Genre: Drama
Annee/Year: 2008
Format: Blu Ray Criterion collection
The curious case of Benjamin Button. I was a bit surprised at first that all Blu Rays for this movie were already Criterion collection (reserved for the best critic films in the world). This should have rung a bell. David Fincher , the driector, was not well known to me. He did work on Se7en, and Alien 3 as well as a series of video clips/music industry videos with many great music artists. But i never would have expected such a stunner from his past experience. Wow. Definitely one of the greatest script/story and realisation put on film in last years. Again special effects played a subdued but important role; but they dont make the movie. Brad Pitt and Kate Blanchet play a great part of this sucess. The movie is beautifully paced, worded and set. A rare combination in this day and age. If you have not seen, see this at all cost.
Il faut absolument voir ce bijoux. Ceci est un film profond venant d'un directeur inattendu. Le script est excellent et le casting tres bon (B Pitt, K Blanchet). Les images complete le tableau mais le tempo est la cle du success de ce film qui relate l'histoire profondement touchante d'un personnage qui mait vieux et qui vit en rajeunissant. Les effets speciaux sont magnifiques (voir la presentation TED sur le sujet) mais ceci ne gene pas une production excellente. Il faut voir ce film qui me rapelle Forrest Gump a plusieurs niveaux. On y depeint de maniere magnifiques un nombre de personnages incluant notre hero Benjamin Button.
great quote: Benjamin Button: Your life is defined by its opportunities... even the ones you miss...
Mr. Daws: Did you know that I was struck by lightning seven times? ...
Queenie: You never know what's comin' for ya. ...
Captain Mike: Why is it when you showed up you were no bigger than a pollard with one foot in the grave. Now, either I drank a hell of a lot more than I think I did, or you spry'd up. What's your secret? Benjamin Button: Well captain, you *did* drink a lot.
Rating perso: 9.5/10
dimanche 27 juin 2010
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #35. Old dogs
Genre: Comedy/Comedie
Year: 2009
Format: DVD
Old dogs. Another comedie chosen by my son. I have to admit this was a good time and the play between Robin William and John Travolta is extre sweet. Two old friends getting older and finding themselves playing dad of 12 year old twins. What a great recipe. There are many memorables laughs in this one. Seth Green helps on quite a few of them as well.
Un autre choix de fiston. Celui-ci une autre tres bonne reussite. Le duo William/Travolta est percutant sur la pellicule. Seth Green y ajoute son grain de sel egalement. Il y a de bons rires dans ce film. L'histoire joue sur la retrouvaille d'un pere plus vieux qui retrouve ses jumeaux de 12ans dont il ignorait l'existence. Les scenes aux camps d'ete sont hilarantes.
Great quotes: Charlie: The kids have never seen Friday the 13th, part 1 or 2! Vicki: Oh, my God! Dan: He's kidding. He's a kidder. He was scared of The Wizard of Oz. He's kidding. The monkeys got him nuts.
Rating perso: 7.0/10
Year: 2009
Format: DVD
Old dogs. Another comedie chosen by my son. I have to admit this was a good time and the play between Robin William and John Travolta is extre sweet. Two old friends getting older and finding themselves playing dad of 12 year old twins. What a great recipe. There are many memorables laughs in this one. Seth Green helps on quite a few of them as well.
Un autre choix de fiston. Celui-ci une autre tres bonne reussite. Le duo William/Travolta est percutant sur la pellicule. Seth Green y ajoute son grain de sel egalement. Il y a de bons rires dans ce film. L'histoire joue sur la retrouvaille d'un pere plus vieux qui retrouve ses jumeaux de 12ans dont il ignorait l'existence. Les scenes aux camps d'ete sont hilarantes.
Great quotes: Charlie: The kids have never seen Friday the 13th, part 1 or 2! Vicki: Oh, my God! Dan: He's kidding. He's a kidder. He was scared of The Wizard of Oz. He's kidding. The monkeys got him nuts.
Rating perso: 7.0/10
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #34. 5150 rue Des Ormes
Genre: Horror, psycho thriller/Horreur, thrilleur psicho
Annee/Year: 2009
Format: Blu Ray
5150 rue Des Ormes. Ce film est situe quelque part entre le thriller et le film d'horreur. Tres bien manie je doit avouer etre fier qu'un film de genre provenant du Quebec soit aussi bien ficele.
Eric Tessier le directeur a tres bien utilise le bouquin original de Patrick Senecal pour atteindre un niveau de suspence et de jeu extraordinaire. Le casting a ete complete de maniere parfaite. Grondin (C.R.A.Z.Y.) et Normand D'Amour (pere en flic, camping suvage,...) se font une repartie geniale qui fait monte la tension au paroxisme. Dilemne entre le bien et le mal, la folie et le genie, ce film peut etre vu de plusieurs angles. Les acteurs de soutient font un boulot extraordinaire egalement pour completer cetter famille au cote bien sombre. La plus jeune qui essai d'emposionner son pere est "creepy" au max. WOW! Tres bien reussi.
