ward isolated from the rest of the world. But nothing is really as it seems at first glance even our investigator... Gotta see this one.
Encore une réussite de Martin Scorcese et de DiCaprio. La distribution est excellente avec Leonardo et Ben Kingsley qui y joue un excellent rôle. Attention ce film est très noir et l'atmosphère paranoïaque est très réussi, mais ce n'est pas un film d'horreur comme la bande-annonce pourrait le laisser entendre. L'histoire ici est d'un enquêteur qui se rend sur une île isolée ou on retrouve un pénitencier psychiatrique aux airs douteux. Rien n'est ce qu'il semble dans cette histoire même notre enquêteur. Très bonne histoire, et tres bien realisée. Chapeau!
Great quotes:
Rachel 2: You're smarter than you look, Marshall, that's probably not a good thing
Teddy Daniels: [final lines; Teddy's taking to his partner] You know, this place makes me wonder... Chuck Aule: Yeah, what's that, boss? Teddy Daniels: Which would be worse, to live as a monster or die as a good man? Chuck Aule: [as Teddy walks out to meet the orderlies] Teddy?
Rating perso: 8.5/10
Annee/Year: 2010
Format: Blu Ray
Shutter Island. Very well produced movie with a really creepy atmosphere truly one of martin Scorcese's memorable movie. The tone given is so dark one is can think that this is a horror flic which it is not really. This is a great psycho thriller in the lines of the best Hitchcock. I hope by now every one is convinced that Dicaprio is not only a name in bright lights but also a solid actor. Ben Kingsley and all secondary actors also play excellent roles. This movie will definitely go down as one of his good performances. A great story line, excellent casting and a "mise en scene" which is really perfect. The story itself brings such a thick paranoia which is supported by the dramatic score (including Ligeti and John Cage). The story itself is about an investigator sent to an isolated island to investigate the disappearance of an inmate. The prison is a giant psycho ward isolated from the rest of the world. But nothing is really as it seems at first glance even our investigator... Gotta see this one.
Encore une réussite de Martin Scorcese et de DiCaprio. La distribution est excellente avec Leonardo et Ben Kingsley qui y joue un excellent rôle. Attention ce film est très noir et l'atmosphère paranoïaque est très réussi, mais ce n'est pas un film d'horreur comme la bande-annonce pourrait le laisser entendre. L'histoire ici est d'un enquêteur qui se rend sur une île isolée ou on retrouve un pénitencier psychiatrique aux airs douteux. Rien n'est ce qu'il semble dans cette histoire même notre enquêteur. Très bonne histoire, et tres bien realisée. Chapeau!
Great quotes:
Rachel 2: You're smarter than you look, Marshall, that's probably not a good thing
Teddy Daniels: [final lines; Teddy's taking to his partner] You know, this place makes me wonder... Chuck Aule: Yeah, what's that, boss? Teddy Daniels: Which would be worse, to live as a monster or die as a good man? Chuck Aule: [as Teddy walks out to meet the orderlies] Teddy?
Rating perso: 8.5/10
samedi 17 juillet 2010
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #48. Wolfman
Genre: Horror/Horreur
Annee/Year: 2010
Format: Blu Ray
Wolfman. Big budget effort to bring back one of the classic Universal movies from the 50s. Is it a sucess, i personnaly say yes. The casting was very good with Anthony Hopkins and emily Blunt and Benicio Del Toro. The story differed just enough from the 1941 original to keep it fresh and not a copy. There are many flashes back to the original wich was a nice touch (like the wolf cane, the gypsy camp,the looks of the werewolf, etc) The action is more modern as well (normal after 70 years...) more gore is included and more blood scenes as well as a werewolf which is much more impressive. So adapted to our modern palate. But hte movie succeeds and is magnificient to look at. Great images, costumes and sets. Will be enjoyed by all even those who aprreciate less the horror genre. I would put it up there with the Dracula from Coppola but not in front of it.