This thriller/horrror brings a nice move to the genre in this part of the world where it is still not fully recognized. The great book from P. Senecal (the Quebec Stephen King) is perfectly put on film. This results in maximum tension and a super creepy family portrait. Even the youngest one gives some shivers one cannot stop.
Rating perso: 8/10
Annee/Year: 2009
Format: Blu Ray
5150 rue Des Ormes. Ce film est situe quelque part entre le thriller et le film d'horreur. Tres bien manie je doit avouer etre fier qu'un film de genre provenant du Quebec soit aussi bien ficele.
Eric Tessier le directeur a tres bien utilise le bouquin original de Patrick Senecal pour atteindre un niveau de suspence et de jeu extraordinaire. Le casting a ete complete de maniere parfaite. Grondin (C.R.A.Z.Y.) et Normand D'Amour (pere en flic, camping suvage,...) se font une repartie geniale qui fait monte la tension au paroxisme. Dilemne entre le bien et le mal, la folie et le genie, ce film peut etre vu de plusieurs angles. Les acteurs de soutient font un boulot extraordinaire egalement pour completer cetter famille au cote bien sombre. La plus jeune qui essai d'emposionner son pere est "creepy" au max. WOW! Tres bien reussi.
This thriller/horrror brings a nice move to the genre in this part of the world where it is still not fully recognized. The great book from P. Senecal (the Quebec Stephen King) is perfectly put on film. This results in maximum tension and a super creepy family portrait. Even the youngest one gives some shivers one cannot stop.
Rating perso: 8/10
vendredi 25 juin 2010
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #33. The road warrior
Genre: Drama, Sci-fi
Annee/Year: 1981
Format: DVD
The road warrior (AKA Mad Max 2). This has become a classic in it's own right. Following up to Mad Max which was a great success and made OZ wonder Mel Gibson known to the world. This film is still low budget but has not aged as well as a good wine. The DVD copy i own was a bad remider of what bad transitions to DVD/Bul ray can be like. I hope they restored the film to it's original quality on the blu ray.
The story is set in a post apocalyptic Australia filled with crazed biker gangs who are ready to kill anything moving for gas. The movie is gotta see before you get to the trilogies last part: Mad Max and the thunderdome which if i remember well was the good part. Well i will let you know as soon as I revisit this classic.
The road warrior est la deuximeme partie de la trilogie Mad Max. Cette serie nous a fait decouvrir un tres jeune Mel Gibson qui essaie de survivre dans une Australie post-apocalyptique. Le Jense Interceptor V8 avec supercharger est encore cool. J'aurai aime que la trame sonore y rende justice. Cette version DVD est d'inferieure qualite ce qui est triste. J'espere qu le blu ray offre une restauration de ce classique.
Great quote: Narrator: My life fades. The vision dims. All that remains are memories. I remember a time of chaos. Ruined dreams. This wasted land. But most of all, I remember The Road Warrior. The man we called "Max". To understand who he was, you have to go back to another time. When the world was powered by the black fuel. And the desert sprouted great cities of pipe and steel. Gone now, swept away. For reasons long forgotten, two mighty warrior tribes went to war and touched off a blaze which engulfed them all. Without fuel, they were nothing. They built a house of straw. The thundering machines sputtered and stopped. Their leaders talked and talked and talked. But nothing could stem the avalanche. Their world crumbled. The cities exploded. A whirlwind of looting, a firestorm of fear. Men began to feed on men. On the roads it was a white line nightmare. Only those mobile enough to scavenge, brutal enough to pillage would survive. The gangs took over the highways, ready to wage war for a tank of juice. And in this maelstrom of decay, ordinary men were battered and smashed. Men like Max. The warrior Max. In the roar of an engine, he lost everything. And became a shell of a man, a burnt out, desolate man, a man haunted by the demons of his past, a man who wandered out into the wasteland. And it was here, in this blighted place, that he learned to live again...
Rating perso: 6.5/10
Annee/Year: 1981
Format: DVD
The road warrior (AKA Mad Max 2). This has become a classic in it's own right. Following up to Mad Max which was a great success and made OZ wonder Mel Gibson known to the world. This film is still low budget but has not aged as well as a good wine. The DVD copy i own was a bad remider of what bad transitions to DVD/Bul ray can be like. I hope they restored the film to it's original quality on the blu ray.
The story is set in a post apocalyptic Australia filled with crazed biker gangs who are ready to kill anything moving for gas. The movie is gotta see before you get to the trilogies last part: Mad Max and the thunderdome which if i remember well was the good part. Well i will let you know as soon as I revisit this classic.
The road warrior est la deuximeme partie de la trilogie Mad Max. Cette serie nous a fait decouvrir un tres jeune Mel Gibson qui essaie de survivre dans une Australie post-apocalyptique. Le Jense Interceptor V8 avec supercharger est encore cool. J'aurai aime que la trame sonore y rende justice. Cette version DVD est d'inferieure qualite ce qui est triste. J'espere qu le blu ray offre une restauration de ce classique.
Great quote: Narrator: My life fades. The vision dims. All that remains are memories. I remember a time of chaos. Ruined dreams. This wasted land. But most of all, I remember The Road Warrior. The man we called "Max". To understand who he was, you have to go back to another time. When the world was powered by the black fuel. And the desert sprouted great cities of pipe and steel. Gone now, swept away. For reasons long forgotten, two mighty warrior tribes went to war and touched off a blaze which engulfed them all. Without fuel, they were nothing. They built a house of straw. The thundering machines sputtered and stopped. Their leaders talked and talked and talked. But nothing could stem the avalanche. Their world crumbled. The cities exploded. A whirlwind of looting, a firestorm of fear. Men began to feed on men. On the roads it was a white line nightmare. Only those mobile enough to scavenge, brutal enough to pillage would survive. The gangs took over the highways, ready to wage war for a tank of juice. And in this maelstrom of decay, ordinary men were battered and smashed. Men like Max. The warrior Max. In the roar of an engine, he lost everything. And became a shell of a man, a burnt out, desolate man, a man haunted by the demons of his past, a man who wandered out into the wasteland. And it was here, in this blighted place, that he learned to live again...
Rating perso: 6.5/10
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #32. Cloudy with a chance of meatballs
Genre: Comedy/Comedie
Year: 2009
Format: Cable
Cloudy with a chance of meatballs. OK I admit I was going to pass on this movie. Almost got away with it. But sometimes a son wants to see a good children film with the family. I give up. We hit that one on the cable and i was actually pleasantly surprised. This is quite entertaining as most modern children films are. The depiction of a world filled with food appreciated by children is always fun. Reminded me of a demented Charlie at the software factory.
Je ne croyais pas voir ce film a l'origine; mais fiston en a decide autrement. Et c'est bien car les enfants doivent decider a l'occasion. Je fut surpris par ce film qui est quand meme interessant.
Ils nous a apporte bien des rires.
Great quotes: Flint Lockwood: Come on, Steve. We've got a diem to carpe!
Rating perso: 6.0/10
Year: 2009
Format: Cable
Cloudy with a chance of meatballs. OK I admit I was going to pass on this movie. Almost got away with it. But sometimes a son wants to see a good children film with the family. I give up. We hit that one on the cable and i was actually pleasantly surprised. This is quite entertaining as most modern children films are. The depiction of a world filled with food appreciated by children is always fun. Reminded me of a demented Charlie at the software factory.
Je ne croyais pas voir ce film a l'origine; mais fiston en a decide autrement. Et c'est bien car les enfants doivent decider a l'occasion. Je fut surpris par ce film qui est quand meme interessant.
Ils nous a apporte bien des rires.
Great quotes: Flint Lockwood: Come on, Steve. We've got a diem to carpe!
Rating perso: 6.0/10
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #31. Daybreakers
Genre: Horror/Horreur
Annee/Year: 2009
Format: Blu Ray
Daybreakers. This is a vampire themed horror flick which is set into a future setting. Different. Vampires compose most of the 2019 population and humans are few and far between outside farms which industrialize the blood industry. Definitely different! A cool headed vampire scientist played by Ethan Hawk (Gattaca, Dead Poet Society) finds a solution to resolve the ongoing crisis and resolve the plague. But this is not popular with everyone. To make matters worst, our well behaved vampires sometimes devolve into another more scary and violent form when not fed their daily blodd rations. Very well composed storyline by the Spierig twins who managed this very entertaining and original movie on a very well worn theme. Gotta see if you are amateurs of the genre.
Daybreakers est un film situe dans un futur rapproche ou les vampires mene le monde et les humains sont traites comme du betail. Aprroche vraiment originale et nouvelle. Les jumeaux Spierig demontrent beaucoup de potentiel pour un 3ieme film seulement. A voir pour les amateurs du genre.
Great quote: Charles Bromley: Do you like being a vampire? Frankie Dalton: Yes, sir. Charles Bromley: Why? Frankie Dalton: I'm good at this. I was never very good at being human.
Rating perso: 8/10
Annee/Year: 2009
Format: Blu Ray
Daybreakers. This is a vampire themed horror flick which is set into a future setting. Different. Vampires compose most of the 2019 population and humans are few and far between outside farms which industrialize the blood industry. Definitely different! A cool headed vampire scientist played by Ethan Hawk (Gattaca, Dead Poet Society) finds a solution to resolve the ongoing crisis and resolve the plague. But this is not popular with everyone. To make matters worst, our well behaved vampires sometimes devolve into another more scary and violent form when not fed their daily blodd rations. Very well composed storyline by the Spierig twins who managed this very entertaining and original movie on a very well worn theme. Gotta see if you are amateurs of the genre.