Ce remake du classique Wolfman de 1941 est tres reussi. La cinematographie, les acteurs et la musique en font un tres beau film, tres complet. Il y a beaucoupd de rappel du film original et on a meme garder le design du loup garou original. Meme les gens qui ne sont pas amateurs du genre pourrons apprecie ce film. A voir.
Great quotes:
Gwen Conliffe: It must be a wonderful luxury doing battle with imaginary demons, Mr. Talbot. Mine right now are very real.
Lawrence Talbot: You should kill yourself. Sir John Talbot: Oh, I cannot tell you how often I've considered that. But life is far too glorious, Lawrence, especially to the cursed and the damned, like myself.
Rating perso: 8.5/10
Annee/Year: 2010
Format: Blu Ray
Wolfman. Big budget effort to bring back one of the classic Universal movies from the 50s. Is it a sucess, i personnaly say yes. The casting was very good with Anthony Hopkins and emily Blunt and Benicio Del Toro. The story differed just enough from the 1941 original to keep it fresh and not a copy. There are many flashes back to the original wich was a nice touch (like the wolf cane, the gypsy camp,the looks of the werewolf, etc) The action is more modern as well (normal after 70 years...) more gore is included and more blood scenes as well as a werewolf which is much more impressive. So adapted to our modern palate. But hte movie succeeds and is magnificient to look at. Great images, costumes and sets. Will be enjoyed by all even those who aprreciate less the horror genre. I would put it up there with the Dracula from Coppola but not in front of it.
Ce remake du classique Wolfman de 1941 est tres reussi. La cinematographie, les acteurs et la musique en font un tres beau film, tres complet. Il y a beaucoupd de rappel du film original et on a meme garder le design du loup garou original. Meme les gens qui ne sont pas amateurs du genre pourrons apprecie ce film. A voir.
Great quotes:
Gwen Conliffe: It must be a wonderful luxury doing battle with imaginary demons, Mr. Talbot. Mine right now are very real.
Lawrence Talbot: You should kill yourself. Sir John Talbot: Oh, I cannot tell you how often I've considered that. But life is far too glorious, Lawrence, especially to the cursed and the damned, like myself.
Rating perso: 8.5/10
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #47. Armored
Genre: Comedy/Comedie
Annee/Year: 2009
Format: Blu Ray
Armored. Short, very short film. Good cast but not so exciting. The story is about a group of security agents who attempt to steal the bank's money they are suppose to be delivering. The plan was good until one of them has doubts about comitting such crimes and when things dont go as expected. Casting includes Lawrence Fishburne, Matt Dilon, Jean Reno, Fred Ward and Milo Ventimiglia (from Heroes). But the story falls tflat on it's face. At least the torture was not too long.
Ce film a un casting exceptionel avec : Lawrence Fishburne, Matt Dilon, Jean Reno, Fred Ward and Milo Ventimiglia (de Heroes). mais il ne livre pas la marchandise. L'histoire du vol de millions par les agents de la Brinks qui doivent la livrer ne prend pas. Au moins il ne dure pas longtemps...
Rating perso: 5.5/10
Annee/Year: 2009
Format: Blu Ray
Armored. Short, very short film. Good cast but not so exciting. The story is about a group of security agents who attempt to steal the bank's money they are suppose to be delivering. The plan was good until one of them has doubts about comitting such crimes and when things dont go as expected. Casting includes Lawrence Fishburne, Matt Dilon, Jean Reno, Fred Ward and Milo Ventimiglia (from Heroes). But the story falls tflat on it's face. At least the torture was not too long.
Ce film a un casting exceptionel avec : Lawrence Fishburne, Matt Dilon, Jean Reno, Fred Ward and Milo Ventimiglia (de Heroes). mais il ne livre pas la marchandise. L'histoire du vol de millions par les agents de la Brinks qui doivent la livrer ne prend pas. Au moins il ne dure pas longtemps...
Rating perso: 5.5/10
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #46. Blues brothers
Genre: Comedie
Annee/Year: 1980
Format: DVD
Blues brothers. Revisited the BB for the benefit of our 12 years old. He laughed so much he had cramps and has been quoting the movie ever since. Well i have to admit i was also laughing out loud during this crazy flic. This movie has aged very well and is still as funny as 30 years ago.
One has to admit that this is an all time classic in it's genre. Above all the movie was game changing for the rhytm and blues music scene overall. Today we can see the positive impact of the efforts to promote blues by Dan Ackroyd.
John Landis had a pretty good hand at movies in the 80s with a string of strong movies including: Animal House, BB, An american werwolf in London, Trading places, 3 amigos, Spies like us and Coming to America. Lets just say that his success was less obvious in the 90s.
For BB he had one of the best cast ever put together which included actors such as Dan Ackroyd, James Belushi and Carrie Fisher (yes princess Leia) but a slew of musiciens such as Ray Charles, Aretha Franklin, Cab Callaway, James brown and many others. Just incredible when looking back at it and memorable now that many of these greats are no longer with us.
This story is about two low level scum dressed in suit for good looks and on a mission for god to save the orphanage where they were raised. They are pusued by the cops, the army, the swats, the MPs, red neck cowboys, Illinois Nazies, a crazy ex girlfriend and are armed only with good charma and a police pack 70s huge car. In the process they destroy a whole shopping center, a Nazi parade and dozens and dozens of police cruisers. Loads of fun! You never tire of seeing this movie. And the music is great off course. Landis would have like people to see this movie as a music hall which is not far from the truth.
Nous avons regarde les Blues Brothers pour voir si la nouvelle generation etait prete a apprecie ce grand classique de la comedie. Et bien le resultat fut genial. je ne conseille pas de voir ce film en version traduote cependant. SUper acteurs: Ackroyd, Belushi et Carrie Fisher (princesse Leia) ainsi wue plusieurs musiciens Rhytm and Blues tel Ray Charles, Aretha Franklin, Cab Callaway, James brown et plusieurs autres. Pendant le film vous verrez la destruction d'un centre d'achat au complet ainsi que de centaines de voitures de polices. Ce classique ne se demode pas et la nouvelle generation va s'en rappeler longtemps.
Great quotes:
Elwood: Illinois Nazis. Jake: I hate Illinois Nazis.
Jake: First you traded the Cadillac in for a microphone. Then you lied to me about the band. And now you're gonna put me right back in the joint! Elwood: They're not gonna catch us. We're on a mission from God.
Elwood: What kind of music do you usually have here? Claire: Oh, we got both kinds. We got country *and* western
Elwood: It's 106 miles to Chicago, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses. Jake: Hit it.
Rating perso: 8.5/10
Annee/Year: 1980
Format: DVD
Blues brothers. Revisited the BB for the benefit of our 12 years old. He laughed so much he had cramps and has been quoting the movie ever since. Well i have to admit i was also laughing out loud during this crazy flic. This movie has aged very well and is still as funny as 30 years ago.
One has to admit that this is an all time classic in it's genre. Above all the movie was game changing for the rhytm and blues music scene overall. Today we can see the positive impact of the efforts to promote blues by Dan Ackroyd.
John Landis had a pretty good hand at movies in the 80s with a string of strong movies including: Animal House, BB, An american werwolf in London, Trading places, 3 amigos, Spies like us and Coming to America. Lets just say that his success was less obvious in the 90s.
For BB he had one of the best cast ever put together which included actors such as Dan Ackroyd, James Belushi and Carrie Fisher (yes princess Leia) but a slew of musiciens such as Ray Charles, Aretha Franklin, Cab Callaway, James brown and many others. Just incredible when looking back at it and memorable now that many of these greats are no longer with us.
This story is about two low level scum dressed in suit for good looks and on a mission for god to save the orphanage where they were raised. They are pusued by the cops, the army, the swats, the MPs, red neck cowboys, Illinois Nazies, a crazy ex girlfriend and are armed only with good charma and a police pack 70s huge car. In the process they destroy a whole shopping center, a Nazi parade and dozens and dozens of police cruisers. Loads of fun! You never tire of seeing this movie. And the music is great off course. Landis would have like people to see this movie as a music hall which is not far from the truth.