Daybreakers est un film situe dans un futur rapproche ou les vampires mene le monde et les humains sont traites comme du betail. Aprroche vraiment originale et nouvelle. Les jumeaux Spierig demontrent beaucoup de potentiel pour un 3ieme film seulement. A voir pour les amateurs du genre.
Great quote: Charles Bromley: Do you like being a vampire? Frankie Dalton: Yes, sir. Charles Bromley: Why? Frankie Dalton: I'm good at this. I was never very good at being human.
Rating perso: 8/10
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #30: Brokeback mountain
Genre: Drama
Annee/Year: 2005
Format: Blu Ray
Brokeback mountain. Another film employing the famous Heath Ledger (Joker from Batman) and the almost as famous Jake Gyllenhaal (Prince of Persia). Two actors which i respect greatly. But here although there were lauded for their performance I am sorry I never bought in. Sorry everyone but these two guys looked like city guys making believe they were cowboys. Their playing agianst each other was excellent but off tune for me. The cinematography of the film was quite good and the secondary actors well cast and playing an excellent job. I have not found a film so long in recent memory. The pacing was slow and all through the movie i was asking myself where they were going with this film. Yes ok cowboys can be bi and life for men in the closet was dangerous back then but..what else?
Ce film est penible au maximum et je ne me souvient pas d'avoir vu un film si lent et sans but.
Les images sont tres belles et les acteurs jouent bien; mais je n'ai jamais ete convaincus que ces deux citadins puisse etre de vrai cowboys...Triste parce que j'ai beaucoup de respect pour Ledger et Gyllenhall.
Rating perso: 3.5/10
Annee/Year: 2005
Format: Blu Ray
Brokeback mountain. Another film employing the famous Heath Ledger (Joker from Batman) and the almost as famous Jake Gyllenhaal (Prince of Persia). Two actors which i respect greatly. But here although there were lauded for their performance I am sorry I never bought in. Sorry everyone but these two guys looked like city guys making believe they were cowboys. Their playing agianst each other was excellent but off tune for me. The cinematography of the film was quite good and the secondary actors well cast and playing an excellent job. I have not found a film so long in recent memory. The pacing was slow and all through the movie i was asking myself where they were going with this film. Yes ok cowboys can be bi and life for men in the closet was dangerous back then but..what else?
Ce film est penible au maximum et je ne me souvient pas d'avoir vu un film si lent et sans but.
Les images sont tres belles et les acteurs jouent bien; mais je n'ai jamais ete convaincus que ces deux citadins puisse etre de vrai cowboys...Triste parce que j'ai beaucoup de respect pour Ledger et Gyllenhall.
Rating perso: 3.5/10
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #29: Zak and Miri make a porno
Genre: Comedy/Comedie
Year: 2008
Format: Cable
Zak and Miri make a porno. This is a movie which can surprise you. NO it is NOT a porno flic and this film will not satisfy your inner voyeur if that is what you are thinking. Instead you will find another excellent movie from the Kevin Smith universe. Dont know Kevin Smith? get with it! what about clerks, Dogma and Jay and silent Bob strike back, Chasing Amy. Not your quiet style but in your face.
This movie is about a guy and a girl sharing an apartment. Their relationship evolves through the movie as they are forced to make and play in a porno flic to make ends meet. Definitely raw as all Kevin Smith material but a beautiful love story set in a realistic environment for a change. No prince charming and super beaty standards. Really enjoyed sitting thorugh it and so did my wife.
Non c'est pas un film erotic mais plutot un comedie romantique sur le vrai amour qui souvent grandit ou l'on ne s'en attend le moins. Du magnifique Kevin Smith.
Great quotes: Writer of Titles: [At the end of the titles] Christ, I spend way too much time on the internet.
Zack Brown: What's your name? Lester: Lester. Lester the Molester Cockenschtuff. Zack Brown: Wow. That's a great porn name. Lester: I get to pick a porn name? Then I want to be called Pete Jones.
Zack Brown: I've known her since the first grade, you don't fuck someone you met in the first grade. Delaney: Excuse me, I met my wife in kindergarten, we got married senior year, and she's been the queen of my world ever since. Zack Brown: But what if you could do it all over again? Delaney: I would jerk off and live by myself. That woman is the bane of my existence
Rating perso: 6.5/10
Year: 2008
Format: Cable
Zak and Miri make a porno. This is a movie which can surprise you. NO it is NOT a porno flic and this film will not satisfy your inner voyeur if that is what you are thinking. Instead you will find another excellent movie from the Kevin Smith universe. Dont know Kevin Smith? get with it! what about clerks, Dogma and Jay and silent Bob strike back, Chasing Amy. Not your quiet style but in your face.
This movie is about a guy and a girl sharing an apartment. Their relationship evolves through the movie as they are forced to make and play in a porno flic to make ends meet. Definitely raw as all Kevin Smith material but a beautiful love story set in a realistic environment for a change. No prince charming and super beaty standards. Really enjoyed sitting thorugh it and so did my wife.
Non c'est pas un film erotic mais plutot un comedie romantique sur le vrai amour qui souvent grandit ou l'on ne s'en attend le moins. Du magnifique Kevin Smith.
Great quotes: Writer of Titles: [At the end of the titles] Christ, I spend way too much time on the internet.
Zack Brown: What's your name? Lester: Lester. Lester the Molester Cockenschtuff. Zack Brown: Wow. That's a great porn name. Lester: I get to pick a porn name? Then I want to be called Pete Jones.
Zack Brown: I've known her since the first grade, you don't fuck someone you met in the first grade. Delaney: Excuse me, I met my wife in kindergarten, we got married senior year, and she's been the queen of my world ever since. Zack Brown: But what if you could do it all over again? Delaney: I would jerk off and live by myself. That woman is the bane of my existence
Rating perso: 6.5/10
dimanche 20 juin 2010
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #28: Doctor Zhivago
Genre: Drama/Drame
Year: 1965
Format: Blu Ray
Doctor Zhivago. What a gem. First of all the Blu ray high def transfer is really spectacular. But the story and cinematography will knock you out. This film which dates back to when i was only 1 year old... is still as fresh as the day it came out. To think that such a movie could be made at the height of the cold war is just stunning. This shows the genius of David Lean. You dont know him, well you should. This famed british director also brought us such movies as the bridge over the river Kwai, Lawrence of Arabia and passage to India. This movie shows us the art of cinematographie as it stood at it's greatest level; before the handheld and digital cameras changed the movie making rules.
First the casting was excellent with Omar Sahrif and Julie Christie as main protagonists supported brilliantly by Steiger and Guiness (yes good old Oby One which even seems to already wield the force).
This movie is successfull on so many levels it is mind boggling. The scripts are excellent, the scenes are brilliant criss crossing through the Russia of the early 1900's. The characters are set such that we are viewing the point of view of an ordinary couple through the first world war russia and through the horrors of the bolchevic revolution and how such events can turn out so disastrously for the ordinary people. We see a beautiful rendition of people with great convictions putting them in place for the bettter good while making everyone's life miserable.
Maybe you can take the point of view different human characters set in such context; this makes a great psychological study as well. In this day and age it is also very good as a historical tool, recounting a such a critical story which we seldom hear anymore.
If i have not convinced you to revisit this definitve classic of 3hours 20 minutes. Well just go buy it and watch it you wont regret it if only for the timeless music.
Il faut voir et revoir le docteur Zhivago (Jivago en francais). Transfer haute def de premiere classe. Superbe cinematographie. Histoire prenante et toujours d'actualite. Ce film de David Lean (Laurence d'arabie, pont sur la reviere Kwai) n'a pas vieilli d'un jour et represente le top de l'art cinematographique du 20ieme siecle avant la camera portable et le digital. Faut voir ou revoir a tout prix.
Rating perso: 9.5/10
Year: 1965
Format: Blu Ray
Doctor Zhivago. What a gem. First of all the Blu ray high def transfer is really spectacular. But the story and cinematography will knock you out. This film which dates back to when i was only 1 year old... is still as fresh as the day it came out. To think that such a movie could be made at the height of the cold war is just stunning. This shows the genius of David Lean. You dont know him, well you should. This famed british director also brought us such movies as the bridge over the river Kwai, Lawrence of Arabia and passage to India. This movie shows us the art of cinematographie as it stood at it's greatest level; before the handheld and digital cameras changed the movie making rules.
First the casting was excellent with Omar Sahrif and Julie Christie as main protagonists supported brilliantly by Steiger and Guiness (yes good old Oby One which even seems to already wield the force).
This movie is successfull on so many levels it is mind boggling. The scripts are excellent, the scenes are brilliant criss crossing through the Russia of the early 1900's. The characters are set such that we are viewing the point of view of an ordinary couple through the first world war russia and through the horrors of the bolchevic revolution and how such events can turn out so disastrously for the ordinary people. We see a beautiful rendition of people with great convictions putting them in place for the bettter good while making everyone's life miserable.
Maybe you can take the point of view different human characters set in such context; this makes a great psychological study as well. In this day and age it is also very good as a historical tool, recounting a such a critical story which we seldom hear anymore.
If i have not convinced you to revisit this definitve classic of 3hours 20 minutes. Well just go buy it and watch it you wont regret it if only for the timeless music.
Il faut voir et revoir le docteur Zhivago (Jivago en francais). Transfer haute def de premiere classe. Superbe cinematographie. Histoire prenante et toujours d'actualite. Ce film de David Lean (Laurence d'arabie, pont sur la reviere Kwai) n'a pas vieilli d'un jour et represente le top de l'art cinematographique du 20ieme siecle avant la camera portable et le digital. Faut voir ou revoir a tout prix.