Nous avons regarde les Blues Brothers pour voir si la nouvelle generation etait prete a apprecie ce grand classique de la comedie. Et bien le resultat fut genial. je ne conseille pas de voir ce film en version traduote cependant. SUper acteurs: Ackroyd, Belushi et Carrie Fisher (princesse Leia) ainsi wue plusieurs musiciens Rhytm and Blues tel Ray Charles, Aretha Franklin, Cab Callaway, James brown et plusieurs autres. Pendant le film vous verrez la destruction d'un centre d'achat au complet ainsi que de centaines de voitures de polices. Ce classique ne se demode pas et la nouvelle generation va s'en rappeler longtemps.
Great quotes:
Elwood: Illinois Nazis. Jake: I hate Illinois Nazis.
Jake: First you traded the Cadillac in for a microphone. Then you lied to me about the band. And now you're gonna put me right back in the joint! Elwood: They're not gonna catch us. We're on a mission from God.
Elwood: What kind of music do you usually have here? Claire: Oh, we got both kinds. We got country *and* western
Elwood: It's 106 miles to Chicago, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses. Jake: Hit it.
Rating perso: 8.5/10
mardi 13 juillet 2010
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #45. Aliens in the Attic
Genre: Comedie
Annee/Year: 2009
Format: Blu Ray
Aliens in the atttic. If you wtch this movie it is solely for family entertainment, i hope. Well junior wanted to see this one so as good parents we complied. Relatively funny and with plenty of action. This is a family movie where kids battle aliens through the summer house their parents rented. Obviously they end up saving the world in the process. Godd entertainment value if nothing more.
Film pour la famille qui reussi bien dans son genre. Il faut voir avec des jeunes a tout prix mais tous auront du bon temps.
Rating perso: 5.5/10
Annee/Year: 2009
Format: Blu Ray
Aliens in the atttic. If you wtch this movie it is solely for family entertainment, i hope. Well junior wanted to see this one so as good parents we complied. Relatively funny and with plenty of action. This is a family movie where kids battle aliens through the summer house their parents rented. Obviously they end up saving the world in the process. Godd entertainment value if nothing more.
Film pour la famille qui reussi bien dans son genre. Il faut voir avec des jeunes a tout prix mais tous auront du bon temps.
Rating perso: 5.5/10
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #44. Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief
Genre: Drama
Annee/Year: 2010
Format: Blu ray
Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief. This movie is really great. Th whole familiy really enjoyed watching this first installment of what will become another successfull franchise no doubt. The story is about a young teenager who finds out that he has a series of powerfull ancestors and much powers that he did not know about. Sounds like Harry Potter? Yes well maybe a bit set in the same mold but of it worked once... The story is about this kid and his friends which he discovers are semi-gods as well and obviously he his sent on a quest to find the stolen lightning from Zeus. The world built for us is incredible and well brought together. The FXs are really good and the movies in general is quite solid. Gotta see if you liked Harry Potter and family. But hey anyone did not enjoy these?
Ce film est une superbe execution dans le meme moule que Harry Potter. Si vous aimez ce dernier il faut voir Percy Jackson. Un jeune garcon qui decouvre qu'il est le fils de Poseidon et qui devient ami avec quelques autres demi-dieux au camp d'ete pour athletes speciaux. Il se lance sur une quete pour retrouver la foudre volee de Zeus. Sur son chemin il rencontreras des monstres extraordinaires. Les effets speciaux le fil est tres bien realise une production a tres haut budget et un debut pour un nouvelle franchise qui rencocntrera surement beaucoup de succes.
Great quote:
Chiron: [from trailer] Use this to defend yourself. It's a powerful weapon.
Percy Jackson: This is a pen.
Chiron: Only use it in times of severe distress.
Percy Jackson: This is a *pen*.
Percy Jackson: ...and you were a human - goat hybrid... thing
Grover: The politically correct term is satyr.