Rating perso: 9.5/10
lundi 14 juin 2010
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #27: The Wolf Man
Genre: Horror/Horreur
Annee/Year: 1941
Format: DVD
The Wolf Man. Classic horror flick staring Lon Chaney jr as the good guy bitten by a bad wolf. A werewolf to be more precise. All through the movie he fights to convince himself this is not hapenning ot him but in the end his wolf nature has the better of him. It is refreshing to see a black and white movie these days and not notice it. Can you believe Lon Chaney jr played in almost 200 movies in his illustrious that is impressive. This is a classic but definitely you will feel it's age. But that is the point kids!
Greta quote: Jenny Williams: Even a man who is pure in heart and says his prayers by night, may become a wolf when the wolfbane blooms and the autumn moon is bright. Larry Talbot: [after hearing it twice already] You know that one too ah?
Je ne parle pas ici du Xieme remake du WolfMan man de l'original de 1941 en noir et blanc. Un grand classique mettant en vedette Lon Chaney jr qui apparu dans pres de 200 film a travers sa carriere. wow! Si vous etes amateur du genre faut voir.
Rating perso: 7.5/10
Annee/Year: 1941
Format: DVD
The Wolf Man. Classic horror flick staring Lon Chaney jr as the good guy bitten by a bad wolf. A werewolf to be more precise. All through the movie he fights to convince himself this is not hapenning ot him but in the end his wolf nature has the better of him. It is refreshing to see a black and white movie these days and not notice it. Can you believe Lon Chaney jr played in almost 200 movies in his illustrious that is impressive. This is a classic but definitely you will feel it's age. But that is the point kids!
Greta quote: Jenny Williams: Even a man who is pure in heart and says his prayers by night, may become a wolf when the wolfbane blooms and the autumn moon is bright. Larry Talbot: [after hearing it twice already] You know that one too ah?
Je ne parle pas ici du Xieme remake du WolfMan man de l'original de 1941 en noir et blanc. Un grand classique mettant en vedette Lon Chaney jr qui apparu dans pres de 200 film a travers sa carriere. wow! Si vous etes amateur du genre faut voir.
Rating perso: 7.5/10
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #26: Food INC
Genre: Documentary/documentaire
Anee/Year: 2008
Format: DVD
Food INC is a documentary which will really make you think about the current "system" which supports our food industry. If you are well aware of this through books such as "fast food nation" you may not learn that much. But if this is your first approach.. carefull this may be life changing info.
Documentaire sur le systeme actuel qui supporte toute notre industrie alimentaire moderne. On a ici un melange de "big industry" qui controle les grains et genome de nos plates. Suivi du processus industriel en folie mis a en place par l'industrie du fast food pour les viandes de poulet, boeuf our porc. Si vous etes bien informe sur le sujet ceci sera interessant mais si tout cela est nouveau pour vous, wow ca va changer votre optique sur le monde industrialise.
Rating perso: 6.5/10
Anee/Year: 2008
Format: DVD
Food INC is a documentary which will really make you think about the current "system" which supports our food industry. If you are well aware of this through books such as "fast food nation" you may not learn that much. But if this is your first approach.. carefull this may be life changing info.
Documentaire sur le systeme actuel qui supporte toute notre industrie alimentaire moderne. On a ici un melange de "big industry" qui controle les grains et genome de nos plates. Suivi du processus industriel en folie mis a en place par l'industrie du fast food pour les viandes de poulet, boeuf our porc. Si vous etes bien informe sur le sujet ceci sera interessant mais si tout cela est nouveau pour vous, wow ca va changer votre optique sur le monde industrialise.
Rating perso: 6.5/10
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #25: Uncle Buck
Genre: Comedy/Comedie
Year: 1989
Format: DVD
Uncle Buck. Yes you guessed it, this is another comedy in my reviewing of John Hugues portfolio. Happens that this one is also starring a John Candy at this best. Some of the best tag lines in comedy are hidden in this gem. What, you never seen it...shame on you. Movie stars a young Mcauly Culkin at his best even before being a major star in Home alone. Excellent cast, great story, excellent scripts, average movie film quality on technical side.
This is the story of a couple who need a babysitter for a week or so to take care of their 3 children. One of them being a yound adolescent girl in search of herself and unable to relate to her parents anymore. Grounds for fun. Uncle Buck his hilarious and he owns the best '70s car you will ever see on film. Revisit it or see it for first time it is always worth it.
Great quotes: (first meeting between Buck and his nephew) Miles: Where do you live? Buck: In the city. Miles: You have a house? Buck: Apartment. Miles: Own or rent? Buck: Rent. Miles: What do you do for a living? Buck: Lots of things. Miles: Where's your office? Buck: I don't have one. Miles: How come? Buck: I don't need one. Miles: Where's your wife? Buck: Don't have one. Miles: How come? Buck: It's a long story. Miles: You have kids? Buck: No I don't. Miles: How come? Buck: It's an even longer story. Miles: Are you my Dad's brother? Buck: What's your record for consecutive questions asked? Miles: 38. Buck: I'm your Dad's brother alright. Miles: You have much more hair in your nose than my Dad. Buck: How nice of you to notice. Miles: I'm a kid - that's my job.
Great quote #2: (meeting between Buck and the school principal) Buck Russell: I don't think I want to know a six-year-old who isn't a dreamer, or a sillyheart. And I sure don't want to know one who takes their student career seriously. I don't have a college degree. I don't even have a job. But I know a good kid when I see one. Because they're ALL good kids, until dried-out, brain-dead skags like you drag them down and convince them they're no good. You so much as scowl at my niece, or any other kid in this school, and I hear about it, and I'm coming looking for you! [of Anita's mole] Buck Russell: Take this quarter, go downtown, and have a rat gnaw that thing off your face! Good day to you, madam.
Une autre comedie qui met en jeux Candy et dirigee par John Hugues. Faut voir ce classique. La version francaise est malheureusement en dolby 2.0 mais quand meme n'enleve pas trop au film. Si vous n'avez jamais vu, il faut voir; sinon revoir. Ce film a tres bien vieillit. Du John Hugues a son meilleur et sans doute un des meilleur film de Candy. Faut voir!
Rating perso: 7.5/10
Year: 1989
Format: DVD
Uncle Buck. Yes you guessed it, this is another comedy in my reviewing of John Hugues portfolio. Happens that this one is also starring a John Candy at this best. Some of the best tag lines in comedy are hidden in this gem. What, you never seen it...shame on you. Movie stars a young Mcauly Culkin at his best even before being a major star in Home alone. Excellent cast, great story, excellent scripts, average movie film quality on technical side.
This is the story of a couple who need a babysitter for a week or so to take care of their 3 children. One of them being a yound adolescent girl in search of herself and unable to relate to her parents anymore. Grounds for fun. Uncle Buck his hilarious and he owns the best '70s car you will ever see on film. Revisit it or see it for first time it is always worth it.
Great quotes: (first meeting between Buck and his nephew) Miles: Where do you live? Buck: In the city. Miles: You have a house? Buck: Apartment. Miles: Own or rent? Buck: Rent. Miles: What do you do for a living? Buck: Lots of things. Miles: Where's your office? Buck: I don't have one. Miles: How come? Buck: I don't need one. Miles: Where's your wife? Buck: Don't have one. Miles: How come? Buck: It's a long story. Miles: You have kids? Buck: No I don't. Miles: How come? Buck: It's an even longer story. Miles: Are you my Dad's brother? Buck: What's your record for consecutive questions asked? Miles: 38. Buck: I'm your Dad's brother alright. Miles: You have much more hair in your nose than my Dad. Buck: How nice of you to notice. Miles: I'm a kid - that's my job.
Great quote #2: (meeting between Buck and the school principal) Buck Russell: I don't think I want to know a six-year-old who isn't a dreamer, or a sillyheart. And I sure don't want to know one who takes their student career seriously. I don't have a college degree. I don't even have a job. But I know a good kid when I see one. Because they're ALL good kids, until dried-out, brain-dead skags like you drag them down and convince them they're no good. You so much as scowl at my niece, or any other kid in this school, and I hear about it, and I'm coming looking for you! [of Anita's mole] Buck Russell: Take this quarter, go downtown, and have a rat gnaw that thing off your face! Good day to you, madam.
Une autre comedie qui met en jeux Candy et dirigee par John Hugues. Faut voir ce classique. La version francaise est malheureusement en dolby 2.0 mais quand meme n'enleve pas trop au film. Si vous n'avez jamais vu, il faut voir; sinon revoir. Ce film a tres bien vieillit. Du John Hugues a son meilleur et sans doute un des meilleur film de Candy. Faut voir!
Rating perso: 7.5/10
dimanche 6 juin 2010
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #24: The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus
Genre: Drama
Annee/Year: 2009
Format: Blu Ray
The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus. The main reason to watch this movie is for most the fact that this story has a very original life of it's own. The main character of the film was Heath Ledger (better known for his role as the Joker in Batman and his role in Brokeback mountain). As you know the chap died at a very young age in the middle of shooting this exact movie here. Half the scenes were completed and the situation was seen as most critical. A rare occasion in movie land... Well his best actor buddies decided to chip in to help complete the film. This was done by having Johnny Depp, Jude Law and Colin Farrel on board to play his role in the imaginary portion of the movie. Strangely this did not detract from the movie and the transition is a success.
Terry Gilliam the director put together this wildly original script in the same mold as he did many years ago for the movie Brazil. The casting was excellent with Christopher Plummer, Tom Waits and Verne Troyer amongst others. An interesting story with great stretch for the imaginary world.
Ce film est pour les fans de film tres originaux tel Brazil (aussi dirige par Terry Gillian).
Le film fut le dernier auquel le legendaire Heath Ledger participat car il est mort au milieu du tournage. Grace a la participation de plusieurs comdiens bien connus le film put etre termine sans trop y perdre.