Rating perso: 8/10
Annee/Year: 2010
Format: Blu ray
Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief. This movie is really great. Th whole familiy really enjoyed watching this first installment of what will become another successfull franchise no doubt. The story is about a young teenager who finds out that he has a series of powerfull ancestors and much powers that he did not know about. Sounds like Harry Potter? Yes well maybe a bit set in the same mold but of it worked once... The story is about this kid and his friends which he discovers are semi-gods as well and obviously he his sent on a quest to find the stolen lightning from Zeus. The world built for us is incredible and well brought together. The FXs are really good and the movies in general is quite solid. Gotta see if you liked Harry Potter and family. But hey anyone did not enjoy these?
Ce film est une superbe execution dans le meme moule que Harry Potter. Si vous aimez ce dernier il faut voir Percy Jackson. Un jeune garcon qui decouvre qu'il est le fils de Poseidon et qui devient ami avec quelques autres demi-dieux au camp d'ete pour athletes speciaux. Il se lance sur une quete pour retrouver la foudre volee de Zeus. Sur son chemin il rencontreras des monstres extraordinaires. Les effets speciaux le fil est tres bien realise une production a tres haut budget et un debut pour un nouvelle franchise qui rencocntrera surement beaucoup de succes.
Great quote:
Chiron: [from trailer] Use this to defend yourself. It's a powerful weapon.
Percy Jackson: This is a pen.
Chiron: Only use it in times of severe distress.
Percy Jackson: This is a *pen*.
Percy Jackson: ...and you were a human - goat hybrid... thing
Grover: The politically correct term is satyr.
Rating perso: 8/10
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #43. Le bonheur de PIerre
Genre: Comedy/Comedie
Annee/Year: 2009
Format: DVD
Le bonheur de Pierre. Un autre film dans la neige regardé au milieu de la canicule... Il' s’agit ici d'une comédie québécoise mettant en scène deux acteurs français, dont Pierre Richard (pour les lecteurs assidus de mon blog vous savez déjà que je suis un fan de M Richard. La comédie se situe au coeur de la contrée sauvage québécoise ou deux français nouvellement arrivés essaient de se faire une place pour un an. Ceci est rendu difficile de par le fait que le maire du village, joue par Remy Girard, ne veut pas de ces etranges dans son auberge ancestrale. Le résultat est très drôle et le film utilise au maximum tous les patois et tournures de phrase de la région Saguenaienne.
Peut être difficile de compréhension pour nos amis français ou de Montréal... Mais pour les amateurs de l'accent du Lac; le resultat est génial.
Rating perso: 7.0/10
Annee/Year: 2009
Format: DVD
Le bonheur de Pierre. Un autre film dans la neige regardé au milieu de la canicule... Il' s’agit ici d'une comédie québécoise mettant en scène deux acteurs français, dont Pierre Richard (pour les lecteurs assidus de mon blog vous savez déjà que je suis un fan de M Richard. La comédie se situe au coeur de la contrée sauvage québécoise ou deux français nouvellement arrivés essaient de se faire une place pour un an. Ceci est rendu difficile de par le fait que le maire du village, joue par Remy Girard, ne veut pas de ces etranges dans son auberge ancestrale. Le résultat est très drôle et le film utilise au maximum tous les patois et tournures de phrase de la région Saguenaienne.
Peut être difficile de compréhension pour nos amis français ou de Montréal... Mais pour les amateurs de l'accent du Lac; le resultat est génial.
Rating perso: 7.0/10
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #42. Dead snow
Genre: Horror/Horreur
Annee/Year: 2009
Format: DVD
Dead Snow. This is a Norvegian movie in it's native language with subtitles in english. So make sure this you know what you get in before hand. I did not think it detracted too much from the movie. Actually beats a bad translation. This horror movie stages a team of yound adults out into the wild in a remote cabin (rings a bell?). This time the evil guys stem from Nazies dead since the last workd war. It is definitely a movie which does not take itself too seriously which is a killer combination (a la Evil Dead). If you like the genre this will make your day otherwise a bit gorry and obviously the scripts are not the greatest. But still loads of fun.