La version Blu Ray est d'une qualite excellente.
Rating perso: 7/10
Annee/Year: 2009
Format: Blu Ray
The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus. The main reason to watch this movie is for most the fact that this story has a very original life of it's own. The main character of the film was Heath Ledger (better known for his role as the Joker in Batman and his role in Brokeback mountain). As you know the chap died at a very young age in the middle of shooting this exact movie here. Half the scenes were completed and the situation was seen as most critical. A rare occasion in movie land... Well his best actor buddies decided to chip in to help complete the film. This was done by having Johnny Depp, Jude Law and Colin Farrel on board to play his role in the imaginary portion of the movie. Strangely this did not detract from the movie and the transition is a success.
Terry Gilliam the director put together this wildly original script in the same mold as he did many years ago for the movie Brazil. The casting was excellent with Christopher Plummer, Tom Waits and Verne Troyer amongst others. An interesting story with great stretch for the imaginary world.
Ce film est pour les fans de film tres originaux tel Brazil (aussi dirige par Terry Gillian).
Le film fut le dernier auquel le legendaire Heath Ledger participat car il est mort au milieu du tournage. Grace a la participation de plusieurs comdiens bien connus le film put etre termine sans trop y perdre.
La version Blu Ray est d'une qualite excellente.
Rating perso: 7/10
mardi 1 juin 2010
Movies recommended or seen lately... les films a voir #23: Saving private Ryan
Genre: War/Guerre
Annee/Year: 1998
Format: Blu Ray
Saving private Ryan. One of Spielberg's finest and more serious film. Definitely a big influence from Tom Hanks who plays the main role and which gained a lot of credit in my book after this movie. I watched again this film last weekend. It is a long film almost 3 hours but it is one of the best realistic rendition of the 2nd world war. SPR Definitely paved the way for the follow up Band of Brothers and Pacific which are must see for war movie fans.
What can I say. Excellent cast (so many cameos i wont even try to list them), perfect period correctness, great script, one of the best story lines and a great layout on film with extra graininess and false dirt to give it that grity 60yr old look. The film color palette almost gives you the impression this is in black and white during some parts of the film. The soundtrack is second to none and the blu ray production is as close to perfect as i can tell.
If you are a war movie buff, you already seen it. If you are not, you owe yourself the treat. Note that the war scenes are not suitable for young or squeamish ones.
Quote: "from a dying Captain Miller" Earn this. One of the best lines in cinema. What more can you ask after laying down your life for a comrade. Brings tears every time i watch this.
Il faut sauver le soldat Ryan est un classique du cinema moderne de Spielberg. Tom Hanks qui y joue le role principal y a cultiver l'esprit necessaire pour faire Band of Brothers et Pacifique qui sont au top du palmares du genre.
Avec un script extra, un casting tres bien fait et des cameos a n'en plus finir ce film a tout d'un classique. Si vous attendez pour vous procurez un blu ray et bien ceci en vaut la chandelle.Son et image impeccable, incluant les artifices de grains sur le film pour faire plus realiste. A voir absolument que vous soyez amateurs de ce genre ou non. Attention ce film est tres frappant pour les jeunes ou ames sensible.
Rating perso: 9.5/10
Annee/Year: 1998
Format: Blu Ray
Saving private Ryan. One of Spielberg's finest and more serious film. Definitely a big influence from Tom Hanks who plays the main role and which gained a lot of credit in my book after this movie. I watched again this film last weekend. It is a long film almost 3 hours but it is one of the best realistic rendition of the 2nd world war. SPR Definitely paved the way for the follow up Band of Brothers and Pacific which are must see for war movie fans.
What can I say. Excellent cast (so many cameos i wont even try to list them), perfect period correctness, great script, one of the best story lines and a great layout on film with extra graininess and false dirt to give it that grity 60yr old look. The film color palette almost gives you the impression this is in black and white during some parts of the film. The soundtrack is second to none and the blu ray production is as close to perfect as i can tell.
If you are a war movie buff, you already seen it. If you are not, you owe yourself the treat. Note that the war scenes are not suitable for young or squeamish ones.
Quote: "from a dying Captain Miller" Earn this. One of the best lines in cinema. What more can you ask after laying down your life for a comrade. Brings tears every time i watch this.
Il faut sauver le soldat Ryan est un classique du cinema moderne de Spielberg. Tom Hanks qui y joue le role principal y a cultiver l'esprit necessaire pour faire Band of Brothers et Pacifique qui sont au top du palmares du genre.
Avec un script extra, un casting tres bien fait et des cameos a n'en plus finir ce film a tout d'un classique. Si vous attendez pour vous procurez un blu ray et bien ceci en vaut la chandelle.Son et image impeccable, incluant les artifices de grains sur le film pour faire plus realiste. A voir absolument que vous soyez amateurs de ce genre ou non. Attention ce film est tres frappant pour les jeunes ou ames sensible.
Rating perso: 9.5/10
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