Ce film est du genre horreur ne se prenant pas trop au serieux; ce qui est souvent une bonne combinaison. Le resultat est tres bien pour un petit film Norvegien. I l s'agit ici de zombies nazis qui sont concerve sur glace depuis la 2ieme guerre mondiale. Cool. Le resultat est bon si vous aimez le genre. Attention un peu de "gore" ici bien entendu. Bonnes images et tres dynamique.
On en veut plus de la Norvege comme ca.
Rating perso: 7.0/10
Annee/Year: 2009
Format: DVD
Dead Snow. This is a Norvegian movie in it's native language with subtitles in english. So make sure this you know what you get in before hand. I did not think it detracted too much from the movie. Actually beats a bad translation. This horror movie stages a team of yound adults out into the wild in a remote cabin (rings a bell?). This time the evil guys stem from Nazies dead since the last workd war. It is definitely a movie which does not take itself too seriously which is a killer combination (a la Evil Dead). If you like the genre this will make your day otherwise a bit gorry and obviously the scripts are not the greatest. But still loads of fun.
Ce film est du genre horreur ne se prenant pas trop au serieux; ce qui est souvent une bonne combinaison. Le resultat est tres bien pour un petit film Norvegien. I l s'agit ici de zombies nazis qui sont concerve sur glace depuis la 2ieme guerre mondiale. Cool. Le resultat est bon si vous aimez le genre. Attention un peu de "gore" ici bien entendu. Bonnes images et tres dynamique.
On en veut plus de la Norvege comme ca.
Rating perso: 7.0/10
samedi 10 juillet 2010
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #41. Amelia
Genre: Drama
Annee/Year: 2009
Format: Blu ray
Amelia. This beautiful movie is well supported on Blu ray. great cinematography, a good script and a great cast: Hillary Swank, Richard Gere and Ewan Mcgregor. This movie relates the often described life of Amelia Airheart. This is obviously a true story and the script seems credible enough. Good movie for it's historical, biographical or just entertainment value. Amelia was a true crusader of women's right and an eraly adventurer in the aviation field. She is well deserved as a hero for being the first women to fly across the Atlantic solo. Good movie.
Ce film est excellent en terme de cinematographie, d'en excellent script et d'un casting tres solide: Hillary Swank, Richard Gere et Ewan Mcgregor (Obi one). Le film est interessant pour sa valeur historique et biographique mais il reussi egalement du cote comme "emtertainment". Base sur l'histoire vrai de Amelia Airheart; vertable heroine des premier pas de l'aviation. Amelia fut la premiere femme a traverser l'Atlantique solo et est disparue dans le Pacifique en essayant de parcourir le tour du monde. Une vraie heroine et avanturiere de l'air.
Rating perso: 8/10
Annee/Year: 2009
Format: Blu ray
Amelia. This beautiful movie is well supported on Blu ray. great cinematography, a good script and a great cast: Hillary Swank, Richard Gere and Ewan Mcgregor. This movie relates the often described life of Amelia Airheart. This is obviously a true story and the script seems credible enough. Good movie for it's historical, biographical or just entertainment value. Amelia was a true crusader of women's right and an eraly adventurer in the aviation field. She is well deserved as a hero for being the first women to fly across the Atlantic solo. Good movie.
Ce film est excellent en terme de cinematographie, d'en excellent script et d'un casting tres solide: Hillary Swank, Richard Gere et Ewan Mcgregor (Obi one). Le film est interessant pour sa valeur historique et biographique mais il reussi egalement du cote comme "emtertainment". Base sur l'histoire vrai de Amelia Airheart; vertable heroine des premier pas de l'aviation. Amelia fut la premiere femme a traverser l'Atlantique solo et est disparue dans le Pacifique en essayant de parcourir le tour du monde. Une vraie heroine et avanturiere de l'air.
Rating perso: 8/10
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #40. A mighty heart
Genre: Drama
Annee/Year: 2007 (lent by Vero )
Format: DVD
A Mighty heart. This movie was recommended by a good friend ans definitely was not a disappointing. First of all it is based on the true story of a journalist in Pakistan which disappears after trying to interview a man closely tied to the taliban. The story relates the efforts of his pregnant wife to recover her husband in such a foreign country. Excellent story with good script. The film stars Angelina Jolie, no comments needed here. ;') This film is very poignant and is definitely worth seeing.
Ce film nous a ete suggere par un couple de bons amis. Il s'agit d'une histoire vrai qui est joue par Angelina Jolie. Angie est la femme enceinte d'un journaliste au Pakistan qui ce fait enlever en essayant de faire l'interview d'un proche des talibans. Film tres poignant et convaincant, surtout qu'il est base sur des faits reels. A voir.
Rating perso: 7.5/10
Annee/Year: 2007 (lent by Vero )
Format: DVD
A Mighty heart. This movie was recommended by a good friend ans definitely was not a disappointing. First of all it is based on the true story of a journalist in Pakistan which disappears after trying to interview a man closely tied to the taliban. The story relates the efforts of his pregnant wife to recover her husband in such a foreign country. Excellent story with good script. The film stars Angelina Jolie, no comments needed here. ;') This film is very poignant and is definitely worth seeing.
Ce film nous a ete suggere par un couple de bons amis. Il s'agit d'une histoire vrai qui est joue par Angelina Jolie. Angie est la femme enceinte d'un journaliste au Pakistan qui ce fait enlever en essayant de faire l'interview d'un proche des talibans. Film tres poignant et convaincant, surtout qu'il est base sur des faits reels. A voir.
Rating perso: 7.5/10
mardi 6 juillet 2010
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #39. The Crazies
Genre: Horror/Horreur
Annee/Year: 2010
Format: Blu Ray
The Crazies. This movie by Breck Eisner is a remake of the George Romero film from 1973.
Is it better? I cannot say as i have not seen the original at this point (must put in to do list).
This film was very entertaining for a modern horror flick of the Zombie genre. The play on paranoia is great as the actors are not only attacked by their neighbors turning zombies from a government spill but also by the government locking down the small rural town to lock the psread of the virus down. Cool premise. Well put on film. I personnaly enjoyed it as an maateur of the horror genre. A few good scares are included for good measure.
Tres bon remake d'un autre film de George Romero de 1973. The crazies est bien ficele et arrive a bien a ses fins. Les acteurs on joue un role solide et l'histoire qui joue sur la paranoia est bien reussie. Tres bons pour les amateurs du genre. Attention les preview entre montre encore une fois beaucoup trop.
Great quotes: David Dutton: You know what? Russell Clank: What? David Dutton: We're in trouble.
Rating perso: 8.0/10
Annee/Year: 2010
Format: Blu Ray
The Crazies. This movie by Breck Eisner is a remake of the George Romero film from 1973.
Is it better? I cannot say as i have not seen the original at this point (must put in to do list).
This film was very entertaining for a modern horror flick of the Zombie genre. The play on paranoia is great as the actors are not only attacked by their neighbors turning zombies from a government spill but also by the government locking down the small rural town to lock the psread of the virus down. Cool premise. Well put on film. I personnaly enjoyed it as an maateur of the horror genre. A few good scares are included for good measure.
Tres bon remake d'un autre film de George Romero de 1973. The crazies est bien ficele et arrive a bien a ses fins. Les acteurs on joue un role solide et l'histoire qui joue sur la paranoia est bien reussie. Tres bons pour les amateurs du genre. Attention les preview entre montre encore une fois beaucoup trop.
Great quotes: David Dutton: You know what? Russell Clank: What? David Dutton: We're in trouble.
Rating perso: 8.0/10
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #38. Red cliff
Genre: Drama
Annee/Year: 2008
Format: DVD
Red Cliff. This is a stunning piece of work from China on a critical part of their history. Back in 208 AD a war between the three main provinces which would eventually make up modern China were at war. This story is really an Epic in the tru sense of the word and the film is the first part of the story. John Woo directed this film with great approach and spectacular cinematography. Huge sets and some CG make the scenes really pop out. The music score is also very convincing. I only wish i had bought the blu ray version which i will most certainly do now that part 2 should be available. If you a re a history or war buff you gotta see this one. BUT be careful this film IS in mandarin with no translation, just subtitles. The effort is well worth it though.
Attention ce film est de proportion epique. Plus grands que la realite ce film de John Woo decrie la guerre ayant eu lieu entre les trois grands royaumes de la Chine de 208 AD. Il faut voir si vous etes amateur d'histoire ou film de guerre. Les images et la musique sont spectaculaires et le fait que le film est en mandarin avec sous titre anglais en vaut quand meme le cout.
Rating perso: 8.0/10
Annee/Year: 2008
Format: DVD
Red Cliff. This is a stunning piece of work from China on a critical part of their history. Back in 208 AD a war between the three main provinces which would eventually make up modern China were at war. This story is really an Epic in the tru sense of the word and the film is the first part of the story. John Woo directed this film with great approach and spectacular cinematography. Huge sets and some CG make the scenes really pop out. The music score is also very convincing. I only wish i had bought the blu ray version which i will most certainly do now that part 2 should be available. If you a re a history or war buff you gotta see this one. BUT be careful this film IS in mandarin with no translation, just subtitles. The effort is well worth it though.
Attention ce film est de proportion epique. Plus grands que la realite ce film de John Woo decrie la guerre ayant eu lieu entre les trois grands royaumes de la Chine de 208 AD. Il faut voir si vous etes amateur d'histoire ou film de guerre. Les images et la musique sont spectaculaires et le fait que le film est en mandarin avec sous titre anglais en vaut quand meme le cout.
Rating perso: 8.0/10
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #37. Race to Witch Mountain
Genre: Comedy/Comedie
Year: 2009
Format: Blu Ray
Race to Witch Mountain. Another comedy remake from Disney this time. The original had some success back in the seventies but this one was set for block buster: main role by famous wrestler The Rock, super special effects and Disney promo. The Blu Ray rendition is quite clean. The FXs are great and the bad alien is really cool. This story is about two nice aliens posing as kids running away from nasty aliens, looking like the Predator. As if this was not enough some govenment dudes dressed in black are running after them as well. They need to reach Withc mountain site where the government baddies have captured an alien ship in the past to get back home and save our world. Of course. That is where they are helped by a few humans to runaway. Lots of afternoon fun on a cloudy day.
Un autre choix de fiston. Celui-ci est un classique de Disney des annees 70 qui est refait a neuf. Le nouveau casting the "The Rock" un lutteur pro, demontre que Disney etait decide dans faire un success commercial. Bon film pour occuper les enfant pendant un soiree pluvieuse. Ils adoreront. Faut pas oublier que Carla Gugino y joue un role plaisant. Cette actrice a joue de tres bonne perfromance dans la serie "Threshold" et les films Spy Kids, Night at the museum, American Gangster, Watchmen et plus.
Rating perso: 6.5/10
Year: 2009
Format: Blu Ray
Race to Witch Mountain. Another comedy remake from Disney this time. The original had some success back in the seventies but this one was set for block buster: main role by famous wrestler The Rock, super special effects and Disney promo. The Blu Ray rendition is quite clean. The FXs are great and the bad alien is really cool. This story is about two nice aliens posing as kids running away from nasty aliens, looking like the Predator. As if this was not enough some govenment dudes dressed in black are running after them as well. They need to reach Withc mountain site where the government baddies have captured an alien ship in the past to get back home and save our world. Of course. That is where they are helped by a few humans to runaway. Lots of afternoon fun on a cloudy day.
Un autre choix de fiston. Celui-ci est un classique de Disney des annees 70 qui est refait a neuf. Le nouveau casting the "The Rock" un lutteur pro, demontre que Disney etait decide dans faire un success commercial. Bon film pour occuper les enfant pendant un soiree pluvieuse. Ils adoreront. Faut pas oublier que Carla Gugino y joue un role plaisant. Cette actrice a joue de tres bonne perfromance dans la serie "Threshold" et les films Spy Kids, Night at the museum, American Gangster, Watchmen et plus.
Rating perso: 6.5/10
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